Bella's Barnyard Brawls

Public Restricted

Established: 2024-10-03
Chat room: #The_Barn

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Descriptive writing
  • Outdoors match
  • Anthro
Come all animals for some rough, mean, and sexy brawls
62 members
1 stories
6 photos
0 files
Information for non-members

Still constructing. Feel free to join now as I'm getting things going.

Preference for anthro characters, some cowgirl farmers may be accepted. You may also join as a human and play as an anthro character if you'd like! All anthros are allowed, even other creatures like orcs, dragons, etc

please include a picture of your anthro character with your application if it's not on your profile!

Include your favorite animal in your application so I know you read :)

Be patient as I start this up feed back is appreciated

About Bella's Barnyard Brawls

Welcome to the barn bovines, birds, dogs, cats, and all other animals!

The farmers are all away and asleep and you know what that's Fight Night! Being this is a farm, we love it ROUGH, MEAN, AND HUMILIATING! You want to chase the high of proving yourself as one of the best, or will you be put in a shameful display for everyone else to enjoy?

Scenes (work in progress)
The Barn - social area for all to chat, instigate, show off, etc.

The shed - For our rough fighters who don't want to be confined to a ring. This big shed is full of tools, buckets, hoses and whatever else you would find laying around a farm. At your disposal to give your opponent a thorough street fight smashing.

The fields - Want just a straight up fight with nothing getting in the way? Well this farm has acres of open fields and the horses let us use them every night! Go ahead and roll in that mud or get your face smashed into the dirt~

The stables - A place to get close and intimate~ You and your opponent pick one out and we'll make sure the door stays shut as the two of you battle in the tight space. Great for those looking for submission wrestling or sexfights.

The Barnyard Bar - A serve yourself type of club with plenty of seating around the big barn. In the middle is a classic wrestling ring. Designed for some good ol professional wrestling, boxing, or whatever else you'd like

The Cowgirl Club - Bella's favorite spot, used for when the night calls for an intense battle of bovines. A ring where the crowd can get right up next to it. The mat made of tightly packed hay and straw. This place is full of empty glasses and empty buckets. This is used for the "Cowgirl Special". A No Holds Barred fight where each gets a number of buckets, whoever fills them first with their opponents milk and/or cum first wins and can play with the loser however she sees the rest of the night. Up for the challenge?

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(More to come and update)

Things not allowed in these premises
-No one under the age of 18


Bella the Brawler

2024-10-04 04:58

Feel free to give me any suggestions or feedback as we build this barn together!

Latest Stories
23 Replies
20 wk
The Junkmonkey returneth
2024-10-19 16:43
2 Replies
22 wk
Anastasia the Dominant
2024-10-06 20:14
2 Replies
22 wk
Anastasia the Dominant
2024-10-06 20:12
New Members
Online in chat

22:07 <Helena_Baccarin> Hi 🖐️
17:42 <ArabianStud> hi everyone
06:38 <Anubliss> hello mortals
20:20 <Helena_Baccarin> Greetings all.
15:35 <ArabianStud> mooooh
15:36 <Bholdora> good morning
15:55 <ArabianStud> HOw are you doing Bholdora
16:08 <Bholdora> i'm fine! :3
17:18 <Helena_Baccarin> Morning all.
21:07 <rex_tiger> helllo to all the amazing & sexy furry friends I have here ^_^
01:05 <Anubliss> hello mortals
14:32 <The_Junkmonkey_returneth> Greetings programs
10:06 <The_Junkmonkey_returneth> Morning peoples
15:12 <Helena_Baccarin> Morning Monkey.
03:34 <Anubliss> hello mortals
03:34 <Bholdora> heya
03:34 <Anubliss> how is everyone evenings
03:35 <Bholdora> i'm well. just about to sleep early tonight
03:35 <Anubliss> i will be resting in the nile if anyone wants to join me.
03:40 <Helena_Baccarin> Damn !!!!!. I came late again.