Bondage Wrestling ﹠ Pins

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Established: 2024-09-10

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Lucy vs Lauren Bondage Wrestling


00:57 WrestlingLucy: I'm wearing my pink clothes. I leave the locker room, walk to the mat and get down on my knees. While I'm waiting for my opponent, I stretch my hands forward and start stretching. I am confident because I won 2 matches in a row
00:57 WrestlingLucy:
00:59 Lauren_Russo: I leave the locker room and walk down to the mat, seeing you already there. I’m wearing a black leotard, getting to the mat, I move across and face you. I sink my hips down and stretch my right leg out, my eyes locked on you the whole time. I’m nervous because it’s my first match in a new federation.
00:59 Lauren_Russo:
01:01 WrestlingLucy: The referee starts the match and I approach you on my knees. We are almost the same weight, so I'm not afraid as I approach you and I raise my hands and look at you.
01:03 Lauren_Russo: I look you in the eyes as you approach. Your hands rise and I dive towards you. Pushing off with my bare feet, I try and grab your biceps to force you backwards, onto your back.
01:04 WrestlingLucy: You manage to make me fall on my back. I immediately try to hold your wrists and wrap my feet around your waist.
01:08 Lauren_Russo: You hold my wrists but I hold you firm to the floor with my body weight. My knees between your legs, you wrap your feet around my waist. I try and lift you off slightly to drop you down, hoping it breaks your straddle of my waist
01:10 WrestlingLucy: You slam me on the ground, my legs part, I don't let go of your wrists and I try to crawl backwards on my back.
01:14 Lauren_Russo: Your legs part and I let go of your biceps. As you try and scoot back, I reach for your ankles instead, trying to grab them.
01:16 WrestlingLucy: I swing my legs left and right, put my shoulder on the ground, turn over onto my stomach and place my hands on the ground. I'm trying to crawl by putting my knees on the ground, trying to push you towards you with one foot and push you away.
01:21 Lauren_Russo: You try to push me away but I’m kneeling behind you and happily grab your foot. I yank, trying to pull you towards me in one motion. Releasing your foot as I do, I drive forward on my knees, reaching with my right arm trying to wrap it under your throat. My left hand reaching around your body, trying to pull you towards me
01:32 WrestlingLucy: I'm trying to push your right hand away with both hands. Your pulling me towards you makes me fall face down. I'm trying to keep my head down
01:35 Lauren_Russo: You manage to hold my right hand at bay and fall down to cover your head. I stay behind you, my body pressed into your back, my hands reach around you from either side, as I try to bear hug you from behind
01:36 WrestlingLucy: I pull my knees towards my stomach and try to turn myself. I take my hands to my belly and try to spread your hands
01:37 Lauren_Russo: You turn and face me, spreading my hands apart, I drop down on top of your chest.
01:39 WrestlingLucy: I wrap my hands around your waist and turn us around. I grab both your wrists with both hands and press them to the ground. You are mine now, Lauren.
01:41 Lauren_Russo: You flip us, in control, you grab my hands pinning them to the mat behind me. On my back, my face contorts in disagreement at your words, instead I try and lift my legs up, spread them, and wrap them around your waist.
01:43 WrestlingLucy: You wrap your legs around my waist, I can't manage to take you grapevine pine, I let go of your hands and hold your legs and turn around, come on, tap, Lauren.
01:46 Lauren_Russo: My legs wrap you but you seem to know exactly what to do. You grab them and turn around, flipping me on my stomach. Grrrrr! I growl out in frustration.
01:47 WrestlingLucy: My ass touches your ass, I push you down further and pull myself back. Come on Lauren tap you won't get out of this
01:48 Lauren_Russo: You pull back more and soon the pain in my back becomes intense. Your words hurt to hear but they’re true and although I hold out as long as I can, I know it’s pointless. My hand soon starts tapping the mat quickly
01:49 WrestlingLucy: The referee separates us and I go to the corner, I rest, I watch you. Lucy 1-0 Lauren
01:53 Lauren_Russo: My back hurting, I move to the opposite corner of you. I rest as well, my face looking unconfident.
01:54 WrestlingLucy: The referee restarts the match and I approach you on my knees, I wrap both my hands around your waist, my head is next to your left rib. I'm trying to make you fall on your back
01:56 Lauren_Russo: The match restarts and you can sense my hesitation. Your wrap your arms around me, you push me back. My left arm swoops down, trying to hook under your neck as I fall back. My right trying to grasp my left hand.
01:57 WrestlingLucy: I'm trying to separate your arm with both hands. I'm on my knees, my head is touching the ground.
01:58 Lauren_Russo: My legs swing up around your waist trying to hook. I squeeze your body hoping to weaken you so I can secure the head lock.
01:59 WrestlingLucy: You manage to guillotine me, I'm starting to lose my breath. My face turns red. I take my hand to your leg
02:02 Lauren_Russo: Your hand touches my leg but I pay it no mind. My entire focus is on flexing my bicep and holding your head into my side until you tap. Now it’s your turn Lucy, you’re done!
02:03 WrestlingLucy: I tap your foot 3 times quickly and the referee separates us. My hair is a mess. With my face red, I go to my corner and rest.
02:05 Lauren_Russo: The exchange is quick, you made quite the error and paid for it. The referee signals that we are 1-1. I stare at you now, my body noticeably more upbeat.
02:08 WrestlingLucy: The referee restarts the match, I approach you on my knees, but this time I turn around you, keeping distance between us.
02:11 Lauren_Russo: Feeling a bit more confident I am more aggressive. You turn around me and I approach you. My hands reach for your head, trying to grab onto you behind the neck.
02:12 WrestlingLucy: When you hold my neck, I hug your right leg and pull it to my right.
02:15 Lauren_Russo: You pull my leg and I let go of your head, reaching for your hands on my leg.
02:16 WrestlingLucy: I let go of your leg, I push your shoulders and try to make you fall on your back.
02:26 Lauren_Russo: You push me and I fall flat on my back, my bare feet come up in the air and then back down onto the mat.
02:27 WrestlingLucy: I sit on your stomach, I don't want to make mistakes this time, I press your hands to the mat and separate your feet using my feet. I pin you grapevine
02:32 Lauren_Russo: Right away you’re on me. You pin my hands and spread my feet. I yank on all four limbs trying to break free.
02:33 WrestlingLucy: The referee starts counting 1,2,3,4,5... I press my hands harder to steady you, I spread my legs further apart.
02:34 Lauren_Russo: I groan out in frustration. Unable to break free of your grip, you spread me further apart securing me in your grip. My head tilts back as I close my eyes and am forced to listen to the ref count it out.
02:35 WrestlingLucy: I look into your eyes and smile. 6,7,8,9...
02:35 Lauren_Russo: Opening my eyes for a moment I see your grin and a shiver goes down my spine. 10.
02:36 WrestlingLucy: The referee separates us and I laugh at you and go to my corner and watch you. Lucy 2-1 Lauren
02:37 Lauren_Russo: I move back to the corner once again frustrated that you got the best of me. The referee signals us to restart and I move towards you on my knees.
02:38 WrestlingLucy: I approach on my knees. I grab your shoulder and apply force to make you lie face down.
02:40 Lauren_Russo: As we start you’re on me again and you can tell I’m hesitant. Grabbing my shoulder you force me face down. I move my hands to the mat and press, trying to get to my knees.
02:42 WrestlingLucy: I sit on your back, hold your hands, pull you to me, put my legs on your back and do a lotus lock for you. I take the rope on my right and wrap it around your wrists
02:43 Lauren_Russo: You pull my hands back and I grunt. Your legs lock into a lotus and I can’t do anything to stop you. My feet slap at the mat in frustration
02:44 WrestlingLucy: I tie your hands, turn around, grab your legs and pull them to me. I fix your ankles with both hands and wrap the rope around your ankles
02:46 Lauren_Russo: As soon as you hook my hands I know it’s over. You wrap my hands then grab my ankles and wrap them, my body offering little resistance as I do.
02:47 WrestlingLucy: I also tie your ankles and the referee announces the winner, I put my foot on your face and pose for the win i told u lauren
02:48 Lauren_Russo: You finish securing me and the referee announces you the winner. Your foot plants on my face and I whimper, turned on instantly by the victory pose. I moan when you taunt me.

Published: 3 days ago, viewed 39 times.




3 days ago

You go Lucy! Good win. I want to face you again! Mmmm