Beauties VS Beasts
Established: 2021-07-22
Chat room: #BVB
- Squash match
- Male / Female
- Female / Female
- Anthro
- Death
Chat about girls fighting monsters. Share pics. No limits
00:11 <Machamp> Hey there ladys
01:24 <Kanami_Nakada> Hi beasts
13:09 <Machamp> Good morning everyone
23:36 <Machamp> Any girl around that wants to try her luck and skills?
23:37 <Heather_Sunderland> Heyhey there! Definitely an interesting sounding challenge!
23:38 <Machamp> you think so? well you seem like the right little person to use many submission and powerholds on while getting nasty
23:39 <Heather_Sunderland> Haaa--well I could be up for taking you on sure!
23:41 <Machamp> sont you think that it could be abit onesided?
23:42 <Machamp> or do you want to get squasehd?
23:42 <Heather_Sunderland> Pfha I think you're totally underestimating me!
23:42 <Machamp> well then lets get it over to the DMs.
01:29 <AlonaBoom> no beasties about tonite
01:17 <Machamp> hello there
20:09 <Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei> any beaasties about
23:18 <Nathan_gingerbread> π
23:23 <Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei> Nathan san doesn't count he is the beast master
23:24 <Nathan_gingerbread> Ohhh ... Not gonna lie i like that one ...
23:25 <Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei> you just bring out the beasts to ravish lil girls
23:26 <Nathan_gingerbread> ππΌππΌ. Me ? Ohhh such stories you tell...
23:28 <Nathan_gingerbread> I mean ...if i were that guy , i would have to silence you ...just to keep things discreet
23:29 <Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei> well a taste of the forbidden my lips are sealed let me service the beasties
23:29 <Nathan_gingerbread> π
00:32 <Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei> any beasties ready to come out
16:33 <Broc_the_imp> π₯ποΈποΈπ₯
16:34 <Titan_of_the_Ring> Morning everyone
16:34 <Georgia_Ellenwood> Morningg
16:34 <Harry_Havock> Morning
16:34 <Georgia_Ellenwood> It's afternoon for me loll
16:35 <Harry_Havock> 9:30am for me
16:38 <Titan_of_the_Ring> 9:30 for me too