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Established: 2024-09-10

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Jade vs Lucy Bondage Wrestling


20:27 WrestlingLucy: I put on my pink clothes and walk to the mat, do my stretches and put my hair in a ponytail while I wait for you.
20:27 WrestlingLucy:
09:30 Jadeeeeee69: Yearing my sport bra and short sport trousers, I enter the room from the other side, before I stretch myself a little as well. I am a little bit nervous, because I have never done something like this before, but somehow alsow excited. I take on last big breath bevor I walk towards you, watching you carefully. A smirk on my face, my hair open, I stand opposite you
09:30 Jadeeeeee69:
09:32 WrestlingLucy: The referee starts the match, I look at you and approach you on my knees. are you ready to be mine? I put my hands on your shoulders and start pushing you
09:32 Jadeeeeee69: ( are there ropes or something on the mats?)
09:33 WrestlingLucy: (If you get ahead in points you are allowed to use the ropes.)
09:33 Jadeeeeee69: (Which points?πŸ˜…but alright)
09:35 WrestlingLucy: (If you make your opponent tap out or keep your opponent pinned for 10 seconds, you will earn 1 point)
09:36 Jadeeeeee69: ( ah oke alright thx)
09:38 Jadeeeeee69: I always keep looking at you and slowly taking my hands up and going down on my knees opposite you. I smile a little bit, and when the match starts and I hear your words, I feel the adrenaline rushing through my body. What an amazing feeling, I think to myself. I look a little bit angry when you immediately start pushing me. β€ž we will see who will be who!β€œ I say with a grin on my face, bevore I try to grab with my left your hair, trying to pull you on my left side
09:39 WrestlingLucy: You manage to pull me to your left, I squealed when you pulled my hair. I hold my hair with one hand and wrap my other hand around your waist
09:43 Jadeeeeee69: I smirk when I hear you squeal and when you go for my waist, I try to wrap my right arm around your head, and then letting your hair go to hold you in a headlock. β€ž so come on give me the point!β€œ I say provocative
09:44 WrestlingLucy: You put me in a headlock, I feel my head on your breast, I rest my shoulder on your stomach and try to lay you on your back.
09:46 Jadeeeeee69: I let you lay me on my back, and trying immediately when I feel my back touching the mat to wrap my legs around your waist. My heart is beating like insane from the sensation, while I start to breathe heavier
09:48 WrestlingLucy: When I lay you on your back, I try to move your hand away with my hands. You wrap your feet around my waist and put me in the guillotine position. I realize that I've made a big mistake. One of my hands goes to your leg and I try to separate your leg. I'm starting to get short of breath
09:50 Jadeeeeee69: I realize that I am in the better position at the moment and try to use the momentum. Not letting go with my legs I try to give more pressure while I try now with both of my hands to push your head into my breasts, to distract you a little bit mor
09:50 Jadeeeeee69:
09:52 WrestlingLucy: You keep controlling on me. My breath is getting shorter and I can't stand it anymore, I hit your foot three times quickly with my hand. "Submit! Submit! Submit!" Lucy 0-1 Jade
09:53 Jadeeeeee69: Immediately when I hear your submission I let you go and push you a little away with my feets, to get up and back on my knees. I have a smirk on my face while I take my hands up again to face you once more, watching every move of you carefully
09:55 WrestlingLucy: With my hair disheveled and my face red, I go to my corner on my knees, rest for a while, catch my breath, and the referee restarts the match. I'm worried as I approach you. I raise my hands and approach you, but I keep distance between us.
09:57 Jadeeeeee69: β€ž Afraid already?β€œ I ask with a wider smirk on my face as you keeping distance to me. I also do like I am trying to grab your hands, 1…2…3 times before I then try to move myself quick forward, trying to wrap my arms around you, to tackle you on your back
09:59 Jadeeeeee69: ( I am sorry for my English. Just feel free to ask when you don’t understand something)
09:59 WrestlingLucy: Every time you try to hold my hand, I move my hands away, but I didn't expect you to come towards me. You make me fall on my back. I stretch my feet towards your chest and try to keep you away from me and I don't answer you.
09:59 WrestlingLucy: (i think its godd :D same here)
10:01 Jadeeeeee69: You try to push my me away with your feets and first I groan in frustration but then suddenly have an idea. I try quick to grab your feets to move you onto your belly to put your legs under my arms
10:02 WrestlingLucy: You hold my feet and control me. I put my hands on the ground and try to get support
10:03 Jadeeeeee69: ( hope you enjoy it till now)
10:04 Jadeeeeee69: ( and when I go to strong you just have to say)
10:04 WrestlingLucy: (i love it show all your skills ;))
10:05 Jadeeeeee69: I smirk and pull your feets up as far as I can. β€ž come on give or I will hurt your back more!β€œ I say with an provocative tone in my voice while I look at the ref, noding at him to handle me a rope
10:07 WrestlingLucy: I realize that I cannot save my feet from you and I see that you are looking at the referee and I quickly hit the ground with my hand 3 times. "Submit! Submit!" Lucy 0-2 Jade
10:08 Jadeeeeee69: I smirk and let a little go from your legs but not completely, staying on your back when the ref gives me the rope I try to bind your feets together, bevor I go down from you and back on my knees, a smile on my face. β€ž come on Lucy you get dominated by a complete rookie!β€œ I say mockingly towards you
10:11 WrestlingLucy: You manage to tie my feet while I hit the ground with my hand. I should have hit the ground before. I move on my knees, but since my feet are tied, I am slow and the referee restarts the match. I can't answer you
10:12 Jadeeeeee69: β€ž lost your words? Dont worry it will be over soon!β€œ I have now a huge advantage and dont think about letting you come back. I move on my knees around you as quick as I can, looking for an open space, while I always try to push at you with my hands
10:14 WrestlingLucy: It's hard for me to follow you because my feet are tied. When you push me with your hands, I put one hand on the ground and get support, I stand on my ass and raise my hands and try to turn my face to you.
10:16 Jadeeeeee69: I realize how you have to use a hand to support yourself and thats all I needed. I immediately move myself forward but not my opper body. I try to move my legs quick forward to wrap them around your waist. β€ž scream for me now!β€œ I whisper to you with a devilish smirk on my face
10:18 WrestlingLucy: I'm trying to spread your legs with my hands and I'm moaning aghh.. fuckk.. get off mee...
10:19 Jadeeeeee69: I keep the pressure a little bit more, bevore I suddenly open my legs again and try to give you with my right foot a quick but hard kick into the belly
10:20 WrestlingLucy: You spread your legs and kick me, I turn on my stomach and try to crawl using my hands, I try to get away from you.
10:22 Jadeeeeee69: When you are on your stomach and try to crawl away I follow you immediately, trying to jump on your back and grabbing you under your chin, first only with my right hand. β€ž do you know what is comming now!β€œ I ask you with a politely voice, which is dripping with sarcasm
10:23 WrestlingLucy: I try to move your hand away with my hands. I completely lost hope.
10:25 Jadeeeeee69: With my left I grab your hair and immediately pull back. I sigh β€ž you could have had the easy way but you wanted it like that now you have to suffer!
10:27 WrestlingLucy: I'm moaning in pain, I'm trying to stop you with my hands. aghh... fuckkk..
10:29 Jadeeeeee69: I pull your head now as far back as I can, your hands are annoying but not so disturbing. A smile on my face I suddenly let go from your hair, only holding your chin and try with my left to go for your left boob to dig my nails into it. β€ž screamβ€œ! I whisper while trying to do that
10:30 WrestlingLucy: I hit my hand on the ground 3 times quickly and start screaming. "aghhh.. STOP STOP STOP SUBMΔ°T! SUBMΔ°T! SUBMΔ°T!" Lucy 0-3 Jade
10:31 Jadeeeeee69: I smirk but dont let go. β€ž scream slut! Scream for the rookie that dominated you so bad!β€œ I say with a dangerous glitter in my eyes
10:32 WrestlingLucy: keep screaming. aghhh.. stop stop.. i submit i submit.. The referee separates us and I go to my corner and I'm in a lot of pain
10:34 Jadeeeeee69: The refree seperated us and I look angry at him, putting my hand out while he handles me another rope. β€ž I give you a last chance lucy.β€œ I say while watching you with satisfaction in my eyes. β€ž give up now and I wont destroy you completely!β€œ I say with an agressive note in my voice
10:36 WrestlingLucy: I approach you on my knees, I am in pain, I answer you in a low voice. I will not surrender I lunge to hug your left leg
10:38 Jadeeeeee69: β€ž as you like!β€œ I say my grin turning wider. When you go for my leg I dont even bother to do something against it and try to wrap the rope in my hand around your neck. β€ž thats your fault I gave you an opportunity!β€œ I say while trying
10:39 WrestlingLucy: I put my fingers between the rope and my throat and try to move the rope away, I completely let go of your leg.
10:40 Jadeeeeee69: I pull harder, while I go with my free hand again for your boob to dig my nail inside, while I am trying to move my body around you to get on your back again. β€ž a leash you have already!β€œ I laugh out
10:41 WrestlingLucy: I fall face down on the floor, I am literally destroyed in the middle of the mat, I try to move the rope away with both hands.
10:43 Jadeeeeee69: I try to pull your head back with the rope, while I keep my other hand on your boob. β€ž so whats the matter? Cant take a rookie? Such a poor girl hah!β€œ I say provocative. β€ž I dont even have to bind your arms because you are done!β€œ
10:44 WrestlingLucy: I'm trying not to drown by holding the rope with all my focus, I'm not trying to throw you off of me
10:46 Jadeeeeee69: β€ž alright I am bored!β€œ I laugh out before suddenly letting go from you. I then use the rope to bind your hands on your back, before I stand up pressing my foot on your back, flexing over you in a victory pose, a big and proud smile on my face. β€ž you are just a fucking loser!β€œ I hiss at you before I give you a last kick and leave then
10:47 Jadeeeeee69: End?
10:49 WrestlingLucy: You managed to tie me up, I'm lying motionless in the ropes [End]

Published: 3 days ago, viewed 42 times.
