Bulls Vs Bitches
Established: 2022-12-30
Chat room: #BullsVsBitches
- Back and forth
- Long-term roleplay
- Descriptive writing
- Male / Female
Males Vs Females Federation - who will be the bitches?
13:36 <TheBlackHulk> I spend 10 minutes in the dressing room on the stationary bike warming up before going through my stretched. Feeling warm and ready I shed my sweats and slip into my white compression shorts. I tingle with excitement at the thought of taking on such an imposing female. I make my way down to the #BullsVsBitches ring and take my place in my corner,moving to stay warm and loose as I wait for my opponent.
13:36 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
14:57 <The_Amazing_Mirella> I am into my locker room, I feel very excited today, I am goona have my edbut match for BullsVsBitches , but what really make run a thrill across my spine is that I have to face a big guy, it's very rare I have to wrestle with someone bigger than me, but that's happening today, as I get the signal I stand up and head out toward the Arena, I am wearing a black shirt and black mini short, my tan is pretty tanned, my arms and my rhighs are naked to show off my impressive muscles...I enter into the ring with a jump, the speaker announce me standing at "172 cm 86 kg The AMAZINGGGGGG MIRELLA" I shake my hand to the crowd, peeking to you then I am move to my corner to warm up yt
14:57 <The_Amazing_Mirella> You are not logged in.
15:02 <TheBlackHulk> I watch as you make your way to the ring your body tall and muscular . You enter the ring with a cat like leap and my eyes widen as you make your way to your corner. I had heard you had size but wasn't prepared for the dark haired beauty across the ring
15:02 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
15:08 <The_Amazing_Mirella> as I complete my warm up and my stretching I unwear my shoes and socks, I want feel the mat under my bare soles, I tie up my long dark hair, caring to make my biceps bulge then I turn to face you, my eyes run across your ripped muscles, I bite my lips and I feel my body warms up as I think I am gonna break that big body, I take a deep breath to calm me down, I raise my arms to take a fight stance, moving forward mt left foot...DING DINGG as bell rings I move out from my corner and toward you, circling and looking for an openening, you are taller and heavier than me so I don't to be rushy to attack yt
15:14 <TheBlackHulk> I do a few more stretches and the bell sounds. I turn my attention to you, flexing hard once more, making my dark body ripple under the hot ring lights as I crouch a bit, my hands coming up and extending, fingers wiggling as I move counter to you, looking for an opening as well
15:14 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
15:17 <The_Amazing_Mirella> my eyes peek at your massive chest, I have to hold my hands to don't slap your chest, I rather keep the position of my arms, I quckly step in, sending a shy kick to your thick thigh, it's not a real attack but just a way to test your reflexes, after the kick I step back again regrouping my stance yt
15:25 <TheBlackHulk> I begin cutting down the radius of my circle, moving closer to you. My eyes widen in anticipation knowing things are about to get serious. You send a probing kick to my left thigh and I take a short hop back, trying to move out of range but those shapely legs of yours are long and your foot makes contact. As my feet land from my hop back, I set and quickly counter with a sweeping kick aimed at the back of your left heel as I test your reflexes now as I try to upset your balance
15:26 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
15:30 <The_Amazing_Mirella> my movent is as fast as a whip, after my foot connect with your kick I swing back my kicking leg caring to put my foot on back positon, switching all weight over so as you try to sweep my left I don't have weight over, my leg is pushed sideway, I pivot on my right foot (the one back) and extendig my other leg I try a round kick aiming to your right side, trying to catch your ribs with my ankles, teasing you "mmh let me feel if those muscles are hard as they look" yt
15:37 <TheBlackHulk> A smile spreads on my face upon finding you have some real skill as I sweep and find you have shifted your weight to your back foot. You quickly fire a round house kick to my ribs. It slams into my side with a thud ! I take the kick and my hand and arm drop over it then my hand hooks under it to trap it to my body and I now launch a heel kick to your abs. " My muscles is every bit as solid as they look. How about your and, babe".
15:38 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
15:42 <The_Amazing_Mirella> a smile curls on my face as I feel my ankle lands on your side, I love the sound "Ohh does it hurt?" I ask you faking a worried face, I move back my foot on ground ready to prepare another attack, we started this match like a MMA kind, real wrestling has to start yet but before I could shoot another strike OUCHHH your big foot land on my belly, my abs are ready and flexed but your size force me to move back a couple of steps, I double a little...coughing, I glare at you "not bad big boy" but I need a moment to recover, unable to attack this turn yt
15:49 <TheBlackHulk> My foot lands on your solid abs forcing you to step back, your fit body bending just a bit as it appears you will need a moment to reset. I move in fast, trying to capitalize, hooking my hand behind your neck and pulling you down an towards me to keep you off balance as I drive my knee up, trying to slam it into your abs once again
15:49 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
15:52 <The_Amazing_Mirella> you show off a great speed, as I just take a moment to recover you move quickly toward me, your big arm wrapping my head, I make me pull down I clearly see your leg firing up, I slap my palms on your knee to block your strike on my gut, as you are on one leg only I rush forward trying to ram my shoulder on your abs hoping to take you down yt
15:57 <TheBlackHulk> I fire my knee up aimed at your abs but you deftly block it , then lunge forward slamming your shoulder into me. On one foot you easily take me to the canvas as I try to wrap my arms around your head and kick my legs up, trying to get my legs around your trimmed waist. . I grunt from the impact as my thick back hits the canvas
15:57 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
16:01 <The_Amazing_Mirella> I manage to block your knee strike and send you down with my shoulder, but my head is still trapped by your head, you pull me down, I know I can't counter to your strenght so I just follow your movement, your legs are sliding around my sides like two black mambas, I bend a little my legs and as you land on ground I hop forward a littl trying to fall with one knee on your packed abs hoping my knee drop works to don't let close your hold around my waist yt
16:15 <TheBlackHulk> My arms flexing as they tighten around your head as I fall back. I cinch down hard pulling your face to my pecs as my legs slide around you , snapping shut as I catch you before you can get your knees up. I lock my ankles as I begin to tighten my black steel cable legs on your waist. Trying to inflict as much damage to your sexy body as I can
16:15 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
16:20 <The_Amazing_Mirella> Ohh damn, my attempt to land with my knee on your belly fails, I suddenly feel my face pressed on your massive chest, I moan as I feel your muscles press on my face, I try to slide my head a littl on side to lick your nipple, your strong legs start to squeeze my body, I flex my muscles to bear your squeezing pushing down my hips to make my crotch rub on your bulge, I don't know how long I can resist trapped into this cage of muscles but I have to find a way to escape or this match will end before it starts, I swing my right arm to deliver a combo of punches on your ribs hoping my distractions combined with my strikes will mahe your hold easen yt
16:56 <TheBlackHulk> I can feel you struggling, trying to turn your head from the deep valley between my pecs. Your tongue suddenly licking my nipple and I grunt in surprise as you shift the style of your attack . You push your hips down onto my bulge which makes me swell against you. Your fist begin to hammer my ribs thudding heavily against my body. I wince and rachet up the power I'm feeding into my holds hoping to take some of the fight out of you before I am forced to release you
16:56 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
17:03 <The_Amazing_Mirella> ohh gmphh breathing is starting to get hard, I try my best to keep my muscles flexed to bear your double squeezing, my distracions didn't work like I hoped but I don't give up, I still have a lot of energy, I continue to send punches on your ribs, moving my other arm on your bicep I try to push your arm on side to ease your headlock just a little to take some oxygen, bending my legs I try to put my knees on ground to have a support and with a quick and hard snatch I try to lift my upper body attempting to break your scissor with my back...grunting, my body is sweating for strain yt
17:12 <TheBlackHulk> Your still strong. I can feel your heavy punches on my ribs and when you get your knees to the canvas and begin to lift me and your upper body I decide it's time to change positions. I break my holds and try to kick you away as I try to roll to put some distance between us, rolling up to my knees to face you again.boi smile and wink at you, clearly enjoying the match this far
17:12 <TheBlackHulk> Ut
17:17 <The_Amazing_Mirella> mphh I am not breathing, my face is red for strain, I feel my muscles explode as I am using all I have to get free from your pythonic legs, but I feel the effort is paying...you break your hold I am kneeling in front of you but before I could move out ouchhh your feet slams my tits, forcing me to roll back, I stop to the ropes, I don't know where you are so despite the pain I quickly grab the mid one to pull me up on my feet, I pant as I move my eyes around the ring to see where you are, I see you are far enough...I feel my shirt sticking on my skin for sweat, I grab the collar and rip off my shirt, you can see my shining muscles now, I am wearing a black bra, I smile "okay, good warm up, now wrestling!" I say as I try to take some time to recover yt
17:17 <The_Amazing_Mirella>
17:25 <TheBlackHulk> You roll back to the ropes to pull yourself up. I can see the concern on your face as you scan the ring to see where I am. I slowly rise up from my knees wiping my hands on the back of my shorts as you peel off your top, revealing your fit body, your breasts prominently displayed in your black bra. I look at you as I slowly circle my lips with my tongue. " Oh yeah ! It's on now babe ."
17:25 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
17:31 <The_Amazing_Mirella> smirking as I see you lick your lips..."I bet you would use your tongue here" I say with a provocative look as I rub my flat belly, caring to flex my abs, I slowly regroup my stance, moving off my corner, but moving gingerly, swinging my hips side to side to look a feline walking toward her prey....I've been crazy to battle body to body with you, I am big but you are bigger than me, I won't do same mistake again, as I close enough I throw my arms in, faking an hold to your head but I swing my right leg up trying to slam my knee on your belly yt
17:37 <TheBlackHulk> I watch as you walk towards me now mesmerized by the cat like movements of your lithe body. Your arms suddenly reaching for my head and I raise my arms to block your hands. Suddenly you you drive your knee up into my rippling abs and my breath rushes over my lips as I bend a bit at my waist
17:37 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
17:41 <The_Amazing_Mirella> I don't know if worked better my catty movements or my fake but what it's matter is that my knee land on your brick of muscles, just where I aimed, as you double over you are almost as height as I am, I can use my right arm to hook your neck, moving a little on my left to be almost side to side with you, my left arm goes on the band of your shorts, just over your iron ass, I flex my bicep around your neck if I manage to get you, caring to have a good grip...I fall on my back trying to jerk you down with me attepting to slam your face on ground with a nasty DDT yt
17:48 <TheBlackHulk> Grunting as I'm pulled into you, your arm wrapping behind my head. Your other hand grabbing the back of my shorts as you lock me up, then pull me off balance as you go to your back, taking me with you as you drive me face first into the canvas with a DDT. I grosn as I'm driven face first to the canvas. Dazed for the moment as I shake my head, trying to clear the cobwebs
17:48 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
17:52 <The_Amazing_Mirella> SBAMMM this time my speed helps me to perform a good move, I fall on my back but you land face first on mat with an hard DDT, ring shakes, I hear the crowd woooowiing, my start was not good but now I taking the head of the tussle, as you are clearing I roll on side, trying to sit on your back, with one hand I grab your hair, pulling to lift your head, trying to wrap my other arm around your neck, my bicep pushing on your throath to choke you...yt
17:55 <TheBlackHulk> I feel you mount my back and instinctively get my knees under me as you pull my head up by my hair and wrap your arms around my neck. I can feel your bicep digging into my neck
17:55 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
17:59 <The_Amazing_Mirella> as you pull legs under yoour body, you tilt forward, I am unbalanced and I have to let go yout neck and hair to put hands on ground blocking my falling, I miss the chance to choke you but maybe I can do something even better, I slide forward using hands support and try to get your head between my legs yt
18:11 <TheBlackHulk> I get you unbalanced and you have to relinquish your choke attempt. Instead you move forward yo get my head between those dangerous long legs.vi can feel your firm thighs as they close on my head, your bowling ball glutes on my trapezoid muscles as you tighten your hold. Your hands on the canvas for support I grab your wrist, one in each hand as I straighten up right then get my feet on the canvas, one then the other as I ride with you on my shoulders. I head for the nearest corner, holding your wrist tight as I drive forward to smash you face first into the top turn buckle
18:11 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
11:25 <The_Amazing_Mirella> as I feel your head close to my thighs I cross my feel to lock the hold, but damn you are fast to react, you grab my wrists standing up, I miss the support with the ground and you stand up, lifting me over your broad shoulders, my writs trapped, I realize your are carrying me toward the corner, my crotch is on your face, I have to do something and I have to do fast or I guess I am gonna get a bad hurt, my thighs are still around your neck, I can't squeeze but I have a support, you are moving forward I try to lean back using all my body weight and strenght to make me drop on my back hoping I am fast enough to anticipate your attempt to slam my face on the corner yt
15:18 <TheBlackHulk> Your long legs on my broar shoulders as I lift you, getting to my feet and looking to turn my move into a buckle bomb , moving towards the corner. I can feel you trying to shift your weight, trying to avoid being driven into the turn buckles but I have a tight grip on your wrist. The two fold reason is to help me control your movements and to prevent you from using your hands to catch and protect yourself. I can't help but inhale your scent and my tongue slides out to taste your damp crotch before slamming you into the top turnbuckle, your head hitting hard
15:18 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
16:36 <The_Amazing_Mirella> ohh I feel your breath blowing between my legs, I can't control a moan escape from my mouth but I don't give up and try to switch my weight, but you have a good grip on my wrists and your bodyweight is too much for me to be controlled, I can't block you attempt and OUCHHHH my forehead slams hard on the top turnbuckle, I see my view get blurr, then everything get confused, my body bounces, curls and then then it flies backward, I land on mat with a big thud, winded and stunned, I lay on my back, legs and arms spreaded trying to know where ever I am yt
16:42 <TheBlackHulk> You slam ont the top turnbuckle and Landon the canvas all spread eagled I quickly move in, jumping on he middle rope and bouncing in the air, twisting and extending my thick leg as I attempt a leg drop to your chest
16:42 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
16:45 <The_Amazing_Mirella> I am looking the ceiling, lights dance, it's like I was into a disco, but I don't hear music only my ears whistles, my head is drumming like if someone was playing a grit into my brain, I battle my eyes, slowly my view is getting more clear, I realize where my body is and that I am laying defencless on mat, I don't care where you are but I know I am an easy target, I roll toward the ropes, I am slow due dazing but I hope I am fast enough to let your leg drop misses me yt
16:49 <TheBlackHulk> Ss I come down I see you rolling. In mid move it is too late to change and I hit the canvas hard, my landing sending a jolting shock up my spine a I lean to the side to hold my back
16:49 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
16:54 <The_Amazing_Mirella> as I am rolling I feel the mat vibrates like if am earthquake woudl shaked the arena but it's just on landing on mat, missing my body, I gulp I wonder what would happened if your thick leg met my body, I grab the middle rope, using my arms I slowly try to stand up, I feel like drunken, my legs are not still firm so I have to hold myself on the ropes, gasping and panting, I deep breath to recover, my body is shining for sweat covering it, my muscles look more ripped for that...I turn to face you, not able to attack yet but I care to see what you mean to do yt
16:54 <The_Amazing_Mirella>
17:01 <TheBlackHulk> I watch you through pained eyes, the jolt up my spine fading slowly. I watch you use the tope to pull yourself up and reach for the ropes looking to mimic you, slowly pulling myself to my feet and backing into the corner to gather myself. My da to k body sweating now, every curve and cut of my muscular body defined by the harsh ring lights as I look at you, watching for your attack
17:01 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
17:06 <The_Amazing_Mirella> I see you don't attack, but I can see your big muscles looking even more bulging due sweat, I bite my lips, feeling my body warms up, it's good for me you don't rush me so I can take some more time to recover, I taunt you "are yuo tired big boy?" I ask as I regropu my stance, I slowly move toward you, breathing deep to each step, my breasts bulge each time I take oxygen, as I am a couple of step far by you I bend my legs like to leap and jump but it's a fake movement to distract you, I just slide in moving up my back leg trying a nasty front kick to your gut yt
17:11 <TheBlackHulk> I watch as you gather yourself and move in, asking if I'm tired. Shaking off the effects of my failed leg drop and watching your heaving chest I react to you leaping lunge only to get kicked in my and, grunting as I'm driven back into the corner, my torso pitched forward in reaction to your kick
17:11 <TheBlackHulk> Ut
17:13 <The_Amazing_Mirella> SBAMMM I manage to hit your ripped ass, my balance is not so good yet so I I have to lean over you after my sole connects, I hold your broad shoulders like for a clinch, you are a bit doubled so I try again to hit your guts using the knee of the other leg...yt
17:21 <TheBlackHulk> Now holdingr bent over I know another attack o my abs is coming so I drop my arms down in front of me, crossing them to protect my abs. BAMM! Your knee slams into my crossed arms taking the brunt of your knee.bThrn I go on the offensive, my hands grabbing the back of your thighs as I step into you lifting you high, then twisting to slam your hard, on your back ,my shoulder driving into your belly as we land
17:21 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
17:26 <The_Amazing_Mirella> SBAMMM my knee goes on the right direction but fuck! you shield partially my strike using your hand...a sweat's drop flow down from my forehead, I gulp, you are too much close and you can go offensive using your bigger bodysize...I try to step back but as I do your hands get the back of my muscular thighs, my movement help you to easily lift my legs and you take me down, I grunt as my back slams hard on my belly, my abs is flexed but as you land over with yoru shoulder I fell air blow off from my body, I grind my teeth and try to use my legs to wrap your waist to control you maybe blocking your attempt to mount me over with your big body yt
17:31 <TheBlackHulk> We land hard my shoulder slamming your abs . I hear the air leaving your body as you get driven into the canvas. Your legs wrap around my waist to keep me from fully mounting you and I snake my big arms behind your head, squeezing hard to force your face into my thick pecs
17:31 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
17:35 <The_Amazing_Mirella> I manage to block your attempt to move over me, I couldn't bear your weight for long time, I take a sigh of relief, but I am still weak for the early slam, despite this I cross my feet to lock them and flex my quads, maybe I can't squeeze you with full strenght yet but I hope I could cause some pain on you, as I am doing this your hands go behind my head pulling me up, my face join your massive pecs, I feel your hard muscles on my lips, I let go a moan but I don't mean be pecsmother by you...I use my tongue to tickle you as I slowly trying to increase my scissor around your waist yt
17:41 <TheBlackHulk> Your head pulled up, your face pressed into my pecs and I feel your tongue trying to distract me as I feel your long legs tighten on my waist. I squeeze your head tight to me then use one hand to push up onto my knees then use both atms again around your head as I slam your back to the canvas again, using my muscular body to pound you between my body and the canvas, trying to take more of the fight out of you
17:41 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
17:45 <The_Amazing_Mirella> gphhhh the back of neck hurts and you push my face on your pecs, I try to hold you but both the sweat in my inner thighs and your superior strenght allow you stand up a little and then you slam my back on mat, hard since alzo gravity helps you, air blows of from my body but what it's really worst is that you slide foward and crush my body under yours, I grunt, pinned under you, my shoulders are on mat, ref sees that and start to count "1..." yt
17:48 <TheBlackHulk> I pull your face tighter into my sweaty pecs, trying to steal your breath as I squeeze your head into me to prevent you from using your head and neck, tightening my grip on you more
17:48 <TheBlackHulk> Ut
17:51 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
17:52 <The_Amazing_Mirella> gmphh you use your body weight to keep me down, I see nothing since my face is buried by your large pecs, I can't breath, I know it would be useless use my hands to push you away but hell I have to something or I'll lost this match so fast, I can use my legs though, I unlace my thighs off from your body, moving my feet on ground..ref says "2"..I know I have a chance only so I have to use all air left into my lungs, using feet support I try to lift my hips and then I roll on my side trying to bridge you off me, I guess our crotches will connect when I do this movement but that's only thing I can do yt
17:59 <TheBlackHulk> I feel you release your hold on my hip s and bridge up your hips, your hips pressing into mine and manage to twist to the side to break the pin. I keep my hold tight on your head as you bridge up your hips and roll us. I use the momentum of your roll to keep rolling moving my hips now to pass your guard as I roll you right back to your back. This time free of your legs
17:59 <TheBlackHulk> Ut
10:05 <The_Amazing_Mirella> I am surprised, I manage to bridge you off from despite the size difference, I break the count but it's not fisished, you use my own movement to continue the rolling, we reach the ring's edge, close to the ropes but not in the position I hoped, I am laying again on my back and you shift your position so I can't use my long strong legs, my head still trapped, I couldn't get air on early movement and I feel lack of air is weakening me, I move my hands on your arm, trying to push my thumbs on nerves over your elbow, attempting to hurt you and ease your hold yt
20:22 <TheBlackHulk> I mount you and move up higher on your body as you dig your thumbs into my elbows searching for a nerve pressure point. Straddling you , I raise up then slam my soli glutes down onto your body, then try to grab your wrist to pull your hands off of my elbows
20:23 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
09:40 <The_Amazing_Mirella> grrrr I am struggling with all my strenght, trying to get free by your body or at least get my head free to breath....but ouchhh your butt drops over my abdomen, you wind me even more and despite I could take air for a moment I can't do since you blow last oxygen I have into my lungs, I try to fight back with my arms to keep the hold but you can easily pull them off from your elbow since I am weak now for long lack of oxygen, my head is dizzy, I bring up my legs trying to hit your ass/back with my knees hoping you are into a sitting position, just a last desperate attempt but I see my end very close yt
09:40 <The_Amazing_Mirella>
15:11 <TheBlackHulk> Straddling you as I work on wearing you down using my size to try to hammer the breath out of you
15:12 <TheBlackHulk> Your legs suddenly come up slamming into my back and making me pitch forward
15:18 <TheBlackHulk> I catch myself on my hands and growl down at you then slide forward, moving to straddle your throat now and spreading my knees wide both for balance and to load your neck with my weight as I settle my crotch. I grab your hair in one hand, yanking it up. " Had enough yet Mirella ?" I say as I grin down at you
15:18 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
15:38 <The_Amazing_Mirella> my knees land on your back, you slide forward due to my strike but it's not good since you can slide forward pinning me on ground, your ass on my throath, I open my mouth to breath like a fish out water would do but I can't get air, you grab my hairs, I would scream but not air into me so I am gonna whsiper I give up not voice comes out from me, I try to nod, to say I had enough..ref checks my shoulders, they are on ground so he starts to count yt
15:41 <TheBlackHulk> Enjoying feeling your once powerful body under me, I hold your head up by your hair, thrusting my hips forward and back against your gasping face as the ref behind counting the pin.....1...
15:42 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
15:51 <The_Amazing_Mirella> my head is starting get dizzy, I only see a black muscular shape over me, nothing else, the ceiling is blurring, I don't know how much time I can still resist before passout, you didn't understad I'be submitted so I can just hope the count goes ahead fast..."2" my arms drop on mat...I close my eyes like if I would isolate from the World feeling so shaming for my debut in Bulls Vs Bithches, I hoped to get a win for gals but the 1st opponet I've met is too much strong, even for me yt
15:57 <TheBlackHulk> I listen as the ref slaps the canvas the second time . Your arms fall to the canvas and it becomes clear you have no more fight let in you. I look down at you as I flex above you, hips thrusting as the ref pounds the canvas for the pin.. I ride off of you and put a foot on your chest as I raise both of my fist high, slowly pulling them down into a double bicep pose
15:57 <TheBlackHulk> Yt
16:03 <The_Amazing_Mirella> after a time who looks as long as hours I feel the ref slap the mat for 3rd times...you are still over me I don't see you but I can feel your weight pressing on my throath...I gonna pass out but suddenly the weight easen as you move out...I am free, I catch air, my breast swollen as finally my lungs are filling with some oxygen, I've missed that for long time and I cough a little before my breathing come back reagular...as I open my eyes I see your huge biceps, looking from the botton they look even more bigger...it's a shame have your foot on my breast but it's even fair, you won and you deserve to celebrate yt
16:19 <TheBlackHulk> I look down at you and say, " Bulls over Bitches baby!".
<Published> 2023-05-04, viewed 114 times.
2023-05-04 22:54Thanks for the kind words Mangler. Mirella is a skilled and tough opponent and I think we both view our match as kind of an ice breaker. We have both agreed to a rematch . I'm sure we will both pull out our bags of tricks in the rematch
The Mangler
2023-05-04 22:43This is a fantastic match. You two worked well together. You both have a wonderful style and bring thr passion and violence out in this bout. Unfortunately Mirella there has to be looser. But you fought well. You got in so good and hard shots and holds . HULK your power technical abilities are fantastic. The back and forth...the fact the bout could have gone thr other way. This was a great read. Very enjoyable..
2023-05-04 22:57(In reply to this)
Thanks Mangler. Mirella is a tough opponent. I think we both consider the match an icebreaker. The rematch should be a real Donnybrook !