Beauties VS Beasts

Public Open

Established: 2021-07-22
Chat room: #BVB

  • Squash match
  • Male / Female
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  • Anthro
  • Death
Chat about girls fighting monsters. Share pics. No limits
533 members
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Shibani Storm (deleted member)
Tormentor (deleted member)

<Tormentor> I met a girl online at a fetish site,the girl claimed to be too much wild like me,feeling challenged by her tall talks,claims I challenge her to meet me in the closed shut down deserted physch hospital in the outskirts,I reach there on time,I am roaming in the hospital campus that is fully covered in mosses and wild vegetation,I am eagerly waiting for her as my teeth are tingling as before a hunt the predator feels.


Shibani Storm: I reach the deserted hospital grounds. This must be the place,I don’t know if you’re already here, or even if you’re gonna come at all. I wish you do. When we talked on the site you seemed… promising. And the choice of place is ideal. You seem to know what you’re doing. And that’s the way I like it. The last one was a pushover, a disappointment, a disgrace,Anyway,I don’t want to alert you to my presence. I sneak in, quiet like a cat.


<Tormentor> I just dont think like a beast,my senses,my instincts everything is very much beastly in nature,hoping to have a new prey makes me so thrilled that just The thought of dominating her,manhandling her,dragging her body all over the place,makes me snarl and drool from the after roaming for quite sometime dont know why I suddenly starts feeling that I am not alone here anymore,I can feel a presence,as I slowly remove my formal shirt and come as barechest,wearing a tight jeans at bottom and a pair of sneakers.
I am getting a very mild feminine scent and following that I start moving towards it very stealthily,my adrenaline rushing high as I gritting my teeth looking for my hunt,hoping it is her.

Shibani Storm: I walk around the site, searching its nooks and corners, finding unexpected and dark hiding places… but you’re nowhere to be seen. Hell, this place is creepy. I wonder if I should enter the old hospital building. You might be hiding there. I approach the half open door and peek inside.

 Tormentor: I also got the feeling that whoever it is probably near the entrance or inside already,so as i Quietly move towards the entrance I find a leather clad girl peeking inside,I get to know it must be her as I pick a small stone and hit your ass from behind,though I wanted to pounce on you and start my way.

Shibani Storm: A small sharp object hits my tight butt,bouncing off. I gasp and turn around, teeth bared. Shit! He’s taken me by surprise?! I clutch my fists and scan the area around me… At first, in the encroaching dusk I see nothing. My heart is racing as I’m stranding here in the open.

 Tormentor: I was Watching you from beside you as hiding in the bushes but getting,but seeing my prey in front of me i become impatient,as i start coming out as growling at you,teeth bared,my eyes glowing in greed lust and primal aggression gets locked with your eyes,my whole body stiffened yet supple enough to make a jump at you and Get my hunt in my grip "ggggrrrrrrrrr so you are Shibani hun," i say while circling around you.

Shibani Storm: I drop into a crouch and take a few steps back, fully concentrating on you now. You look like a damn animal,and I can feel the adrenaline rush through my body. “Hello Tormentor...” I murmur with a grin. I quickly undo the buckle of my belt and set it free from my waist in one swift motion. I loop it around my palm and let the buckle dangle. “Nice to meet you  Mr. T~” 

<Tormentor> Seeing you coming to your fighting stance as being really aggressive,I chuckle at you as moving my tongue over my lips,I say "you look tasty enough Shibani,you can be a perfect meal for me"
As i insinuating dirty vile things wagg my tongue at her, as I pulling out a pair of metal knuckles,push my fingers in and get ready for our hunting,as I hiss and screech while circling you in the open space in front of the building.

Shibani Storm : “Meal?...” a chill runs down my spine, but at the same time I’m elated,thinking You must be the real deal…. a pleasure to beat to a pulp. Or perhaps something better,Time to test you then. I close the distance and take a swing, aiming my belt right at your face, the reach of the buckle being slightly further than you expected. 

Tormentor : You made the first mistake by underestimating the agility of a beastly male like Me,as I duck under the thrown belt at me and sliding over the ground got close enough to your body,as i throw my right fist aiming your gut.

Shibani Storm: I’m on my guard and I fully appreciate your speed and agility. I jump back instantly, avoiding your fist, and yank the belt back, planning to hit you on the back of your head as the buckle comes at you from behind now.

 Tormentor: As you jump back and send your attack,as throwing your belt that just cross past beside my face,i knowing that the thrown belt will be pulled by you like a boomerang,I rather rely on my forehands as being on all four and taking the support of my hind feet i push myself forward at you as my arms are raised my claws are all out as i try to smash your waist shoving my shoulder like a speak.

 Shibani Storm: I try to evade again but I trip and start falling. You push your shoulder into my midriff and we go down on the ground together, you on top. As we fall down,I bring both my arms up and try to loop the belt around your neck which is right before me. 

Tormentor : As You wrap your belt around my neck,my face grimace in pain,i finding myself in a tight spot start hitting your chest at your rib cage with all my brute force,my knuckles falling on your body making your body shaken underneath me.

Shibani Storm : Your knuckles hit my ribs so hard that I scream in pain and let go of the belt, realizing it was a huge mistake… But unless I want my ribs broken and shattered, I need to protect myself, so I try to block your punches with my hands, and then drive a finger into your eye.

 Tormentor : Aaaaiiiiii i yell in pain as one of my eyes just got poked badly,as i holding my eye with one hand growl in such anger that drool start coming out my mouth as i raising my right knee shove it Into Your gut as riding your body as you are still underneath me,and make sure my sharp knee head,my patella bone sink deep into your bare gut,gritting my teeth i Giggle at your pain "Bitch i am not even started".

 Shibani Storm : As soon as I realize that I succeeded and got your eye, I reach for a small sheath at my waist and take out a short and sharp blade. I try to stick it into your chest at the same time as your knee nails me into the stomach and drives the wind out of me, I gasp, my hand shakes and the blade goes at your shoulder~

<Tormentor> Nnnaaaaaahhhhh i scream aloud as you succeed to shove your hidden blade into my shoulder flesh while i was slaughtering you under me shoving my big heavy knee into your gut. Feeling excruciating pain all over my shoulder and chest,i fall beside you as holding the blade in my hand pull it out and scream again "aaaarrrrrhhhhh biiiitttcccchhh",i am gonna kill You",,,blood spurt out from the puncture wound.

Shibani Storm : Still clutching my stomach and almost unable to breathe from the pain, I get on all fours and grab my belt once again. I swing it around and bring it down on you as you are lying on the ground beside me. I don’t care where I hit you right now, all I know is that I want to hurt you as much as I can.

 Tormentor : As i keep on writhing on the floor throwing my legs in sheer Pain,i suddenly feel another sensation of pain coming from my feet as your belt hit my calf muscles,i hiss at you in anger As being real desperate i managing myself up on my knees,start moving at you.
I am fuming,growling and cussing you,this whole primal violent affair is happening in the open under the sky but none to witness it.

Shibani Storm : The buckle of my belt is reinforced, so the impact is far more painful than you would expect. As you approach me on your feet, I jump back and  and swing the belt towards your face with a practiced and deadly move.

Tormentor : Despite being stabbed,all my adrenaline rush giving me enough stamina to carry out this deadly affair until one of us yields or succumb to death,as my eyes were set on you,your belt swinging and throwing at me could not hurt me this time as it came close to my body i raising my hand make it wrapped around my wrist, and i pulling it hard,pull you towards Me.

 Shibani Storm : Nice move, I think to myself. I feel yanked towards you, and I welcome it, and use the momentum you’re giving me to smash my elbow right into your face! 

Tormentor : Though you plan to hit my face with your elbow but i by then already clenching my fist,succeed to connect my uppercut punch at your gut,"ggghhhiiiiipppppp" and almost at the same time your elbow struck my face.

Shibani Storm : I fall to my knees,coughing,clutching my gut once again,"Shit, it hurts" i murmur as spitting some blood,i think inside of me,If you keep punishing my stomach like this, My other arm is still trapped in the loop of the belt, and I only hope I hit you hard enough and I've got enough time to free my arm and recover from the blow to my stomach. I'm gasping for air now.

Tormentor : As your elbow struck my face,my whole body got shaken from the impact,spits and blood come out my mouth,as drooling blood mixed with saliva,i snarl at you with my teeth gritted,as we both sitting on our knees,being face to face...while looking at  Your face, finding it still so pretty sultry my inner beast could not stop itself from spoiling it,as i roaring at You pull my head back and hit your face hard in a brutal headbutt,as my forehead fall on Your pretty face,your lips nose and cheek got smashed pretty badly,holding your head in my hand,i keep on headbutt you mercilessly just to wreck that pretty face of yours beyond repair BITCH GGGGHHRRRRR.

 Shibani Storm : seeing you hurt ,panting hard as drooling blood from your mouth,i started thinking maybe your strength is waning but that's when your headbutt strikes home, and the pain blinds me. I hear my nose crack,my beautiful lips are busted,feel the blood on my lips and scream as I fall to the ground. For a moment I'm immobilized, just lying there, whimpering and waiting for the pain to subside.

Tormentor : As you crash on the ground on your back,i crawling at you lean onto you and having your blade in my pocket,i pull it out and shove it into your vut all too deep  "gghhuuuuuuuppppp" and hiss at your busted bloody face,rejoice at your pain and suffering. seeing You vomiting blood coughing like hell as if your will come out,i become so excited that shoving the knife deeper inside you as rolling it inside your flesh i just want to see and enjoy your facial expression,the fear of death and peril in your eyes...enjoying your sorry state for couple of moments,i get near your face and say very calm composed say
 "now we are even BITCH,no hard feelings heh" 😈

 Shibani Storm: The seething pain in my gut makes me holler as I writhe on the ground, grabbing your wrist and trying to get the blade out and away.
 "You,sucker,I'm gonna kill you" I moan, spit and blood bubbling on my lips.

 Tormentor : put you in such sorry state i moving towards the bushes on my staggering feet,pick the ropes that i brought with me,as moving towards again,i stomping on your puncture wound over and over and over with the sole of my spike boots make sure you squirm wriggle in torment under my feet you CUNT.
As i start tying you up with ropes locking your hands and feet behind you,making you bloody,all battered bruised destroyed,i leave you there to BLEED AND DIE ALL ALONE IN THIS GODFORSAKEN LAND.
Before leaving i look at your weeping sorry face and say "if you survive this we will MEET AGAIN bitch or WAIT for me in the HELL.

<Published> 2024-05-02, viewed 98 times.




2024-05-02 13:26

Wow great match

Tormentor (deleted member)

2024-05-02 14:07

(In reply to this)

Thanks man,glad that you liked the encounter. 🙂