Bulls Vs Bitches
Established: 2022-12-30
Chat room: #BullsVsBitches
- Back and forth
- Long-term roleplay
- Descriptive writing
- Male / Female
Males Vs Females Federation - who will be the bitches?
15:30 <Kiara_Wrestler> ohh Jesus, surrounded by guys
15:31 <Terry_Starr> I mean you have MissLexi now
15:31 <Nathan_gingerbread> Oh not again
15:31 <Kiara_Wrestler> ohh great...*sigh of relief*
15:31 <JakeThe3rd> *smirks, cracking my knuckles *
15:32 <Nathan_gingerbread> Kiara out numbered but not out gunned :)
15:33 <Kiara_Wrestler> ya all know I could take all guys together lol
15:33 <Kiara_Wrestler> You are not logged in.
15:35 <Nathan_gingerbread> Well we do have unfinished buisness
15:38 <Nathan_gingerbread> Drums fingers ...
15:39 <Kiara_Wrestler> don't drum when I wear spidergirl custume...I could trap you into a net *spiderface*
15:39 <Kiara_Wrestler> You are not logged in.
15:40 <JakeThe3rd> Ha! I am quick on my feet, keep drumming Nate. 😂
15:41 <Kiara_Wrestler> I am quicker than wind
15:41 <MissLexi_wrsl>
15:41 <MissLexi_wrsl> takes Kiara side
15:42 <Kiara_Wrestler> ah ah...hug MissLexi..."we are invincible!"
15:42 <JakeThe3rd> *swallows hard*. Umm. No problem. Right guys?
15:43 <Zack_Davis> Not so fast... Guards Jake's back
15:44 <Spanked_Angie> sneaking behind guys and deliver a multiple spanksssssssss on their butts....winking to gals
15:44 <JakeThe3rd> *jumps startled*. Hey! *rubbing my butt*
15:44 <Nathan_gingerbread> Owwww seems things are about to get messy
15:45 <Spanked_Angie> blow on my hand like if it was a gun "the most fast spanker or the West"
15:46 <Kiara_Wrestler> grrrreat job sis ;)
15:46 <MissLexi_wrsl> well guess Kiara is not out numbered
15:47 <Nathan_gingerbread> Looks at jake timely exit
15:48 <Spanked_Angie> step close to Kiara and MissLexi..."now guys kneel and admit you are the bitches here!"
15:48 <MissLexi_wrsl> they alway's were the bitches
15:49 <Nathan_gingerbread> Backs up next to zack
15:49 <JakeThe3rd> *laughs*. Kneel? I’m not carrying a diamond ring, why would I kneel? *stretches my arms*
15:51 <Spanked_Angie> I swing my whip to Jake's feet.."shut up!"
15:51 <Spanked_Angie> You are not logged in.
15:51 <MissLexi_wrsl>
15:51 <Nathan_gingerbread> Miss lexi showing off her quick change skills
15:52 <MissLexi_wrsl> well Nate maybe you like to see my Double D
15:52 <MissLexi_wrsl> up close
15:52 <Zack_Davis> *Back to back with Nathan, watching each other's backs*
15:54 <Kiara_Wrestler> "guys...do what Angie asked and maybe we won't hurt you"
15:54 <JakeThe3rd> *jumps. The whip grazing my feet, sounding a loud crack*. You’re fast Ang, quite fast. *I am a bit more focused now*
15:55 <Spanked_Angie> I step closer to Jake...."next time I'll hit the target" giggling and try to send s light whip to his butt
15:55 <Zack_Davis> Considers Kiaras offer... "Nah!"
15:55 <Nathan_gingerbread> Thinks about weapons then decides not to escalate matters.
15:55 <Kiara_Wrestler> move closer to Zack...squeezing my tits..."mmh why not? I could be nice"
15:56 <MissLexi_wrsl> so wants to use Zacks balls for target practice for kickball
15:56 <JakeThe3rd> *your shot lands and I hold my ass*shit. I guess I don’t need coffee
15:57 <Zack_Davis> And I was going to give you a title shot at one point!
15:57 <Kiara_Wrestler> smiling to @MissLexi_wrsl "Ohh it's more fun squeeze his head like if it was a pumpkin" lol
15:57 <Zack_Davis> Grins at Kiara ... "Ohh, I've seen that trick before"
15:57 <Spanked_Angie> blowing a kiss to Jake..."ohh maybe another coffee?" I raise the arm holding the whip
15:59 <JakeThe3rd> *backs up slowly, nodding to Zack*. It’s dangerous there. A guy can never use enough caffeine Angie.
15:59 <Nathan_gingerbread> Takes belt from around waist and loops end around hand ... Cracks neck
16:00 <Zack_Davis> *cracks my knuckles* ... no belt, wearing shorts ....
16:02 <Spanked_Angie> a belt? ohh great...I wear my spanker black belt....
16:03 <Nathan_gingerbread> Considering what else i carry i call that a limited response
16:03 <JakeThe3rd> *glad I’m wearing a shirt today, and shorts*. This will be fun. *glares at Lexi*. No kickball! *chuckles*
16:03 <Zack_Davis> Hmmmm 🤔
16:04 <Zack_Davis> You are not logged in. grabs my travel kit
16:05 <Spanked_Angie> swing my hip on Jake's shirt tearing it and drawing my SP sign over *giggle*
16:08 <JakeThe3rd> *looks down*. Thanks. I am so selling this on EBay now! 😉
16:08 <Nathan_gingerbread> Four v three i make it your move ladies.
16:09 <Kiara_Wrestler> move behind Nathan and tap his shoulder..."ohh are you sure?"
16:09 <Nathan_gingerbread> Standing back to back with zack ....
16:10 <Nathan_gingerbread> Sure and anyway shez leaving pointing at latest arrivel.
16:11 <JakeThe3rd> *looks at Nate and Zack*. Umm thanks! *keeps moving slowly, eyes darting*
16:11 <Nathan_gingerbread> As you turn to look grabs you around head for RKO.
16:12 <Kiara_Wrestler> as you try to grtab my head I duck and try to hug your waist..."ohh have you ever tried a Kiarahug?"
16:13 <Nathan_gingerbread> Sounds lovely have you had a gingerbread snap ? As i clap my hands on your ears
16:16 <Kiara_Wrestler> ouchhh you slap my ears...I move my hands to cover my ears to stop them to whistle.."not a wrestling move" I lean me back and deliver a knee strike on your belly
16:17 <Nathan_gingerbread> *why do i suddenly feel lonely* .... Who said it was wrestling? Ooooff As i fold a little step back . Before responding with a push kick and try to force you back.
16:19 <Nathan_gingerbread> ( looks around ffs)
16:19 <Kiara_Wrestler> SBAMMM my knee lands on your gut....as you step back I move back as well..I take my stance and as you deliver a push kick toward me I move my arms trying to grab your foot with both hands...""ohh is it so bad be alone with me?" *winking*
16:22 <Nathan_gingerbread> Me and the boys need a little team chat after this.... Too quickly my foot retracts and i try to keep the girls in sight as i back to a corner
16:23 <JakeThe3rd> *i lunge and jump wrapping my arms and legs around Kiara’s back and neck*. Gotcha Spidergirl!
16:25 <Kiara_Wrestler> shit I miss his foot and he steps back but suddenly I feel someone grab me from behind..:"grrr not fair 2 vs 1 against a defencless girl"
16:25 <Spanked_Angie> I move behind Jake and grab his hair..."let her go or...." I move my free hand under his armpit to tickle
16:27 <JakeThe3rd> *I feel my head tugged back and then the tickling. I laugh sliding off Kiaras back*. Tickling?? *I try to free my hair*
16:30 <Spanked_Angie> "AH AH..yoiu are ticklish" I giggle as I let go your hair and move my hand under the other armpit to perform a double tickle
16:30 <MissLexi_wrsl> Thinking i so need to practice my kickoff and punting maybe Zack will make a good football
16:32 <Nathan_gingerbread> Seeing jake pounce i decide to go on offence then i am so amused i just stop and watch jake wriggling around
16:33 <JakeThe3rd> *spanking and now tickling, I am melting like butter…damn her fingers. I try to move and twist away from Angie*. “Come…on…..not…..fair” laughing breathlessly
16:35 <Kiara_Wrestler> Finally I am free from Jake's hold...I smirk to Nathan..."scared to attack?"
16:36 <Nathan_gingerbread> Grins no just amused dashes forward and goes for full rugby tackle on kiara
16:36 <Spanked_Angie> I follow you, leaning on your back, my big girls pressing on your back as I try to continue my ticklish torture..:"so will you kneel like a bitch?" I ask but I giggle for your countagoius laughing
16:37 <Kiara_Wrestler> smiling as you fall into my trap....as you charge at me I step aside ...I guess you are gonna hit Jake...
16:38 <JakeThe3rd> “Ne….ne….never”. I laugh and then feel Nate crash into my side and I fall to my side. Thankful to be away from Angie’s fingers but wondering what truck just hit me.
16:38 <Spanked_Angie> I feel like a train hit us...I fall on my butt with a big thud...
16:40 <Nathan_gingerbread> I collide with both and instinctively wrap my arms around angie legs holding her .
16:42 <JakeThe3rd> *I blink a few times taking note of pain and where I am. I slowly sit up and see Angie trapped. I look around to gauge where Kiara and Lexi are. Dazed but recovering*
16:44 <Spanked_Angie> I try to stand up but I can't since I have my legs trapped...I put my hands on ground to hold myself and try to kick out my legs..."grrrr let me go" I move out one of my hand to grab your hair pulling them to hurt you and maybe force you to free my legs
16:45 <Kiara_Wrestler> I rush toward Jake trying to ram my shoulder on his side with a spear attempt..."where you seeeking something?" I ask
16:48 <Nathan_gingerbread> Owww not used to having my hair pulled i twist and shake my head and eventually let go so i can pull your hands away
16:49 <JakeThe3rd> *I see Lexi warm her leg up for a kick on Zack, my head turns and finds Kiara. Sadly, she’s in full speed and lowering down…I only have time to try to fall back on impact. Hoping to lessen the force. BOOM, it didn’t help. I am forced hard to my side and back with a thud. I blink and groan. “Holy….shit…”.
16:49 <Spanked_Angie> "Ohh don't tell me a bitch like you it is not used to have hair pulled.." I tease you, as you let go my legs I bend them on my breast and then I throw them forward trying to hit you chest with my feet to push you away
16:52 <Kiara_Wrestler> "surprise!!!" I say as at last second you turn you head and see me, but it's too late for you, my shoulder hit your body and you fall down...but I am moving too much fast and I can't stop despite the impact and I didn't slower since you I didn't hit you with a complete impact...I continue to run and stumble on your body....falling forward...YAAAAAAAA
16:54 <Nathan_gingerbread> I thought you were a lady angie... As you feet boost me across the floor and i slide to a stop a meter away quickly trying to get my self off all fours and back up
16:55 <JakeThe3rd> I roll to my stomach and gingerly, slowly try to take your back Kiara. I get to my hands and feet. Breathing hard. Knowing I’m struggling but can’t go down without a fight. I reach your legs and try to shoot forward to straddle your back.
16:56 <Spanked_Angie> after my cute soles slam on your chest I use the kicking strenght to stand up..."I am a lady" I reply moving on hand on my hips and swining my ass...I step forward as you are on all fours..."ohh looks like you are kneeling" I giggle..
16:59 <Nathan_gingerbread> I give a little smile as i get to my feet and make as if to charge at angie but quickly i cut to the side and try to help jake with kiara with a running leg drop.
17:00 <Kiara_Wrestler> I land flat on my belly, a bit dazed..."Ohh shit, I wonder why I don't look where I put my feet!" I growl, I am going to stand up but suddenly I am forced down by your weight as yiu straddle over me..."grrrr leave your ass from my back, you are not a lightweight" I put one hand on ground to lift my upperbody and swing the other trying to catch your chest with an elbow strike
17:04 <JakeThe3rd> Your upper body raises and I think of what to do. But then Nate comes in with a leg drop on your shoulders and you collapse down. Feeling a surge of adrenaline with you on your tummy still, I slide back and try to lift your cute feet up and turn around hoping to lock in a Boston Crab.
17:07 <Spanked_Angie> ohh shit...Kiara is on trouble...Nathan grrr! Ihe is laying on their side after the leg drop, I see Jake's back as he is gonna applying the boston crab to Kiara...I rush toward him and jump trying to deliver a drop kick on his back to let her go
17:09 <Kiara_Wrestler> before I could hit Jake ouchh a leg drop make me collapse down...but worst is when I feel my legs trapped and pulled up for a boston crab...my back is stretched...I scream but I see Angela's feet coming fast toward us...I cross my fingers hoping she will hit the target
17:11 <JakeThe3rd> Just getting to locking Kiara’s ankles under my armpits and hoping to sit down a little I feel Angie’s feet slam into my back. I go shooting forward, losing Kiara’s legs and landing on my stomach hard. The last three collisions taking a ton out of me. I writhe in pain on my stomach. “Shit”
17:11 <Spanked_Angie> (sorry guys I have to go very soon :( )
17:12 <JakeThe3rd> (Running scared!! Just kidding)
17:13 <Nathan_gingerbread> I turn and see angie steaming in but its too late and jake gets nailed but as she committed to it i jump up and in two short steps deliver the people elbow to her boob.
17:16 <Kiara_Wrestler> as I I feel my back free by your weight I roll sideway...trying to geta safe place, moving away...I see Nathan is going to elbow drop Angie but she disappear with a PUFFFF....I am hurted for the boston crab and the early fall on my face, Jake is in pain too..I guess ebe Nathan has his elbow hurted...I sit, panting...showing my index and middle fingers into a V shape..."Peace for now?" smiling
17:16 <Kiara_Wrestler> You are not logged in.
17:17 <JakeThe3rd> I roll over and sit up, “peace…yes peace!” Pulls out my phone and calls my chiropractor
17:17 <Nathan_gingerbread> Rubs elbow ...grumbles ... Yes truce xx
17:17 <JakeThe3rd> For now….
17:18 <Kiara_Wrestler> sure for now...*giggle*
<Published> 2023-02-23, viewed 86 times.