Bondage Wrestling ﹠ Pins

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Established: 2024-09-10

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Brad Barron vs Lucy


15:55 WrestlingLucy: After losing to Mike, I walk to the mat and wear white clothes. My self-confidence is a little broken. I get down on my knees and wait for my opponent
15:55 WrestlingLucy:
15:56 Brad_Barron_is_back: It's my first match in this way. So I walk to the nat wearing a black speedo. Shirtless and black boots. My blue and yellow mask. I move on my side doing stretching and waiting for the beginning of the match...
15:56 Brad_Barron_is_back:
15:56 Brad_Barron_is_back:
15:57 WrestlingLucy: The referee starts the match. and on my knees I close the distance between us. I lunge forward and grab your right leg and pull hard to the left.
15:59 Brad_Barron_is_back: I move on my knees and the match begins... you bend over an try to grab my leg. I try to grab your head instead trying to close you in a side headlock...
16:00 WrestlingLucy: I put my right hand between your bicep and my throat, I wrap my left hand around your waist and try to apply force and make you fall on your back.
16:02 Brad_Barron_is_back: I feel you try to block my attemp and your other arm around my wiast I feel you push e and I try to resist but you're pushing me good. So I try to fall on my back and I try to move up my legs tryi g to wrap them around your belly... trying to block you in a combo... headlock and bodyscissor...
16:02 Brad_Barron_is_back:
16:03 WrestlingLucy: When I knock you down you put me in the guillotine lock. I put both my hands between your bicep and my throat and try to push your arm.
16:05 Brad_Barron_is_back: I feel you try to fight I try to keep you blocked... hoping I could make you tap or weaken you a little..
16:07 WrestlingLucy: Since you still can't hold my arms, I apply a little more force with my hands and pull my head back. my face started to turn red
16:08 Brad_Barron_is_back: You could move out your head but I?m still keeping your body with my thighs.... I try to grab your arm and move you down trying to move you on your belly and twist your arm while I'm still squeezing your belly "is it painful hun?"
16:11 WrestlingLucy: I started groaning in pain. I'm trying to get my arm off you, I'm trying to spread my legs and break your grip. aghh.. fuckk.. i can.. i can...
16:12 Brad_Barron_is_back: I try to squeeze your belly harder as I can and I try to twist your arm hard... "TAAAPPPPPPPPPP or I'll break it... come on....."
16:14 WrestlingLucy: I groan in pain. "aghh.. fuck.. fuck.. okay okay SUBMIT!!!" The referee separates us, I go to my corner with my hair messy and my face red. I catch my breath and when the referee restarts the match, I take a defensive position against you on my knees. Lucy 0-1 Brad
16:14 Brad_Barron_is_back: (how many points have to do before I could try to get the ropes?)
16:15 WrestlingLucy: (You must be ahead of me in points)
16:15 Brad_Barron_is_back: (ok)
16:16 Brad_Barron_is_back: I move down on my knees and I raise my arms too... I look to your eyes... "Would you tap again honey?"
16:17 WrestlingLucy: "I won't do this" I say as I close the distance between us This time I wrap my hands behind your head and bring your head closer to my right breast, lock your head and try to lie on my right.
16:19 Brad_Barron_is_back: "oughhh" this time you grab my head and push me down... "Oughhhh" I try to move my hands against your belly trying to push you back...
16:20 WrestlingLucy: I hold my left wrist with my right hand and increase the pressure. You made a big mistake, Brad. You should have tied me up when you had the chance
16:21 Brad_Barron_is_back: "Arghhh i'll have my time don't worry..." and I try to push you again moving one hand on your wrists...
16:24 WrestlingLucy: I sit on your chest, let go of your head, take your right hand and pull it towards me, wrapping both my legs around your head. You have both your head and your hand between my legs. I lay myself back and squeeze my legs
16:26 Brad_Barron_is_back: "Arghhhh noooo Arghhhhhh" you close my in a headscissor and block my arm too "grrrrrrr" I try to move my other arm tryint to open your legs in pain.. IDK how much I could resist..
16:27 WrestlingLucy: I hold on harder. tap brad tap Tappp or breakkk brad
16:27 Brad_Barron_is_back: "ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKK OK OK OK" I tap on your thighs hard........
16:29 WrestlingLucy: The referee separates us, I wipe off my sweat and after resting in the corner, I come back to the mat and kneel down. The referee restarts the match. Lucy 1-1 Brad
16:29 Brad_Barron_is_back: I keep my neck and I move on my knees again lookign at you in anger...
16:32 WrestlingLucy: I approach you on my knees, put my hands under your armpits and place them on your back.
16:33 Brad_Barron_is_back: As you do that... I try to wrap my arms around your belly too and I try to squeeze you hard with my arms...
16:35 WrestlingLucy: You doing this is ruining my plan. I change my plan I put one leg behind you I have to sit on my ass to do that and I try to force you to fall on your back
16:36 Brad_Barron_is_back: You change your plan and try to sit on your ass... as you do that I try to act and I try to move me over trying to make you fall on your back instead.....
16:37 WrestlingLucy: I can't get support from the ground and I'm the one who falls on my back. I don't break my hold, I wrap my legs around your waist and squeeze.
16:39 Brad_Barron_is_back: "Arghhhhhh" you wrap your legs and try to squeeze me.... I try to push one elbow on your thighs and one arm on your thraot trying to choke you...... "let me goooo"
16:41 WrestlingLucy: I try to move your hand away from my throat with my hands. I hold your wrist with one hand and try to grab your thumb with the other hand and push away.
16:43 Brad_Barron_is_back: I try to push with my elbow on yout thigh again Hoping to hurt you a bit... then I try to keep you chokd and I try to push on my knees trying to move up on my feet.... hoping I could break your bodyscissor....
16:45 WrestlingLucy: You manage to break the body scissors. I'm dealing with your hand, I'm trying to keep you away by putting my feet on your chest
16:46 Brad_Barron_is_back: I move up and I could break the bodyscissor... you push your feet on my chest and I move back... I move on my knees again... "Come on lucy...I'm waiting for you..."
16:47 WrestlingLucy: I cough a few times and approach you on my knees again, this time I grab your left leg and pull it hard to my right.
16:50 Brad_Barron_is_back: As you move down to grab my leg I try again to grab your head with my arms ..... "Squeezy squeezy Lucy.....rhhheheheh"
16:52 WrestlingLucy: I move a little to the left to make you fall on your face, you're still holding my head. I put my right leg in front of you and push you on your back with my left hand
16:54 Brad_Barron_is_back: "oughhhhh" You mame me move down.. I ty to keep your head trying to move you down with me......... I try to roll us trying to move you under me moving us in a sort of 69 position...
16:56 WrestlingLucy: I'm stuck under you, I'm trying to save my head from you. I put my hand between your arm and my head and push
16:59 Brad_Barron_is_back: I try to let go your head and move a bit over yrying to wrap my thighs around your head in a reverse headscissor... I try to move my hands on yout thighs trying to keep them down... I lock my ankled trying to squeeze your head harder as I can...
17:04 WrestlingLucy: I'm trying to open your legs with my hands. My face is turning red. I'm trying to hold your ankles and separate them.
17:05 Brad_Barron_is_back: I try to move my arm to keep your legs down so I could move my other arm back trying to look fo your arm..... I try to squeeze your head harder as I can.... "Is it painful a reverse headscissor hun eheheheheheIs it funny... this hold is usually used by a girl to a guy eheheheh"
17:07 WrestlingLucy: I can't answer you, I'm still dealing with your legs. I'm not interested in saving my own legs
17:08 Brad_Barron_is_back: I give you a tug with my thighs... "TAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP" I use all the power I've into my thighs..... "ARGHHHHHHHHHH" I scream to use all my energy....
17:10 WrestlingLucy: I tap your leg 3 times quickly "tap tap tap" The referee separates us and I go to my corner. Lucy 1-2 Brad
17:10 Brad_Barron_is_back: "Oughhhhh" I let go your head and I roll on my back... a little bit tired... breathing...... "yeahhhhhh"
17:12 WrestlingLucy: The referee restarts the match and I approach you on my knees
17:12 Brad_Barron_is_back: I move on my knees again..... "Hey Lucy.. where is the ropes? I could think about to tie up you this turn eheheh"
17:13 WrestlingLucy: The referee throws the rope towards the brad. So I use it to my advantage and try to quickly approach you and grab both of your wrists.
17:14 Brad_Barron_is_back: I look at the ropes but you use this moment to grab my wrists... "Hey....." I try to move my amrs back to me.. trying to have them free...
17:15 WrestlingLucy: I pull your hands hard towards my left and release them and I go behind you and hug your waist and wrap my arms around your waist.
17:16 Brad_Barron_is_back: "ohhhhh" you could move behind me and I feel your arms around me....I try to move one arm back looking for your head.
17:18 WrestlingLucy: I wrap my legs around your waist and move my hands a little higher, I wrap one of my hands around your throat and squeeze it, you won't be able to tie me.
17:19 Brad_Barron_is_back: "Arghhhhhh" your arm around my neck and your legs around my waist... I push my elbow on your leg and I try to move your arm away with my hand.
17:20 WrestlingLucy: I spread my legs because of the pain, but I squeeze my arm tighter, but my knees do not touch the ground.
17:21 Brad_Barron_is_back: Feeling you lose your legs hold....I move all my hands to your arm I try to move up and I try to fall on my back hoping I could fall over you and hoping you'll let go my neck for the impact..
17:23 WrestlingLucy: I fall on my back and when you fall on top of me my grip loosens a little and I wrap my legs around your waist again.
17:24 Brad_Barron_is_back: you let go my head but quickly wrap your legs around me again.... I try to move up and I try to push bith my elbows over your thighs.....
17:25 WrestlingLucy: I'm trying to escape under it, I'm trying to crawl to the left. To give you body scissors, I first spread my legs and then I try to crawl to the left.
17:27 Brad_Barron_is_back: You try to move you on your side... I let you do that... I try to move to the opposite way... always trying to push my elbows on your thighs.... "let me gooooooo"
17:28 WrestlingLucy: When you continue to use your elbows, I spread my legs, but this time I make the move to sit on your chest.
17:28 Brad_Barron_is_back: Finaly you let me go but "nooooo" you act quickly and sit on my chest...... "nooo fuck...."
17:31 WrestlingLucy: I move forward, I grab your arms and put them under my knees. I'm pinning you schoolgirl
17:32 Brad_Barron_is_back: "noooo nooooo" you keep my arms down under your knees..... "NOOOO" I try to push hwith my feet trying to arch and trying to move you abit over...
17:33 WrestlingLucy: You move me but your shoulders don't lift off the ground so the referee starts counting 1,2,3,4,5....
17:33 Brad_Barron_is_back: "Arghh nooo noooooo" I try to push hard with my feet trying to move you over and turn a bit rasing a mit a shoulder.....
17:35 WrestlingLucy: You manage to turn under me, the referee stops the count. I wrap one leg around his head and pull my foot towards me with my left hand. Tappp Bradd
17:36 Brad_Barron_is_back: "Arghhhhh NOOOOOOO" i try to move my free hand to your leg trying to have air.. in pain....
17:37 WrestlingLucy: I'm trying to squeeze harder noo i wont stopp tapp
17:37 Brad_Barron_is_back: "Arghghghhhgghhh OK OK OK " i tap on your thighs "tap tap tap.....Stop please..."
17:38 Brad_Barron_is_back: (wow.. you're so good... I love your style.. and I fuckin' love this match)
17:40 WrestlingLucy: The referee separates us and I go to my corner and get on my knees again. Lucy 2-2 Brad
17:40 WrestlingLucy: (thankss)
17:40 Brad_Barron_is_back: (hope you're enjoyng it too)
17:41 Brad_Barron_is_back: I move on my knees too again... breathing hard.... trying to recover...
17:41 WrestlingLucy: (yess i hope win hehe :D)
17:41 Brad_Barron_is_back: (we'll see LOL)
17:42 WrestlingLucy: I approach you, this time I try to hold your head and put it under my right arm.
17:43 Brad_Barron_is_back: Tired you could move me down and under your arm this time... I try to move my arms around your waist.... trying to kee you close to me..
17:45 WrestlingLucy: I push you down hard to make you lie face down and sit on your back. "now my favorite part Brad" I put my knees under your arm under your arm. And I grab your chin and pull you towards me
17:46 WrestlingLucy:
17:46 Brad_Barron_is_back: "Arghhhhhhhhh" you close me in a sort of Camel clutch.... "Arghhhhh NOOOOOO BITCHYYY!!!" uyt
17:48 WrestlingLucy: I pull harder "come on tap" I know you are tired now
17:48 Brad_Barron_is_back: "Arghhhhhhhhh" I can't resist in this hold and I tap on your leg quickly... "Arghhh ok ok ok...."
17:50 WrestlingLucy: The referee separates us and I grab the rope. I wipe my sweat with a towel and get on my knees Lucy 3-2 Brad
17:51 Brad_Barron_is_back: I move on my knees too.... "oh... already get the ropes.... I thoug you've tried to avange my reverse headscissor honey..." and talking I try to grab the ropes and I try to pull it to me hoping i could move you down on your belly and move over you tryng to sit on your neck. keeping you down...
17:55 WrestlingLucy: You manage to pull me down. But I'm not worried because you have to get ahead of me in points to tie me. I'm trying to turn your under
17:56 Brad_Barron_is_back: "no baby... that wasn't my idea..." and I act fast... I try to move over and I wrap my ams around your waist and my legs around your head turning on a aside and trying to squeeze your head so hard....... "YEAH TRAPPED..."
17:56 Brad_Barron_is_back:
17:59 WrestlingLucy: I take my hands to his leg and try to open it. I groan in pain
18:00 Brad_Barron_is_back: I try to block you arms as in the pics... I try to squeeze your head harder as I can Again... "TAAAAPPPPPPPPPPP FUCK!!!!!"
18:02 WrestlingLucy: I can't move any more. "aghh.. fuck fuck.. Submit!!" The referee separates us Lucy 3-3 Brad
18:02 Brad_Barron_is_back: "Yeasssssss" I let go your head and roll on a side breathing and trying to recover...
18:04 WrestlingLucy: I'm approaching again on my knees and I'm very tired. This time I wrap my hands directly around your head
18:05 Brad_Barron_is_back: I'm so tired too and I try to do the same thing... we're in a sort of collar and elbow....
18:07 WrestlingLucy: I pull my knees back and try to push you harder
18:08 Brad_Barron_is_back: You move back and try to push me... I try to do the same.. "It's better we let go each other and try something else honey" I whisper to your ear......
18:09 WrestlingLucy: "hmm okay" I say and I leave you and quickly go behind you. And I push you to fall on your face
18:10 Brad_Barron_is_back: "ouhhhhhh" you push me and I fall on my face but I try quickly to roll oj my back and away from you.
18:11 WrestlingLucy: When you turn, I quickly grab your hands and press you to the ground and spread your legs with my legs and make you grapevine pin.
18:12 Brad_Barron_is_back: As you're concentrate on my arms I try to raise my legs hoping I could wrap them around your waist....."noooooooo Lucy... noooo"
18:14 WrestlingLucy: I separate your legs harder and lock them. There's no way you can wrap me around my waist, my whole body is on you. and the referee starts counting 1,2,3,4,5...
18:15 Brad_Barron_is_back: "Arghhhh nooooooo" My legs blocked...... I try to move arms and use all my energy to lift a bit a shoulder... in a desperatly way to kick out...
18:17 WrestlingLucy: I press my breasts against your face. "shhh.. do you want to lick these tits? Brad" 6,7,8,....
18:18 Brad_Barron_is_back: "mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm" you push your bbobs on my face and I can't breath now.... I'm on my back in pain..... smothered and pinned..
18:20 WrestlingLucy: 9,10... Lucy 4-3 Brad I sit on my ass, put my hands back and support myself, look at you and wink. I sit on my knees again and take the rope in my hand
18:20 Brad_Barron_is_back: I stay down on my back brearhing hard..... tired and trying to recover.....
18:22 WrestlingLucy: When the referee restarts the match, I wink at you and I approach you and hug your waist.
18:23 Brad_Barron_is_back: (Am I still on my back down or I'm on my knees?)
18:23 WrestlingLucy: (knee)
18:25 Brad_Barron_is_back: you move over and hug my waist.... I'm Tired.... and I try push with my feet and I try to fall over trying to make you fall down on your back...... then I try to move on a side.... trying to block your left arm between my legs and your ather arm under my one hand. I tr yto hook a leg not giving you thw way to try to push with your both legs trying a crossbody pin.
18:27 WrestlingLucy: (Are my legs free?)
18:27 Brad_Barron_is_back: (only one)
18:28 WrestlingLucy: I lift one leg and try to turn around. The referee starts counting. 1,2,3,4,5....
18:29 Brad_Barron_is_back: I feel you try to push but with only one foot is hard...... I try to move my belly over your face in the cross body pin... your hooked leg is pulles so up..... Referee counts 6...7....8......
18:31 WrestlingLucy: I create momentum by swinging my free leg back and forward to lift my shoulder off the ground, and try to turn upside down by extending my free leg behind my head.
18:33 Brad_Barron_is_back: "ohhh nooo oit's not possible fuck..." and you push hard and I move on my back with you over me.... "nooooo noooooo" I try to push your away with my arms...
18:34 WrestlingLucy: I get on top of you and grab your wrists, wrap the rope around you, put my right leg around your neck and sit on your chest.
18:35 Brad_Barron_is_back: "Arghhhh Nooooo noooooooo" I try to move my arms hard.... trying to block your tied attempt... while I try to push with my feet trying to make you lose your balance...
18:38 WrestlingLucy: I put one leg under your neck and sit on your face. I lift your hands up, I put my other leg under your hand and support. Since I sit on your face, my balance is no longer disturbed, I wrap the rope around your wrists.
18:39 Brad_Barron_is_back: "mmmmmm mmmmmmm" you sit on my face and I cant do anything.... you could tie my hands eausly now...... "Grrrrrr"
18:40 WrestlingLucy: I'm tying your hands. Then I reach for your feet, pull them towards me, wrap the rope around your ankles.
18:41 Brad_Barron_is_back: "nooooo nooooo" my hands tied... and now you're doing the same to my ankles..... "grrrr nooo noooooooo" but I'm trapped...
18:42 WrestlingLucy: I tie your feet and the referee grabs my wrist and makes me stand up and announces the winner.
18:42 Brad_Barron_is_back: I' mon my back with my arms and legs tied..... "grrrrrrr what will you do now...."
18:44 WrestlingLucy: I'm starting to take off your boxers now it's time for fun brad
18:45 Brad_Barron_is_back: "what what hey hey..." you move down my speedo until my ankles... "what are you doing Lucy?"
18:45 WrestlingLucy: I start giving you a handjob with one hand and caress your balls with the other hand. you will see
18:46 Brad_Barron_is_back: "mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmm" you start to stroke my cock.... It starts to begin very hard.......
18:47 WrestlingLucy: I put your dick in my bra and grab my breasts and start giving you a titjob. Let's see if you can handle this.
18:47 Brad_Barron_is_back: "mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm ojh My god....." you start a titjob...... "mmmmm mmmmmm" my hands and feet blocked...
18:48 WrestlingLucy: You will tell me when you will cum. I'm getting faster you got it?
18:48 Brad_Barron_is_back: "mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm Noooo please... nooooo nooooooooo"
18:49 WrestlingLucy: yess I'm getting faster, you're going to tell me, do you understand, Brad?
18:49 Brad_Barron_is_back: "nooooooo I'll not tell you and I'll not cum...." I try to resist.... but you're working me so good....
18:50 WrestlingLucy: Yes, you won't be able to resist, I take your dick out of my breasts and start giving you a blowjob. I touch my tongue to your balls
18:51 Brad_Barron_is_back: "aohhhhhhhh oh fuck nooo please I'l close to cum... I can't resist please... stop it.."
18:52 WrestlingLucy: I continue for the last time and just when you are about to cum, I stop touching your dick and ruin your orgasm.
18:54 Brad_Barron_is_back: "ohhhhhh ahhhhh oh fuck you bitch.......ahhhh" I cum but not as I would....... "grrrrrrrr you'll pay for all of that...."
18:55 WrestlingLucy: I watch you cum on yourself and I pose with my foot on your chest [End?]
18:55 Brad_Barron_is_back: (yes end)

Published: 5 days ago, viewed 56 times.
