Beauties VS Beasts
Established: 2021-07-22
Chat room: #BVB
- Squash match
- Male / Female
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- Anthro
- Death
Chat about girls fighting monsters. Share pics. No limits
533 members
91 stories
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<Cherry_Bosom> I have created the private room #Cherry_v_Machamp.
<Cherry_Bosom> I have invited @Evil_Machamp to join #Cherry_v_Machamp.
<Cherry_Bosom> I’ve wanted to be a pokemon trainer my whole life, and now’s my chance! There’s a Machop around here someplace, or so the rumor said. I walk through the woods with my pokedex and pokeballs in my pokebackpack, watching, listening for signs of what will be my first pokemon!
<Evil_Machamp> I try to sleep under a tree, being alone and not surrounded by other annoying pokemon and their stupid stupid love for humans! I crush them all! I find them and crush them and... what that? That... human? Here?
<Cherry_Bosom> I see it... there, by that tree, a broad bluish gray back and... oh shit that’s not a Machop, it’s got four arms! That’s a Machamp! And a really really big one! I fight my nerves down. This is what you’re here for. This is what you practiced for! I pull a pokeball out of my backpack and start to sneak closer...

<Evil_Machamp> It come closer. I wait.
<Cherry_Bosom> A twig snaps under my foot. Whoops! I panic and start running toward the Machamp and activate the pokeball...
<Evil_Machamp> The human make noise. Lot of noise! It embarrassing. I turn around and see it running at me and a slave ball in hand! I stand up and gather to roar!
<Cherry_Bosom> There it is! It’s so big! I’m going to be famous! I activate the ball and throw it right at the Machamp’s chest!
<Evil_Machamp> She throw slave ball at me, too late to duck or dodge but it just bounce off my chest and fall to ground. It going to open so I lift foot and step on it. It go crunch. Sharp bit hurt my foot. It hurt. My foot. I getting angry!
<Cherry_Bosom> The pokeball... what happened! Did the Machamp crush it? He did! I reach into my backpack for another one!
<Evil_Machamp> Human trying to catch! No! Won’t! I charge the little human! My footsteps are like thunder and shake the trees!
<Cherry_Bosom> Shit! He’s running at me! I turn to run, going left and dodging through the trees...
<Evil_Machamp> Little human slow and not know forest! Ground steep and rocky! I catch soon!
<Cherry_Bosom> He’s catching up to me.. I try to turn again with him right behind me...
<Cherry_Bosom> Help help help help!
<Evil_Machamp> I grab hair! Big handful of hair and yank human backward!
<Cherry_Bosom> Aiiiiieeeeee!! I scream, his huge hand grabs my head and his fingers clench around my hair! I'm yanked off my feet and try to get my hand into my bag!
<Evil_Machamp> Human reach for bag. More slave balls! I slap at bag, then slap at human’s head! “You not catch! Machamp...” No not refer to self as name! I am I! “I not be slave!” I slap at the human’s head again!
<Cherry_Bosom> His big hand slaps at the bag and it slides down my arm, I'm barely keeping hold of it but as i start to concentrate on that Whap! My head snaps to the side and I see stars and Ithink I lose the bag but I'm not sure... and then WHAP! He hits me again! It’s like being hit by a car, his enormous hand backed by those enormous muscles... he’s got to be two feet taller than I am and so huge...
<Evil_Machamp> Human drops bag and is stunned I think, I take by arms and drag away, drop on ground and return to bag and stomp stomp stomp! I hear slave balls crushed!
<Cherry_Bosom> No! I come back to my senses to see this enormous Machamp stomping on my bag! My phone is in there, my food, all my pokeballs! I get back to my feet, my head still ringing.
<Evil_Machamp> Stomp stomp! Slave balls crushed, feels good! Little human standing again. “You not make slave of me,” I say, turning toward her.... it girl human, I see boobs!
<Cherry_Bosom> “You... talk?” I say. Machamps only say Machamp don’t they? I point at my bag. “Can I have that please? I need it.”
<Evil_Machamp> Oh human girl need bag? I pick up and throw at her! “Have broken balls!” i yell and think maybe not good thing to say to human girl.
<Cherry_Bosom> He throws the bag at me and i nearly fall over trying to duck fast enough to dodge it! “Hey! You asshole! That’s my stuff! We were gonna be friends and you were gonna carry me everywhere and i was going to train you! Why would you do that!”
<Evil_Machamp> I roar! She want make me slave! i charge at her, grabbing with low arms to catch her!
<Cherry_Bosom> Oh shit... I try to dodge out of the way but one of his hands grabs my by the shirt and yanks me back again... his other arm, one of them, wraps around me...
<Evil_Machamp> I use top arms to take her arms and hold up tiny soft human girl. I hold arms over her head and she dangle! I lean close in to her hold her face close to mine. “You not make slave!” I yell.
<Cherry_Bosom> “okay okay okay I won’t!” i didn’t want to make him a slave i wanted him to be my friend, i mean I guess i didn’t really ask him before I threw the pokeball but come on! That’s how you do it! but now he’s got my arms in his crushing grip and it hurts! “Okay okay I won’t! I’ll find some other pokemon to catch, maybe there’s a Machop around here?”
<Evil_Machamp> I roar again right at her face! I lift her by the arms, and with lower arms I punch at her body! I punch her stomach, then punch her stomach again, and again, and again! Her body swings and bends and she makes hurt noise!
<Cherry_Bosom> I flinch away as he roars in my face! Spittle flies at me... gross! but then he lifts me, my feet dangling off the ground, and punches me! His huge fist slams into my tummy, I let out a shocked grunt and all my air leaves my lungs and then he hits me again, his fist plunging into my tummy from hips to boobs... and then more! Pain explodes in my stomach, blinding, suffocating, pain that ravages all through my body, tummy to back to legs to chest... oh my god!
<Evil_Machamp> Her face turn red and eyes bug out, i like hitting her, she makes fun noises and she is soft! Her boobs are big and bounce when I hit her. I slap one of them to watch it move and then take her shirt in both hands and rip it down across the front.
<Cherry_Bosom> Owwww! My boob is on fire after he slaps it but then... rrrrrriiipp! my shirt is ripped open and my boobs are exposed, i am not wearing a bra and they spill out of my shirt! I try to plead but I am still just trying to breathe after those punches!
<Evil_Machamp> I touch her boob with my fingers, adnd the other one, both my lower hands on them. I am getting harder, getting wanting to mate. I should not with human but... I reach down and push her bottom clothing, trying to move it off.
<Cherry_Bosom> He’s fondling my breasts... I should scream but at least he’s not hitting me. But then he starts pushing my shorts down and I do scream, and start to kick my feet at him...
<Evil_Machamp> She not want me take her covers off... I not care! She kick at me and I take her by hair and head and throw her at tree!
<Cherry_Bosom> NOnonono Aauuuuuuughh! He threw me and I slammed into a tree, turnign horizontal and hitting it with my back! I lfop to the ground, moaning and sobbing... I need to get away, or... maybe I can calm him down somehow? I try to push myself to hands and feet, but I’m stunned, almost in shock. God my whole body is aching!
<Evil_Machamp> I jump at her, land next to, and grab arms and hold her on ground. I put knee in her back. I press weight on her. I am very much bigger! With two right arms I take her lower coverings and push them down. She have pink panties on under shorts. I take and pull them too and push them to her knees. Want them off. Must let go of arms. I do and pull clothes down her feet where they catch on her shoes but I yank and yank...
<Cherry_Bosom> He’s on top of me again, his huge hands pinning my arms down and his knee in my back... Ooohhhh... goddddd... I can’t breathe! He starts yanking my shorts down, then my panties! I squeal and raise my feet, try to kick, but he’s too big and too strong and my ass pops out into the fresh air... he lets go of my arms and pulls on my shorts dragging me several feet before they come off and now all I'm wearing is a tattered shirt and my hiking shoes...
<Evil_Machamp> She soft. I squeeze meaty part of legs. Squish. Yum. I stand and take my cover off, let Little Machamp out. He not so little now. He bigger and harder and not fit in my covering. Now he spring out and stand straight.
<Cherry_Bosom> He gets off me and I quickly roll over... holy shit. Ho. Lee. Shit. He’s naked now and... his cock is a foot long and thick as a beer bottle. No! I scream and start scrambling backward, forgetting the ache inmy body...
<Evil_Machamp> She try run but Machamp grab feet and pull her back. I pick up by hair, maker her sit up and squeeze head between hands. I put Little Machamp in front of her. “Make wet” I tell her. “Make wet with mouth.” I put Little Machamp at her mouth and push.
<Cherry_Bosom> MMMMPhhhhh! He pulls me up by my hair! I’m scratched and bruised all over and now he’s squeezing my head between two huge hands... I can’t hear what he’s saying because my ears are covered but... oh god no! He shoves his cock into my mouth, I have to open so wide to let any of it in... Oh god he’s going to feel my teeth. It’s too big! I wheeze through my nose...
<Evil_Machamp> I push in her mouth, her mouth not big. I push anyway. Push her head down on Little Machamp. Want much wet. Then pull out of mouth and shove her to ground. Pin both hands on ground, take hold of legs with other hands and pull apart. My lower hands full of soft legs. I find her hole and push Little Machamp in. It tight. Tight. But Little Machamp go in.
<Evil_Machamp> Yes yes yessss!
<Cherry_Bosom> I want to fight but he’s so big! So much stronger than me! He pins me to the ground again, little rocks and twigs nipping at my back, and spreads my legs apart... I scream a little as he shoves them roughly apart, his fingers digging into my thighs, I’m not that flexible! His four hands pin me, my arms above my head, my legs forced open! My body is completely exposed, my breasts and belly, my thighs, my pussy, vulnerable and unprotected. My eyes go wide as i realize what he’s doing. I grit my teeth and squeeze my eyes shut and try to be ready.... A huge moan comes out of my mouth as he pushes his giant cock into me... stretching my pussy, i feel like it’s going to rip!
<Evil_Machamp> Gooooooood! It feel good! I push in her and it very tight, I come out, in, out, in, press her arms down and put lower hands on boobs. Squeeze wrists. Press to ground. Move over the human girl, up down, watching her face. Make moans and mouth open and ya ya ya good!
<Cherry_Bosom> He’s... oh god he’s so big... he’s stretching my pussy, moving in and out, he’s enjoying himself! He’s going to break my wrists if he presses any harder and his other hands are just encasing my boobs and... oh! His cock is so wide it’s sort of ... oh... it’s rubbing against my clit, oh... Tiny flicks of pleasure in with all the pain...
<Evil_Machamp> Her face go round and little noise come out, not groaining but happy sound one, two, three times and it make Little Machamp start to spurt and I yell “Machamp! Machamp!” can’t help talk like Pokemon while pump on her and Little Machamp seem like exploding and I lose control! Let go her boobs and punch with lower hands, make fists and punch in stomach straight down one, two, three, four times, punchpunchpunchpunchpunch while Little Machamp fill her up!
<Cherry_Bosom> He starts screaming his own name like a boyfriend I had senior year who I dumped because he screamed his own name during sex but then I realize he’s reverting to Pokemon-speak... His cock is so big, so big! And he begins to cum inside me, pulsing! Pulsing! Oh my god! A tiny part of my brain is kinda proud – I'm fucking a Machamp! Another part is glad he didn’t try my ass with that thing! His cock explodes, filling me up and he throws his head around and roars his own name and slams his hips at me and... OOLOUUGHGHHLL! He punches me in the tummy! And again! Again! Again! Punching me in the belly while he fucks me! OOOuughh! OOMMMMPPPP! HHHNHNNNNNN!! I begin to black out...
<Evil_Machamp> Little Machamp spends inside human girl... she going limp, used up. They so soft and fragile. It stupid that they in charge. I stay on top longer, stay inside her. Still feel good! Machamp happy! Little Machamp happy! I punch girl one more time in tummy and pull Little Machamp out. Sit on knees, let girl’s hands go. She can walk? Ha! No! Not after Machamp and Little Machamp!
<Cherry_Bosom> I’m dimly aware that he punched me again, my body convulsing on its own. He pulled out, his weight is off me... I curl onto my side, my knees coming up a little bit, my hands covering my belly, low. I can feel his seed leaking out of me but I’m barely conscious and just want to wake up in bed!
<Evil_Machamp> She pretty. She soft. I pick up. Carry over shoulder. She come to Machamp house and maybe little Machops will come visit me then.
<Published> 2024-06-19, viewed 91 times.
Xenomorph Girl
2025-01-25 15:18Cool story!
Emil Mac
2024-06-20 03:41I want to know what the machops do.