Anime and human league (AHL)

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-12-20
Chat room: #AHLeague

  • Even match
  • Back and forth
  • Bareknuckle/fistfight
  • Freestyle wrestling
Animated and human characters collide
35 members
2 stories
9 photos
0 files
Information for non-members

A place for all animated characters and human characters to interact with each other. A place to have matches between each other and have friendly banter. Males and females on both sides allowed. In due time championship tournament will be held for mixed and female belts. It is asked to be realistic in matches no god mode allowed. Matches can be private or in fed. Tournaments planning will be done at later date. Any style of fight is allowed to join. But tournaments will be decided either as pro style or nhb.

Online in chat
About Anime and human league (AHL)

A place for all animated characters and human characters to interact with each other. A place to have matches between each other and have friendly banter. Males and females on both sides allowed. In due time championship tournament will be held for mixed and female belts. It is asked to be realistic in matches no god mode allowed. Matches can be private or in fed. Tournaments planning will be done at later date. Any style of fight is allowed to join. But tournaments will be decided either as pro style or nhb. I ask all members to check forum once a day because I don’t know when I will be posting events and updates.


22:37 <Rylee_rocket> Hey Kita if you know anime fighters that are competitive invite them
22:37 <Kita_Fuentes> Got it!
22:40 <Rimuru_Tempest> Its funny how im the least competitive one here
22:41 <Rylee_rocket> No there is someone I meet when only watched fights refuses to fight
22:45 <Rimuru_Tempest> Yea but I only fight if lowblows are involved so like
22:45 <Rylee_rocket> You still fight though the other person will not for anything
22:46 <Rylee_rocket> Just watch and trash talk to
08:30 <Rowan_Archer> Ay
05:04 <Valencia> Hi
05:05 <Rylee_rocket> 👋

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Latest Stories
Event update and more info
Author: Rylee rocket (deleted member)
2 Replies
2 Replies
2 yr
Michelle Pantero
2022-12-22 00:32
After Christmas debuts
Author: Rylee rocket (deleted member)
3 Replies
3 Replies
2 yr
Rylee rocket (deleted member)
2022-12-21 20:18

Zack Davis

2022-12-26 15:22

"After Christmas Debut"