Back Street Battles

Public Open

Established: 2021-01-17
Chat room: #backstreet

  • No holds barred
  • Outdoors match
  • Weapons
"Take it outside..." - anything goes fights ranging from 1v1 through to gang beatdowns
77 members
1 stories
13 photos
0 files
About Back Street Battles

Ever felt refs, rings and rules were for wimps? Then Back Street Battles is the place for you!

- Time for the two gym alphas to sort out who the man really is?
- Time to deal with the punk who took your seat at the bar while you stepped away?
- Time for you and a friend to show the mouthy guy its time to shut up?
- Time to show the poser that fine abs won't last against brass knuckles?
- Time to get some friends together and form a gang to fight for control of the street?

Just a few of the scenarios that would be great to see played out in our federation. If the federation tags system are flexible enough we'll use them to help with matchups via an introductions forum.

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08:07 <Tomtom16> Morning, whats going on?
08:20 <Tomtom16> I guess nothing
07:32 <Tomtom16> Morning, fighters
08:49 <Tomtom16> Whats going on browdog
15:01 <DrifterBoy> hi
15:01 <Scorp> Hey drifter!
15:01 <Amir_Olson> Sup Drifter
15:01 <Scorp> Hey Amir
15:02 <DrifterBoy> Hi Amir and Scorp - good to see both of you
15:02 <Amir_Olson> Morning Scorp
15:02 <Scorp> Good to see you too drifter
15:03 <Scorp> Good morning stud
15:23 <DrifterBoy> and you too Stud Scorp
16:01 <DrifterBoy> Hi
17:54 <DrifterBoy> hi
18:01 <Hannes_Ovo> Hey Drifter, how are you?
18:03 <DrifterBoy> I m good here hannes and you ?
18:03 <Hannes_Ovo> Just relaxing for now after the gym then heading to work
18:04 <DrifterBoy> Ok good hope it all goes well for you
20:51 <DrifterBoy> Hi guys