Bella's Barnyard Brawls

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Established: 2024-10-03
Chat room: #The_Barn

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Descriptive writing
  • Outdoors match
  • Anthro
Come all animals for some rough, mean, and sexy brawls
62 members
1 stories
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The Cowgirl Special: Bella vs Cammy

<Bella_the_Brawler> It's Friday night, which means on this barn with the farmers all away in their homes, it's Fight Night. All the farm animals gathered around the wrestling ring as tonight has a special main event. The announcer speaks "Tonight we have a very special match for you all! Two big beautiful bovines for our COWGIRL SPECIAL!! Each has five buckets that they need fill with the other's milk or cum! Who will get out on display for our pleasure!? In one corner we have the beautiful futanari Bella! And in the other we have the curvy new cowgirl CAMMY!!! There are no rules or ref in this ring ladies, so do your worst!" With anticipation in the air I look over at you, "Last chance to back out Cammy..I'm going to fill my buckets and yours...they're all gonna see you beg for mercy..."

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I'm leaning back against my corner, looking laissez faire about the entire thing, putting on an air of nonchalance for all the eyes checking out the new cow. I've only been at this farm for a week, but I already know who I gotta beat down to assume my rightful place as top bitch. When I heard about Bella's Friday Night Special, well, that just gave me the perfect opportunity to cut to the chase. I smirk across the ring at you as you taunt me. "Broken bigger bulls than you in my sleep, Bella. Hope you enjoyed your time at the top, because you're gonna be under my foot as long as we're both on this farm."

<Bella_the_Brawler> Your confidence makes me smirk, "God I love that you're so excited. It'll make it even better when you're begging for me to stop. But we're gonna go all fucking night baby! I'm the baddest bovine in this farm. Noone has even come'll be no different." The crowd cheers holding empty glasses. I yell out to the crowd, "Don't worry everyone, I'll be filling your glasses with her milk soon enough! Tits and cock of course!" I dangle my cockle as I giggle "And don't worry cam, I'll give you a good drink too!" The bell rings as I walk to the middle and extend my fist. This is the first and only sign of respect I will show you tonight. The crowd of women cheering in anticipation~

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I saunter forward myself, matching your steps while soaking in the rising din of the crowd. All the girls want to see what I can do, and you better bet I'm gonna show 'em. All at the expense of their current heroine. My cock swings heavy between my legs, easily a match for yours, and though I give up a couple inches of height~I look to make up for it in my broad shoulders and hips. I settle into a stance, fists up and one foot in front of the other. I extend my front hand bumping my fist against yours. But as soon as they separate my other fist comes flying forward, on a collision course with your giant, hanging udder.

<Bella_the_Brawler> Our fists touch and the fight is on! The crowd cheers, and you start as the aggressor sending a fist right into my plump breast. Your power is impressive as it makes me wince as my udders swing. In response I immediately grab you by the horns. "Not bad bitch...but eat this!!" I try to yank your head right down into my knee. If it lands I'll send another one and look to throw you face first into the mat . "Bad idea getting in here with me you fucking newbie..."

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> My fist sinks into the meat of your tit, and I relish the look of pain that crosses your face. A little too much, it turns out, as you grab my horns and yank my face down, where it meets your rising knee with a crunch. I groan in pain, holding my nose as you send me crashing to the mat to the raucous cheers of the gathered crowd. I get moving quickly, spinning away before I can catch a follow-up kick or stomp and rolling up to my feet. "Ahh, fuck. Nice shot there milky~nice to finally be on a farm with an actual challenge." I rush you again, my nose red from the impact. I feint a cross at your other breast~and when you move to block it I slip past your guard to your back. One of my thick arms hooks around the front of your throat, and my foot slams into the back of your legs, sending you to your knees with me following.

<Bella_the_Brawler> I laugh as your curvy body bounces off the floor of the mat. You rolling away, "Hahaha..where you going baby!? The fun is just starting..." Seeing your snout red from the abuse, I lick my lips. "Already look a little worse for wear bitch." As you run towards me I smile, "oh ho...ready for more!?" I see your fist flying at me again, "Same old eas-WHA!?" I go to block your strike, as I'm baited and you get behind me and choke me with your arm. I try to plant myself to stand tall, but you send a foot into my leg causing me to drop to my knees. Nervousness washes over me as your grip is tight. Your udders against my back, your soft large cock pressed against my ass and tail, my own cock dangling around as I try to squirm out of this hold. The crowd cheers for....YOU!? Oh how this bunch of gals don't care who wins...they just want to see a bitch humiliated

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> You reach for the arm choking you, which leaves your sides open as my free hand smashes a fist into your ribs and then your kidney with a pair of dull thuds that send shocks of pain down that side of your body. You instinctively try to tilt away from the blows, trying to get your hand or arm down to deflect the next one, but I stay a step ahead, now locking my arms together and tightening the choke further, making you struggle to drag in breaths. I shift forward, working to get my knees onto your calves and perhaps pin them.

<Bella_the_Brawler> Pain overwhelming me as you throw repeated jabs into my body. "L-let me fucking bitch" You read my mind as you counter my blocks, tightening your grip. You can hear me groan as I try to take short breaths. My vision getting blurry as I get tired I desperately try to send both my elbows back into you. Hoping that will be enough to get you off. If it's not, I fall forward onto the mat with you on top of me. Your body and cock pressed against me, getting anxious as the crowd is oogling at our close and intimate fight "st-stop it...."

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> *I grunt with each strike of your elbow, you can feel my abs flexing against your back as I try to steel myself for each blow. Even at the tough angle, you manage to put good force behind them, and I know I'll be feeling those bruises in the morning. But I also no time is on my side. "Nggggghhh~Is that the best~nnnggh~you got." I grit my teeth and pull my arm harder, cutting off your air completely. You manage one more weakened elbow that glances off my hip, and then we both topple forward, you landing on your pillowy chest and far less cushioned face~with my weight landing atop you a moment later. Your eyes flutter on the edge of consciousness, and I know I need to work quickly. If I can do it before you come back around, I roll you to your belly and straddle your face, making sure to pull your arms up and pin them beneath my legs.

<Bella_the_Brawler> My vision is completely blurry as your chokehold wears me out. You roll me onto my belly. I try to say "st-sto-MMM!?" Your big thick ass plants itself on my face, smothering me in your hot sweat. Your ass blocking my vision as before I could try to defend myself my arms are pinned under your powerful legs. You can hear weak muffled protests under you. My penis starts to get slightly chubbed from the lewdness of this all. This newbie is kicking my ass...But I can't stop her...she's so powerful and now my body lays before you and all I can feel is shame and fear ~ My weakened body trying it's best to squirm, but your leverage is too strong

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> My cock slaps between your udders as I balance myself and then drop the full weight of my amble backside down onto your face. I give the crowd a flex, and grind my hips down in a slow circle, amplifying the humiliation. "WHO WANTS TO SEE ME THROTTLE THIS SOFT MILKBITCH?" I shout out to the crowd, and you hear their loud, overwhelming affirmation come roaring back. I give each of my fists a kiss, then spend the next half a minute driving them down into your unprotected belly. I aim to turn those tough abs of yours to jelly with every punch, sinking my knuckles into you with vigor while my tail flicks happily along the ground over your head.

<Bella_the_Brawler> I can't do anything but squirm as all of a sudden you pummel my belly. Each punch making me scream into your ass. Your dominance has completely overwhelmed me as you push all the air out of me. I have 0 air and energy as my belly is turned to mush. This dominance breaking me as my cock begins to get almost fully erect. My hips buckling and my pussy getting warm. This is so fucking humiliating and I can't do anything about it...I underestimated you...The crowd going nuts as your work them perfectly. Some ladies in the crowd blowing you kisses

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> Every single punch drives the air out of you. The initial resistance of your abs is dissolving in a rain of gut-busting knuckle sandwiches, until your stomach feels like a mosaic of bruises and your legs twitch in rhythm with my blows. And best of all, the longer it goes on, the harder you get. I've seen it plenty before~probably you have to~when you really start breaking a tough bitch, she can't help but enjoy it. The punches finally stop, though I'm still grinding my ass into your face. I mime catching a kiss from a particularly cute goatgirl and pat it against my cheek with a smile, making her swoon. Then I reach forward and grab your stiff shaft dominantly in one hand, pulling it towards me. "This is a nice piece of meat you got here Bella~I think I'm gonna make it mine~" There's a pause where you can't see me leaning my head over your cock, and letting a long glob of spit fall slowly from my lips. Your meat twitches when it lands, and then I use both my hands to start spreading it up and down your length, getting you nice and slick.

<Bella_the_Brawler> My body is pummeled, how could this get any worse...then I feel it...a big drop of spit falls onto my cock. The second it falls your hands grip my shaft, making my cock ROCK SOLID! Your hands gliding up and down as my cock becomes soaked in your spit, every stroke folding my skin over the head of my penis. My whole body shuddering at your erotic touch. The crowd going INSANE as they've never seen me like this. You're breaking my mind as it feels incredible...but nothing I can't handle for now. As your ass keeps smothering me, I try to keep my focus on enduring your impressive handjob. Hoping you'll get tired and give me an's all I can do is this position. My knees bend inward as the pleasure is washing over me with every stroke

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I work your bovine cock like a pro, fingers griping tightly in long, double-fisted jerks. I see your knees falling open as pleasure and pain mix in your gut. I lean down and wrap my lips around your flared tip, needing to stretch so far to get it in it feels like unhinging my jaw. But as soon as I go I suck gently, still stroking. As soon as your cock flexes I pop my lips off, dodging the thick dollop of pre you start to leak. My top hand palms your tip, gathering up your goo and then also spreading IT down your shaft~turning your big beef into a sticky mess.

<Bella_the_Brawler> Oh fuck....not the mouth...As your lips tease the tip of my erect cock my hips buck up. The sensation of being under your sweaty ass as I'm now stroked and sucked breaks me as some pre-cum starts to leak out of my cock. You quickly remove your mouth which drives me crazy as my cock twitches. I'm trying my best to not lose control but then palm the tip of penis rubbing in the thick precum as you hear me scream again into your ass as my eyes roll back into my head. How fucking humiliating this is, but also how incredibly hot this looks as all the ladies scream in excitement and cheer for you. My breath minimal and now your pleasure zapping my will, the crowd starts clinging their empty cups and cheers you on for more. I've never been in this position pathetic. You're so fucking hefty balls starting to twitch as well now

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> "LOOKS LIKE THE BITCH IS GETTING READY TO BLOW!" I yell out, then snap my fingers over towards the crowd by my buckets. It's the goatgirl who slides one to me with a smile. I swipe it up and hold it against my chest between my elbows, leaning forward at the same time I tilt your cock down, pressing your tip right up against the top rip. "HEY LADIES? WHAT'S THE RECORD FOR FILLING THE FIRST BUCKET?" I say with a flirtation laugh~but while my tone is playful, my hands are merciless. One of them now works up and down your whole length, while the other reaches deeper, cupping and squeezing one of of your heavy balls at a time. "Alright now milkbitch~be a sweetie and cum nice and hard for mama~"

<Bella_the_Brawler> How fucking dare she roll you that bucket...she was in my stable last night as my "biggest fan"...what a skank...I shiver as I feel the head of my cock press against the metal pale. I hear your taunt and I keep trying to hold it in. Then you get a hand on my twitching balls, making my hips buck up and my ass cheeks clench, you can feel my cock in your hand pulsing and throbbing. I desperately try to hold it in, I can't be the first one to get way....I'm the top bitch for a reason. I'm on the brink of explosion, but my endurance is one of my best attributes as I try use my tongue and lick your asshole, trying to see if it will break your focus. I'm about to BLOW

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> My hips flinch at the first touch of your tongue~my back stiffening at the sudden, unexpected touch. "OH" I gasp, though you can't tell how much is surprise and how much is playing it up for the crowd. "Looks like we got ourselves a licker~!" I bounce my ass up and down, smacking it against your face and tongue several times. "Don't taste too much at once, honey~you're gonna be spending a lot of time under that ass. I return my focus to your cock, which is throbbing and leaking wildly. I stroke you in a milking motion, squeezing on the way up and soft on the way down, while continuing to massage your balls. I know when a cow's about to shoot rope~and I never seen cowmeat as needy as yours is right now~

<Bella_the_Brawler> You begin bouncing your big thick ass over me. Good news, I can finally get in SOME air...bad news, fuck it's embarassing and drives me wild. Your taunting making me way she'll keep me under her ass...right...I can't think about it too long as your relentless stroking is now in perfect technique making my whole shaft pulse, and the massaging of my heavy sack being the final touch...the crowd hears me yell, 'FUCK.....NO...I'M FUCKING CUMMIINNNG AAAAHHH...NOOOOO!!" My thick slutty cum becomes bursting out of my cock with every stroke you shoot more and more of cum filling up the bucket and shooting onto your tits. Fuck..I've never cum this hard before...and this has just begun....who is this bitch...The crowd goes insane as the first bucket is filled. The host grabbing the bucket from you as they begin to fill some of the crowd members' cups. They cheer as the thirsty crowd drinks my milk...something that happens very rarely, but tonight it's happened so fast. After the orgasm my cock pulses and twitches in your hands. You can hear me panting under you as my body twitches under you

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I make a mock surprised expression as you scream out, like an old pin up model, my lips wide and my eyes comically wider, and the audience eats it all up. The first shot as your cock lurches and explodes spills partly over the top of the bucket, splattering across my chest. I keep stroking you though your climax, milking you with strong, knowing hands that make perfectly clear I've done this several times before. Your meat twitches in my palms as I once again work you two handed, milking you right into the bucket, which fills with incredible speed. The announcer has to hustle over and grab it, circling the ring as women fall over each other to hold their glasses out and get a taste of you. When your cock finally stops spurting I let it flop down onto your belly, where it drools against your sweaty skin.

<Bella_the_Brawler> My milked cock flops against my belly. What an intense orgasm, I feel so weak and ashamed. I've never been milked like this before....I have to try to turn this around. My tongue moves back to your asshole, hoping it will keep you distracted. I try to send a kick up back towards you, I can't see so it's blind but aimed for what I hope is your head. No way you can keep this up...right? You've been surprising me at every turn...but hopefully not this time. If the kick lands, I'll break my hands free and squeeze my tits around your cock. At the same time I'll send both legs up towards your head and try to squeeze it between them to try pull your face down into the mat with your ass getting lick and your cock pumped between my udders

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> Your leg flies up blindly, wacking me in the shoulder and making me grunt in surprise. I lean back from the impact, waving my arms for balance, the weight of my knees lessening on your arms. You feel a shot at freedom and send another kick my way~but now you've lost the element of surprise. I swat your leg away with a hard chop, then being my hands over my head, lacing my fingers together in a double fist, and bringing them down like a sledgehammer right between your breasts, sending a violent shockwave through your sternum. Your legs flop wildly, and then I do it again, somehow harder than the first, crushing the your chest twice in quick succession.

<Bella_the_Brawler> Again, you show off your incredible ability and easily counter my reversal. As you pound down your fists into my chest my body jolt up from the mat. The pain completely overwhelming as you can hear me whimper under you...I need to get out. I get ready to try and kick again, but then you follow it up with ANOTHER overhead strike onto my chest. All you can feel is my hot breath under you as my body twitches and my plump udders flopping around. The crowd going "OOOH!!" at each pounding. They came for pleasure AND pain and you are delivering it....My shameful cock betraying me as it begins to harden again before you. My legs body refuses to move and fear is taking over me. What have I done underestimating long can you keep this up....what is next...the crowd is enjoying the hottest match they've seen in a while....

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> A third, final slam makes your body spasm involuntarily, completely overwhelmed by the pain and abuse. Your eyes flutter for a moment~and I know you're out of it when your tongue goes limp, no longer lapping at my ass. I hurry to my next move~while trying to keep a calm, cheerful face for our crow. I hop off of you and grab one of your ankles, dragging you across the mat to the other side of the ring to make sure another section of the audience gets a close up look of their soon to be former top bitch getting throttled. Your whole body is limp~except for one obvious exception. Your cock stands straight up, bouncing back and forth as you're dragged along. I stop as I near the ropes, then twist you onto your belly. Your cheek is against the mat, and when you make a gurgling sound like you might be coming back around, I slam my heel down onto your temple to another round of "OOOooooos". I keep my foot there, pinning your head down and yanking your ankle upwards. I bend your knee and hook your foot under my armpit, arching your spine in a tight scorpion hold. "Better get another bucket over here, this bitch ain't gonna last.!" As the announcer hustles over, my free hand starts pumping your cock in rough, downward strokes.

<Bella_the_Brawler> Your third pounding completely wipes me as I'm dragged over to the other side, watching all the ladies watch and FORMER roll me over onto my belly. After a few moments, I assume you're getting another bucket. My vision is too blurry to tell what is going on as I'm also covered in sweat dripping down my face. I attempt to move and then BOOM! you stomp on my head, in my vulnerable state it sets me back square one as my body goes limp as I look out at blurry crowd. Cheers as my leg is bent up and I'm stretched back in a painful hold under your foot. I can't feel that long before I let out an "" and a moan as you begin your expert milking motion. I see the announcer getting the 2nd bucket of yours and all I can do is flail my limbs trying to get a grab of something. I've cum once from this handjob, so I have a bit of resistance to this repeated attack, but it's still draining and zapping my will. I try to send my free foot upwards towards you like a blind and wild donkey kick, I'm desperate~

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> "Stay....still..." I grunt as you try to struggle. The heel slam has left you dizzy, and your wild upward kicks are largely off target, at least until one catches me under the jaw, snapping my head up and making my bite my tongue. "Aaaghh, fuccchhhhh" I lisp, stumbling off of you. I keep your leg hooked under my arm though, and though you try to thrash it free, my thick arm flexes, locking it in place. I twist my torso sideways, geting you back aligned, and then dropping my knee onto the back of your neck, bending your back even deeper and more painfully. "Sthill got a bitta fight inya~we'll have to do something about that." The threat has you worried, and you try to snap your foot back again~but that's exactly what I'm waiting for. I catch it and hook it under my other arm, realllly leaning into the back bend. Since my armpits have got your legs stuck, my hands are free to work your cock with my now too familiar strong grip.

<Bella_the_Brawler> "f-fuck...please...not again....not like this...." You push through my defense as now I'm stretched back far as I'm stuck in this painful position. I'm groaning in pain as you begin your expert two handed milking motion. Unlike anything I've ever felt, maybe even better than my own....I have to hold on. Surely you're getting tired....right? No way you're still in full control...My ass cheeks begin to flex and twitch as when you look down you can see my pulsing balls, dripping pussy, and exposed asshole. The sweat and and precum dripping below us, making a small puddle. I try to reach out and grab a rope...or your leg...or something. Pathetic really given I have no energy to do anything about it...but I'm enduring your stroking for now...reluctantly ~ The ladies in the crowd all pushing each other to get closer to you and the action...they cannot get enough of this new bovine beauty

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> It's a brutal and humiliating position. You're on your chest, your big sexy tits serving as a cushion as I sit on your head. Then your whole body is arched upward and inverted, your thick thighs spread with your ankles hooked under my armpits. The crowd swells up against the side of the ring, getting a real nice look at your cowcock~hanging upside down while I jerk it. I rotate my hands in opposite directions as I stroke you, while the announcer repositions the bucket directly beneath your hard, twitching tip. "Now sometimes girls~your milk bitch can get a bit stubborn." I say in the voice of the world's lewdest instructional video. "That's when you gotta give em a little extra incentive." My push my chin between your twitching ass cheeks, and you feel my big, thick tongue drag itself from your asshole to your slit, and then back again, and then again, and then again.

<Bella_the_Brawler> "OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!" I scream as I feel your tongue slide along my pucker and my soaked folds. This combination completely breaks any will to hold it in as my eyes widen and tongue stick out. My body tenses up as with every lick and stroke I hear the humiliating sound of my cum shooting into the metal pale. It begins to fill to about halfway, as I desperately try to stop it from filling. Trying to hold it in, you can feel the rest of my load in my shaft. I try my best to hold it but you are relentless and you feel it bulge and BURST out of my cock filling the bucket and shooting over the fans that are close as I yell "I'M CUMMING SO FUCKING HARD....FUCKING NOOOOOOO!!!!" My cock remains rock solid in your hands even after the humiliating orgasm. How are you able to keep this up....will I a get an I even want to fight back...I can't tell as my mind is breaking from your dominance. The crowd cheering as a second round of my milk is handed out to everyone...

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> It's so cute how you try to hold back~I feel you clenching, see your balls trying to hold back when they so clearly want to explode. You try to hold back the dam midway, the cracks in your resistance already way too deep. I slide my tongue a bit farther, past your clit, flicking over your slit and then lapping at your twitching balls, pushing them over the edge. Your screams delight the crowd, as does the sight of your massive rod flexing and spilling your essence in thick ropes into the waiting bucket. Now you feel my ass cheeks flexing~only on the back of your head~while I play act humming a little tune as if this was just your average weekly milking. My hands continue to work up and down your shaft as a unit, once again squeezing on the way down, coaxing more and more out of you. You shudder as you feel the pool of your cum reach your cop tip, telling you the bucket is full.

<Bella_the_Brawler> I can only moan and groan as your hands extract my slutty cum into the 2nd bucket. What can I even body feels impossible to move. "F-fuck Cammy....just you fucking wait til I turn this shit around!" I can't let the crowd know how I really feel inside. I have to push on. I try to free my legs from your hold, squirming my sweaty limbs around. I reach back and decide to play a little dirty, there are no rules in this match, so I grab your flopping tail and yank back on it. As a fellow bovine, I know that's gotta hurt. Hopefully that will make you get off of me, and maybe give me a chance to finally move. "TAKE THIS BITCH!" I go to try and grab a hold of your tail. Your beautiful brown cow body sweating and dominant over my soaked white cow body

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> "Pfft, you ain't turnin around shiiiiIIIIIIIT" I had your struggling legs well under control~but as soon as you grab my tail and yank my taunting turns into a high-pitched squeal. Getting your tail tugged is a bitch and a half, and your desperation only has you yanking that much harder. I instinctively let go of your legs and reach back to try to grab at your hands~which sends your body slamming back to the mat like a loaded spring. The announcer has to dive out of the way, just saving the bucket, which she then offers with a smile to the buzzing crowd and their clinking glasses. Your half-hard cock and still-twitching balls hit the canvas first with a heavy thud, then get smushed as your legs and ass follow, everything taking a small bounce before you come to a rest. Meanwhile I twist off of you, squeaking at another hard yank before finally getting my hands on your fingers, prying them off one by one. Even as I get your hand off me, it's a relief to know longer have my ass pinning your face to the mat. "Oh you sneaky little so-and-so! Yer gonna learn to stay down if you know what's good fer ya!" I jump to my feet as you push yourself groggily to your hands and knees. I take two quick steps back, then launch forward with a kick like I'm looking to put your head through the uprights 50 yards downfield. My foot connects with your chin, snapping your head upward and feeling like it knockes your eyeballs into your brain.

<Bella_the_Brawler> I get a grip of your tail and see it has an effect, i go to pull again as you send my lower body flying to the mat as I land on cock and balls. This makes me groan and weaken my grip. I try to hold on, but you pry my fingers off. I groan as I desperately try to keep hold, but I can't as you let me go and I flop down to the mat. I need to get up and do something, i go to push and I'm easily brought to my hands and knees, taking my breaths and starting to recover. Alright this is my chance....let's get up! I start get on one knee until I hear your taunt and your footsteps. As I look up all I can see if your hoof flying towards my face. Too late to defend myself you hear the crowd go "DAAAAMMMNNN!!!" As your hoof goes flying up chin, making my body launch back with force, my udders flopping around as my body is sent backwards as it falls against the ropes, on my ass with my arms flung over the middle rope behind me. My cock still mostly erect and dripping, my udders flopping to a rest, my head down as drool starts to pour over my chest, my body shining from the sweat. My eyes can barely stay open as I struggle to stay conscious from such an impact. Stay awake Bella....stay awake!! All I can see is stars as my eyelids get heavy. Something needs to wake me up as someone from the crowd laughs and tosses their glass of milk over my face, even the crowd is helping you humiliate me as I'm covered in a little of my own cum..."Wh-what...the fuck...."

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> You land on the ropes perfectly, your udders and cock bouncing. I couldn't have planned it better myself~which, of course, I'm gonna pretend that I did. You're slumped half conscious, your head lolling backwards and your eyes unable to focus. Several nearby spectators tip there glasses over your face, covering you in your own cum and making a mess of that pretty face. Never one to let a stroke of luck get wasted, I rush forward and grab the bottom rope with both hands, twisting it over the middle rope and trapping your arms between them, spread wide to either side. "Ha! There! That oughta keep those misbehavin hands of yers outta trouble. Still though~" I stand over you cracking my knuckles. "Better make sure you take the lesson to heart."

<Bella_the_Brawler> I try to shake off the cum and get my vision back, but then "Wha- what are you doing!?" I feel my arms get tied between the two ropes. Panic sets in as I try to break free, but I'm weak and that slutty goat bitch holds my hands back making it impossible to move..."What the fuck!? This isn't fair!?" The crowd has seen me be on the giving end of a domination and they cannot get enough of seeing me on the receiving end for once, as much as I protest there are no rules...As I struggle I plant my feet and try to shake myself loose as I look up at your cracking your knuckles when panic sets in seeing your curvy, strong body standing before me with your thick cock dangling before me. "C-Cammy....stop....fight me fairly!!" I say as it's clear I'm getting afraid

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> "What ain't fair about it?" I grin wickedly. "Just a couple a cows working out their differences, right?" I shove your legs together and drop down on my knees, sitting my weight on your thighs, with my thick, growing cock pressing against yours. "By which I mean me turning you into ground beef." I slam a nasty cross into your right temple. Then another one to your left. Then back again. Your head whips back and forth as I turn your face into my personal punching bag. Shoulders flexing and a thin sheen of sweat building on my arms as I pummel your cheeks, jaw, and head. The crowd roars wildly with each thunderous impact. Spit and sweat fly off of you in every direction. There's nowhere to go, and even worse, you feel my meaty cock getting hot, hard, and heavy, grinding against your belly and your own abused member.

<Bella_the_Brawler> The crowd going nuts as my head is whipped from your punches.'s so painful as I can't defend myself with my body pinned. Spit and sweat flying off with every punch. My heart pounding from the pain, which of course shamefully hardens my cock. However this time I can feel your cock now begin to harden right against mine, making me blush at such a lewd position. The crowd pushing each other to get the best view of our impressively sized cocks against each other. The cum, saliva, and sweat drenching mine starting to drip onto yours making yours nice and shiny now as well. That goat bitch giggles as she lets me go, but it doesn't matter I'm beaten and pinned under you as relentlessly bash my head around, making my udders bounce around....

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I smash my knuckles against your skull a few more times, just for good measure. Then shake out my hands while blowing on them~a pantomime of them being on fire for the crowd. You don't seem to be enjoying my antics very much~but in fairness, that's probably because your head is hanging backwards, your tongue hanging out one side of your mouth and your eyes still rolling around in their sockets. I give the crowd another two-armed flex, biceps rippling over your prone body. I pull our two cocks together, using both my hands to stroke them a few times as one. Mine's bigger and harder at the moment, but only because you've been doing so much crowd entertaining. You're soon catching up as I work you hard again, feeling the energetic pulse of my heartbeat through my shaft~in sharp contrast to the slow, barely conscious thump of your own. "Mmmmm~real nice honey. Bet a girl could have hours of fun with you~"

<Bella_the_Brawler> You're so dominant and the crowd can not get enough as they all cheer and blow kisses to you, relishing in my current demolition. I can only sit and watch as you have the time of your life. Your pulsing cock against mine making me moan. I can tell this is turning you on so much and that just fucks with my head as your throbbing cock makes mine rock hard. My hot breath panting over our cocks as I'm a drooling beaten mess. "C-cammy....f-fuck you!" Your pummeling turning me angry as I can't fucking stand the position I'm in...all this humiliation "JUST FUCK YOU!!" I spit in your face, refusing to go down begging

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I turn my head, but a big wad of spit still hits me right in the cheek. I scrunch my eye and nose a bit, clearly not pleased, while the rest of the barn titters at your bit of defiance. With our cocks still (barely) in one hand, I wipe the spit slowly off my cheek. Then I return it to sender with a hard slap to the side of your face, smearing it across your snout. "Ya ain't learned yet, have ya? Well I got ways a dealing with troublesome cattle~"
<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I stand and step to your side, reaching through the ropes and offering my hand to the cute goat who's been working so hard to be President and Founder of my new fan club. She grabs my hand with glee, and I haul her up into the ring. I pull her into a deep kiss before she can say a word, and she swoons into it. We make out practically on top of your limp body while a wave of teasingly juvenile "oooOOOOoooos" passes through the crowd. I curl a finger towards the announcer, demanding another bucket while my tongue explores the goat girl's mouth. The doe is blushing a deep red as I take the bucket from the announcer and push it into her hands. Then I sit her on your legs right where I was. "Pay attention now, sweetie~don't go spilling too much." She nods vigorously and I duck under the ropes, jumping to the floor a couple feet below. I grab your hips, giving one hard tug to pull your ass half off the side of the ring, sliding you and the doe along with ya. My cheek presses against your midback as I reach up around you with one harm, grabbing your cock roughly at the base, stroking just the bottom half that I can reach. I wink and blow kisses at the spectators around me, who crowd close to get a better look at the barn's soon to be queen. Some even reach out to graze my sweaty skin with their fingers. "Alright girls~let's see if we can find this slut's bitch button~" I push two thick fingers against your tight backdoor, and with a quick hard shove I pop them into you. I don't thrust them back and forth~instead you feel me pressing forward with their tips~searching for your prostate...

<Bella_the_Brawler> I groan after your slap as I look up and see you bring that doe skank into the ring with you. She was my best bitch and now you two are making out over me, which fills me with rage as I try to break free, but I can't as the ropes keep me locked and I'm too weak to break free. "FUCK YOU!! I'M GOING TO FUCK BOTH OF YOU UP!!" After your sensual display you can feel the whole crowd in heat as this has been the wildest match in a while in this barn. She gets on my lap and winks at me as she says, "Sorry Bella...I only fuck with winners~" Before I could respond my ass is yanked out as my cheeks spread open, sweat dripping down my crack. I feel the warmth of your body against my back as your grips the base of my fully erect shaft. I try to resist as all of a sudden I hear your taunt.."What are you talking aboOOOUUUTT!!??" I feel your fingers enter my asshole as I scream out, "NO NO NOOO!!! OOH FUCK...OH..FU-MOOOOO!!!" As you shamefully make me me moo in front of the crowd. The crowd going INSANE

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I already figured I had you~but as soon as I find that soft little button inside you and press on it hard with two fingers~hearing your threats turn to begging and then, finally, uncontrolled mooing~that's when I KNOW I've got you. I milk your prostate roughly~you ain't the first bitch I've broken this way. While my fingers work your gland, your cock lurches and starts to leak thick gobs of pre. The doe hurries to tip the top half of your shaft into the bucket, while I continue stroking the bottom. Your moos get louder, echoing off the wooden walls~and the crowd howls in response, somehow reaching a new level of noise, until the whole barn practically shakes. I work your cock and prostate~milking you. That's what it is~you want to deny it, but can't. You're being milked. Powerfully, devastatingly, and to everyone's delight.

<Bella_the_Brawler> "oh fuck...oh fuck...." Your fingers inside of my ass just probing my spot, something noone has ever done to me before! The pleasure surging up my body with every curl of those expert fingers. The goat bitch spitting on the top of my throbbing cock as she points it into the bucket. Her saliva trickling down my shaft... Youre stroking from my base as you can feel the load building up. I close my eyes trying everything I can to hold it back. The noise in the barn making it hard to focus. I can still hear a few loyal fans through the crowd, "COME ON BELLA!! HOLD ON!!!" The cheers of support make me yell..."FUCK YOOOUUU!!! AAHHH!!" I try to pull my ass back into the ring against your grab, until the doe presses her mouth onto my mouth, swirling her tongue into me, zapping my very short lived second wind as my eyes begin to roll as she knows exactly how to kiss me. Her hand now palming the tip of my thick bovine feel the load rising up to the top...preparing to burst into the third metal bucket

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I'm about to give your cock a hard backward tug~but it seems my new #1 fan has things well in hand...err, mouth. Just as you try to pull away she leans into you, muffling your resistant yells with her lips and tongue. You slump back almost immediately, and I feel the pressure building up in the base of your cock. I redouble my efforts on your prostate. My fingers are three knuckles deep inside you and curling forward, punishing your prostate for your momentary defiance. With the doe weighing you down physically and sensuously, you do nothing but shudder and groan into her mouth. I pressure your button in a nice steady rhythm, giving your cock hard downward jerks that smack against your balls. "Awwwww, looks like Bella's a lover~not a fighter. OR AT LEAST SHE WILL BE WHEN I'M DONE WITH HER." The ladies around me laugh and take another sip of your cum from the dregs in their glasses, ready to have them refilled. "Alright Bella, the girls are looking for round 3. Moo like a bitch and feed my new fans!"

<Bella_the_Brawler> It's too much as I moan into the goat's mouth, tears pouring down my eyes as my cock erupts into the bucket. The loud splashing as the goat bitch slaps the tip of my cock making me scream out. The bucket overflows from the incredibly large load forced out of me from the prostate punishment. The ladies slapping my ass cheeks as every stroke of yours shooting my thick cream into the pale. This is so fucking humiliating, the ladies all refilling their glasses, a bunch of VERY happy spectators. You are relentless and so fucking cruel, I never thought I'd be treated like this...with tears in my eyes I try to break out. My right arm slipping out as I grab the doe by the hair and yank her off of me. My pride barely intact, but still present as I have to fight other hand breaking free. I send a blind elbow flying back behind me, hoping it connects with your face and I can finally break free from your hold....I hope

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> You cum in long, interrupted spurts~each one coming as I push down on your prostate~milking your cum out of you~filling this bucket even quicker than the ones before. The crowd is delirious, those close enough giving your ample ass a swat or a rub or a tickle. The announcer takes the bucket gently out of the doe's hands while she kisses you, taking it to an unserviced side of the ring and filling more glasses. Another shiver runs down your spine as I pull my fingers out of you, and your cock spurts against the goatgirl's belly. I'm busy enjoying the swarming adoration of the audience when you pull your arm free~and it's only the doe's meek squeal that pulls my attention back to the ring. Your blind elbow glances off my shoulder and catches me in the side of the neck, making me stumble. You wince at hearing several "oh no"s in your vicinity~the crowd already having shifted to my side. You groan and roll forward~you've got to get back into this thing. You get one foot under you, then the other, standing yourself up. Then suddenly my hands are around your ankles, and with a hard yank I pull them out from under you, bringing you down to the mat on your chest and face with a thunderous crash.

<Bella_the_Brawler> I break free and I feel a sense of accomplishment as I get to my feet, but as I get ready to move my feet are sweeped out from under me as I slam into the mat udder first then my face as I groan and try to roll around. My vision blurry as my snout was smushed, my tits sore from the smack. My asshole also sore and twitching from your punishment. As I fall my ass has a nice jiggle as it settles. Nothing I do is working and its wrecking me. My asshole hurts, my face hurts, my udders hurt, my balls are heavy, my cock is aching, my core hurts..."wha-what the fuck are you!?" I try to send a blind donkey kick with my hoof back into you, desperately trying to get away from you. My arms frantically trying to pull me away, the crowd laughing at my display

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> After your elbow, I'm wary of another blind attack, and sure enough you bend your knees and send both hooves back in a powerful donkey kick. I twist to the side, dodging them, and instead they slam full force into the voluptuous chest of a shortstack swinegirl, sending her catapulting into the crowd. I join the audience in a shared chorus of "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DAAAAAAAMMMMNNNNNN" but aside from the pig herself, everyone seems to take it in stride, even the handful of audiencemembers who end up involuntarily "catching" her with their bodies. Keeping to your side, I hop up to grab the top rope, drop to a deep squat as I yank it down, then launch myself up, over, and back into the ring. My hooks land right on your back, driving you back down like twin spears. You can already imagine the hook-shaped bruise you'll have.

<Bella_the_Brawler> Honestly it felt good missing my kick as it hits one of the rude fucking "fans" I had in the crowd. Regardless, I've been able to breathe and somewhat get back into this. This is MY barn, My ring, I AM THE TOP COW BITCH HERE! I see you preparing a high risk, high flying attack and I decide it's time for the crowd to remember who the fuck I am. As you fly towards me I roll around and send my hooves driving into your belly, two hoof marks imprinting into your tummy as spit and air shoot out from your snout. Now it's my turn as when you fall to the side groaning in pain as your high risk move was punished, I get on top of you pinning your arms between my legs and your sides. I look down at you as my udders dangle above your face, "You've had your fun, now it's mine...." Your face defensless and feeling a second wind as I start to swing the momentum in my favor, I begin raining down punches across your cheeks, left cheek "MMM!!"...right cheek "MMM!!"...left cheek "MMM!!!" as these fists are filled with rage and power as you can feel my hot breath as I exert myself to pummel you. "THIS IS MY FUCKING BARN!!!" The crowd astonished at my recovery....can I keep it up

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> My eyes go wide when you roll to your stomach, bringing your knees to your chest, and then driving your hooves upward. I'd thought you were out of it, and with gravity in control, I've got nowhere to go but down. "HHHUUUUUUUuuuuuurrrrgggghhhhh" Your hooves smash into my midsection, jackknifing me in the air. My cheeks puff out and my eyes cross~a gurgling groan coming out of me. I fall to the mat on my side, clutching my stomach, too stunned to offer any resistance when you roll me to my back and jump on my belly with my arms between your legs. Your cock lands between my udders, while your own swing over my face. I snarl a convincing "Fuck you, bitch!" just before the first punch lands. Then its a series of grunts and groans as your fists go to town on my face. There's a lull in the crowd noise at the sudden reversal of fortunes, though as your arms pump back and forth, more and more voices start shouting in your favor.

<Bella_the_Brawler> It feels like forever that I'm punching your face as I don't stop until your face is a drooling mess and I take some deep breaths. Now to return some humiliation, as you lay on the ground dazed I rotate around and keeping your arms still pinned I now place MY ass onto your face. My sweat and cum covered balls dragging across your face, filling your nostrils with the lustful scent of heat and sex before using my big ol bovine butt to smother you. Your cock erect my hands quckly find their place at the base of your cock. "Dooes this feel familiar bitch?" As I let a big ol drop of spit onto your tip as it trickles down. Now something I am known for here is my unmatches oral skills, I once milked a poor bitch for 10 buckets with just my mouth once. How long will you last? My mouth has no probelm getting around your tip as I begin to stroke you from the base and all the way your shaft. My lips sliding up and down your tip as my thick warm tongue begins swirling around your glans, the tongue especially teases your penis hole. You can feel me moan on your cock as I pick up the pace of my two handed milking motion. One of loyal fans quickly rolling me a bucket that lands next to us.

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I try to twist and pull myself out of your grip, but you keep me well pinned as you spin and plant your ass down on my face, balls right on my mouth and under my nose, where the rich smell of your sweat fills my nose. My body stiffens when you grab my cock, and my struggling grows more frantic. I twitch at the feel of a glob of saliva landing on my cock~and growl something muffled about being a poseur copycat right into your balls. As soon as your mouth wraps over my tip though, my hips shiver and a loud "gggguuuuuuuhhhhhhnnnnnn" falls out of me. My legs kick and swing, trying to get free~but weaker by the moment. My cow cock is already hard and throbbing~I've been rather enjoying having my way with you~but now that means I'm that much more sensitive. Your hands are strong and demanding~but your mouth is like a wet dream unto itself. Your tongue works its way around the entire flare of my tip, then pushes itself along my the slit of my cock, earning another trembling moan. "Aaaaaahhhnnnnn~FUCK~FUCK YOU~nnnngggh~let me~aaaaaa~up~you pa~haaahhhh~pathetic...." It gets harder and harder to form words. My legs have stopped kicking, spread slightly. My toes start to curl and my fingers flex. I can feel my heavy balls churning~my cock so tight and hard I could chop a log with it. Behind you I'm panting, my eyes starting to roll back~

<Bella_the_Brawler> Now to show you why, I'm the blowjob queen. I pop my lips off your cock and take a deep breath and I slam my head forward taking almost your entire cock into my mouth. The crowd amazed at my ability to handle it as your goes down my throat as I use one hand to massage your heavy ball sack and the other hand placing a finger into your asshole, probing around. My ass grinding and smothering you in my big bovine buttocks. I can feel the load sliding up your shaft, your cock embraced by my warm, soft, and wet throat. I know it feels like heaven in my mouth and I know you're about to finally blow. The crowd, as we have figured out has no loyalty, begins cheering me on...remembering why I'm the top bitch around this farm. As the load comes to your tip, I quickly pop my mouth off of your cock and remove my hand from your asshole as I squeeze your balls and cock, aiming into the bucket as FINALLY thick ropes of your sweet shameful cum splashes into the bucket to crowd's excitement. I pump you over and over and once the bucket is filled I place my mouth on your orgasming cock and pump you more and more making your cock burst into my mouth as I swallow your load, a sign of my dominance as I make your orgasm last as long as possible. the announcer quickly grabs the bucket as the crowd goes nuts for your cock milk, something new as they fill their glasses

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> "~OooooooommmyyyygggooooOOOOOOOOD~" I scream out from between your ass cheeks, my whole body vibrating with pleasure. You engulf my cock~I can't remember ever being taken so deep, and while your lips suck at my base, your throat squeezes and constricts around my shaft impossibly. My hips jerk up off the floor, letting you get your finger a bit deeper, and I start to spasm uncontrollably. You practically suctioning my climax out of me. My balls twitch powerfully in your palm, and you feel first pulse of my coming load travel up my flexing cock. Your lips slide up my length with it, and your mouth pops off my flare just as I start to cum, blasting long thick ropes of cum as I aim my cock into the waiting bucket. My explosive orgasm goes on and on, the bucket's already filled and you're still jerking more out of me. I feel your lips again, sucking down the rest of what I've got to give, swallowing it in big, greedy gulps while I groan and shudder beneath you.

<Bella_the_Brawler> As I swallow down one last gulp of your cum my mouth releases your member as I let out a deep "HAAAAAAAH~" Oh the drink of dominance as I lick my lips. I give your hard cock a nice slap across the top and palm your cum over the tip of your cock, making you feel overstimulated. I take my ass, pick it up and WHAM WHAM WHAM! I bash your face over and over again with my thick cheeks. Dazed, I get up and pull you up to your feet by the horns. With both hands on your horns I run towards the corner and slam your back into the corner post as your udders and cock flop around with the impact. I call for a bucket as it's rolled to me. I pick it up and strut my hips over to you, "You really did a number on it's time to even the score" I pretend to place the bucket at your feet as I suddenly fly it up into your chin, a loud CLANG as you look up to the bright barn lights and then you see the pale come flying down into your dome with a second CLANG. Your snout drooling as I crouch near you, "You had your fun baby...but this is my ring. I am going to milk you for all 5 buckets, and then I'm going to milk you for 5 more. You understand? Now then, be a good fucking cow and give us your milk. I'm gonna fill this up halfway with your futa milk then those lovely udders are gonna finish it off..." I place the bucket under your cock. My mouth finds its place on your right tit swirling my tongue around your areola, my left hand goes across the top of your chest and pinches your right tit, and my right grips your cock from the base and starts stroking it towards the bucket. My signature 3 way milking technique...can you endure....I doubt it....

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> My head feels like it's ringing at the same frequency as the bucket as you slap me around with it, my head swiveling whichever direction the almighty bucket dictates. I slump against the corner, arms at my sides, trying to get my eyes to look the same direction. I honestly don't make out much of what you're saying~might be the noise of the crowd, might be my brain taking a quick break. But I your udders swaying in front of me and hear the thunk of the bucket being placed beneath me. Then you press into me~it's your mouth I feel first, enveloping my nipple and areola and lashing both with your tongue. Your fingers find my other nipple, and your hand grabs hold of my cock, and you go to work, pinching and stroking and sucking all in tandem. "uuuuuuooooooooo" I moan weakly, sensations still taking a second to resolve in my head~but my body reacts just fine. My nipples grow stiff against your tongue and fingers, and my cock already drips pre into the bucket. I squirm against the turnbuckles, my moans and groans getting louder as my brain catches up~the fog clearing only to find you latched to me in triplicate. "UUUhhhnnnnnn~fffuuu~ahhh~ahhhhhhhhhhhhh~mmmmmm~mmmmooooo~nnggghhh" Despite myself an embarrassing moo slips through. I try to bite my tongue, but it does little to stop the rising pleasure. You taste the first drips of milk that start to leak from my teat, making you moan into my udder. You point my other nipple down, tugging harder, getting its first drops to begin to fill the bucket as well, all while you stroke me harder and harder. "Oooooohh~fuck you~fuuuuuuccccck youuuuuu" Your technique is terribly effective~you have me leaking in three places, four if you count a bit of drool~it does have one notable flaw though. You haven't secured my arms.
<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> With your face buried in one udder, the first warning you get is the feeling of my hands wrapping around your horns and yanking your face up off of my breast. "Miss me bitch?" I hiss, and then slam my forehead into the bridge of your nose and snout. There's a very satisfying crunch~both the first time...and the next. It's the second one that makes your knees, and with one hand still gripping a horn I reach behind my and pull the bad off the middle turnbuckle~just before grabbing both horns again, twisting to the side, and slamming you face first into the metal post. "You've got a talented mouth, Bella~I'm gonna make sure to put it to good use." I say, gritting my teeth to hide my own pain as I slip behind you. I reverse my grip on your horns and hook my legs in front of your arms to keep them held back, my hard cock pressing between your shoulder blades. "But you don't know how to finish a bitch. Bad news for you...I do." I proceed to slam your forehead forward into the post a dozen more times~your thick skull making a metallic kthunk-kthunk-kthunk as your thoughts get scrambled and your arms fall limp at your sides.

<Bella_the_Brawler> The excitement rises in me as I hear your moans and taste your tit milk. It's so sweet as it comes right from your udders. And oh how lovely the sound of it splashing into the pale below. I pick up the pace of my stroking as I watch the bucket get nearly full, I would love to make this bucket a mix of tit and Futa milk, a lovely combination ~ it's almost to the brim as I feel your throbbing cock close to topping off the bucket. The crowd cheering from my signature technique, no bitch has ever been able to get out of this hold, being paralyzed from the pleasure. You'll be no differen-HUH!? Just as I'm a few drops away from my 2nd bucket I feel your hand grab my horn...what!? How!? Before I could react we make eye contact as you smash my face with a brutal headbutt, causing me to release your hard cock and leaking tears. Fortunately one final yank fills the 2nd bucket as it's pulled out of the ring and the crowd relishes the first taste of tit milk. However back to us ~
<Bella_the_Brawler> You smash my snout again with yours and my eyes water and it's hard to focus, all of a sudden I hear the sound of something being removed, but I can't make out what it is. You give me a taste of what it was as with both horns I'm smashed in the middle turnbuckle straight on the metal. "Ah FUCK!!!" I yell out in pain. But you don't stop there you climb over me as I feel my arms locked behind me between your powerful thighs and calves. The warm feeling of your hard cock pressed against my back. "No...Cammy wait.... don't do this....oh fuck....please" the crowd realizing you are pissed at my short lived comeback as they watch, some in shock most in excitement as you begin to rain down my snout and head into the metal over and over again. "AH!!! FUCK!!! OW!!! CAMMY OH GOD!!! FUCKING STOP!!!" But you don't, and I lose count at how many times you do it. Eventually my arms draped over the middle ropes, my face rested on top as my eyes are rolling around my brain, drool pouring out of my mouth, all I can muster out is a long groan. I'm bent over with my ass pointed out on my spread knees, my cock and udders dangling towards the floor. My body twitching slightly from your punishment. You hear quiet and slurred from me "Cammy....m-mercy...please" You are clearly a whole different level of animal if you were able to take the beating of the bucket and my signature 3way milking, and deliver such a brutal reversal, fear takes over as im left in such a vulnerable and shameful position, but my body is paralyzed from pain and fear

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> You ask for mercy~but you know none is coming as your head rattles off the turnbuckle one last time. I let go of your horns, letting your head drop forward and shooting the crowd a flex. Even as I rile them up, I curse myself a bit. I'd given you an opening, and you'd turned it into two buckets in the blink of an eye. Milk still leaks on my breasts and cum does the same from my cock~both interrupted on a deep edge. That and the rough makeover you gave my face have me looking much the worse for wear~but I smile for the crowd, as much as it hurts my battered cheeks~wanting to pull them back to my side. As you slump forward I shove your head to the mat, unhooking your legs and wrapping my arms around your waist. Then with a grunt I hoist your ass and legs up and throw your whole body into the corner upside down, your legs draped over the ropes and your head hanging in front of my dripping cock. I move quickly while you're still groggy, grabbing the sides of your face and shoving my cock past your lips. Thanks to you I'm completely hard, and my cock easily stretches your lips and then bulges your neck as I slide into your throat." Ahhhnnnnn, fuck your tight~!"
<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I snap my fingers and yell "BUCKET", then run my rough bovine tongue up your shaft and over your balls as the announcer hustles one over. I wedge the bucket between my tits and your stomach, letting your cock hang into it, then pin your arms to your sides in a tight bearhug and with a growl of pain, lift you up off the corner. I'm lapping at your cock again as I carry you, one groaning step at a time, toward the center of the ring, making sure ~everyone~ sees your fate coming~except maybe for you. "I call this one the Cattle Driver~" I say in between giving your heavy, sweaty balls long, sensuous sucks, pulling each one entirely into my mouth and lavishing it with attention, tongue swirling all over them until your balls are coated in my spit and your cock is twitching with need in the waiting bucket. Then my legs clamp tight around your head, hooking inside your horns. I lick and suck at the stem of your cock, bringing you right to the edge~~and then drop to my knees, dropping both our weight onto the top of your head in a brutish piledriver that shakes the entire ring and brings a mixed chorus of raucous cheers and amazed "OOOOOOOO"s from the crowd. The impact sends a shock wave through your body, which spasms involuntarily. Right on cue, your cock flexes and starts to pulse and empty its latest load into the bucket~while I take one of your balls into my mouth again, feeling its helpless twitching while I suck hungrily at it.

<Bella_the_Brawler> So dazed from the punishment taken to my head, I can't tell what's going on. All of sudden I feel your powerful arms wrap around me and I'm upside down, the blood rushing to my head as the blurry bright lights hurt my head. As my vision starts to clear I see your big, dripping cock rock hard before me. Before I can say anything I feel you grab my face as you press the flare against my lips, I try to keep it closed but it's obviously no use. It pushes past my lips, then my tongue, then you hear a muffled groan as it slides all the way down my throat, taking your whole length to the point where my tongue is touching your heavy sweaty balls. Tears run down my face as you're so aggressive with your face FUCKING, it's so humiliating. My own cock gardening again by your face, I've lost before, but this level of embarrassment is new to me, why is my body responding this way!? Is it because you're the sexiest cow to ever walk through these doors...besides me of it you are master of domination and know how to melt me...I don't know but it's working and I feel helpless
<Bella_the_Brawler> I hear the rattling of the bucket enter the ring, a shiver down my body as the cold metal is placed between us and the flare of my cock touches the steel. I'm picked up, cock still fully in my mouth as you hear my muffled moans you expertly work my pulsing sweaty balls, as each ones enters your warm mouth your tongue perfectly swirls around them. My hidden weakness exposes as intense pleasure pulses through me and my rock hard member. My eyes rolling as you suck them and you hear a POP sound as you suction them out of your mouth. This sending my load rushing towards my tip as I hear your taunt. A muffled scream as I realize what's to come. Your legs squeeze my head and the orgasm follows your tongue towards the bucket and BOOM!! As my head is dropped into the mat, my girthy cock blasts my thick cum into the bucket, filling it almost instantly as the bucket fills to the brim my cocks pop out and continues to erupt in your face. At the same time I feel your own glob of pre leak out and make it's way down my throat as...NO WAY.... no way you're going to force a load down my throat NOOOO!!! As your own thick load shoots into my throat and down into me, forced to take it all as I stay suck vertical in your grip. My ass cheeks rippling and clenching, my balls pulsing. Forcing to swallow your dominant load as you make me your own futa fountain. Some ladies in the crowd are so in hear from this that they begin to make out and some even begin pleasuring each other. You smell the lust in the air~

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> As my knees hit the mat, my cock is shoved a sweet, final inch up your gullet. My balls flex against your face and you feel the first pulse of my orgasm push past your lips and slide up your neck. My cock erupts in your throat, flexing powerfully as I don't hold back. Jet after jet of cum pumps into you while you can do nothing but dangle upside down in my grip, feeling each pulse in your throat~moaning oh so pitifully around my cock. While you fill another bucket, I fill my new bitch. Your legs shudder and flail in the air while I continue sucking ravenously at your balls. You feel me move between them~a little tug and pop as I pull each into my mouth. I massage them with my tongue and suck demandingly, enjoying their helpless little twitches as I coax more and more of your batter out of you. You feel the bucket filling quickly, engulfing the tip of your cock and then spilling over the lip, the excess covering my chest and your belly. The crowd goes wild at the sight~devolving into an impromptu bacchanalia, while the announcer rushes over to pull the bucket away, then runs along one side of the ring, tipping the bucket, filling upheld glasses and staining quite a few faces and chests.
<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I pop your ball out of my mouth as your orgasm starts to fade~though you're still leaking from that pretty flared cock, making a mess of both our midsections. Your balls are so slathered in my spit that it drips down them to your shaft. Four buckets in, and your balls are still impressively heavy~though I can feel them just beginning to diminish, and with them~I hope~a bit of your will to fight. I give your balls a hard lick, and peer over your ass and between your spread legs towards the crowd. "WHAT DO YA THINK, GIRLS? IS IT TIME TO PUT THIS PATHETIC MILK SOW AWAY FOR GOOD?" The wave of affirmative cheers is loud~though muted slightly by the number of audience members whos mouths are on each other. I hop on my knees and throw my chest forward, body slamming you to the canvas with my cock still in your throat. The shock of the slam has you squeezing on my cock when you groan in pain, making me bite my lip with pleasure. I yank my cock from your throat with a loud ~schlurp~ and the rush of oxygen as you shivering in heightened pleasure while I roll you to your stomach. I swing a leg over you~mounting you in a smooth motion. I press my flare to your leaking pussy, then sheathe it in you with a smooth, easy thrust. My cock grinds over your balls as I enter you~your own cock flat on the ground and pointed towards your feet. I grab your arms and yank them upwards, forcing your chest off the ground, bending your spine. My feet shift forward, and I slip your arms over my knees, trapping you in a camel clutch. You weakly try to pull free but find yourself stuck~my cock inside you and my balls resting right on top of yours in a show of utter dominance. "GET YOUR GLASSES READY GIRLS, EVERYONE'S DRINKING TONIGHT!"

<Bella_the_Brawler> My orgasm is stretched out for what feels like an eternity. The rough and tough tongue of yours sending me into euphoria as you work over each heavy ball with such intimate care. Which is ironic given it's use to humiliate me. My own futa milk drenching my body and pouring down my face, fuck what a humiliating sight. The POP of your final suck of my balls, they twitch, craving more of that mouth. As your lengthy member flops out of my mouth, I shiver as I can finally take a big breath, your huge load in me feels like an aphrodisiac as my body feels so damn hot. I'm dropped to my back as my still leaking cock flopping down as my balls still pulse. I'm rolled to my stomach and I try my best to fight when all of a sudden "OH MY FUCK!!!! NOOOOO!!!" I feel your meaty rod slide into my welcomingly wet pussy. The sensation of you filling my walls jolts my body in fear and pleasure!

<Bella_the_Brawler> "NOOO!!! CAMMY DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!!!!" I try to break free as you grab my arms and they're places over your thighs. My udders on display as they are puffed from being in such heat. Your heavy dominant balls in mine, almost having a battle of their own as yours flex over mine making my own pulse back at yours. You can feel mine still quite impressive, you'll need more than 5 buckets to drain this bovine. I stare out at the crowd seeing me as your hips smush my plump cheeks. "Oh my fuck....C-Cammy...please don't do's's so...aaah~fuuuck" You haven't thrusted yet, but your throbbing member makes me panic as I try to break free, my hands push on your thighs and I try to plant my feet and push out from under you, a desperation unlikely escape.

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> *With your arms trapped, I grab your hair in one hand and yank your face up, giving me a nice angle to smash my other fist into the side of your snout. I hate to interrupt your begging, but I need to keep you out of it just a little bit longer. I release your hair and let your head loll forward, then spit into each of my hands, rubbing them together and then grabbing each of your thick areola in my saliva-slick fingers. I pinch and tug at your nipples while you try to struggle, pulling at your arms but getting nowhere. Instead I lean you back a bit further, arching your spine painfully and giving everyone a better view as I tweak your defenseless teats. You feel a ripple of shame as milk starts to drip. "Yeeaaaa, that's it Bella~let's get these girls flowin. Yer feedin the whole barn tonight." As soon as you're leaking at both nipples, I let them go, instead curling an arm tightly under your chin and around your throat. "YOU...annnnd....YOU!" I yell out, pointing at my helpful doe and a wide-eyed donkey girl who brays in surprise. They both climb into the ring, grabbing the last of my buckets and one of yours as I direct them beneath each of your hanging udders. While they get organized, I slam my fists into the side of your breasts several times, sending milk flying this way and that and making you grunt and unconsciously squeeze on my cock.
<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> As my volunteer milk maids get themselves in position, the arm around your neck squeezes tighter, making you wheeze in rough breaths. You're recovering from the latest round of punishment, squirming and writhing, kicking your legs trying to get free. But I've got you right where I want you~and the crowd sees a wicked smile grow on my face. "HANG ON GIRLS!" I shout to my eager assistants, but also to the crowd. "BEFORE WE FINISH THIS BITCH OFF, THERE'S JUST ONE MORE THING." Choking you in one arm, I reach deep into my hair with the other. As I pull something out beyond your view, you hear several excited gasps from the crowd. "Ohh, shit." "No fucking way." "Fuuuuuuuuck". As my hand comes into view, you see me holding a thick, gleaming silver ring, at least 6 inches in diameter with a small opening at once end. The words "Cammy's Bitch" are etched in small letters along it. You know exactly what it is as soon as you see it, panic flooding your body. But I'm ready for your desperate thrashing, clinching your head tight as you try in vain to pull your snout away. It takes a couple tries with you jerking your head around, but I finally force the two ends of the ring into your nostrils~and then as I flip a tiny switch at its side, a pressurized bolt fires, piercing your septum and locking the nose ring into place. Pain and shame lance through you, your whole body shuddering. I grip the ring, using it to force your face up towards the ceiling and holding you in place~you can't even struggle, knowing any resistance now will only cause you more pain. "YOU'RE FUCKING FINISHED NOW BELLA~ALL MINE~NOW MILK THIS BROKEN BITCH GIRLS!" Doe and Jenny grab your tits obediently, starting to squeeze your milk out of you while I hold you humiliatingly still.

<Bella_the_Brawler> My begging and flailing stunned for a moment as a fist rains down on my snout, wearing me out as my head dangles towards the mat, I hear the sound of spitting as some even gets on the back of my neck. All of a sudden you hear moaning as your soaked warm hands start working my udders, trying my best to resist you decide to up the pain as arch me back more, breaking my resistance as once you return to my begin one of the most humiliating things you can do to a cow...milked straight from the udders. Even worse you've brought in two ladies to help you as they look at me with such sadistic desire, the pheromones in this place are thick. It finally breaks as you slam your fist into my defenseless breasts and the shameful milk starts to leak. "STOP THIS PLEASE!!!! LET ME GOOO!!!" Pleasure pulsing from my chest and from my pussy as each time I squirm I feel your rock hard cock still inside me. I'm in such a hopeless position how can this get any worse~
<Bella_the_Brawler> Then, I hear your taunting, again wondering what else can this sadistic bitch have in store. Hearing the crowds reaction makes me nervous as all of sudden it comes into view...a nose ring etched with words that degrade me. And knowing what it does, panic sets in as I try protect my snout, the thrashing only making me moan as your flare keep pressing into the edge of my walls. You grab my heart as when I hear the click of the switch I let out a "AAAAHHH FUUUUUUCCCCKKK!! OOWWW!!" My snout pierced by your ring, marking me as yours. If I thrash it'll only cause me excruciating pain as you yank me up staring into the blinding lights. The crowd taking....TAKING PICTURES!?!? NOOOO!!! Tears start streaming down my face "C-Cammy....what the fuck are you....please have mercy..." But again, this is not a place for that, and I know the stakes. The winner uses the loser however she wishes til the sun comes up. It hits me as I know defeat is coming~

<Bella_the_Brawler> And so it begins, unable to move all I can do is try my best not to cry as the two milk maids takes turns pumping my udders. Each pump splashing into the buckets. "F-fuck you all.... especially you Cammy...I will get my fucking revenge...." Both buckets about half full each at this point as my balls are twitching and my cock starts to leak from the intense milking. A slutty fucking mess....Doe and Jenny laughing as they also slap my breasts around giggling. My snout hoisted in the air as I grit my teeth...

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I give the ring just the slightest tug, but the pain that burns through your face is more than enough to suggest that any further acts of rebellion with you will be dealt with drastically. The goat and donkey make it an impromptu race, both of them sucking hard at your nipples to get you going faster and then squeezing your udders with both hands. Your milk comes out in pressurized jets that you can hear against the sides of each bucket. My free hand reaches down, rubbing your lower belly, both of us feeling my palm press against the bulge of my cock inside you. "How does it feel, Bella~" I hiss into your ear, "Being helplessly milked~weak as any dairy cow~knowing that once this crowd has had its fill, you're MINE for the night."
<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> The milk race ends in a near draw~the jenny just edging out the doe. I give them each a long, sensuous kiss in thanks before they stumble in different directions, your milk sloshing in their buckets as they start serving the now manic crowd. "AND THAT'S FIVE...WELL, SIX! BUCKETS FOR CAMMY!!!" The announcer bellows, but she's already barely audible above the screams and jeers and animated groping and squealing throughout the audience. The celebrations had started when you were only a half bucket in~everyone knew you were finished. I point at two more girls who grab more buckets and scamper onto the stave. Then I turn over my shoulder and indicate two more~they seem confused at first, as your breasts are already accounted for, but with a pointing finger they get the idea, and you feel two more bodies settle between your legs, one positioning the bucket while the other grabs your cock in two hands, starting to stroke. I've got a full pit stop crew working you now, girls now forming a line to fill buckets, glasses, and mouths. I start to rock my hips back and forth, sliding my cock in and out of you just a few inches at an easy pace, all while smiling and accepting kisses and congratulations from several adoring fans. The party spreads onto the mat and out the doors, the celebration of your destruction in full swing.

<Bella_the_Brawler> I can only take it as the final bucket and then some is filled from my udders. Pumped and sucked and milked. As they leave, the fear sets in that with a woman like you that you've only just begun...the crowd cheering at my defeat, but also because they know the rules...I'm yours all night...I can feel your sadistic joy as I can tell you're thinking of all the things you'll do to me. Then I feel footsteps around the stage as more buckets are brought out. The announcer grabbing the previous ones as well to use. I begin to feel my cock stroked as the tip shivers at the feel of cold steel. Then you finally do it....
<Bella_the_Brawler> "AH!!....AH!!! AH FUCK YOU'RE SO BIG!!!" Your large cock thrusting out and in...out and in...pressing against my walls with each feel the sensation even making it to my navel. Every thrust our balls slapping against each other. My eyes rolling and my tongue sticks out as I start to pant my hot steamy breath. Some pre cum starting to leak as your gang of gals keep working my shaft. All I can do is watch as the ladies adore and worship their new cowgirl a dominant fashion. How could I have underestimated you so much...I can't believe it...the thought being shortlived as now pleasure has started to take over as my balls keep getting grinded on by yours. The lewdness of it all as some ladies start to now suck on my exposed teats. Me a former champion having her udders sucks, pussy plowed, and cock stroked all at once...what a nightmare

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> My thrusts get a bit quicker, though not any longer as the hold I've got you in limits my range. I wouldn't want to deny all my new admirers the chance to freely use your udders though~it's a terrible sacrifice, but that's just the kind of cowgal I am. "Best get used to this, Bella~I'm the new Queen Cow around this farm. Your milk's mine to take and hand out as I please from now on~and if you ever try to say otherwise..." I grab the underside of your right breast, which is currently being suckled by the piglet you kicked earlier. "...and I'll start piercing the rest of ya." I release your tit and turn my attention back to fucking you. The strokes are short but my cock is thick and stretching you~even better, the arch of your torso has me banging against your front wall, rounding your belly a bit with every thrust.

<Bella_the_Brawler> Your words sting my pride as I cannot defend myself. All I can say is, "Fu-fuck time we're in this're gonna wish you never met me...AHH~!!" your thrusting stretching me to new limits as I feel your tip in my belly. Eventually the fans at least give me some relief as they finally leave my udders alone. The teats left sore and swollen. My cock starting to fill the bucket as more and more globs of precum leak into the bucket. So much that one bucket was filled just by that as a new bucket is now placed under my flare. Your thrusting building up another intense orgasm as the loud flexes my balls and works it way to the tip as it starts to ERUPT into the bucket , "AHHHH CAMMY FUUUUCCCCKKK!!!!" Each of thrusting slapping into my balls and pumping a load of futa cow milk. My balls still heavy, lighter than before, but this cow bitch takes A LOT to panting and moaning increasing as drool drips out of my mouth

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I ignore your threats at first~perfectly confident you won't be stupid enough to challenge me again. But when I feel your balls start to churn and tighten under mine, I coo next to your ears. "Mmmmmmm~awful heard to seem tough when you're slowly moaning, sweetie." My free hand pats your cheek, but even that soft touch sends a dull ache through your battered body. "But let's look at the facts. I came into yer barn, with you telling ~everyone~ how you were gonna make an example of the new girl. And now here you are, with my ring in yer nose and my cock in yer cunt, while you get slowly drained. And that's before we get to ~my~ fun." You feel hands fighting to milk the cum out of you, so much stroking and petting its hard to keep straight. "Speaking of which~just one last thing for everyone to see~before I really enjoy myself." I let go of the ring to your relief, though even as it flops down it's a heavy reminder of your humiliation. My hands cup your chin, and I start to jackhammer my hips back and forth, fucking you in earnest now. My balls slap against yours, and my cock feels like it's rearranging your insides. You see the revelers around you take notice, turning to watch, whispering and giggling to each other as I start to groan.

<Bella_the_Brawler> Your words are true....I can't imagine a more humiliating scene than what has taken place. Your taunts sending a shiver down my spine. I'm finally relieved of the pressure on my snout as my face flops down. This is short lived as you cup my chin and..."AH....FUCK...OH MY GOD....AAAHH....ITS SO FUCKING BIG...I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!...OOOHH~!!!" You begin absolutely PLOWING my defeated pussy as you stretch me to the max, onlookers can see the tip of your cock against my belly. Every forceful slap of your balls making globs of cum plop out of my cocks slit. I've never been fucked so hard...then I hear it...and feel it...your grunts... groans...I feel your cock pulse and FUCKING WAY..."OH FUCK!!! CAMMY DON'T....PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE...FUUUCK....AHH...NOOO!!" It's obvious what's about to happen...oh god...the onlookers all just watching. None milking....just focused on watching what's about to happen...

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I smile to myself, feeling all of the eyes turning to us. Even those in the process of tearing each other's clothes off pause to watch, lustful smiles on their faces. Everyone's ready to see my coup de grace to your reputation. I start to grunt with the effort of holding your body arched and putting as much power as I can into my hips. I'm well and truly rutting you now~your pussy warm and slick, making every thrust a smooth, gliding hammer into your guts. Now it's your turn to feel my balls tightening against yours~cum you wanted in a bucket about to fill your belly. A few seconds later, I throw my head back, groan loudly, and slam my cock down to the hilt. Your stomach bulges~and my cock erupts. Your tunnel is so tight around that you can feel each jet of cum travel up my cock and then burst inside you. "Oooohhh FUUUUUUCCKKKKKKKKKKKKYYYEEEEEESSSSS" I scream, finishing my public conquest with excess cum leaking from your stuffed pussy.

<Bella_the_Brawler> "AAAAAAHHHHH.....FUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!!!!!" I scream with you as my body gets filled with your thick, hot, winners cum. Each jet making my body spasm. Our balls dancing around each other as yours pump a heavy load into me. Excess pouring out around your cock and out of my pussy to the mat below. My erect cock also shooting out it's own thick rope with you. The intensity breaking me free of your hold as I flop face down on the mat...your cock still pulsing inside my stuffed pussy. My ass cheeks flexing against your hips. I try to crawl forward and away " more...." Still many hours to go as the night is going, the crowd laughing as a once former champion is stuffed, milked, and crawling begging for mercy. You've broken a bitch into a cow most wouldn't hands trying to pull me away from you

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I rise to my feet slowly, my cock still dripping~and staying hard at the sight of you weakly crawling away. Your pussy leaks both our juices as you try to crawl away, leaving a messy trail. With a smirk I step forward, putting a hook in your back~not stomp, just an affirmation of my dominance as I shove you flat, your sore udders pressed into the mat. "Looks like Bella's eager to get some private time~and I can't say I disagree. You folks keep the party going til I get back!" I yell out, receiving another round of adulation and cheers~though of course I've no intention of coming back to ~this~ celebration. I've done all I need to to break you in their eyes, which means now I can get down to crushing what's left of your fast-distintegrating spirit. I reach down and grab hold of the ring, forcing you slowly to your feet under threat of a hard yank. I lead you out of the ring...then out the front of the barn, curling around its side away from the light and noise of the party...
<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> You're forced to bend your face to waist level as I hold your ring at my side, stumbling along in the dark~every near loss of balance bringing a pained wince. I know just where I'm taking you~there's a small shed about a hundred yards away, the side of which has tools, saddles, and rope hanging from hooks along its side. I toss the items off one by one~save for the rope which I hold over my shoulder until I've cleared a space. I turn to you with a wicked grin, then twist my hips and shove you chest first up against the side of the shed. "Just you and me now Bella~" I say as I pull your arms behind you, looping the rope around your wrists and tying them tightly together. When I'm done I spin you back to face me, wrapping the rope around your chest under your tits, then bringing the two ends together and looping them once through your nose ring. I jerk it up, pulling the ring with it, and tie I pull the rope until its halfway through, then lift it up, forcing your head up and shoving you back against the wall of the shed. Our cocks rub together as I tie the rope off on the hook above you, leaving you standing just able to balance against the shed.

<Bella_the_Brawler> As your pumped penis slides out of my I let out an audible "mmmmmmmm~" as the pressure in me is relieved and your thick cum pours out of plowed cunt. My ass cheeks spasm as my twitching pussy oozes. You press on my back as a dominant victory pose is struck. You taunt about what's next... private I'm pulled up and out by the nose ring, forced to keep up to avoid the pain. My eyes staring at your thick ass cheeks strutting us out. We make it outside where the cool breeze makes me shiver from my body drenched in sweat, milk, and cum. It's finally quiet as the only sounds are your chuckles, my groans of pain from the ring, and the sound of our hooves on the grass. Where are we going? Then I see the shed in the does she know about the that shed already!?
<Bella_the_Brawler> We enter the dimly lit shed as the door slams shut behind us. You begin surveying all the "tools" in this shed. Rope, plugs, clamps, etc. You settle in the rope as I'm tossed against the wall. Your sensual taunt makes my legs shake and take a deep fearful sigh ," don't have to do can stop..." How pathetic do I sound!? What's wrong with me!? You tie me up, first my hands then under my udders as it comes up painfully in my nose ring. Then I'm placed and hung from the hook above us. Our hard, soaked, throbbing cocks grinding against each making me groan in reluctant pleasure. I'm not completely defenseless, tied up and hung. I don't even bother squirming as I built this shed myself, I know that hook is never coming out...I look down at you in fearful anticipation of what's next. The dim light acting as a spotlight on us. "What...what the fuck are you gonna do?"
<Bella_the_Brawler> The only sounds is your chuckling, the breeze from outside, and the creaking of the floorboards And ceiling from the hook in the wood

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> It's hard for you to look at me, you have to sort of roll your eyes down uncomfortably far, but you feel the heat of my body against the chill of the shed. I run my hands up your sides, then give your udders a hard squeeze, a few more drops of milk leaking out between my fingers. I press my cheek up against yours, whispering warmly. "I'm going to milk you, of course~" My voice is sultry~I'm having to push through the pain of our fight, but this is what I've really been waiting for, and I'm not one to falter at the finish line. One of my hands drifts back down your belly, then grips your cock near its base. "Not like in there though~effective certainly, but that's for show. This is just top bitch and her cow. I'm going to drain your balls~drink your essence and take your strength until I am sated and you are spent. And if you say a single thing in defiance of what I want...I've got at least one more of those rings." My threat is accompanied by a hard squeeze of your cow meat~letting you know exactly where that ring would go. "Say 'Yes, Cammy' "

<Bella_the_Brawler> You play with my hung and bound body. You tease some more milk out of my sore udders as I hear the splash of it hitting the wood floor. I can feel the heat of your body against me and your warm breath when you tell me of what's to come. I then let out a loud moan as you grip my bovine cock at the base, making my flare stands up at attention. You tell me about how you're going to drain my balls, my hefty balls still thick. About half the size from the beginning of the night, 7ish buckets later and I'm halfway drained. The thought of that many more forced orgasms makes me shiver. I may have that much milk, but can my mind take anymore of this sexual punishment!? I want to beg again, but you warn me of defiance. I can't even imagine the pain of your ring on my...piece...I...I have to...I...."Y-yes...Cammy..." I say trembling as all I can do is hang and be used as a toy...

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I plant a soft kiss on your cheek, right on top of one of the many bruises I've left on your beautiful face, then start to slowly lower down to my knees, still holding your cock. "That's a good cow~now, spread your legs." I don't really ~need~ you to spread your legs of course, but I want to see you obey~want you to feel yourself tilting your thighs open at my command. I smile as you do it, carefully swiveling your knees so you don't lose your balance. I cup each of your balls with my other hand one at a time, appraising their weight with a happy hum. I'm glad to see you've still got quite a bit left for me~wouldn't have wanted the audience to have all the fun. I lift your half-hard cock and run my tongue slowly from your stem to your tip, then slowly around the edge of your flare. You harden again quickly~one might think you were eager. I press my lips to the side of your shaft, working up and down as I suck and nibble hungrily at your meat, making it twitch and throb. When I deem you ready I open my mouth wide~this time ready for your size and swallow the first several inches of you. I bob my head up and down, spit already spilling down your shaft. I bang your tip against the back of my throat, making a wet glugglugglug~then, once I've got you well lubricated, I relaxe my throat~and slide down deeper~

<Bella_the_Brawler> My eyes roll as you feel and weigh my sweat, spit, and cum covered balls. My legs obediently open for you. As your rough tongue slowly slides up my member I feel the blood rush as I am fully erect before your circle around the flare, making my legs shakes as I groan out in pleasure. You tease my aching cock with kisses, licks, and even some nibbles driving me CRAZY in heat. You smell the lusty pheromones in the room. You gave a very brief teaser in the beginning of our match...and I feel it again as your warm, soft slips wrap around my tip. Then a few more inches as I let out another groan and the sensation makes my balls tense which you can feel in your hand. You begin to show me what you got as you starting bobbing your head slightly, hearing the glug of your technique, drool and saliva pouring into the floor and down my cock. Then you reveal your oral ability as I begin to feel your lips and tongue make their way down my bovine meat. "Oh-oh my god Cammy...oh fuck~" you can feel every inch of me shiver and tremble in pleasure. My hips starting to buck into your mouth involuntarily

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I take you in sections, my mouth and tongue lavishing each couple of inches with attention and spit~preparing it for its journey into my throat~then I slide down further, repeating the process. I don't have quite your talent to swallow a cock whole~but this proves more than effective, and has the added benefit of treating every inch of you to the focus of my pleasures. My lips reach your base, sucking gently at your hilt. I moan dominantly~the sound vibrating your whole cock. I can't speak at the moment~but the meaning of it is clear to both of us. I feel you trembling in my throat~ready to explode. I press my hands to the inside of your thighs for balance, and slide back~then forward again, taking your entire length in and out of my throat for at least a dozen strokes. I want to taste this first load though~so when I feel your legs begin to shiver and hear your breathy moans begin to hitch, I slide almost all the way back, holding your tip on my mouth and gripping you with both hands, jerking you roughly, demanding your milk.

<Bella_the_Brawler> Every inch you get closer to my base, you take such time and care to full please, it's incredible and there's not a bitch on this planet that could stand a chance against this. I want more...I NEED more. You eventually reach the bottom as when you moan, I immediately moan with you as you feel my pleasure pulse through my cock. Now that you've gotten yourself ready in position as your blowjob begins...each bob increasing my moans and the throbbing in your throat. "C-Cammy...fuck.. I'm....I'm gonna cum..." As I say that I feel you pull up and place the tip of my flare on your tongue with an open mouth. It's time as you use two hands to pump my cock "FUCK CAMMY IM CUMMING! IM CUMMING IN YOUR MOOOUUTTHHH!!" Jets of thick cum shoot out. Some in your mouth, some on your face, some shooting past you. A bucket's worth shooting out of me as my balls flex and pulse. My knees bending inward as I'm panting, you are truly a master of cock stays erect at the end as I begin to feel my mind slipping into're breaking my mind at this point...

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> You let loose with a nice, throaty groan as you announce your orgasm. The initial blast from your flexing spills over my lips, dribbling onto my chest and even partially shooting over my shoulder~but I quickly slide a little deeper and get my lips sealed around you. I relax myself, swallowing your rich, creamy cum in deep draughts that flex there way down my throat. I drink the rest of your long, shuddering climax, easily keeping pace with your pulsing cock. Whatever skills I may lack~chugging your load is not one of them. I've milked a half dozen broken sluts just like this~in sheds, haylofts, stables, or just out under the night sky~consuming their cocks and their cum as their bodies and minds get weaker and weaker. And now it's your turn. As your climax runs its course, I pop you out of my mouth, taking a moment to lick up the spillage, making sure to be noisy so you can hear it. "Mmmmm~good start Bella~but I know we can do better." I reach under you, cupping your balls~ "You'd better not be holding back on me..."

<Bella_the_Brawler> "OH MY FUCK-AAAAHH" you wrap around my orgasm, swallowing every pulse of cum into your throat. Ive never had this happened to me, bound and used like this. The worst part is....I think I like it...and well I can tell you LOVE it. I hear you take gulp after gulp of my futa milk into you. The POP sound of your mouth releasing me makes me groan loudly. My chest and belly heaving and breathing deep from such an intense orgasm, the first of many in this shed. You cup my balls as you feel my body react to your touch. My cracking mind shows as I say "Yes...yes Cammy..." I try to look down, I can get a glimpse of you, fuck you are damn got those purty eyes, big soft lips, the loveliest udders I've ever seen, some lovely chubby on the hips, nice thick cheeks and thighs. You're cock is ready at attention for you, I feel ashamed as my body is at your command

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> "That's what I like to hear~" I snicker, holding your cock in one hand just below its tip. I tease you with my mouth, nibbling at the edge of your flare~kissing inside it. My tongue slides around just inside the flare's edge, then reorients and flicks up and down in the slit of your cock, tasting the drops of cum there. I apply more pressure, starting to push my tongue into your slit. Your hips pull back unconsciously, your ass thumping against the wall~only natural, I won't punish you for now~but I do grip you lower on the shaft with my other hand, sliding forward on my knees. Now you've got no more room to retreat. My tongue pushes harder, deeper into your cockslit. The feel of your meat being tonguefucked has your whole body on edge, trembling against the wall. But I take my time~I'm in no hurry.

<Bella_the_Brawler> You prepare me for another session of your blowjob. My cock throbs as you slobber and kiss the tip. I prepare for it until, "WHA- WHAT THE FUCK!!!???" The jolt from your thick tongue tease my slit, make my body jolt back and panic. Making me wince as when I fall back it pulls on the rope hurting my snout. My ass smushing against the wall you lean forward. I have no escape as I feel your tongue press deeper and deeper into. You are fucking crazy!!! "Cammy!!!! What the fuck!!!??" Tears start to rub down my face as this new sensation washes INTENSE waves of pleasure through the tongue fucked member. "Cammy! This is ...this is so much!!" Your tongue continues pressing down my shaft. You just continue to use me, despite my pleas. Fuck this technique is so dirty, but that just what is working as I'm panting and mouth open like a proper slut

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> Your desperation is as delicious as your cum, and only drives me to sink my tongue in deeper. I wriggle it inside you, turning it from side to side, revelling in every uncontrolled gasp and moan and squeal you make. I start to stroke you slowly with both hands, building you up again. The first was an appetizer~I can already feel this one will be be bigger. My tongue's penetration sends jolts of lightning through your whole body, another knot already building up inside you. I tilt my head to one side, then the other, then down, then up, getting the whole of your flare back inside my lips. My tongue drills a little bit deeper, toying with you~you jerk every time I move it. My hands work you more quickly, long smooth milking strokes.

<Bella_the_Brawler> Your tongue inside of my member you grip the base and begin your expert milking motion. Never before has my experienced cock been pleasured from the outside AND the inside at the same time. "Ah....ah....oh my....fucking're so fucking dirty...." Your tongue keeps going until it hits the dam holding back my next big load. The pressure of it sends me reeling as I let out a slutty "OH FUCK CAMMY!!! PLEASE MAKE CUM IN YOUR MOUTH!!! I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!! PLEASE CAMMY PLEASE!!!" My cheeks clenching, toes curling, legs shaking. Your tongue holding the cum back as I beg for the release. "FUCK CAMMY I NEED TO CUM....ITS TOO MUCH!!" You feel the bulge of cum pressed on your tongue. Your milking hands making the load accumulate more and more

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I moan onto your cock again~this time so much worse as my tongue plugs you up. The pressure builds unbearably. Your cock keeps twitching~your balls keep flexing, but there's nowhere for your cum to go until ~I~ say so. I listen to you beg~the sweet, helpless edge in your voice. My hands feel your cock backing up~mmm, the pressure must be driving you mad. I keep stroking you, building up more pressure, until your begging becomes unintelligible gibberish. Only then do I open my gullet and pull my tongue back. There's no hope of containing the initial rush~I just let what I can slide smoothly down my throat while the rest washes out of my mouth. I pull a nearby pail over~catching some of it~though quite a bit spills across my chest, thighs, and the floor. You scream out~the release feeling as wonderful and terrible and overwhelming as the pressure itself. As your latest orgasm eases to a more normal rate, my mouth and throat catch up~making a rhythmic nglk~nglk~nglk as I swallow more and more of your cum. I reach my hands forward, giving both balls a hard squeeze, commanding them not to stop.

<Bella_the_Brawler> You build it up and up and up...I'm practically screaming for release as finally your tongue shoots back and with it my enormous load ERUPTS out of me as I feel you try to take it all, I hear the excess drip onto the ground and then into a metal pail as I hear the clanging. "FUUUUCK IM CUMMING SO FUCKING HAAAARRRRD!!!!" As my orgasm starts to relax you place your mouth back on it and start sucking it "Aaaaah fuuucckk Cammy...GOOOOOOD DAAAAMMN" As I hear every gulp as my balls are pumped over and over. Will you ever let this orgasm end!? My cock ACHES from so much fucking're destroying me

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I squeeze your balls in tempo with their own twitching~milking you for a few more thick spurts. When your cock is twitching too weakly to give me more, my tongue slides back into your slit, lapping up whatever remnants I can find while your eyes cross and another uncontrollable spasm wracks your body. After several long, mind bending seconds I pull my tongue back out of you and let your cock out of my mouth. I sweep a layer of your cum off my breasts and into the waiting pail~which already overflows. You hear its metal drag off the ground, and then long, deep glugs as I bring it to my lips and drink it down heartily. I won't have to eat for a week~but my belly ain't full yet, and I ain't done with you. You can't look down, but you can tell from the sound of the pail being set back down it's empty. You're cock is still half-hard, starting to rise again as I run my fingernails up the underside of your shaft, tickling your oversensitive rod. But it's swelling slower than before~and your balls are feeling noticeably sore and light.
<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I slide up another few inches, my knees practically against your hooves. My nails tease your cock back to hardness slowly, then I settle it in the valley between my udders. One hand strokes and squeezes your tip~while the other slips between your legs, two fingers teasing your rosebud in a clear message. "I can feel you weakening, Bella~all that strength and confidence~and now here you are, nothing but my milk toy." My voice is soft and sweet even as it taunts you, but the words cut deep. This is what every cow-girl with a hint of independence fears. Being reduced to this~helpless as her strength is milked out of her~there's no audience here, and yet somehow the shame is sharper. I look up with a smirk, seeing the red blush on your cheeks, then push my fingers into your asshole, easily finding your button~a bit more swollen now~and massaging it firmly.

<Bella_the_Brawler> This a cowgirl fighters worst nightmare. I've beaten many and let them know their place, but look to break an opponent so hard it will take weeks before they can even THINK about fighting again. I'm a god damn fighter, and I've been reduced to do this dairy cow, a pathetic bovine being milked dry. You shove your tongue into my slit again. My body spasms as you lick the inside clean of cum. Finally released I hear you chug down the pail of my excess. My balls for the first time ever feel sore and lighter, as a big bull bitch that's still a decent amount, about 4 buckets left. You use those expert fingers and get my bovine member fully hard again, I can't even believe it's possible, but you know exactly what you're doing ~
<Bella_the_Brawler> You place my erect penis between your warm, soft udders. Just the sensation of them around me sends a shiver as a bit of precum seeps out of my abused slit. You squeeze and massage my flare as I "MMMMM OH GOD NOT MY ASSHOLE!!!" My ass cheeks clench and flex trying to slow your fingers down. You say those degrading words...milk toy... I was a god damn champion just hours ago, and now I'm in a dark shed being drained of everything I got. Tears stream down my face as your fingers penetrate my rose, easily finding my prostate as my body jerks around. "Please Cammy.... Don't drain me dry....please leave me with some dignity..." My cock throbbing already between your udders. Those fingers massaging my button with expert pace and pressure

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> "Mmmm, what's that, Bella?" I put a little snarl into my voice, sinking another knuckle past the ring of your rose. "That better not be refusal I hear." The fingers in your ass massage your prostate slowly~already your cock is tightening up between my udders. My other hand wraps around your shaft just under your tip. I spit into the cup of your flare, your body twitching at the surprise sensation, then massage my spit around your tip with my thumb. "It would be such a shame to put a ring through this pretty cock~when you've been doing so well. But if you need a reminder of who this cock belongs to now..."

<Bella_the_Brawler> Your anal massage is unbelievable, that third knuckle saving me from pain as it almost fully breaks me and makes me shut up. You play with your spit on the tip of my sensitive flare. The way you spit feels degrading.... obviously intentional. Your incredible udders warm around my cock, making it beg to engulfed between them. You threaten my previous please with the ring..."It''s Cammy's cock...." I say reluctantly, but there no more point in fighting....this is your fucking shameful...your continued massaging of my prostate and tip of my cock making me moan and my eyes rolling around as I begin to pant. My chest heaving

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> "That's what I thought," I spit onto your cock again, this time just letting it drip down your shaft at its own pace. I look up to see your lips pressed together and your chest rising and falling shakily. I separate the fingers inside your ass slightly, pushing hard against your wall to get them a little to the sides of your button, then squeeze it in a pinching motion. A strange, impossible pressure grips everything from your belly down~your cock flexes involuntarily against my chest, starting to drool onto my chest. "Ooooooh yeah~there we go~" I hum to myself~my fingers dexterously driving you mad. Your cock feels impossibly tight~like you have to pee and cum and scream and faint all at the same time. I grip your shaft and start flicking my tongue against your frenulum working and milking you like common cattle.

<Bella_the_Brawler> You dirty fucking spread my asshole to thoroughly punish my prostate. A foreign feeling inside me almost boiling in me from the abuse. Causes my slit to leak a glob of cum. Your fingers continue to work my sensitive asshole which completely breaks any tiny defense I had. "Oh FUUUUCK.....Cammy you're going to make me cum AGAIN!? Oh fuck it's....fuck it's...CUUUMMMIIMNGG!!" As your tongue flicks around my sensitive parts as once again, my cock begins to pulse out a heavy load erupting out of slit! "FUUUUCCCKKK...ITS SO MUUUUUUCCHH!!!!!" How degrading be milked like this in a shed, this is disgraceful for a cow like me, and you know fucking know it....

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I let your cock erupt freely, clenching so hard as I squeeze your button that the first couple of jets splatter off the underside of your udders, scattering everywhere. Then after the initial burst I pull you into my mouth again, sucking down your cream with a long, taunting slurp. Your whole body tenses each time I squeeze your button~and your cock lurches and feeds me another swallow of your futa milk. Tears run down your face~the shame and pleasure and smells and helplessness and pain and joy and degradation all combining to overwhelm you. Your body jerks as I keep milking your prostate~forcing you to keep spurting long after your orgasm should have ended. When you truly can't offer more I pull my fingers from you and start to stand, pausing to lick and suck the cum off your tits before kissing the underside of your upturned jaw. "Aaaaaah~we're getting close~I can feel it" I whisper breathily "Every cow's got her limit~has anyone ever found yours~hmm?" I giggle and drop my mouth to one of your sore teats, wrapping my lips around it for a few hard sucks~getting just a few lingering drops of milk. "How does it feel, Bella~knowing I can take everything you've got?"

<Bella_the_Brawler> Oh how shameful...bound and fucking milked from my my cock bursts it shoots onto my own udders and face. Quickly however, still massaging my asshole, you wrap around my cock with your mouth again as you begin sucking down my shame. Your relentless torture of my button sending thick rope after thick rope. After what feels like an hour you finally let up and my orgasm relaxes. As your fingers slide out of anus, "mmmmMMM!!!! AAAAAHH!" The feeling of my tortured button being relieved causing a. Intense shiver. You lick off my cum from my tits're so thorough about not misses a damn drop...then you taunt me about being at my noone has ever been so cruel as to milk me dry before... I took pride in being the biggest, baddest bovine with the biggest balls and you're taking that away in such degrading fashion. I moan when you suck on my displayed udders to get some of the last of my milk. I try to make it seem like I'm empty as my cock goes limp, I try to keep focus on looking drained, a cows pride is in her milk, if you drain me dry I'll have no pride left, so I try to hide what milk I have left with my now soft dangling cock. "it's....enough cock can't handle anymore..." But you can still see my balls twitching, there are still two good milkings left in that sack. I reply to your jeer, "You don't....have to take everything...Cammy...."
<Bella_the_Brawler> I've been reduced to a pathetic dairy cow, being milked dry by your's humiliating, it's degrading, and the worst part is.... you're loving it and the night is far from over...your fucking toy to use however you please ...

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> "Oh, I don't ~have~ to..." I sneer, standing while cupping your balls in one hand nibbling at your neck, "but I want to...and more to the point, I can." I kiss the underside of your chin then let your balls drop, turning and rummaging through the shed. You hear me toss some things aside, unable to even lower your head to look. I find myself a sturdy looking belt snapping it in my hands and then striding back to you with a smirk. "You're mine for the night officially, but I'm gonna make sure you're mine for much longer than that." I dip down and loop the around the stem of your hanging ballsack, pulling it tighter and tighter. Your legs shake as I tie it off~you've seen this done to cows before, and you know you won't be cumming until your balls are released, no matter how hard your body might want to cum.

<Bella_the_Brawler> Our sweaty, lusty bodies against each other as you hold my aching desperate balls. You kiss and nibble me, as I let out long sensual groans. Your words are cruel, at this point I can take splice that I'm almost milked out and then this punishment from over stimulation will be over. You walk around the shed as I hear you move things around and toss them to the side. A whip? No. Some clamps? No...what are you....OH FUCK NO. I know the sound as the second I hear the crack my body instinctively tries to squirm and get out only causing pain from snout. My weakened state making it easy to grab a hold as I let out an "Aahh no no...aaaaah!~" the belt tied up snug between my balls and scrotum, blocking the flow of my cum to my cock. You're a fucking sadistic genius...."Cammy...what the fuck...dear god... I'll do anything...please..."

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> "Anything?" I taunt, then smash my fist deep into your left udder, the unexpected blow driving through your tender milkflesh right into your ribs. I whip punches into your chest over and over, tenderizing your poor, abused tits and bruising the muscle beneath them. I feel reinvigorated after consuming so much of you, my shoulders and arms flexing as I administer more punishment while you hang there like the punching bag you've become. When I stop, a whole new layer of pain has been painted over the original, and you moan pitifully while I reach up and untie the rope from the hook. I keep it through your nose ring, but tie off the ends behind your neck, leaving your arms and chest still bound up. I throw you to the floor on your back.

<Bella_the_Brawler> Hearing your tone, I know more is coming, but I didn't expect it to be this. I let out a painful groan as you begin absolutely pummeling my hanging, aching udders. You're relentless and cruel as it feels like an eternity that my poor breasts are beaten and now bruised. Eventually even some milk being forced out from the impacts, dripping onto your fists and the floor below. The creaking of the hook as my body swings around from your hits. My cock starting to slightly harden from its sheathe as the stimulation builds. Tears flowing from my eyes as I'm groaning from punishment. My body flops onto the ground like a sack of potatoes as you change the rope keeping me bound but now I can finally look at you again as you stand over me. Dominant and sexy, your incredible udders, your lovely hips, your impressive futa cock, powerful have a wicked smile on your face as I whimper beneath you...fear of what do you have planned

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I look down at you with a nasty, horny grin. You look like a shadow of the bitch who's been talking about wrecking me all week. All trussed up, your nose pierced and your scrotum cinched up painfully, you're the perfect picture of defeat. I kneel down, shoving your legs up and back~and feeling you spread them instinctively. I grab my shaft and give your balls a couple heavy slaps with my cock, then plunge it into your spread, dripping pussy. I roll my hips back and forth a few times, enjoying the look on your face as my thick piece of steak stretches and fills you. Then I reach forward with both hands, grabbing your horns and pulling your head up slightly, making you look down your bound body and watch as I plow you~my cock glistening with your juices and bulging your belly. Even worse, with each thrust my cock grinds against the underside of your bound balls.

<Bella_the_Brawler> Defenseless you aggressively push my legs back and up, spreading me nice and wide like the fucking slut I've become. You know my weakness and of course you're going to torture me as you slap my tied aching balls with your flare. Then immediately your cock slides into me, taking you in with ease from your previous stretching. You slowly prove your girthy cock as you try to locate my weakest spot inside me. I let out a loud high pitched whimper as find it, making you laugh and lick your lips as like predator looking for her prey you attack. You begin thrusting into me, I try to look away but you grip my horns. Not only making me look at your body, but also increasing the force as I watch your bouncing breasts with each thrust. Your rod grinding and teasing my balls, they pulse but the pleasure has no where to go as it's tied up at the stem. Making them ache and throb, my flare becoming more and more erect as it now stands at full attention and flopping up and down with each thrust, bouncing off of your plump chest every time. "ooh...ooh fuuuckk....aaah~....ngh!!" Your cocking stretching my walls and hitting all the right spaces as I'm forced to watch this domination

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> Your cock swells again, hard and straining~it feels like you've been this way for hours, only now the pressure is building up without release. Your meat bounces on your belly pathetically while your balls and pussy are massaged and pounded by thrust after thrust. Every stroke of my cock makes your body shake and pushes a high-pitched grunt through your lips. You can feel my flared tip hammering up against your limit, feeling like a series of body blows delivered from inside you. My powerful arms and legs flex as I hold your horns and rut you with a feral glee.

<Bella_the_Brawler> Pleasure has been so excruciating as it builds and builds but is denied release. I am left speechless from this torture as I'm beat red blush, panting, my own cock bouncing between our bellies, your soaked cock feels like another tongue working my sack. All I can say while sobbing, "Fuuuu....uuuckk....why Cammy why!?" But all I get in reply is your laughter as you flex on me with your now superior body. Turning me into your own cock sleeve, I feel like an object of your pleasure at this point...degrading...I can feel your cock pulsing inside of me, your pleasure allowed to find a release...and i think I can tell where you plan on it going
<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> "Mmmmm fuck~~fuuuuuck~~fuck yes~fuck~fuck~fuck~fuck" I groan and grunt, railing and stretching your pussy around me. You feel me getting close and know you can only wait and accept being used. I tug your horns harder, holding your chin to your chest. The message being sent is clear~watch. Watch as your aching, nearly drained cock begs for release~watch as your balls twitch and flex weakly in their makeshift prison~and watch as your weak, defenseless pussy is speared on my cock over and over. Half a minute later I slam myself deep, balls slapping against your ass and then pumping another load into you. I toss my head back, eyes closed tight and my mouth open in a vibrating moan. Rope after thick rope shoots down my cock and fills you, leaving a warm pool in your belly.

<Bella_the_Brawler> " DON'T....AAAAAAAAHHHH~FUCK ITS SO MUCH!!!" Your heavy balls slap my sweaty ass as I can only scream in sensual agony as my belly spasms as you pulse out rope after rope inside of me, coating my vaginal walls in your dominant milk. Warmth filling me as I bite my lip and it's aphrodisiac effects taken over as my head feels back as far as the rope can with my tongue out and my legs tensed and shaking. My own balls flexing and pulsing like crazy. A pain in cock as it tries to release, but there's nothing there. "Oh my goooodddd!!!" My erect cock spasming against your dangling udders. My belly filled and slowly deflating as your cum pours out around your meat and out of my slutty sex

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> My cock still pulses against your walls, shooting more cum into you even as it comes spilling out. The previously cold shed is now warm and humid with the smell of our fucking. I pull my cock from you with a long, satisfied groan, tapping its hot weight against your slit. "Ahhh, look at much for Bella the "Brawler"" My voice is saccharine with victory~the night having gone just as I hoped. "We'll need a new name for you~" I say leaning forward "Maybe Bella the Beaten? Bella the Broken? Yes, that will be perfect. And do you know why?" I cup one of your balls, lowering my mouth to it, "Because you're going to BEG me finish draining you." I give your ball a slow lick, feeling your scrotum and legs jerk in response, my lips part and press against it, and with a little suction it pops into my mouth, where I moan and suck at it in a slow, teasing rhythm.

<Bella_the_Brawler> The pheromones are suffocating from what has happened in this shed tonight. Your orgasm is massive as even you pull out, you're still shooting out your milk as some shoots onto my belly and tits. My body twitches as you slap it against my quivering cunt, oozing out your juices. You taunt with your degrading nicknames....then you lean forward sensually. You arch your perfect plump ass in the air as your tail wags. I twitch as my left testicle is handle by your massaging hands, you tell me I'm going to beg...BEG!?....After all this you still haven't found it degrading enough that now you want me to beg for it!? You've already won and treated me like worthless cattle. My dim fighting fire still there, I refuse to give you that satisfaction. I spit over at you, "Fuck you Cammy....after all this it's still not're sick...I will never beg for you...NGGHH!?~" My body jerks and tenses as my testicle pops into your mouth and you expertly suck and moan onto it, my cock can't get any harder as it shakes and throbs

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I let you spit and thrash and insult me. I know it's all empty words. Your body tells the real story~your legs stay spread, subconsciously offering me access to whatever I want. Your nipples are stiff daggers on your chest. Your cock strains against your belly, red and begging for release. And your scrotum flexes as I suck on you~feeling like it's trying and failing to pull away from my unrelenting mouth. I moan wetly, taking my time swirling my tongue around your captive teste~hearing you whimper in response. It's a couple of minutes before I spit your ball back into my palm, giving it a little squeeze. "Mmmm~fine then~don't beg...Of course~that just means you'll go mad from the pressure." I shove two fingers into your ass~not milking you just yet, instead pumping them in and out with a little twist as I lift your other ball up. "You're mine either way, Bella~the only question is whether your spirit or your mind breaks first~" I suck your other ball past my lips, licking and sucking your sweat and cum off of it, leaving you to ponder that question with what little brainpower you have left.

<Bella_the_Brawler> I take deep breaths, trying to endure your relentless attack on my left testicle. My cock aching, my balls sore, my puffy teats even pulsing, I'm panting as your tongue swirls around it. Eventually it POPs out and onto your waiting hand, as I gasp for air and breath. You taunt've beaten and humiliated my body and my mind is all that's left hanging on...I can't let you take that too. Then of course you do it...I whimper as I feel my now loosened rose penetrated by two of your fingers. "NNGH!~" As I try to remain calm, I have no idea how long we've been in this shed, and there's no windows to see outside, desperately hoping it's close to sunrise so this can end...I can hold OOOONNN "MMMMM!~" Now my right testicle is sucked into your mouth, cleaning it with suck ironic care with your rough and warm tongue. The painful dam of pleasure driving me wild....I have to hold on...I-I can....I can do it...I have to admit you look so fucking sexy arched like that before me....I have to close my eyes as I keep trying to take shuddering deep breaths.

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> Your eyes follow the curve of my spine from between your legs up to my thick, toned ass~which says back and forth lazily, my tail flicking from side to side as I work on finding and crushing your very last bit of pride. I feel your ball twitch wildly on my tongue when my fingers find probe deep inside you. I stroke your button on occasion~but there's no need to rush straight to that. You're trapped~after all, and in truth I can't decide if I'd rather you submit or let your mind simply pop like an overinflated balloon. Another long couple of minutes pass, and I spit your ball out~then turn right back to the first. You truly realize then that there's no escape. It could be sunrise already~it could be noon~a week could have passed. You're not going anywhere. Your cock is so hard it hurts~lust and pheromones and dehydration make a mess of your thoughts. Your balls feel like they might simply explode~so backed up are they~desperate to give in~desperate to let me drain them and leave you a weak, emptied husk.

<Bella_the_Brawler> The pleasure is becoming too much, the lust finally snuffing the fire of will I had in me as my eyes open and stare down at you working my weakest spots. Your incredible ass driving me wild, almost angry I never got to get my cock against it. My tongue sticks out, your swaying tail acting like a hypnotists watch as my eyes widen. I need that ass, but this isn't about what I want, it's about you wanting to take the last thing I have, my fighter's spirit. Your fingers teasing my prostate, hinting to earlier what you're capable of but not giving it to me. The air is thick with sex, sweat, cum, and shame as's cock and balls almost screaming to me in agony...your relentless edging destroys me "FUCK!! CAMMY PLEASE!! DRAIN MY FUCKING BALLS!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! MILK ME! MILK ME! MILK ME PLLEEEAAASSSEEE" My whole body trembling and squirming my eyes widen and fill with tears of shame

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I listen to you scream and beg~a shiver running down my spine. It never gets old~breaking a gorgeous cow-girl down to nothing. I stroke my fingers into you a few more times, pulling my lips off your balls with a last hard suck several seconds after you've started begging. When I finally pull my fingers out of you and grab your cock, your whole body is shaking. I pull your cock upright, giving it a few slow pumps and feeling it twitch in my palms as I slide forward and kneel in front of it. "There, see Bella. I told you you were nothing special~just one more dairy cow." I press my lips to your tip, giving it a kiss and taking hold of the belt. "Now moo, bitch" I wrap my lips over your tip and yank the belt free. As soon as it loosens your body quakes violently, your hips lifting off the ground as your backed up climaxes rip through you all at once. I suck down your cum with renewed verve, my shoulders rising and dipping with each big swallow.

<Bella_the_Brawler> You release my balls and my prostate and quickly move to holding my swollen member in your hand. You straighten it up as my feet start flailing, desperate for the release. You edge me one last time as you slowly pump me, making my hips shake and squirm, you call me that again...a dairy cow...tears pour from my tease my swelling flare with your warm, soft lips as I feel your hands move to the belt. You tell me to do what any fighter would hate...that stupid fucking moo...but I'm broken into an obedient slut and the second your take my swollen tip into your mouth and rip away the belt, the most intense wave of pleasure bursts out like a broken dam.."OH FU-MOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" So loud, some animals could hear it back the barn 100s of feet away, it shakes the shed. My hips buck up off the ground shoving my cock deeper into your heavenly mouth as the most intense orgasm of my life wrecks me, as endless rope after rope after rope you extract out me, my balls tensing and bouncing as the spasm from the rest of my milk being sucked out of me. "FUUUUUUCCCCCKKKK YYOOOOUUUUU!!!!!"

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> Already I can feel the flex of your cock weakening~the stream of your cum starting to falter. I grip your balls, squeezing them powerfully, making them give up the rest. Your cock twitches with each hard squeeze~ropes of cum becoming spurts~spurts becoming drops. My other hand slides up and down your cock in long, smooth strokes. While I roll my chin, sliding my tongue around the inside of your flared tip to lick up what's left. Only when your cock stops twitching to I let it flop onto your belly, softening and lilting to the side. I wipe my lips with my arm.

<Bella_the_Brawler> My orgasm stretched for what feels like an eternity until finally....its over...the release is over. My cock slurping out of your mouth and flopping onto my belly, twitching against me. My chest and belly heaving. My testicles shriveled up, my udders swollen and bruised, my cock a floppy tube, my asshole pulsing, my cunt twitching with some of your cum still coating it, my body covered in sweat tears and milk, my snout wearing your ring. My eyes struggling to stay open as I feel myself lightheaded, my eyelids so heavy...the verge of passing out...

<Cammy_the_Cow-girl> I stand up, stretching my arms and giving my cock and idle stroke, admiring the fruits of my labor. I catch your eyes, and give you a long moment to see yourself as I do. A beaten, milked slut. I step to your side, leaning down over you and hooking my finger into your pretty new nose ring. "You're mine now Bella. You do what I say, when I say it. If you don't~if I hear so much as a whisper that you're being disobedient, have removed this ring, are plotting revenge, whatever. Then this is only the beginning. Goodnight bitch." I rear my fist back and slam it right between your eyes, pushing you off the verge and into unconsciousness. You won't know what time it was when I carry your bound body out of the shed~in fact you won't know much of anything until you wake up, still bound, in the food trough.

<Published> 2024-10-09, viewed 100 times.




2024-12-17 20:56

This was so good you were both amazing as well it was so hot and Sexy and i enjoyed and love every minute of this

Anastasia the Dominant

2024-10-09 05:01

So THAT'S the Cowgirl special. Well, looks like these girls need a cute farmhand to clean up after them