Box Tournament 2K22Public OpenEstablished: 2022-09-30Chat room: #BOX2K22BoxingGutpunchingFederation for boxing tournaments12 members0 stories0 photos0 files HubTournamentsMembersForumsStoriesChatPhotosFiles12 members Filter Filter × Fighter Jobber Heel Face Trainer Trainee Puncher Punchee Hero Villain Squeezer Squeezetoy FighterJobberHeelFaceTrainerTraineePuncherPuncheeHeroVillainSqueezerSqueezetoy No holds barred Pro wrestling Submission Boxing Even match UFC/MMA Romantic Fantasy Back and forth Squash match Pin to win Dice match Long-term roleplay Descriptive writing Karate Taekwondo Kick-boxing Bareknuckle/fistfight Grappling Freestyle wrestling Judo Sumo Brazilian jiu-jitsu Oil wrestling Mud wrestling Pool wrestling Outdoors match Weapons Trash talking Male / Male Male / Female Female / Female Two on One Tag Team Straight Gay Anthro Superhero Supervillain Stakes Naked Sex Face Sitting Rip and strip Cock fighting First to cum Wrestle for top Forced cum Workout Forced Workout Bodybuilding Muscle Growth Muscle Testing Handicap Gutpunching Muscle worship Lift and carry CBT Torture S&M Interrogation Trampling Extreme violence Blood Broken bones Death Foot fetish Bearhugs Scissors Giant and tiny Musk/Scent Mind control Hypnosis Dad/son Brother Sister Family Underage Catfight Catball No holds barredPro wrestlingSubmissionBoxingEven matchUFC/MMARomanticFantasyBack and forthSquash matchPin to winDice matchLong-term roleplayDescriptive writingKarateTaekwondoKick-boxingBareknuckle/fistfightGrapplingFreestyle wrestlingJudoSumoBrazilian jiu-jitsuOil wrestlingMud wrestlingPool wrestlingOutdoors matchWeaponsTrash talkingMale / MaleMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleTwo on OneTag TeamStraightGayAnthroSuperheroSupervillainStakesNakedSexFace SittingRip and stripCock fightingFirst to cumWrestle for topForced cumWorkoutForced WorkoutBodybuildingMuscle GrowthMuscle TestingHandicapGutpunchingMuscle worshipLift and carryCBTTortureS&MInterrogationTramplingExtreme violenceBloodBroken bonesDeathFoot fetishBearhugsScissorsGiant and tinyMusk/ScentMind controlHypnosisDad/sonBrotherSisterFamilyUnderageCatfightCatball Chatting now Followed Has storiesContributing Federation staff onlyGender -- gender -- female male other Body type -- any body type -- Slim Normal Toned Athletic Muscular Stocky Large Age18 -100Height1'8"-7'3"Weight66-551 lbsOrientation100% gay -100% straightPosition100% bottom -100% topWillpower100% submissive -100% dominantSort by Federation join date Last login Last updated Start of membership Name Number of public stories Age Weight Height
The Iron Jane 12285'9"161 lbsToned88% endurance100% straight88% top86% dominantFighter Puncher Punchee HeroA force that challenges entire Persona of My Opponent!No holds barredUFC/MMALong-term roleplayKick-boxingBareknuckle/fistfightWeaponsMale / FemaleStakesRip and stripHandicapGutpunchingMuscle worshipTortureInterrogationExtreme violenceLast login: todayMixtko8910 6150585'8"269 lbsStocky65% endurance78% straight53% top53% dominantFighter Jobber Puncher PuncheeThrilled by the fight and the eroticism it evokesBoxingEven matchRomanticBack and forthKick-boxingMale / MaleMale / FemaleStakesNakedSexFace SittingFirst to cumForced cumWorkoutLast login: todaydutchboxer 09506'2"220 lbsNormal81% endurance94% straight78% top68% dominantFighter Face Puncher Puncheelove a hot sweaty sparring session. with a boxer of the same level m/f. also a gear lover.BoxingEven matchFantasyLong-term roleplayKick-boxingMale / MaleMale / FemaleStraightAnthroNakedFace SittingFirst to cumGutpunchingGiant and tinyFamilyLast login: yesterdayArtte 210206'2"173 lbsAtlético20% endurance55% straight53% top86% dominantFighterbold and powerful young brazilian fighterNo holds barredLast login: 2022-12-28AnneKee 010245'10"151 lbsAthletic100% endurance100% gay90% top90% dominantFighter Face Puncher24 yo girl from The Netherlands who loves to get in the ring and fightBoxingKick-boxingBareknuckle/fistfightMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleGutpunchingExtreme violenceBloodBroken bonesDeathLast login: todayJay and Lily 02266'0"177 lbsAthletic100% endurance100% gay90% top90% dominantFighter Face PuncherSisters from Thailand now living in SwitzerlandNo holds barredBoxingUFC/MMABack and forthSquash matchDice matchKick-boxingBareknuckle/fistfightMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleMuscle TestingGutpunchingExtreme violenceBloodBroken bonesLast login: 9 days agoKOFighterAndy 427254'11"110 lbsSlim25% endurance100% straight50% bottom65% dominantFighter Puncher PuncheeDing Ding! I will take your mouthpiece after KOBoxingEven matchBack and forthDescriptive writingKarateTaekwondoKick-boxingBareknuckle/fistfightMale / MaleMale / FemaleStraightGutpunchingExtreme violenceBloodLast login: todayFrancesca 5238266'1"159 lbsMuscular100% endurance100% gay100% top100% dominantFighter Trainer PuncherItalian fighter, love striking stylesBoxingUFC/MMABack and forthKarateTaekwondoKick-boxingBareknuckle/fistfightMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleExtreme violenceBloodBroken bonesDeathLast login: todayRyanGod 11276'2"216 lbsToned69% endurance83% straight80% top81% dominantFighterFighter ready to give it allPro wrestlingBoxingUFC/MMAKick-boxingMale / MaleMale / FemaleTwo on OneLast login: 2023-03-30A-rod the destroyer 413306'0"203 lbsToned46% endurance100% straight100% top96% dominantFighter HeelBreaks hearts and minds and then finishes the bodyNo holds barredPro wrestlingSubmissionSquash matchLong-term roleplayBareknuckle/fistfightTag TeamNakedSexTortureBloodBroken bonesLast login: 2023-10-23CharlesMendes 00295'10"163 lbsNormal24% endurance90% gay77% top50% submissiveFighter JobberFight me and you will seeNo holds barredPro wrestlingBoxingUFC/MMAKick-boxingBareknuckle/fistfightTrash talkingMale / MaleMale / FemaleRip and stripGutpunchingLast login: 2023-04-01Westhaver Federation Admin Founder02246'1"186 lbsToned62% endurance74% straight60% top66% dominantFighterStrong dudeNo holds barredPro wrestlingBoxingUFC/MMAKick-boxingBareknuckle/fistfightMale / MaleMale / FemaleRip and stripGutpunchingLast login: 2024-12-15