Bondage Wrestling ﹠ Pins

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Established: 2024-09-10

  • Fantasy
  • Face Sitting
  • Wrestle for top
It's not like the bondage wrestling you know.
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Hye Su-Ji vs Lucy Bondage Wreslting


00:45 WrestlingLucy: I leave the locker room and walk to the mat. I put on pink leggings and a pink bra. I come to the mat and kneel down. While I'm waiting for you to come, I spread my right leg to the right and start stretching.
00:45 WrestlingLucy:
00:46 Hye_Su-Ji: I walk out of the locker room seeing you stretch, with my bikini top and bottoms on. I step onto the mat and kneel down as well across from you and start stretching my right arm putting it behind my shoulder
00:48 WrestlingLucy: Since it's my first time fighting someone shorter than me, I smile at you. When the referee starts the match, I close the distance between us and try to put my hands on your shoulders.
00:49 Hye_Su-Ji: As you place your hands on my shoulders I let your moment carry us backward and I call to my butt trying to wrap my legs around your waist
00:50 WrestlingLucy: I take my hands off your shoulders, grab your hands, and use all my strength to knock you onto your back.
00:53 Hye_Su-Ji: As you knock me on my back I try to wrap my legs around your waist completely and lock my ankles together around you.
00:55 WrestlingLucy: I can't grapevine pin you when you wrap your legs around my waist. I hold your head and put it under my left armpit and with my right hand I hold your left arm bicep and push it.
00:56 Hye_Su-Ji: I groan but and panick slightly at the neck bed. I quickly drop my legs and try to thrust to my right to push out of your armpit with my shoulders planting my feet on the ground flat
00:59 WrestlingLucy: I let you out and wait for you to fall into my trap. When you move to your right, I turn you face down and sit on your back and put my knees under your armpits and pull your chin with my hands.
01:02 Hye_Su-Ji: I get forced up by my chin as roll over and realize I mess up. As I get bent I I ground a bit and my arms flare out a bit. I bend my right arm back and tap out on your ass as you sit on me “giiivve”
01:04 WrestlingLucy: The referee separates me, I get on my knees, fix my hair and look at you and smile, I take the rope in one hand and wait for the referee to restart the match. Lucy 1-0 Hye Su-Ji
01:06 Hye_Su-Ji: I take a breath and fix my hair as well I giggle as I get up and exhale a bit as i move the hair out of my face. And fix my bikini top that got moved around a bit getting back on my knees
01:07 WrestlingLucy: When the referee restarts the match, I close the distance between us. This time I wrap my hands around your waist and apply force to make you fall on your side.
01:09 Hye_Su-Ji: I fall to my side and quickly try to roll to my tummy to get out of your grip on my waist
01:11 WrestlingLucy: When you fall to your side, I quickly remove your hands from your waist and move to your right to get side control.
01:11 Hye_Su-Ji: I feel you get ahold of me and blush as I try to bridge my hips awkwardly to the side and move my body away from you
01:14 WrestlingLucy: When I move to your right, I hold one of your hands, I hold one of your legs with my other hand, and I press your waist with one foot and start stretching you.
01:14 WrestlingLucy:
01:17 Hye_Su-Ji: I take a deep breath as I get stretch and blush as I feel my leg getting bent back. “Fuck”
01:19 WrestlingLucy: Give up hyee you have no chance of escaping this I'm starting to pull you harder
01:21 Hye_Su-Ji: “Give” I say in a higher pitched yelp as you stretch me further
01:22 WrestlingLucy: The referee separates us and I fall to my knees again. Lucy 2-0 Hye
01:22 Hye_Su-Ji: “Fuck” I get up and fix my top again as I get to my knees and exhale pretty hard as I get ready again
01:23 WrestlingLucy: I'm approaching you by raising my hands, this time I'm trying to hold your hands
01:23 Hye_Su-Ji: I quickly tuck my hands inward and move toward you as well. As you move in I try to grab your forearms to push your arms out
01:24 WrestlingLucy: I start to fight with you, I pull my arms left and right
01:26 Hye_Su-Ji: As you fright with me I try to let you pull your arms further out but not let them back in and I chest bump you. My breasts pressing into yours
01:27 WrestlingLucy: I'm fighting back with all my strength, I'm trying to take you down.
01:28 Hye_Su-Ji: I use this opportunity to try and drive my knees forward to get you on r your back still holding your arms up
01:29 WrestlingLucy: You gain strength using your knees, you manage to lower me to the ground, I wrap my legs around your waist.
01:29 Hye_Su-Ji: “Oh fucker” I giggle and lean down and kiss your neck a bit as I try to plant one foot on the mat flat to drive myself forward
01:31 WrestlingLucy: My ass lifts up as you move, so I spread my legs and try to get my hands off you.
01:32 Hye_Su-Ji: (Can you explain that a little more)
01:33 WrestlingLucy: My feet are on the ground, my feet are not touching you and I'm trying to free my hands from your control and I'm under you
01:34 Hye_Su-Ji: I quickly take the change to jump further on you to straddle you. I move up as far as I can and end up sitting my ass on your tummy still gripping your arms
01:36 WrestlingLucy: I put my feet on the ground and make a bridge with my body, trying to throw you off balance.
01:37 Hye_Su-Ji: I get throw off balance a bit from your bigger size but try to fight it by moving up quickly to sit on your chest and breasts instead of closer to your hips
01:38 WrestlingLucy: I try to turn my body when I see you trying to sit on my chest
01:39 Hye_Su-Ji: As you turn your body I try to roll with you to put you in. A side ways hold if I can successfully Locke my ankles
01:41 WrestlingLucy: (Can you explain that a little more)
01:42 Hye_Su-Ji: You roll to your side as to get you off me. It works I am rolled off to the side but I try to keep my legs around you to lock my ankles and keep ahold of you in my side with my knees bend on the side of your ribs
01:44 WrestlingLucy: You still manage to keep me under control, I'm still under your control, I'm struggling
01:46 Hye_Su-Ji: I tighten the grip of my legs a bit and reach for a bondage strap and try to get it around of of your wrists
01:47 WrestlingLucy: (oh you can't tie me without getting ahead in points :D)
01:48 Hye_Su-Ji: (Oh sorry may I redo?)
01:48 WrestlingLucy: (sure)
01:49 Hye_Su-Ji: I start squeezing your with my legs trying to get a point as I breath hard tired from struggling with you so much already
01:50 WrestlingLucy: Since I'm stuck under you, I don't waste any more energy and hit the ground 3 times quickly. "submit" The referee separates us
01:51 Hye_Su-Ji: I get to my feet quickly tired and breath hard and get back down to my knees my bra is messed up and I just take it off now putting my hair in a bun sweating and tired
01:53 WrestlingLucy: I'm approaching you on my knees again. I move to your right to get behind you
01:53 WrestlingLucy: Lucy 2-1 Hye
01:54 Hye_Su-Ji: You get behind me and I try to quickly turn with you as you move quickly
01:56 WrestlingLucy: I hug your waist, I couldn't get behind you. and I put my right hand on your back and push you to lay you face down
01:57 Hye_Su-Ji: I get pushed down face down and my breasts get pressed the mat and I groan a bit after hitting the ground
01:58 WrestlingLucy: I sit on your back and try to hold your hands and bring them together.
02:00 Hye_Su-Ji: I struggle and try to wiggle forward as you grab my hands. I flair my arms out to make it hard to bring them together
02:00 Hye_Su-Ji: (Are you having fun)
02:00 WrestlingLucy: (yup u?)
02:00 Hye_Su-Ji: (Yes just wanted to make sure ❤️)
02:02 WrestlingLucy: I let go of your hands, I wrap one arm around your throat and start squeezing it, I pull myself back, now you're on top. I wrap my feet around your waist
02:06 Hye_Su-Ji: “Ohhh fuck” I arch my back up in a very embarrassing position and bridge my hips up as my body is stretched ontop of you
02:07 WrestlingLucy: "aghh c'mon tap" I'm starting to get tired as time goes by but I'm trying to keep you in the same position
02:15 Hye_Su-Ji: “Give” I wiggle my hand against your side
02:16 WrestlingLucy: The referee separates us, I get down on my knees, you will serve me tonight. Lucy 3-1 Hye
02:18 Hye_Su-Ji: I blush embarrassed and tired and sore get on my knees across from you again
02:19 WrestlingLucy: I approach you on my knees, I put my left knee in front of your stomach, I put my right knee behind you, I hug your waist with my hands.
02:25 Hye_Su-Ji: Tired I’m panting and I try to grab your arms as you push them off me but remain still
02:26 WrestlingLucy: I'm trying to make you fall on your face, I'm trying to push you from your back with my hands, I put my shoulder on your back and push you
02:29 Hye_Su-Ji: I fall forward flipping over your knee and fall on my face “fuck!” I try to check myself as I’m falling
02:32 WrestlingLucy: I quickly sit on your ass and grab your arms and fold them behind your back.
02:32 Hye_Su-Ji: “Shit” I moan out a bit as I feel you pulling my arms behind my back and my back gets pulled in. My nipples get dragged on the mat a bit
02:33 WrestlingLucy: I grab the rope and wrap it around your wrists "You're done, Hye."
02:40 Hye_Su-Ji: “Fuck…” I feel you wrapping the rope around my wrist and moan a bit
02:41 WrestlingLucy: I tie your hands and turn around and wrap the rope around your feet
02:44 Hye_Su-Ji: I yelp a bit at the tight going around my feet and moan as I try to pull on the ropes around my wrists
02:45 WrestlingLucy: I tie his feet and stand up. The referee ends the match and announces the winner.
02:45 Hye_Su-Ji: “No shit” I wiggle in the bondage as I groan a bit breathing hard tired
02:46 WrestlingLucy: good girl you are mine now

Published: 4 days ago, viewed 48 times.



Zack Davis

4 days ago

Loved it! That was fun!