Bulls Vs Bitches

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Established: 2022-12-30
Chat room: #BullsVsBitches

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Males Vs Females Federation - who will be the bitches?
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Bulls Vs Bitches: just a little brawl

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11:14 <Spanked_Angie> well well well Nathan looks surrounded
11:17 <Nathan_gingerbread> Sits quietly looking invisible
11:17 <Nathan_gingerbread> πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
11:25 <Spanked_Angie> sneak behind Nathan and spank his butt..."you forgot to hide your ass" *giggle*
11:38 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yeeeow your far to good at that grinning
11:44 <Spanked_Angie> "yeah, I am a pro spanker"
11:45 <Nathan_gingerbread> Nods rubbing ass
11:45 <Spanked_Angie> smiling as I see my handprint on his ass
11:57 <Nathan_gingerbread> Hmm eyes narrowing
16:56 <Nathan_gingerbread> Edges over now angie not looking and licks palm of hand.
16:58 <Kiara_Wrestler> not I'll take one opponents at once
16:58 <Zack_Davis> *watches Nathen...about to get louder*
16:59 <Spanked_Angie> show my spanker hand..."I always look Nathan"
16:59 <Nathan_gingerbread> Turns away looking innocent
16:59 <Zack_Davis> *not very well 🀣*
17:00 <Nathan_gingerbread> Plots quietly
17:02 <Spanked_Angie> You are not logged in. ROARRR
17:02 <Nathan_gingerbread> Plots harder
17:02 <Zack_Davis> jumps back a step ... WHOA!!!
17:02 <Amazing_Andrea> You are not logged in.
17:03 <Zack_Davis> Double Whoa! Hi Andrea
17:04 <Spanked_Angie> you are surrounded Zack..hissing like a panther
17:04 <Amazing_Andrea> He couldn't handle both of us at once
17:05 <Nathan_gingerbread> I got your back zack
17:05 <Zack_Davis> *glances around, sees Nathan ... Ha!*
17:05 <Kiara_Wrestler> move to other edge..."3 vs 2" *evil face*
17:06 <Kiara_Wrestler> You are not logged in.
17:06 <Nathan_gingerbread> Cracks neck
17:06 <Amazing_Andrea> *smirking as the boys aren't gonna know what hit them.*
17:06 <Nathan_gingerbread> This feels familiar
17:08 <Zack_Davis> *cracks knuckles, backs into Nathan, back to back *
17:09 <Nathan_gingerbread> You will notice kiara neither zack nor i trying to jump out of window 😁
17:10 <Kiara_Wrestler> flex my quads..."easy take a girl 3 vs 1 huh?"
17:11 <JakeThe3rd> You rang?
17:12 <Nathan_gingerbread> Hi 5
17:12 <Zack_Davis> Hmmmm who makes the first move... Better to attack than be attacked ... Rushes Andrea, attempts to spear her to the ground.... Sees Jake ... The Brothers Keepers !
17:12 <Spanked_Angie> send an hi 5 to Jake's ass
17:13 <Zack_Davis> You are not logged in.
17:13 <Kiara_Wrestler> as Zack rushes to Andrea I move out one leg to makje stumble him..*whistling*
17:14 <Nathan_gingerbread> @Terry_Starr come on bro
17:14 <Amazing_Andrea> I see Zack coming, and grab for him as he comes close, but he might not make it... yt
17:14 <Zack_Davis> *faceplants at Andreas feet*
17:15 <JakeThe3rd> *jumps a bit forward...my ass stinging* I don't even need to look...good morning Angie! *turning around and offering Zack a hand up.*
17:15 <Zack_Davis> Damnit Kiara!
17:15 <Spanked_Angie> "Hello Jake...." giggling
17:15 <Kiara_Wrestler> Nice to see Zack's got a good place for him
17:16 <Amazing_Andrea> As Jake tries to help Zack up, I grab Zack instead pulling him away from Jake so Angie can get him. I try to sit on Zack's back to try to keep him from getting up right away.
17:16 <Nathan_gingerbread> Finally gets to land hard spank on Angie's ass as she giggles
17:16 <nick_maldaran> Morning all
17:17 <JakeThe3rd> Backs up to assess the situation, smiles to Nick, "good morning!"
17:17 <Zack_Davis> *Feels a butt on my back ... Grrrr!*
17:17 <Nathan_gingerbread> Deputies nick into gang
17:18 <Spanked_Angie> I am going to hug Jack from behind but something lands on my cute ass...my bums jiggle as I squel..."grrr who dared??"
17:18 <Amazing_Andrea> *I lean over Zack and hook my left arm under his chin, pulling him up, my breasts pillowing against his back* What's wrong baby, can't get up? I press my entire 165 pounds on him, trying to keep him there.
17:19 <Kiara_Wrestler> whoo whoo Andrea rocks
17:19 <Zack_Davis> "I'd beg to differ, Kiara!*
17:19 <Zack_Davis> "Owwwwww!!!"
17:19 <nick_maldaran> *finds a good post to lean on and enjoy the show
17:20 <Nathan_gingerbread> Steps over and throw myself at andrea in tackle trying to free zack
17:21 <JakeThe3rd> Watches Kiara and Angie...on the ready...*
17:21 <Spanked_Angie> as Nathan is moving to help Zack I grab his leg from behind and pull them up to take him down..."don't interfere!!"
17:22 <Zack_Davis> Tries to do a push up with Andrea on my back, my bench press is greater than her weight... But I don't generally bench press in an arm lock. And boobs! Struggles to move*
17:22 <Zack_Davis> You are not logged in.
17:23 <Amazing_Andrea> I actually work with Zack's push up attempt though, grabbing his arms and trying to put them over my knees, converting the headlock into a camel clutch. I almost get tackled but fortunately Angie diverts Nathan at the last second.
17:23 <Kiara_Wrestler> be kind!
17:25 <Nathan_gingerbread> Right you... Falling to the floor i wrap my leg around Angie's head and grab her arm pulling her in.
17:25 <nick_maldaran> *enjoys the show a little more
17:27 <Zack_Davis> Well that didn't quite go as I planned 🀣! I groan loudly as Andrea traps my arms over her legs "Arghhhhh!" I hate camel clutches!!!" ...
17:27 <Spanked_Angie> ohh shitt..my head get trapped by Nathan's legs, I move out my arms to don't let him get my arms as I push forward trying to fold his legs toward his chest in a kind of matchbook pin
17:28 <Zack_Davis> 😳
17:29 <Nathan_gingerbread> Happy to oblige as i hook my foot under my other leg and start to squeeze the head triangle i am making as i push Angie's arm across to further restrict her. Breathing
17:31 <Amazing_Andrea> I pull back hard on Zack's chin now, hoping to wear him down and do some damage, knowing I won't make him submit immediately. But I make sure he can feel my curves and my body against him too... yt
17:32 <JakeThe3rd> Seeing Zack in big trouble, I walk by Angie and Nate...he seems to be doing pretty well. I step next to Andrea, and hook my right arm under her chin, while also pressing her forward, hoping to ease the pressure on Zack's spine.
17:32 <Spanked_Angie> I damn I wasn't enough quick to move out one of my arm and he got it between his legs...I have the other free though, I swing it trying to deliver an hard punch on his side hoping to ease his hold as I try to move my body backward trying to break his hold..coughing and looking to @Jenny_die_Fighting_KΓΆnigin for an help
17:36 <Nathan_gingerbread> I grimace as the blow comes in but determined to make this count i grab my own foot and pull tightening the hold as i use my other hand to cover her nose and mouth . Squeezing hard.
17:36 <Zack_Davis> I feel a large set of boobs mushrooming against my back, the curves of your body against mine ... "this Andrea knows what's she's doing" I think to myself ... "And she's hot!"... I feel the pressure on my arched spine suddenly relieved, "thank GAWD!!!" ... Trying to wriggle my arms free ...
17:38 <Amazing_Andrea> "Urk!" I grunt as I get pulled up by neck by Jake. Suddenly we're outnumbered by the boys, how did that happen?! No matter, I let go of Zack and reach back, trying to grab a hold of Jake's best friend to give him a squeeze! yt
17:38 <Spanked_Angie> I lick your hand to tickle you as you tap my mouth and noise...I can't breath and since my punch didn't have effect I also tickle your side..I know a desperate attempt but my only chance...*giggle*
17:39 <JakeThe3rd> It doesn't take long for me to release Andrea...and drop to my knees...my mouth open, but no sound coming out. My hand shoots to her wrists...as I try to move to ease the pain...it does NOT work.
17:41 <Nathan_gingerbread> I squirm and have to move my hand to try and stop the tickling as i look over and see jake go down from my angle hard to tell why . ... I work hard trying to stop angie tickling and try to roll her onto her side
17:44 <Spanked_Angie> gmphh I struggle trying to keep my tickling on your side but grrrrr you are stronger than me....I suddenly feel your switch weight on side to roll, I put my knee on ground and try to anticipate your movement hoping your hold easen a little so I can try to roll away
17:44 <Zack_Davis> Lmao! Suddenly I'm free! Angry but weary I turn to see Andrea squeezing Jake's junk 😳. She's a handfull I think! And she has a handful! Lady, that's my bro! Firing an elbow back at her curvy body, hoping to strike her anywhere in the back!
17:45 <Amazing_Andrea> "Guh!" I grunt as the elbow hits me in the small of the back, making me clamp down on the package in my hand a little more before falling off to one side. I get to my knees, trying to put both boys in front of me so I can wrestle defensively, outnumbered as I am. yt
17:46 <Zack_Davis> (sorry bro! 🀣🀣🀣)
17:47 <Nathan_gingerbread> Grrr your going nowhere as i fail to role angie but i try to trap your arm in a short armbar to add a hold as i see your face going red and your lips a bit white ..
17:47 <JakeThe3rd> The increased pressure...then the release...My eyes cross, and I fall to my butt, sitting up. I scoot back, not at all unmanly...not at all in a panic...okay, completely scrambling like I'm running from a bomb. I get a few feet back and watch Andrea and Zack square off, as I 'assess' the damage. "Get....her....Zack..." I mumble through a soprano falsetto.
17:48 <Zack_Davis> (I'm dying.🀣)
17:48 <Amazing_Andrea> (lol)
17:48 <JakeThe3rd> (lol...I try! haha)
17:49 <Spanked_Angie> my eyes get wet, I have both arms trapped now and my head into my your legs..."Pleasssssse let me go" I beg with my last voice left, that's not a falsetto but it's looks a death metal voice's one..."I'll show you nice a thing if you let me go"..kitty kitty meow meow
17:50 <JakeThe3rd> (lmao)
17:52 <Nathan_gingerbread> Taking that as a submission i quickly let go grinning and pat angie on shoulder as i look up and across to see whats happening
17:52 <Zack_Davis> At last, a little worse for the wear, I face off against this voluptuous foe, "you got lucky, Blondie" I hiss, watching Jake scoot away... "Wanna dance?!?" pressing into her, attempting a collar ond elbow lock up ...
17:53 <Zack_Davis> *hears Angie meow ... peeks over"
17:54 <JakeThe3rd> *hears Angie meow, but thinks its me, breathing...in agony*
17:54 <Amazing_Andrea> My arms come right up and I go to lock up with Zack, but then I see his focus drift over to Angie and I try to use that to my advantage, trying to bum rush him instead, pushing him down on his back and trying to sit on his chest! yt
17:55 <Spanked_Angie> ohh finally you let me go...I lay on my back...panting then I stand up "I keep my promise" I slide down my panties and show my meoww meoww kitty kitty
17:56 <Spanked_Angie> You are not logged in.
17:57 <Nathan_gingerbread> I make sure i get a really good look as i roll over and get to my feet carefully looking around before i rush into anything .
17:58 <Spanked_Angie> an aureola shine over my head...not sneak attack but...PUFFF I disappear
18:00 <Amazing_Andrea> Whoops. Looks like the fight disintegrated.
18:07 <Zack_Davis> Level 5 Zack Attack as Angie flashes boobs... Not sure if "flash" is quite the right word 😳... My brain goes into a freeze, as Andrea plows into me, we both hit the ground, lucky for her (πŸ‘…) she lands on top of me, good Lord curve crushed onto my back .. she scrambles to a straddle ... Staring at ... Curves ... Blinks... Brain freezes again
18:11 <Amazing_Andrea> I smirk as Zack seems to be malfunctioning. I grab his head and pull him up for a moment. "Want a closer look?" I ask before attempting to squeeze his head between my 44DDs. Fortunately for the poor boy they're constrained by my bra, but that might not matter for his air supply. yt
18:13 <Nathan_gingerbread> I walk over careful of anyone who might jump in ... As i watch andrea smothering zack seems easy to come in behind and slip my arms under hers pulling backward as i try and link my hands in a full nelson
18:16 <Amazing_Andrea> (All of a sudden I'm on my own in a room full of men. 😳)
18:16 <JakeThe3rd> *looks and sees Brandi...ohh great :)*
18:16 <Zack_Davis> Lmao ... Air supply gone, brain frozen! Not so awful
18:18 <Zack_Davis> 44DD might be an underestimate methinks as Nathan sneaks in an attempt at a full nelson ... I can breathe!!!
18:18 <Brandi_Mae> *I look at Jake and smiles, giving him a wave with my hand* πŸ‘‹
18:19 <Zack_Davis> Ohh that can't be good
18:19 <Nathan_gingerbread> ( balls)
18:22 <Amazing_Andrea> I had Zack locked down, but again another one of these boys grabs me and tries to pull me off. He lifts my arms and tries to lock in a full nelson, but I throw my head back trying to... dissuade him. yt
18:25 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yeah should have seen that coming as i take a face full and drop her left arm to cover my face my right holding on weakly as i am momenterily stunned
18:26 <Zack_Davis> Andrea gets stretched backwards by Nathan, her breasts and cleavage heave off of me as her back arches, exposing her belly ... She fires a backwards headbutt at Nathan as I fire a fist at her navel
18:27 <Zack_Davis> πŸ’ͺ🀜
18:30 <Amazing_Andrea> I feel the headbutt connect successfully but then all of a sudden Zack's fist slams into my belly. I groan and double over a little, but Nathan's still got my right arm. So my left arm comes down to give him a similar treatment to Jake, trying to temporarily incapacitate him too so I can maybe fight on even footing. yt
18:31 <JakeThe3rd> *starts to write a "get well soon" card for Nate*
18:33 <Zack_Davis> ( 😳🀒)
18:34 <Nathan_gingerbread> Still stunned i feel andrea hand snake back to grab my groin but i am too slow and i feel her hand close and start to squeeze. I clamp both hands over her forearm and mouth silently as i try and keep my feet unable to do anything else
18:40 <Zack_Davis> "Ohhh damn, she got another one !" I look on in horror! I'd grab her arm and try to yank it free, but that might not play out so well for Nathan if she has good grip strength πŸ˜‚ ... I scoot back from beneath the Curves so I can maybe get to my feet, "hang on brother, I got this!" ... I have a lethal Guillotine, maybe ...
18:41 <Nathan_gingerbread> Andrea cant we be friends i manage to squeek
18:42 <Amazing_Andrea> I release Nathan's balls as he squeaks out a plea for mercy, but with Zack's comments, I'm not gonna just let him put me in a choke like that. As he starts to get to his feet, I aim a kick at his chest, trying to knock him down and maybe knock his breath out too. yt
18:47 <Zack_Davis> "Son of a ..." ... Foot fires up square between my pecs. I hiccup as I clutch my chest ... My damn heart skipped a beat I do believe! ... I stumble backwards glaring at the Curves from Hell blonde, gasping for air like a fish out of water, clutching my chest ... I try to curse, but 🀷 no breath! Grrrrr!!! Rethinks my approach ...
18:48 <Zack_Davis> You are not logged in.
18:49 <Nathan_gingerbread> Drop to one knee behind andrea putting my palm to the floor i might at least serve for one of the oldest tricks and nod at zack
18:52 <Amazing_Andrea> Zack looks like a fish out of water for the moment so I turn to Nathan and see him down on one knee. "What are you doing, you gonna schoolboy me?" I say laughing as I try to knock him the rest of the way down with a clubbing forearm blow. yt
18:54 <Nathan_gingerbread> Well it kinda worked ..
18:55 <JakeThe3rd> *nods to the Brothers...and has to head off to work* Good luck...y'all will need it. *Walks off with a limp...not sure why I'm limping, maybe it helps ease the pain in my groin*
18:56 <Nathan_gingerbread> As she turns her back on zack i take a big forarm and pancake out on the floor with. Loud grunt.
18:56 <Zack_Davis> I lunge forward, still gasping for air. Might as well gasp over here I figure! Andrea has turned her back to me, I stumble to my knees behind her, my vision framed by her butt ... Lift a sharp uppercut between her legs from behind ...
18:59 <Amazing_Andrea> "UNNNNNNHHHHH!!!!" I groan loudly and fall to my knees in pain from the low blow. Unfortunately for Nathan my left knee jams right in to his shoulder blade. But then I'm rolling away, writhing in pain a bit, getting a taste of my own medicine.
18:59 <Amazing_Andrea> yt
19:01 <Nathan_gingerbread> Pinned by the knee it hardly matters as i try and recover my back hurts my balls hurt and there higher priority so i try and squirm away but fail
19:07 <Zack_Davis> Andrea rolls away, but wounded. I gasp in my first breath since her foot said hello to my chest, a huge rush of air...dives forward from my knees onto her legs as rolls, landing across her legs, my face almost on her butt
19:09 <Nathan_gingerbread> I will just lay here then πŸ«₯
21:40 <Amazing_Andrea> I feel Zack falling forward onto me, laying with his chest across the back of my legs, and I instinctively try to turn, reaching down hoping to grab his head and shove it in between my thighs, wanting to put a squeeze on him. yt
21:44 <Nathan_gingerbread> Looks up feeling the knee lifted and try to tally myself pulling my knees up and getting back to all fours . Doggedly hanging in there.
22:14 <Zack_Davis> Our combined momentum allows you to roll through as I struggle to get a hold of you. Having beach bum hair does at time have it's disadvantages... Like when a tough opponent decides to use it to pull my head into a squeeze between her thighs. Those curves aren't just for looks, you squeeze like a vice! I paw at your legs trying to loosen your grip ...
22:16 <Amazing_Andrea> I pant and start recovering from that low blow and look Zack in the eye. "Bad boy hitting me like that," I scold playfully, before pulling you into my crotch hard. "Now kiss it and make it better." Yt
22:18 <Nathan_gingerbread> Rising to my feet behind Andrea I see how she has him trapped keeping it simple and trying to conserve my strength deliver a forearm smash across her back
22:20 <Spanked_Angie> I see Nathan going to hit Andrea as she is dominating Zack, I charge him from behind, slamming my breast on his back and trying to hook one arm around his neck to block his attack...
22:21 <Nathan_gingerbread> ( looks for a ref )
22:21 <Spanked_Angie> ( I've breast smothered ref lol)
22:22 <Nathan_gingerbread> (apparently)
22:24 <Zack_Davis> My face gets pulled roughly into your crotch, I'm damn near getting kitty smothered! I pretty much know you intimately, but not in the best of terms! I groan into your kitten "I'll buy dinner first next time" as I struggle in vain...pulling your legs open a little isn't going to do a thing I quickly realize, I frantically try to get a solid punch or two above your hip into the side of your belly ...
22:27 <Nathan_gingerbread> Unexpectedly angie chargers into my back squishing her breasts into me unsteady feet mean I am easily barrelled forward into Andrea's back as both myself and Angie tumble forward I feel her arm sneaking around my neck
22:30 <Amazing_Andrea> I get slammed into and punched at the same time, grunting in pain and surprise! But I hold my grip around Zack's head for a moment trying to wiggle my hips. As Angie pulls Nathan off I try to roll Zack over to sit on his face. Yt
22:31 <Zack_Davis> 😳
22:33 <Nathan_gingerbread> ( i think i saw terry the statue blink)
22:33 <Spanked_Angie> Ohh damn l didn't know I was so strong, my own move surprise myself , we stumble forward but Andrea is quick to sit on Zack...My arm is still around Nathan neck, I grab my wrist to increase the grip as I roll sideway trying to wrap my legs around his waist yt
22:37 <Zack_Davis> My hands at your sides trying to sneak a gutbuster in to your obliques, my arms are not in a position to provide a base. You roll with my head in between your curve thighs, wrenching my neck, forcing me to roll with you ... I've got crotch in my face throughout the roll, right into the butt of your 165 pound facesit. I groan into butt cheeks ... Mmpffhhhhh. . . (Translates into "get off me!!!)
22:41 <Amazing_Andrea> I smile, grabbing hold of that surfer hair and parting my legs for a moment. And playfully I tease. "I'm sorry, please address all complaints in writing to the management after the ride is over," and then I attempt to plant my pussy on your face, still covered by my panties. Yt
22:42 <Nathan_gingerbread> Instincts kick in as my airway is impeded and i have to stop myself from biting as i push my hands down blocking further progress of Angie's thighs but i know i am in trouble and its too late to tuck my chin so i turn my head toward her elbow and find a little room.
22:44 <Zack_Davis> I groan again, this might be fun if you weren't trying to suffocate me! I do the only thing I can. I bite. Hard!
22:47 <Spanked_Angie> Your arms push my legs downward so I can't squeeze your body but my arm is well locked around your neck, I turn the other one up to wrap it around your head to set a sleeper hold..."no room sugar but a bedroom to send you to Dreamland"I hiss to your ear yt
12:29 <Zack_Davis> *glares at Andrea*
12:32 <Amazing_Andrea> I've got a good hold, and I roll over, planning to give you a nice smother, but instead you're ungrateful and bite me! I howl in pain and roll off to one side.
12:37 <Zack_Davis> Certainly appreciate the generosity of your offer however at this time I must defer 😈! You roll away howling, I blink once or twice ... Zack Attack at a level never before seen ... Brain. Stuck.
12:37 <Nathan_gingerbread> I manage to take one good gulp of air as i feel angie constricting on me wispering in my ear. I try and push my hand down between us but there is little room and i notice my vision starting to gray at the edges. I kick my legs trying desperatly to loosen the grip or make space for my hand to pass.
12:39 <Zack_Davis> (Zack Attack: uncontrollable loss of all ability to focus on any task at hand, typically the result of a hot lady or ladies.)
12:42 <Zack_Davis> *Wonders why I'm laying on my back ... Rolls over to my hands and knees. Ohh, Angie's choking Nathan out, I wonder why. I should help him*
12:44 <Kiara_Wrestler> as I see Nathan is attempting you easen Angie's sleeper I move closer to him leaning I grab his arms and pull them down to remove his hands off, shaking my head "didd you hear what she said?" I ask doing a kind cute face..."you are going into dreamland" I start to sing a sweeeeeeeet lullaby with a mommy's voice *giggle*
12:44 <Amazing_Andrea> I get back to all fours and see Zack still struggling to figure out what he's doing. As he moves toward Angie and Nathan, I pounce on him trying to slam my ass down on his back and straddle him
12:51 <Nathan_gingerbread> I bring my feet up weakly trying to push kiaria away as my mind throws one last trick and i pretend to slump twitching and give out a loud snore.
12:51 <Zack_Davis> I'm suddenly blindsided by a curvy, sexy ass!!! "Oooooffffffff!" The ass straddles my back and drives me flat. . . Reality sets back in, been here before! "Not this time, Medusa!" Tucks my chin tight, clasping my arms tight to my head. Strictly defensive at the moment, hoping to catch you in a mistake ...
12:53 <Kiara_Wrestler> I continue to sing, holding tighlty Nathan's arm....I nod to Angie as he looks passed out so I tell to her "let him go we'll hogtie him to let all guys know who are the bitches here"
12:55 <Zack_Davis> You are not logged in.
12:55 <Amazing_Andrea> Zack tries to protect himself by tucking his chin to prevent me from putting him into another camel clutch, but silly boy. He should know there's more than one way to break a surfer. That's the saying, right? I turn around to face his feet, trying to get his legs and pull them up under my arms, so that I can sit back down on his shoulders in a Boston Crab! Yt
13:04 <JakeThe3rd> Back from work, I quickly lunge at Kiara, hoping to tackle her before she's able to tie up one of the brotherhood. I lunge wrapping my arms around her torso, hoping to bring her to her back, and help the unconscious Nate...looking at Zack before lunging, seeing him in a bit of trouble himself.
13:05 <Zack_Davis> I feel the butt rotate 😜. That butt is a versatile ASSet I think to myself, raising my head to take a cautious peek .. "ohhh crap!" My legs are snagged up, , my back arches unnaturally suddenly against the butt as my legs are lifted in a firm, obviously well trained grip! I let out a shriek as I slam my fist on the ground in frustration and pain ... "LET GO! LET GO! I'LL TEACH YOU TO SURF!!!"
13:08 <Amazing_Andrea> I pull out the Willy Wonka jokes again and turn my head to look at Zack. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear that. But I dunno how you think I'm getting all this goodness on a surfboard either." I quip before pulling back farther, cranking on the hold to really stretch his back out good. Yt
13:09 <Nathan_gingerbread> I peek as jake tries to wrap up kiaria and can only hope angie is fooled by my ploy.
13:12 <Zack_Davis> "Fuucckkkk!!! I have a big board!!!" I yelp, the intense pain ratchets up as you settle into the hold ... I try to get to my elbows to crawl forward...
13:15 <Amazing_Andrea> "Really now?" I smirk, letting go of one leg to give your ass a hard spank, trying to keep you from crawling out from under me. "Why don't we get a look at this board then?" I say suggestively, grabbing a hold of the waistband of your trunks and forcefully pulling, trying to just strip you in one fell swoop and toss them aside before you know what happened. Yt
13:23 <Zack_Davis> I grin as a leg is released but instantly yelp as my ass gets a hard, stinging smack! Then a shriek as my swim trunks are unceremoniously yanked free, momentarily 'hung' up on my junk before snapping free and clear . . . "Aaaggghhh! I'll throw in lunch!" I plead ... battered and bruised by every part of your body, I struggle weakly .
13:26 <Amazing_Andrea> I giggle, finally realizing you're trying to submit. But you haven't actually come out and said it yet so I can play the blonde card for a moment longer, locking in the single leg crab and reaching around with my other hand to grip your "board" and test its length. Smirking back at you as I say, "And what are we going to eat?" Yt
14:17 <Kiara_Wrestler> I am moving toward the cabinet to take a rope but I suddenly feel two arms hug my torso from behind, before I could react I fall flat on my belly, my round breasts firts...shocked and surprised by this nasty attack I put my palms on ground and quicly I try to push up turning on my side trying to get rid off Jake but he is lunging toward Zack...
14:22 <JakeThe3rd> Pleased with slowing down Kiara, I see Zack is having his "trouble," as Andrea is handling him...so I try to get to Nate, to see if I can bring him into consciousness...then noticing a slight smirk at the corner of his mouth.
14:23 <Kiara_Wrestler> I stand on my knees realizing Nathan faked his passout...I grow..."not fair!!!" I hiss as I extend my legs diving toward Jake attempting to spear his back hoping to make him fall over Nat..
14:24 <Zack_Davis> Your sharpshooter is no more pleasant than your other pleasantries! I feel you fondling my mini-me, testing it's length in your grip, an odd combination of anguish and arousal ..."anything you want" I groan ...
14:24 <Venezuelan_Metal_Girl> mmm
14:29 <Zack_Davis> *Sees Carmen . . . ohh, hi*
14:30 <Kiara_Wrestler> wink to Carmen, not bad having reinforces
14:31 <AlexHuan_CW> Hi everyone!
14:31 <JakeThe3rd> I tumble over Nate, sliding a little past him before coming to a rest on my stomach. My spine and side aching, and wondering what in the world happened...was there an earthquake? I roll over and sit up, rubbing my back, seeing Kiara with a devious grin on her face. "Figures!"
14:33 <Kiara_Wrestler> hands on my hips I look to Jake, flames into my eyes..."so Jake, how did you dare hit me from behind?" the tone of my voice is not good but rather it remember the ROARRRRing of a tigress, my quads bulnge as I move toward you, arms up ready to break you...
14:33 <Kiara_Wrestler> You are not logged in.
14:34 <Venezuelan_Metal_Girl> (damn that is a hot picture)
14:50 <Nathan_gingerbread> I decide to play possum still as i wait to see if angie is fooled.
14:52 <Amazing_Andrea> "You haven't had enough already, have you?" I ask, stroking you quickly now. "I guess if you were to... I don't know... actually submit, then I suppose I could be a little bit... nicer to you." I stroke you pointedly, hoping you make the right decision. yt
15:03 <Zack_Davis> I quickly assess my options ... Live to fight another day does not seem like a a bad idea, I'll have my vengeance. But for now, my back is breaking beneath your curvy sexy ass, and you weaken me further as pleasure comingles with pain ... "That's just not fair" ... I groan, a final wince and a slap of my hand on the ground ... "Okay, Okay, I submit!...THIS time!"
15:05 <Amazing_Andrea> I smirk as you apparently CAN be taught. "Good boy," I say with a wink, releasing the single leg and rolling you over onto your back, still stroking you firmly and quickly, trying to get a good look at the length now for the first time. yt
15:08 <Nathan_gingerbread> As time passes my fake becomes harder to maintain she is still squeezing me ... And i reach up tapping her arm signalling my submission.
15:13 <JakeThe3rd> I try to stand and brace for impact as Kiara levels her shoulders and is aiming at me, a bit weakened from the earlier blow, I lower my shoulders and widen my arms to prepare for impact.
15:18 <Kiara_Wrestler> I move forward, my eyes have a target only: Jake...as I am getting closer I raise my arms to get a fight stance...I move forward my right shoulder like to shoot a punch but I turn on my right foot and shoot my left legg trying a round kick to your side
15:23 <Spanked_Angie> I am confused looking around what is happening, I keep my sleeper hold..caressing Nathan's thigh with my cute foot "sleep baby" I giggle
15:25 <Zack_Davis> I grasp at my wounded back, arching slightly as your firm, rapid strokes begin to overwhelm me ... Coaxing both size and length from me, I become harder and harder in your efforts ...
15:27 <Nathan_gingerbread> A final panicked spasm as angie continues to choke me . Despite my submission and my tongue comes out as i black out going limp in ber arms.
15:28 <JakeThe3rd> I see the kick coming, and try to brace for it, knowing it'll hit, but also hoping to drop my arm to capture it...if possible. If successful, I'll try to grip and lift it high to bring you to your butt.
15:29 <Spanked_Angie> "Ohh sorry baby...I didn't hear you saying: I submit to the amazing Angie" I giggle then I feel your body get wimp into my sleeper..."good night" I blow a kiss on Nats't forreahd and stand up stretching my arms...I realize I am still naked coz I showed off my kitty kitty meow meow..blushing a little
15:32 <Kiara_Wrestler> I shoot my kick with all strenght I have but you are quick to move your arm and capture my foot...I pull my leg to get free but you litft it up making me fall on my fit butt...I growl and trying to bend my leg toward my breasts hoping you keep the hold to unbalance you forward
15:40 <Amazing_Andrea> I smile as Zack responds nicely for me, growing quickly under my attention. "Now I need to make sure that my girls don't need help subduing your buddies, so don't take too long, give me what I really want, and maybe we can talk about... more... later." I wink, leaning down to give your head a playful lick. yt
15:44 <JakeThe3rd> Kiara's kick lands with a thud, some air expels my open mouth, as somehow I hold on a bit loosely...then she pulls me forward after she lands on her butt, and if getting me off-balance was her goal..its working. I stumble forward, and the only thing I can think to do as my balance is falling forward, is aim my hands at her wrists or elbows...and hope I can capture her arms as I land toppling on her.
15:48 <Kiara_Wrestler> I manag to ubalance you forward but it's not a total success since you land over me...oufff the impact of you body wind me a little and you get one of my arms, but I have my both legs free right now *evil face* I use my free hands to push your chest and don't let you lean and keep you into a sitting position over my belly as I raise my legs and try to wrap my sexy perfect legs around your waist
15:49 <Zack_Davis> Andrea licks my head playfully, I'm not in much condition to resist. Not that I would! Battling against her curvy, sexy body has been arousing, and her skills apparently do not lie in simply wrestling
15:52 <Spanked_Angie> ohh shit my sis looks in trouble, I move toward Kiara coming from Jake's back..."ohh sugar don't mess with her or..." I lean and take his pants band stretching it and then releases *giggle*
15:53 <JakeThe3rd> Not completely winded, but recovering from the kick, I feel success as one of your arms is pinned down. But then that expression, the push up on my chest, and the searching pythonic legs. I try to duck forward, and as I do, I feel my waistband stretched and snapped against my back...causing me to lean back in the direction of her legs. I release her one arm as I am pulled back and prepare to try to fight off her legs as they snake up. "shit!"
15:55 <Nathan_gingerbread> Groans and rolls onto side into recovery position .
15:56 <Kiara_Wrestler> blowing a kiss to Aangie, due her move I manage to wrap my thick legs around Jake's waist..."ohh got it!" I say with an evil smile, I cross my ankle and lock my feet, I caress my one of my thighs then I flex my quads starting to squeeze your body..."ohh let me count how long you can bear this" I see my legs swollen and I guess you are gonna feel some real pain..
16:01 <JakeThe3rd> I watch as those feet cross and ankles lock, and know I'm in deep trouble. As Kiara prepares to flex and crush her legs together, I fall to my back, hoping the change of position affects her grip and squeeze...knowing it won't likely loosen them completely. I land and my hands paw and grip, trying to loosen these constricting legs, knowing a lot of pain is in store...and the other two helpers are a bit incapacitated. "grrrrr....."
16:05 <Spanked_Angie> I shake my head..."not not Jake...you threathen with gals her and now" as you move lean back to ease the grip I grab your arms pulling them backward and raising my right leg I plant my cute foot on your spine pushing to arch your back into a kind a surfboard while Kiara is squeezing your waist
16:20 <JakeThe3rd> "you've...got...to...be...kidding...me." I groan out as Angie grabs my arms and pulls them behind me, and my spine bends backwards. New levels of pain shoot through my body, the squeeze, the stretch, the bend. No good deeds go unpunished, I think to myself...eyes pinched shut, mouth letting out a guttural groan.
16:21 <Nathan_gingerbread> I get to my knees shaking my head
16:23 <Kiara_Wrestler> ohh my Angie is my Angel 😘...she keeps Jake into a sitting position as I am scissoring his waist...I arch my body and increase the pressure squeezing his body with full strenght I can, turning my hips side to side to add some criss cross crack to his ribs
16:33 <JakeThe3rd> Unable to do anything but mutter out a submission, with eyes closed, and feeling my ribs bend in some precarious directions, I let one fly, "okay....okay....I....quit....I...quit." The pain making even my brain function to speak difficult.
16:33 <Amazing_Andrea> I take Zack into my mouth now, bobbing my head quickly up and down his length. It doesn't look like the girls are going to need much help after all, but I still want to show off my skill and ruthlessness as I twirl my tongue over the tip, looking right into Zack's eyes. Yt
16:37 <Spanked_Angie> smiling to my sister I knew you couldn't bear the Italian Badasses scissor surf for long...as I hear your submission I let go your arms and remove my cute foot from your spine...I kneel behind your and make rest your head on my females.."poor baby, you and your friends will think better next time before attack us" I giggle
16:39 <Kiara_Wrestler> as Angie let him go I open my legs and put my feet on ground, panting..."so guys, who are the bitches today?"
16:40 <Nathan_gingerbread> Stands up hands on knees
16:41 <Zack_Davis> The Curvy Blonde from Hell take my entire length into her mouth, I'm not sure how I feel about being pleasured by Medusa herself. I get over it 😁 pretty quickly, relaxing on my back as she masters my pleasure as well as she mastered my misery
16:41 <JakeThe3rd> I lean back into Angie, unaware of anything, other than a soft resting place for my head. My ribs and abs finally released from their prison. My hands rub my sides, as I start to breathe a bit easier.
16:44 <Spanked_Angie> I pull Jake off from Kiara belly so she can move out and make it sit him on my laps, holding her his head on my breasts for a while to make his pain eaeses..."does it hurt?...I guess so her legs are really strong"
16:46 <Kiara_Wrestler> I stand up as Angie makes Jake moves out from my belly...I shake my legs then I look around "well I need a shower now" smiling
16:46 <Kiara_Wrestler> You are not logged in.
16:47 <Amazing_Andrea> It's a good thing I can't read minds or Zack might pay for the Medusa thoughts. 😏. I keep sucking and stroking fast and hard, trying to finish the surfer boy off in style! Yt
16:50 <JakeThe3rd> I groan as my body is pulled off, but am thankful its not for more torture. I smile up at Angie... "it hurt a LOT....her legs are killers." I let out a few deep sighs immediately feeling better...defeated...but better.
16:51 <Nathan_gingerbread> I look over at jake and then zack hands on hips as i watch and judge whether its worth any further fighting or if the battle is lost and decide for now at least i am done.
16:53 <Spanked_Angie> peeking to Nathan..."do you feel bad too?" I ask as I tap next to me inviting you close to me so you can rest your head on my girls too to ease the pain
16:54 <Zack_Davis> I kind of don't really mind Andrea's finisher 😈. The end cums hard and fast, and I feel grateful that she can't read minds!
16:54 <Spanked_Angie> You are not logged in.
16:55 <Zack_Davis> (geez Angie has a nice living room πŸ”₯)
16:55 <Spanked_Angie> (giggle)
16:56 <Amazing_Andrea> I gulp down Zack's offering and smile as I get up. "Gonna surprise Kiara in the shower. See you later, boys."
16:56 <Amazing_Andrea> You are not logged in.
16:57 <Nathan_gingerbread> I look side long at angie holding up my hand having had enough ' cuddles ' from her for today.
16:57 <JakeThe3rd> there's a living room?
16:57 <Zack_Davis> Lmao
16:57 <Zack_Davis> Trust me, they smother
16:59 <Zack_Davis> *Sits up. Looks around at the carnage* ... "That went well"
17:00 <Kiara_Wrestler> I step into the shower, naked of course as I feel a "presence behind me"....:)
17:03 <Nathan_gingerbread> Walks quietly to a corner and sits down
17:04 <Kiara_Wrestler> up tu publish the story guys?
17:07 <Zack_Davis> I'll ok a story if you let us watch the shower 😈
17:07 <JakeThe3rd> LMAO!
17:07 <Nathan_gingerbread> Nods
17:07 <Zack_Davis> You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
17:08 <Kiara_Wrestler> grr guys!!!
17:08 <Kiara_Wrestler> You are not logged in.
17:08 <Kiara_Wrestler> who want wash my back? lol
17:08 <Zack_Davis> πŸ‘Ό
17:08 <JakeThe3rd> Yes...okay to publish story ;)
17:08 <Nathan_gingerbread> πŸ–
17:09 <Zack_Davis> Yep, πŸ‘
17:09 <Nathan_gingerbread> Shotgun
17:09 <Zack_Davis> Slips running into shower

<Published> 2023-03-04, viewed 98 times.

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