Beauties VS Beasts
Established: 2021-07-22
Chat room: #BVB
- Squash match
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- Anthro
- Death
Chat about girls fighting monsters. Share pics. No limits
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<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> The experiments caught you too, hm? Welcome to the cells, you'll be here for a while
<Night-Hawk> "Oh hi. Glad to see I'm not alone down here." I look around the cell, unsure of my surrounding as I've only just come to. "Speaking of which.. where exactly 'is' here?"
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> "Looks like I was right, you are new in this place. Do you want the long or short version? Just a warning, the long version would take a while"
<Night-Hawk> I put on my best heroic 'brave' face and stand up straight, relieved to see my crime fighting outfit was still intact. "Better do the short version, because I don't plan on staying too long." I walk around the cell, inspecting it as if I have any real chance of finding a way out.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> "I've already checked, there's no escaping the cell" I sigh, wondering how you expected to find an escape. The creatures must have found a special one. "In short, this is an illegal biochemical weapons research facility. Like you, I was captured. The fact you haven't been experimented on means that they intend to use you in the same way they use me: Fight in the cage for the entertainment of the guards"
<Night-Hawk> I try, and fail miserably, to hide the fear in my face as it drains of color, and I nervously fidget my fingers. I try to remember my training, something in the 12 weeks must have covered a scenario like this, but I can't seem to recall it. But I do remember to keep a level head, and learn whatever I can about unknown situations. "So... exactly how long have you been here?"
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> A soft laugh leaves my lips as I give a soft smile. "I have no idea, sunrise and sunset aren't something I ever see, so I can't even count days. It's probably been a few months, at least, if I had to guess" I explain, eyes lowered.
<Night-Hawk> I process the info internally. So we are fed and kept alive at the very least, but if there was an easy escape, that seems like plenty of time to find it, so not great. "And how many fights have you been forced into?" I ask tentatively, knowing that more fights would probably give more chances for escape, but also more chances for injury, or worse.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> "The last time I checked my scores, I'd been in about 78 fights since I was captured. Most of them I won but there have been a few losses. They aren't very forgiving when you lose, but it looks like you know that already." I give a slight smirk, seeing the signs of sexual assault on your body and attire, fully aware that one of the tendril types had their way with you
<Night-Hawk> "78! Holy crap!" I don't even try to hide the fear and shock from my response, before your smirk, comment, and roaming eyes make me acutely aware of just how little of me is covered up. Images of the tentacle spitroast I only barely survived shoot through my mind, as I remember how I got here and my face burns red behind my small black mask. "That.. thing? We have to fight that disgusting tentacle monster!?"
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> "Me? Yes, every few days I'm put up against those things, sometimes more than one, and have to fight them for what they say is 'Battle Simulation' data collection, but I doubt anyone really believes it isn't just entertainment for the guards. For now, you won't be expected to fight them yet, you'll be facing another opponent..."
<Night-Hawk> "oh god..." I almost hyperventilate as the idea of re-matching against that... 'thing' every few days fills me with an indescribable dread. And when you tell me I won't have to I visibly relax, my shoulders dropping and a deep sigh escaping my lips. "Oh thank god. I don't think I could go through something like that again." I take a moment to regain my composure as best I can. "So then... who or what will I be facing?"
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> I stand from the edge of the poor excuse for a bed, my heels clicking against the ground as my latex catsuit clings to my body, the creases disappearing and reappearing as I approach, the material shuffling against my body, sliding against my skin, emitting low creaks with every motion. I get close to you, our faces inches apart, lips almost touching as my hot breath brushes against yours, the corners of mine curling into a sly smile as I whisper softly... "Me~"
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> As I take in the fear in your eyes, the draining of confidence from your stature, I hear the cheering of the guards eager for a good show. Having been through this pointless ritual against the creatures time and time again, it feels almost liberating to get to go up against another person, and an extremely sexy one at that, wanting to get my hands on you straight away. My hands raise to your shoulders, gently pressing my palms against them and clenching fingers against your skin, pushing my body against yours as I look to force you backwards and against the cage wall, wanting to flatten your ass against the steel linings of our confinement. "Talk as much as you like... if you can through the moans~" I whisper into your ear.
<Night-Hawk> I stumble back as you gently push up against the wall. The metal bars push cold and hard against my ass contrasting with the soft warmth of your body pressing into me from the front. "Wait, wait wait..." I put my hands up trying to buy some time. Your whisper blows over my ear, and I can already feel the particular gears in my body warming up. "I don't even know what the rules are. Because most fighting doesn't involve moaning." Though my question is sincere, I also remember that a heroine must always have back-up plans, and subtly position my right boot between your feet.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> Your protests earn little more than a light, breathy laugh into your ear as my latex coated breasts begin to press against yours, the shiny materials emitting low vibrations against both of our chests as I say softly, yet ominously. "No rules~" My lips practically brush against your ear as I speak, my hot breath rolling over your skin. My left leg shifts forwards, attempting to slide it around your right, intending to hook the backs of our knees and pull your thigh between mine with the purpose of closing my legs around yours and squeezing your thigh sensually.
<Night-Hawk> I almost melt into you as your chest presses into mine and you whisper more sweet nothings into my ear, leaving it burning. My planned lowblow assault is countered before it even begins as you scoop my thigh into yours, your sensual touches somehow both insanely soft, but so incredibly forceful as you mount my leg, an almost disturbingly welcome change from the night's earlier events. "What... uhm" I struggle to focus on the very real danger of this situation as your expertly sensual approach leaves me disarmed and confused. "What are you doing?"
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> My legs wrap around yours as my feet cross beneath, my inner thighs closing and pressing against yours from either side, the latex interacting with itself emitting low and sensual creaks and squeaks as I emit another breathy whisper into your ear. "Using the lack of rules to my advantage~" I tease, my hands shifting from your shoulders to wrap my fingers around your wrists, intending to pin them against the cage walls as I subtly grind my breasts against yours, wanting to make you feel the pressure of our ample masses squeezed together. My inner thighs squeeze yours as the top of my thigh brushes between your legs, sliding the latex coating my legs against the same material barely covering your core...
<Night-Hawk> "MMmm..." I barely resist biting my lip as yous slide and grind into me, my arms weak as you control them, needing no force to pin them against the cage behind me. The latex of your suit feels amazing pressed against my bare skin, and the vibrations of it sliding over my own leaves dizzy. I can't believe how heavenly your chest feels as it pushes into my own, the warm touch a strong enough reprieve from the cold air that I barely remember where I am. I quietly moan again, senses overwhelmed by your touch. My eyes shut, and my mouth clenches as more warm whispers wash over my ear and I can't help but roll it towards you mouth, as you've expertly hit one of my most erogenous areas. And as you squeeze my my thigh again my heart flutters and pounds in my chest. You press in further, and my legs spread of their own accord, inviting you in, ignoring the very real threat I found myself in.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> My smile widens at your motions, feeling that I have you where I want you already as I look to take advantage and enhance your stimulation and arousal. My lips move to your neck, brushing against your skin as I plant soft kisses up and down the area, looking to see how sensitive you are there. My legs constrict and loosen around yours rhythmically, repeatedly squeezing your thigh between mine as the top of my own thigh grinds against your core, pressing against, rubbing, and squeezing your clit beneath the thin protection of your thong. My hands slide up your wrists, our palms meeting, fingers interlocking, slipping mine through the gaps in yours and clenching them around your knuckles as my thumbs softly stroke the backs of your hands, enjoying not having to fend off groping tendrils or hulking beasts for a change...
<Night-Hawk> My head goes nearly limp as you kiss down my neck, completely surrendering to the delicate touch of your lips and the jolts of ice and lightning they send through me as another weak moan escapes my mouth. "Ooooh..." Between the gentle strokes on my hands, the kisses on my neck, the rhythmic squeeze and release of my thigh, and your casual confidence, I'm nothing but warm puddy barely able to keep myself upright. All thoughts of danger are gone, along with everything else that isn't your touch. The tiny strip of latex covering my slit creeks and squeaks against your thigh, and I slightly recoil to the touch, the area still bruised and sore.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> I keep your body stimulated and held against your will, pinning you to the cage wall and working your neck with my lips, before parting them to allow my tongue to glide against your skin, leaving a thin, glistening trail of saliva as I squeeze your thigh tightly, only to release as my feet uncross, my hands releasing yours, my body moving back slightly as our breasts part, my thigh shifts from your core, as if letting you go, before suddenly sending my left leg swinging upwards, my knee looking to strike your abs in a swift and sudden impact
<Night-Hawk> My entire body shivers as you taste my neck, and I melt forward into you, my body needing to feel yours. I feel you pull away and I instinctively follow, the loss of contact completely unacceptable in my current state. My hands try to hold on to yours, my chest follows yours, I NEED this. And then your knee drives into my bare abs hard enough that I fold forward around it before slamming back against the cage wall. "Guuuh!!" Caught absolutely off-guard, it drives out all the air from my lungs, leaving me to make a quiet croaking sounds as I try to breathe. I hit the cage wall, the bars digging into my ass before I recoil off, falling to my knees before you, clutching my tummy with both hands and doubled over, a look of confusion, surprise, and even betrayal on my face in a silent scream.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> My knee finds your abs, driving the hardest part of my leg deep into your flesh, sinking into your unprepared muscles as you drop to your knees in front of me, noting the surprised and confused look on your face. I look down at you with a grin. "What? Did you forget this is a fight~?" I say mockingly, knowing full well my motions would result in that exact scenario. I lower my stance slightly as my hand reaches for your neck, pressing against your throat as fingers clench and tighten against your skin, squeezing your neck in a choke as I roughly pull you up to your feet and slam your back against the metal bars behind you. "There's more to come~" I smirk, drawing my hand back, fingers clenched tightly into a fist as I send it into your gut
<Night-Hawk> I gurgle slightly as you lift and slam me against the cage again, the steel bars bruising my ribs as I'm violently shoved into them. Mostly shaken out of the trance you had me in, my face takes on a mix of anger and fear, though my eyes till show both a hint of longing, and the sadness of betrayal. I grab your wrist around my neck with both hands, trying to pry it off, though I'm amazed at how strong you are for what appears to be a normal human. "The fuck!" I whine out in a strained voice, practically crying at the situation and struggling to loosen your stranglehold. I think I just about get a good grip on your thumb and fingers to pry them off when the next missile blasts into my unprotected navel. My eyes almost bug out of my face, and my tongue presses out, small drops of spittle escaping as my lungs are again violently emptied in a single gasp.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> My knuckles strike the same point of impact as my knee previous, adding to the damage previously inflicted as I release your neck, letting you stagger for a moment, before moving in, my hands placing against your hips and sliding them around to your back, fingers overlapping as they look to wrap around the other wrist, my arms wrapping around and constricting tightly to pull your body against mine, our breasts tightly pressing together again as I look into your eyes, my own conveying a growing lust and hunger for you as my forearms press against your spine, my biceps narrowing your waistline, applying a firm bearhug as I slowly begin to squeeze you tightly
<Night-Hawk> I stagger forward a half step, my confused body still welcoming your embrace as you press into me again. I can't peel my eyes off of yours, the strange mix of brutal predator and tender lover I see in yours is almost hypnotic. I feel your arms compress down around me, my waist crushed in your grip. "Uggh..." I moan out, a confused mix of pain and submission. My legs lift up in response, wrapping my stilleto heels around your hips and trying to push off of you with my thighs to alleviate the pressure that keeps pouring in.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> Your soft moans and squirming within my grip only fuel my desire for you further as I slowly constrict my arms, tightening the squeeze gradually as our bodies compress together firmly, our breasts shuffling and mounding against each other, raising to almost our chins as I keep your delicious form close to mine. I feel your legs wrapping around me, enhancing the body contact and bringing us closer together ironically as you try to part our forms. My back arches as my arms pull you more tightly, constricting around your spine in a tight squeeze, before turning with you in my grip and suddenly lunging forwards, looking to dive towards the canvas and slam your back against the surface.
<Night-Hawk> I writhe against you, our chests now painfully compressed against eachother. I push down with my thighs, but your grip is just too strong, and the effort results in little more than slightly grinding my core against you. You tighten your grip further, my already hourglass figure now comically exaggerated as your forearms crush the small of my back, and your toned biceps crush my waist from both sides. My eyes struggle to focus and my face is clenched in agony. Just as my ribs start making small popping sounds, you spin and toss my painfully onto the floor, crushing me beneath you with my legs still wrapped your hips, my ankles loosely crossed behind your back. "Ooff!" Your chest smashes down against mine painfully, pancaking my D cups in all directions.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> As I hurl us both downwards, I feel the impact of your back crashing against the canvas, my body landing atop yours as our breasts squeeze together momentarily from the impact and force our forms to compress, yours considerably more so with you being squished between my weight and the ground. I place my hands against the ground at either side of your shoulders, lifting up slightly as I look down at your dazed expression with a grin. Feeling your legs still wrapped around me - as well as the lack of strength within them - I move my hands behind, placing them against your ankles as fingers wrap around your boots, attempting to pry them apart and push them in front of me, bending your body slightly and spreading your legs further.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> I shift my balance onto the pointed toes of my boots, my hips lowering to press my abs against the space between your legs, squeezing your core beneath as I shift my body up and down slightly, grinding against your sex and sending low vibrations against your folds and clit from the interaction of our latex garments rubbing together.
<Night-Hawk> I can't breath after the impact, and can't think straight from your intoxicating presence. I'm dazed from he impact, head rolling slightly on the ground as I feel my likes separated and pushed closer to my head. Your touch is gentle, sensual even, but with an unexpressed strength behind it that makes me feel weaker than if you had actually used it. I can only moan as you roll me up into position, the sensation entirely too much as you press into and against me. I instinctively reach out, placing my weakened arms up in protest with my hands resting on your shoulders, feeling the lean muscles of a huntress underneath my fingers. The same erotic fog from earlier takes over my mind again, and my hips gently press my slit back against you, desperately yearning to be claimed and overwhelmed by the sensation of latex on latex squeeking between us. I breathe heavily as my body strives to remove any distance between us, seeking out both your warmth and escape from the cold floor beneath.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> I look into your hazy, lust filled eyes, contrasted by the determined hunger in my own, smiling down at you as I feel your hands press against my shoulders, fingers clenching, a weak push being all you are capable of in this moment, either too drained or too unwilling to fight back. My suspicions of it being the latter seem to be confirmed as I feel your hips push forwards, squeezing your folds more tightly against my abs as the vibrations from our latex rubbing together intensifies. My hands shift from your ankles, my arms running down your calves, locking the insides of my elbows against the backs of your knees to keep your legs parted, stretched, and under my control. I push your legs down further as my arms follow the motion of my hands, sliding them beneath your back and pulling your body against mine.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> As I lock my fingers behind your back, I press my knees against the canvas, lifting us both as I get to my feet, keeping your core tightly compressed against my abs, before charging forwards with you, looking to crash your back against the cage wall and slam my abs into your needy pussy
<Night-Hawk> I'm not even sure if it's a conscious decision as I push forward against you, the fog in my mind growing thicker as you hold and control me. My legs spread and are pulled out from under me, my ass hanging a foot off the ground, my core pressed into your abs. I feel you pull me upright, my feet near my head as you pin my thighs up against my body. I can't do much more than lean into you, arms around your shoulders and face panting directly into your neck as my boots rest over your shoulders. Exciting new things awaken in me, and it isn't until you crash me into the wall that I remember we're fighting.
<Night-Hawk> My head bounces off the bars, my neck whiplashes, and then my high heeled boots smack into it above my head, before I settle from the impact, my mouth inches from yours. I can feel every individual ridge in your tummy through the thin material we're wearing, stimulating my submissive and increasingly wet mound as they slide into and over it. The world is quickly spinning away behind you, leaving only your eyes deeply penetrating into mine. They're telling me I'm yours, and there's nothing I can do about it.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> Our gazes remain locked as my arms hold your legs against your tummy whilst hands stay pressed against your back, keeping your body above the ground and against the cage wall with your legs hanging over my shoulders, the materials rubbing together sending low creaks against the skin of my shoulders and the skin of your calves and the backs of your thighs. The lustful hunger and desire within my eyes is unmistakable as they remain unblinkingly locked with yours, taking in your needy expression and glint within those beautiful orbs. My hot breath rolls over your skin as our lips sit inches apart, close to physical contact. The firm muscles of my abs feel the soft folds of your labia pressed and squeezed against them, able to make out the exact shape of your core through our skintight latex attire as my body continues to grind against yours, the low reverberations of the material interacting running against my skin and throughout your core.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> My body leans firmly against yours, squeezing you between myself and the bars, before I lean forwards, finally granting you the desire I had denied you for so long. Our lips meet, a breath of satisfaction leaving mine as my tongue parts your lips and slips into your mouth, reaching your own tongue and curling around it, savouring your sweet taste...
<Night-Hawk> As your lips finally meet mine, and our tongues tangle and dance in each others mouths, I let out a low moan, the noise reverberating through both of us. I've been craving this so much, and you've teased and drawn out the anticipation far too long. I suck on your tongue, and then push back into your mouth, my tongue trying to dominate and overpower yours, or at least put up a brat-like effort. The sensual grinding between us, combined with the soft kiss, the intimate eye contact, and the feeling of being held and controlled by someone so feminine, but so much stronger than me, all combine and overwhelm me leaving my entire body shaking and vibrating in your arms. Not even the cold hard steel pushing painfully into my back can take me from the moment.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> I feel the efforts of your tongue attempting to overpower mine and penetrate my own lips, causing them to curl into a smirk against yours as I curl my tongue, pressing the tip against yours and overpowering your efforts, pushing it back into your mouth and continuing to dominate you on every level. My arms begin to constrict, pushing your thighs further up against your sides, gradually squeezing you within my grip as our breasts press tightly together, the reverberations against our nipples intensifying. My hips continue their sensual grind, sending the low vibrations into your core as I release my lips from yours, a string of saliva remaining connected until snapping in the middle. My eyes lock with yours once more as I speak in a soft whisper. "Submit to me~ You're mine~"
<Night-Hawk> I'm barely holding it together. I try to push back, to take some of the pressure off of my aching body, but I'm pinned and completely helpless. The way your voice rolls over me is hypnotic, and the only sound I'm capable of is a long, low whimper, followed by a series of short quick moans, the last of which is interrupted by your tongue once again slipping into my mouth. You've already won, and the way your hands and legs squeeze me tells me you know it. "Mmphm..." My eyes slink shut, and I let out a muffled moan that vibrates between our lips. The cage, the cold, and the stakes of our little scuffle fade away into non-existence. There is nothing but your touch, your voice, your sheer sensual presence. before the tension in my body releases and I melt into your grip, completely submissive and at your mercy.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> I smirk as your body seems to submit to me completely, surrendering yourself, your body mine for the taking. My arms constrict further as I squeeze your body with your own thighs, pressing them tightly against your sides as I pull you away from the cage wall. Pulling back, I peel your back from the steel bars, the cold metal parting from your skin as I keep you held within my strong grasp, raising your body up slightly, before suddenly swinging downwards, throwing your body to the floor as your body crashes against the canvas, putting you back onto the ground harshly
<Night-Hawk> The way your arms squeeze down around me, combined with your scent, your breath, your eyes boring into mine, leave me in a total daze. I'm vaguely aware that you're moving, but don't have the wherewithal to pay attention to exactly where to, your arms perfectly balancing pain and seduction as you squeeze me between my own thighs. Then suddenly the hard ground slams into my back, forcing the air from my lungs in a long, pitiful gasp, and I'm left prone, confused and full of pain as all of the injuries you had just made me forget come back to life.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> I stand over you with a smirk on my lips, ready to finally enjoy you as my prize, and my conquest... when suddenly, I hear a voice ringing out over the speakers. "Victory to Prisoner 347 - Lexi. The next phase will now begin." The words make my blood run cold... Next phase? "Hold on!" I call out, not wanting to part with you yet, when my protests are cut off by a sudden sliding of flesh against my neck, my throat squeezed and airways cut off. "Ghlk!" Is all my lips can emit as my fingers wrap around a thick appendage. 'The creatures... they've been released!" I think to myself as I try to pry the limb from my neck. I feel another tentacle slide around my wrist and pull it aside. "N-No... bastards!" I manage to choke out, before feeling the strong pull of the appendages, taking me to my back and dragging me into the darkness...
*The doors open, the light from the outside spill into the darkness of our confines where I and one of my counterparts dwell, keeping us within the pitch black confines. Through the opening doorway we see two combatants, one seeming to have defeated the other. A shock of my nerves compels me to coil tendrils around the victor, a thick, rubbery appendage sliding around her neck, feeling more resistance than expected as I coil around the wrist and drag her towards me...*

*The metallic doors begin to close, my amorphous body slides along the ground, leaving a trail of slime against the canvas as I slide beneath the shutters before closing the door completely, leaving you and I completely alone in this space. I pull my head back, my mouth opening in a perfect wide circle, before my tongue extends from within, slithering along the ground, intending to coil around your ankle and pull you towards me*

<Night-Hawk> I'm just starting to recover, my mind clearing of the fog, when something coils around my captivating opponent's neck. Her reaction is visceral, and immediately I know the situation is dire. As she's dragged away, I'm left alone, confused, vulnerable, and still very much seduced by her, in the dark. As the panic starts to set in, I hear something slithering. I'm on my back, and turn to look at my feet, eyes wide and scared. "Wh-what the fuck!?" I cry out as I see you squirm towards me. I start scurrying back as fast as I can, but I'm pretty banged up, and your tongue shoots out to grab my boot around the ankle. "EEEewwww!" I squeal as it begins tugging.
<Failed_Experiments> *My tongue slithers around your ankle, the slimy appendage getting a taste of your latex boot as I begin to retract and pull you towards me, simultaneously slithering myself along the ground to get closer, shortening the distance between us. My tongue coils further up your leg, slithering against your latex as it constricts and squeezes your thigh, the tip lapping at the inside of your thigh and holding onto your limb tightly. My body begins to rear back, the front of my form parting from the canvas, the sticky slime smearing against the ground as I use my lower half to launch myself forwards, leaping towards you with the intent of landing my form atop your downed body*
<Night-Hawk> The slithering tongue, and the way it laps against my leg makes my stomach twist. It's like the tentacle from earlier, but worse, slimy and pulsing. It slides up my leg, and coils around my thigh, making me shiver as I feel it slide and rub against the sensitive flesh of my inner thigh. I claw at the floor behind as my free leg kicks desperately. And then I see you rear up. I feel the tension in the tongue as it pulls me forward. I can't move, can't escape, as the slimy, almost amorphous slug lands on my legs, completely covering them with you's wet underbelly. I convulse in disgust at the sensation, deeply grateful that my boots cover so much of my legs but resentful of Lexi for hyper stimulating my body, as your head looks up at me from my lap.
<Failed_Experiments> *My heavy body lands atop your legs, pinning them down as I look up at you, my gaping mouth oozing more of my slime as I begin to slowly slither up your body, my tongue shifting from your leg and slithering up your frame, sliding against your abs and slowly reaching your breasts, shifting between and using the tip to lap at the tops of your ample orbs. As I slide further up your body, my own presses down against your hips and abs, gradually covering you in my amorphous shape as my underside moulds around you.*
<Night-Hawk> As the wet and slimy sensation slides over me, and you creep upwards over me, I feel your tongue slide against the tops of my breasts, making me shiver. The rest of me is not as fortunate as my legs, as most of my core is bare against your touch. My entire body shudders as I feel the warm, slimy appendage rubbing up and down the upper curves of my tits, the texture sending shivers through my body as it leaves a trail of slime in its wake. It slides lower, the tip of the tongue exploring every inch of my breasts and lapping against the latex covering my nipples, making the material glisten and shine. I can't help but moan, despite the revulsion and disgust I'm experiencing, as you cover more of me, and the sensations intensify. "F-fuck, oh god..." I gasp out as your body almost pulls me into it, wrapping around and molding to my form.
<Failed_Experiments> *My body tightens around yours, it's shape squeezing your thighs, sides, and between your legs as my mouldable form shapes around your frame. My tongue continues to slide upwards along with the motions of my body, coiling around your neck as my underside reaches your breasts, pushing them upwards as I compress your orbs tightly beneath my frame, the outer edges of my body sliding upwards, looking to move over your arms to pin you down as I get closer and closer to covering your body with mine up to the chest*
<Night-Hawk> I moan louder as the pressure intensifies, and you constrict me, and my thighs, core and now breasts are slowly squeezed beneath you. It's like being buried under a giant, living, and very slimy blanket. A blanket that ripples over and into every inch of my body. I feel you gripping and sliding over my thighs, and between them, over my tummy, my breasts, and massaging all of me at the same time. You push my thighs apart and my breasts together, pulsing, undulating, and sliding over me as you continue creeping up, consuming me beneath you in a warm sticky mess. Your tongue is just tight enough around my neck to force me to watch it you keep sliding, inch by inch, consuming more and more of me. And worse of all, most of the inches claimed love it. Both the physical stimulation and the feeling of helplessness build on the arousal Lexi left me with, and both my pinkish cheeks and ragged breath are proof.
<Failed_Experiments> *I feel your body weakly squirm beneath my mass, able to move little more than inches beneath my heavy frame, my gelatinous underside shaping over your perfect body, pinning your legs down and keeping your thighs spread as the lower reaches of my body begin to form around your core, the blubbery flesh seeping between your legs as it constricts and squeezes your clit and labia beneath your latex panties. My body slides against yours, the thick flesh grinding against your sensitive spots as the weight keeps your back firmly pressed against the ground, my underside emitting low pulses against your skin, intensifying the reverberations against your core and nipples as I begin to pleasure your aroused and weakened body*
<Night-Hawk> There's so little I can do against the pressure and power of your form. All I can manage is some light squirming as the slimy, pulsating flesh slides against mine. The warmth and constant movement against me is too much, and despite the disgusting nature of the whole experience, the way you keep rubbing, and grinding, and squeezing my entire body makes me shiver in warmth beneath you. I only wanted to beat up a mugger or something, how the hell did I end up here? My eyes flutter as I moan loudly, I'm too tired and drained to fight you, and the feeling of helplessness turns me on as you continue to squeeze and pulse against me, stimulating all of my body at the same time, invading my most intimate parts.
<Failed_Experiments> *My form continues to tighten and constrict around you - soft, mouldable flesh squeezing your delicious body, constricting around your private areas and squeezing your sensitive spots. The underside of my body presses firmly against your core, the slimy mass grinding along the intimate area and stimulating your clit with more low pulses, the gaps between shortening each time as a near constant vibration is sent through your core. My mass further up keeps your arms pinned as the underside slithers against your breasts, massaging them and paying particular attention to your nipples beneath your top, slowly pulling the garment down beneath me*
<Night-Hawk> Your slimy, wet flesh keeps working against mine, the pulses and the vibrations intensifying, driving my arousal higher and higher. I writhe and buck my hips against your mass, desperate for more stimulation against my slit, which feels like it's on fire, the pressure and pleasure building rapidly. I moan and groan as the pleasure builds, and the heat in my cheeks rises. I can't believe my body is betraying me again, and then the realization sets in. Lexi said she had 78 fights in a few months. This isn't a one off event then I go back to my family... this is my life, every couple days, from now on unless I can escape. My core convulses beneath you, my toes curl, and I feel myself coming far too close to sexual bliss, the horrific thoughts stimulating me in a way I could never admit, even to myself. As your gyrations slide my latex armor aside, and start pulsing directly against my rosebud nipples beneath, and despite the situation, it takes all of my will not to bite my lip.
<Failed_Experiments> *The pulsing against your sensitive areas slowly intensifies, building up the vibrations against your core and nipples as I squeeze your body tightly within my grasp, keeping you pinned and helpless beneath me as I work your frame to intense arousal. My head begins to lower, my wide open orifice widening further as I get closer to your face... and closer... and closer still.... Before suddenly my head rolls back an ear piercing shriek emitted as a shock runs through my body, my head collapsing to the side, revealing a metal prong at the side of my neck...*
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> "Ngh... stupid tentacles!" I gasp as I feel them tighten around my neck and wrist, the thick appendages running around my thighs and waist, leaving only one hand free. I know if this thing gets a hold of my remaining limb, I'm done. I risk taking my hand off the tendril around my neck as I reach for my taser in my belt, fingers gripping the device and pressing the sparking end against the thick flesh around my waist. The creature's limbs suddenly loosen as a groan is heard from it's head. "Try as many times as you like! This will be the result every time!" I hiss, finally slipping free of the mounds of now limp flesh, my heels clicking against the ground. Running to the door, I pull the shutters up slightly using the enhanced strength of my powersuit, seeing your predicament. I take aim with the taser and fire off one of the electric prongs, hitting the creature in the neck, knowing that it's slime beneath should ironically protect you from the shock also.
<Night-Hawk> I can feel my heart racing, the tension and heat building. I'm barely breathing, and the world is fading away, leaving only you, the warmth, and the overwhelming pleasure. Your movements and stimulation keep building and building, my nipples and clit screaming out for release. Then I see your mouth moving up. And the terror and realization hits. SHE fought 78 matches. She probably won hers. It looks like I only got the one match. I close my eyes, knowing there is nothing I can do to stop this, and only hope it's over quickly...
<Night-Hawk> Just when I think its over, I hear a zapping noise, and the pressure lessens. I take a shallow breathe, opening my eyes, and look down. The slimy blob is still laying on me, but it's closer to dead weight than the tight constricting predator from moments ago. I can even wiggle a bit, and immediately start struggling to scoot up from under it, freeing one of my arms. I look over with quivering lip and doe eyes, to see you standing in the door, the light from behind silhouetting your body that's as curvy as it is competent. "Uhm.. Th-thank you..." I pant, looking back at the slug-like thing covering most of me, the thought of getting it off (or it getting me off) making my stomach turn as I desperately wiggle and squirm to escape from under it, not even caring that I'm exposed and covered in the beasts slime.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> Knowing I've broken the rules, I run quickly towards you, well aware more could be sent after us. My heels click rapidly against the ground, the enhanced speed granted by my power suit having me by you in no time as I reach for your hand, swiftly pulling you out from beneath the creature, not stopping running as my arm transitions from holding yours to instead wrapping around your waist, carrying you with me as I sprint towards the only place we can go - the cells. I rush inside, setting you down, but not having the time to do so with any finesse, I have to just drop you to the ground. I turn back around to the door and slam it shut behind us, my shoulders rising and falling in a heavy pant as I look at you over my shoulder, your slime dripping body sprawled on the ground. "You okay?"
<Night-Hawk> The relief is immediate and immense as you help pull me out and away from the scene.. Despite the fear and adrenaline, the horror of what I just went through, and the cold slimy feeling all over me, just seeing you somehow makes me feel safer, and feeling your soft, powerful arms furthers it. My mind is still drowning in rapid thoughts, as I haven't really processed my first encounter with the creature, much less our 'fight', or the second beast, and I barely register being dropped.
<Night-Hawk> I subconsciously pull my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them, my body is trembling as I try to stay in the here and now, pushing back everything else till in safer circumstances. "I... I'm not injured, I don't think." Answering that I was OK would've been a lie, but answering "No" hardly felt prudent, given the circumstance. I haven't even figured out if we're on the same side, or if you're just another layer of the twisted games I've found myself in. But there is something about your eyes... a sort of almost 'vulnerable strength' that tells me it's the former, and I choose to trust you. "Are... are they coming after us?" I pause for a moment, a strange look on my face. "And why did you come back for me? I thought the winner was in the clear."
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> "That's good" I say softly, averting my gaze to the tiny window of the door, my eyes scanning the outside for signs of pursuit. I don't see anything for the moment, but remain vigilant, knowing they won't let my transgression slide without some form of retribution, and being the tricky, patient bastards they are, I know full well they're probably just waiting for me to drop my guard. I look back at you as you ask your questions. "No, they wouldn't be coming after 'us', they'd be coming after me. You're safe, since you didn't break any rules. I just have to watch my back." I explain, wanting to ease your mind. "As for the why... well... the winner was clear, at least in terms of the rules of the match. The game is rigged though, in this hell, there is no 'winning'. There's only their sick experiments and tests." I turn away from the door and move towards you, taking a seat on the ground next to you, the latex creasing against my skin as my rear presses against the ground.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> "They'll probably just make me fight the experiments in a handicap match for this, 2v1 or something like that." I shrug.
<Night-Hawk> Despite the trauma, the pain, and the confusion of everything going on, the way you talk, and that guarded kindness in your eyes, makes me feel just a little bit like things will be OK (Relatively speaking). I lean a bit into you, resting my shoulder against yours as my trembling starts to slow. "How have you not completely lost yourself to despair down here? And you didn't really answer why you came back..." I can't help but push for a little more, you're obviously a survivor to still be so well put together after months of this, and survivors aren't typically the type who take on extra risk for those weaker than themselves.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> I shrug again. "It's hard not to in a place like this, sure, but breaking down won't do a whole lot of good. Besides that, what hope of escape will I ever have by giving up?" I ask rhetorically, my hand sliding against your slime covered arm as I bring myself to my feet, pulling you to yours as well. "Might be an idea to wash this slime off of you, they're at least humane enough to provide showers." I smile as I walk you towards the adjoining washroom. Your question makes me pause for a second, before I take a deep breath and answer your question. "Because I was in your position not long after I was brought here, forced to fight two of those creatures with no weapons. Not an easy task. I can take one of them with my suit and weapons, but this time I wasn't allowed my tools. I'd been caught in their clutches, but someone else did the same thing for me and broke the rules to save me. I owe them for that."
<Night-Hawk> Even the simple act of being led to a shower and knowing I'll get to feel warm water against on my skin does wonders, despite becoming hyper aware of the slime coating my skin and outfit, giving both a shiny gleam. It's a stark reminder that my body is no longer my own. They're always watching, and could use me for anything, any time they want. "Well... thank you. I wasn't sure how that was going to end." I peel off my thigh high boots first, letting them fall wetly to the ground, then start unzipping my suit, modesty a distant memory at this point. As the material loosens, and I shrug out of it, I look down at the grime covering me, and the small marks and bruises across my skin beneath it. "How long do you think we have?"
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> "It wouldn't have been good, trust me" I reply, stepping into the shower room as my index finger and thumb press against the pull of my zip, slowly dragging it down the teeth as they begin to part and loosen the integrity of my latex suit, the material slowly peeling from my skin as I drag it down my body, gradually revealing how little I wear beneath, only my purple underwear covering my intimate areas with the rest now laid bare before you as I slip my legs out from the constrictive material. "Looks like I'll need to wash this too..." I mutter as I look over the suit, the slime transferred from your body, as well as... other stains... from the heat of the battle. Luckily for me, it's pretty easy to do. Your question takes my attention back as I look over at you. "We probably have some time, if they haven't come now I think it's more likely they'll find a way to punish me in my next scheduled match." I respond, noticing my own body seems to have caught some of that slime.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> My gaze runs up and down your body, the latex was one thing, but noticing just how sexy you are when out of it too, making me smirk as I lift my hand, extending my index finger and curling it in a gesture to join me as I step into the cubicle and turn on the hot water. "Let's get you cleaned up~" I tease.

<Night-Hawk> The water comes down hot and welcome, and despite everything that's happened, it almost makes me forget where we are, how I got here, and what the future probably holds. As I start to scrub myself, and the suds wash over our bodies, I can't help but stare at you, your beauty and kindness a stark contrast to the brutality of this place. As I rinse and repeat, and the grime swirls down the drain, hot steam the smell of citrus and lavender fills the room. The relaxing sensations help my thoughts turn away from survival, filling instead with the sensual pleasure and submission you enacted on me so shortly ago. Noticing my eyes are lingering over your curves, I quickly turn away, blushing slightly and hoping you didn't notice.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> I watch as you enter the shower, the water running down your skin and giving your body a glistening shine as the suds coat your frame, sliding against your skin and cleansing your body from the sweat, slime and grime from moments previously. The arousal of our encounter is still very fresh in my mind as well, shown as I sensually part the strings of my bikini, unfurling the knots slowly as I strip in front of you, allowing you to see my completely nude body from behind. I look over my shoulder at you, catching you peeking as my lips curl into a smirk, getting beneath the water myself and letting the warm liquid slide down my skin, my hands spreading the suds from the soap against my bare body. As you turn away, I approach, bringing myself to your back as my breasts press against you, my hands sliding against your hips and running up your front, assisting in washing your gorgeous form. My chin rests against your shoulder as I whisper in your ear. "Allow me~"
<Night-Hawk> I blush as I'm caught staring, and the way you smirk is the most seductive thing I've ever seen. As the soap and water continue running over me, I shiver as I feel your warm and supple breasts pressing into my back. "Uhm... y-you don't have to-" I manage to stammer out, before the warm touch of your hands, and the sensation of them running over me makes me shudder. As they glide up my stomach, and run against my breasts, a soft moan escapes my lips. The water running between us is hot, but your breath in my ear is even steamier. "Oh god..." My eyes flutter closed, and I try to keep some semblance of composure, but the heat in my cheeks, and the trembling of my body make it clear I'm failing
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> I hear your words emit from your lips in a stammer, my only reply being to slide my hands up your abs, fingers gently tracing your skin, reaching the underside of your breasts before slowly running them against your ample orbs, cupping your boobs and pushing them up slightly as my digits begin to clench, squeezing and fondling your beautiful chest. I bring my lips to your ear, brushing them against your skin as I speak in a soft, breathy whisper. "Call it my reward for saving you~" My sentence punctuated by my leg raising between yours, my thigh pressing against your folds and squeezing them beneath the pressure of my muscles
<Night-Hawk> "Reward, huh..." My voice is barely a whisper, and the feeling of your fingers, and your words in my ear, make me gasp, and a low, quiet moan slips out. The water, the warmth of the steam, and the way you're touching and whispering is all almost too much, and I find myself rocking and grinding back against your thigh, desperate for stimulation. You did save me. It was going to do... things to me, and you put yourself at risk to protect me. "Thank you." My voice is softer than normal, and the sincerity of my tone is matched by my eyes. I feel safe in your arms, cared for even. I lean back into you, and turn my head, kissing your lips softly, and passionately.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> "Don't mention it~" I whisper back, before our lips meet softly, mine massaging yours as I use my tongue to part your lips and slide into your mouth, curling around your own tongue and enjoying your sweet taste. My thigh presses more firmly between your legs, my muscle squeezing your folds tightly. My fingers and thumbs begin to slide around your areolas, the tips softly tracing the sensitive skin before closing and softly squeezing your nipples beneath their press. I lean forwards, using my body to push you along with me and press your front against the glass, effectively pinning you to the surface from behind
<Night-Hawk> Your kiss is soft and sensual, and as our tongues slide against each other, a shudder runs through my body. My heart is beating fast, and the pressure against my nipples makes me whimper in pleasure. It feels like all the warmth and steam is swirling inside me, and the pressure on my pussy makes me quiver and gasp. I can feel myself melting into your touch, and the sensations of you taking me are more welcome than I'd like them to be. My body is so tired, so worn out from the fighting and I'm helpless to resist, though I try to convince myself that I want to. My breasts press against the glass, and I can see our reflection in it. Your hands, the way your holding and squeezing my breasts, the expression on my face, the look in your eyes...
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> As your breasts press against the glass, my left hand remains at your chest, my index and middle finger placed at either side of your nipple as I use the minimal space to close them around the hardened nub and squeeze it between them, clenching them to press against your areolas as my right hand shifts, sliding down your side as fingertips trace your hip softly, reaching for your ass as my palm and fingers fondle and squeeze your cheek, before moving further down, my fingertips running against the bottom of your cheek along the space your buttock meets the back of your thigh, slipping them between your legs and gently tracing the length of your folds with my index and middle finger. My lips press softly against the space between your neck and shoulder, before parting to allow my teeth to grip your skin between them
<Night-Hawk> The reflection is so erotic, and I can't look away, watching your hands, your fingers, the way you're touching and playing with my body. It's hypnotic, and I can feel myself getting wetter by the second. My nipples are hard and sensitive, and every squeeze makes me gasp, and the sensation of your teeth biting down on me sends a wave of pleasure through my core. "L-lexi... please..." My voice is a hoarse, and the heat on my face is obvious. I subconsciously grind back against you, the slippery sensation driving me wild as your fingers tease my most intimate parts.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> My soapy body begins to grind against yours, my slippery breasts sliding against your back, spreading the suds against your skin as the tips of my fingers softly run against your entrance, tracing your folds before reaching your clit. I slip my middle finger against your clit, pressing against the sensitive spot and stroking in slow, circular motions, looking to keep you stimulated as my index and ring finger slide back down your labia, before spreading and parting your entrance, my middle finger shifting from your clit and softly gliding against your pink innards, squeezing between your entrance and inserting my digit into your pussy. "Mmm yes..." I would moan your name... but I don't know it...
<Night-Hawk> Your touch, your grinding, the way you're touching me... Its overwhelming. My hands are white knuckled as I grip the bar, and I can't stop shaking, or moaning. The warmth of the water and the cold of the glass contrasting adds to the sensation of pleasure. I shudder as you enter me, legs clenching together as you slide into my swollen and tender slit. "It.. it hurts..." But I don't pull away.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> My finger's motions slow slightly at your words, looking to gently part your entrance and slip between your pink innards as I curl my finger against your inner walls, softly gliding against your insides. I lean my head forwards, pressing my lips against the back of your neck as I plant soft kisses against your beautiful skin. My hand at your breast continues to fondle and massage your ample orb, fingers clenching as my knuckles squeak against the glass firmly with every movement.
<Night-Hawk> As your fingers curl, and your mouth and hand keep touching and stimulating me, I moan loudly, and I can feel myself getting close already. "Please..." I whine out, though it's unclear whether I'm asking for release, or more. Your hand squeezing and caressing my tits, your gentle touch below... I feel my insides pulsing around your fingers. "F-fuck..." The glass is fogging over with the steam and my panting, and the sensation of your warm, wet, soft body pressed against mine is enough to keep my sliding and grinding back against you, gripping the towel bar tight as I surrender to your gently, but casually dominant touch.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> I slip a second finger between your folds as both squeeze between your tight inner walls, the digits wiggling and spreading against your insides, stretching you out as I slide them in and out of your tight pussy. My hand shifts from your breast, fingers tracing your chest and neck as I run them around your jawline and clench at your chin, turning your head to the side as I lean forwards, bringing us face to face as I look into your eyes. "You're mine now~" I whisper, before pressing my lips firmly against yours in a dominant kiss, my tongue forcing your mouth open and sliding between your parted lips, curling around your own tongue whilst my fingers' motions gradually increase in force and pace, fucking you harder and faster
<Night-Hawk> Your increasing pace feels amazing, perfectly balancing pure pleasure and tinges of pain. The holding of my chin, turning my head and exposing my throat to you... Its all so hot and primal, and the way you take me, the way you dominate me, makes me melt. My mind is fuzzy, and the heat between my thighs is unbearable. I moan against your lips as our tongues intertwine, and I'm grinding back against your hand desperately. "Don't... please... I'm gonna cum..."
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> "You'd damn well better~" I speak softly between soft kisses against your delicious lips as I take in your amazing taste. My fingers continue to slide in and out of your pussy harder and faster between each motion, almost reaching a rapid pace as a third slides around the outside of your labia and circles around to your clit, pressing firmly against your sensitive spot in a firm grind and squeeze. My fingers wiggle wildly inside you, separating and spreading as I stretch your inner walls wide, the tips stroking your cervix
<Night-Hawk> Between that last comment, the sensation of your fingers claiming me, and the way you're kissing me sends me over the edge. "Oh, fuuuck!!" My whole body goes tense, and my pussy clamps down around your fingers, and I can't stop shaking. I tremble from every inch, and there's fireworks behind my eyes, lighting them up. As the wave pass through me, my knees buckle and I would slide down the wall, if not held in place. I can't help but whimper, reeling from the intensity.
<Night-Hawk> rt
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> I feel your insides tense and tighten around my fingers, the telltale signs of your impending orgasm apparent as I remove all inhibitions and forcefully fuck you harder and faster with my fingers at a rapid pace, my third finger squeezing your clit tightly beneath it's touch. As your legs begin to buckle, my other hand slides around your waist to keep you from falling, holding your trembling body against me as I bite your lower lip softly, looking to use all sensations to heighten the intensity of your climax as it washes over you. I keep you held up for the moment it washes over you and subsides
<Night-Hawk> For a while, all I can do is lean back, panting and shaking against you. You hold me so firmly, and with such care, but also with a smugness that conveys complete ownership. The way you take me, the way you hold me, its so different than anyone else. You're just... different. Between the fighting and this, I'm beyond exhausted, practically collapsing in your arms, and I turn in your arms to face you. "That was... intense..." I say, a shy smile on my face, eye's barely held open.
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> I hold you closely against me as your exhausted body collapses into my arm, a soft smile on my face, even if my eyes convey a sense of ownership. My fingers slip from between your legs, assisting in holding your nude body against mine, before I gently turn you around, bending my body as I hoist you over my shoulder. My hand places against your ass, palm laying flatly against your cheek whilst fingers softly squeeze your perfect rear. "Oh baby... We're just getting started~" I smirk, turning off the water, the liquid still dripping from our glistening skin as I turn, my feet slapping against the tiles, carrying you out of the shower... "I'm not nearly done with you yet..."
<Lexi_-_Prisoner_347> //END
<Published> 2024-01-13, viewed 177 times.
Kara Spense
2024-04-06 13:06Have only just seen this, great story *grins* well done all of you! Loved it!
Agent Lexi
2024-04-06 13:09(In reply to this)
Thank you Kara! :)
Maso Boxer Maria
2024-04-03 that was... FUCKING INCREDIBLE. Kudos to the both of you
Agent Lexi
2024-04-04 00:25(In reply to this)
Thank you honey! π
2024-01-16 21:32This was a roller coaster, but such a great read. Beautiful writing, and I can't wait to see what happens next.
Agent Lexi
2024-04-03 22:52(In reply to this)
Sorry! I never saw this before! Thank you!
MeganFrost (deleted member)
2024-01-13 06:21Another great read! Good work by all 3! And definitely hot π€
Agent Lexi
2024-01-13 16:04(In reply to this)
Thank you Meg!
Michael Young (deleted member)
2024-01-13 04:28Bravo! Just amazing work from you both once again!
2024-01-13 04:15Well done, you two!
Agent Lexi
2024-01-13 16:04(In reply to this)
Thank you, Cass! π
Levi G (deleted member)
2024-01-13 03:05You all are amazing writers. What a hot storyπ³
Agent Lexi
2024-01-13 16:04(In reply to this)
Thanks Levii
Anastasia the Dominant
2024-01-13 02:13Damn. This was fantastic, Night-Hawk is fantastic
2024-01-13 02:48(In reply to this)
Thank you! Most credit goes to my lovely opponent, (and the slimy creature), who led me through the scene wonderfully.
Agent Lexi
2024-01-13 16:03(In reply to this)
Hey! π‘ You were awesome! No downplaying your part
Anastasia the Dominant
2024-01-13 04:07(In reply to this)
Don't sell yourself short. I'd love a chance to play in dms
Agent Lexi
2024-01-13 02:25(In reply to this)
She really is π₯°
2024-01-13 02:09Exceptionally written and deliciously hot~
Well done to all
Agent Lexi
2024-01-13 02:26(In reply to this)
Thank you π