Bulls Vs Bitches

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Established: 2022-12-30
Chat room: #BullsVsBitches

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Males Vs Females Federation - who will be the bitches?
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Clara Vs Shady for Bulls & Bitches tournament

ClearlyClara (deleted member)

09:29 <ClearlyClara> I make my way to the ring, wearing my brown shirt crop top as I saunter through, showing of my tone 5'6 and 135 lbs, 34 c body, my thighs on full display in my white skirt with a slit on the side. I make my way to the apron, smirking I hold the top rope and jump into the ring, jumping over the top rope as I lick my lips waiting for my little opponent to arrive.
09:29 <ClearlyClara>
09:30 <shadyfighter07> ENTRY SONG:
09:34 <shadyfighter07> as the gate open, lights turn black, the speakers start to play "Enter Sandman" by Metallica, I enter in the arena wearing a black mantle with cap who covers all my body and my face, I walk slowly and reach the apron, I climb over and come into the ring..I reach my corner and unwear the mantle, standing at 175 cm 75 Kg lbs muscular built, I am wearing a pair of black shorts, barechest and black boots at my feet ... I start stretching to warm up, feeling a thrill runs throught my spine as I see my opponent, she is a mysterious one but she looks e a very hard one, her sexy frame could be a distraction but I feel confident..I warm up jumping on place and stretching my arms, then I take my fight stance, arms up and knees bended, I wait for the bell yt
09:35 <shadyfighter07> You are not logged in.
09:36 <ClearlyClara> I just satnd in my corner, smirking and rolling my eyes as you saunter towards the ring, seeing you stretch and warm up makes me crack my neck as I fake a yawn and bring my hand to my mouth before i start to move to the center of the ring, swaying my hips left and right as I give you a snarl before I crouch at the sound of hte bell, lifting my hands up and twirling my fingers as I invite you to a test of strenght yt
09:38 <shadyfighter07> I am ready, as bell rings I move outside from my corner, you are jjust waiting me there, offering palms fo a test of strenght, I don't thrust too much, I doubt you wanna really do it but I am also curious to know how much strong you are, so I move my hands on yours to let our palms meet, trying to interlock my fingers with yours yt
09:39 <ClearlyClara> I smirk as you come towards me, feeling yolur palms meet mine as our fingers interlock, I let out a growl as I dig my heels into the mat, trying to push back against you as I strain to do so, trying to show you my strenght as I try to push back against you yt
09:41 <shadyfighter07> I am amazed, test of stenght offered was real, our fingers interlock each others you start to push back, I do a step back "ohhh girl you are really strong" I tease you smirking then I start to push you back, moving in one of my foot, my muscles bulge as I try to counter your pushing attempting to overpower you yt
09:42 <ClearlyClara> I grunt as you pussh back, my heels digging into the canvas even more as I growl and grit my teeth at you before I change up the pace, and instead of pushing I start to pull back and try to lfit my knee right into your abs yt
09:46 <shadyfighter07> I smile confident as I feel I can easily overpower you..."so girl did you relly think to match a guy's strenght?" I say with a teasing smile painted on my face but suddenly you pull back, I am unbalance forward since I am still pushing and I get your knee on my belly to welcome me OUCHHH I double over coughing, but I don't stop to push forward hoping to make you fall as you are still standing on one leg yt
09:48 <ClearlyClara> I smirk as my knee slams into your belly and you hunch over, cough as I laugh at you "weak little boy" I say before I let out a squeal as you push forward, making my lose my balance as our hands are still locked and I fall onto my back. I let out a hiss and huff as I instnatly bend my legs back, arching my back and thrust my hips upwards tryign to catch your neck between my legs yt
09:51 <shadyfighter07> depsite I got a bad strike on my abs my muscles shield let me bear it, I manage to make you fall on your back but our hand are still tied so you pull me down with you, I guess you'll use leg to get me, it's typical by woman but as we are falling down I leap in bending one leg trying to land over your belly with my knee hoping this will block your attempt to use your muscular thighs on my neck yt
09:53 <ClearlyClara> I grunt as I pull you back, lfiting my legs up only to find your knee hitting my belly making my legs go down as I cough and groan, our hands still interlocked as I growl knowing I need to change our positions here. I let out another cough as I bend my right leg back, straining my abs underneath your pressure as I try to launch my heel into your stomach to force you off yt
09:56 <shadyfighter07> SBAMM my knee hit your belly, I manage to block your headscissor attempt but I also know you are gonna recover fast and I can't really get a good position, not yet, my other foot is on ground I use it to jump forward taking momentum I try to roll forward pasting you hoping to move out from you yt
09:56 <ClearlyClara> I hiss as my leg kicks up at nothing as you roll foward away from me and I hiss again, rolling to the side as I move to the ropes to get back up to my feet as I growl at you yt
10:01 <shadyfighter07> I manage to roll out from you, I reach the ropes and grab them to pull me up on my feet, panting...a though start, I guess I have to be more calm with you, I didn't expect you were so strong and fast, I regroup my fight stance and move toward the middle of the ring to meet you yt
10:02 <ClearlyClara> I snarl at you as I get back to my feet, seeing you get back up I get into a stance myself as I hiss and move slowly to the middle of the ring, eyeing you intently before I send a fake right punch only to send a strong left kick aimed to the outside of your thigh. yt
10:15 <shadyfighter07> my guard is well close, I move my left arm to block your right punch, but that's only a fake...I grunt as your foot lands on my thigh, I reply switching all weight on that foot and pivoting overit I swing a middle round kick aiming my my ankle on your ribs yt
10:16 <ClearlyClara> I smirk seeing you take my kick before your ankle hits my ribs, making me grunt but I bring my arm down to trap your leg there. Taking a moment ot breathe I try to kick my leg out to trip you on your standing leg yt
10:20 <shadyfighter07> ohh I kick your ribs but yoy catch my leg, I hop forward leaning over trying to put my hands on your shoulders, I jump up lifting my free leg using your body as support trying to smash my knee on your chest hoping to be fast enough to avoid your trip attempt yt
10:21 <ClearlyClara> I hold your leg and as I kick out at your other leg your kene hits my chest and I let go of you coughing and groaning as I stumble back holding my chest till I reach the ropes and hold onto it as i try to catch my breathe yt
10:25 <shadyfighter07> SBAMMM my knee hit your soft breast, my leg is free now, a satisfty smile curls on my face, you are on the ropes I don't waste time I charge toward you as I am close enough I jump up leaning on my back trying to shoot a brutal drop kick, aiming again on your chest but using my feet this time..yt
10:26 <ClearlyClara> I heave and growl while i'm against hte ropes before I feel the cavas shaking. I look u pand see you charging at me and jumping as you aim a drop kick and I try to shuffle to the side, hoping to avoiud youur drop kick and lunge forward trying to grab your head to force it harshly on the ground while you're in the air. yt
10:32 <shadyfighter07> OHHH SHITTTT! I scream out as I realize my feet missed your body, I launched me with very high speed so I can't stop myself,, I hoped to hit the ropes but it doesn't happen my body flies through middle and top rope, I prevent to have my hair grabbed by you but I land oustide the ring with a big thud...ouchhh my back slam on ground....I arch in pain yt
10:33 <ClearlyClara> I smirk seeing you launch out of the ring and slam onto the ground as you arch in pain. I decide to runto the middle of the ring before I run at the ropes, holding onto the top rope as I jump up, my feet on it as I crocuh and launch myself up as I try to do a 360 flip to aim to land a body splash
10:34 <ClearlyClara> yt
10:37 <shadyfighter07> I need a moment to recover, looking the ceiling as I see a shadow covering my body, I wonder if that's an angel or just a bird but OHHHHH that's you, I close my eyes and roll sideway hoping to be fast enough to avoid your suicide body splash yt
10:39 <ClearlyClara> I'm hurling through the air and flipping and as I look down I see you roll to the side in the last second and m eyes go wide before I crash my splash right onto the ground as I land with a heavy thud and groan in impact, rolling onto my back as I craddly my body in pain yt
10:41 <shadyfighter07> as my eyes are still closed I hear a big CRUSHHHHHHHH, I take a sight of relief, your body misses me and you lands on ground, I turn and stand on my knees, I see you are laying on your back, in pain...I move closer and leaning in I try to grab one of your arms using boht hands yt
10:43 <ClearlyClara> I lay on my back, whincing and grimacing as I groan out and hweeze trying to breathe before I feel your two arms grab my hands making me groan as I try to pull it back feeling soo winded from the falled attack y t
10:44 <ClearlyClara> yt
10:48 <shadyfighter07> as I grab you arm I stand up, trying to pull your arm over my shoulder, forcing you to make stand up as well..."ohh so girl, did you stop to talk now?" I ask as I try to counter your attempt to get your arm free yt
10:49 <ClearlyClara> I grunt and groan as you pull me up, my arm over your shoulder as I heave and growl at you "Ughh fuck you" I say as I try to wrap my arm around your head and lean back ,trying to ddt you into hte floor yt
10:52 <shadyfighter07> as your arm is overmy shoulder I put yhe other bewteen your legg preparing a lift but you are faster than me, I feel your arm around my head, I am frontal by you so as you you slam me down my head hit your breast but the strenght is enough to let my hold miss...i reply with a growl as I roll sideway, trying to move toward the ring yt
10:53 <ClearlyClara> I grunt as you i hit the ddit but your head hits my breasts and I groan but i mange to break your hold and save myslef. I see you roll sideways towards the ring and I try to get up to run at you as I try to baseball slide my feet right into your ribs yt
10:59 <shadyfighter07> I reach the apron, placinf my hands on there I am gonna push me up as your feet hit my ribs...OUCHHHH your heels compress my side and I fall badly on my side, laying on fetal position I holf my ribs, feeling a burning pain..."fuck you!!!" I say like if I was spitting poision yt
11:00 <ClearlyClara> "You wish you could hun" I say hissing back at you as I you lay in the fetal position. I run onto the apron and jump up and back, spreading my legs as i move in the air doing a splits as I try to land my splits over your head while your holding your ribs yt
11:04 <shadyfighter07> I am so lucky you again don't try a direct attack but waste time to do acrobatics move, I see you run past to me to jump in the apron, I roll under the ring disappearing by your view and as I am under here I walks on all fours to reach the opposite edge, still holding my hurting ribs and taking some time to recover yt
11:05 <ClearlyClara> I see you roll away in the last second and I land in the splits letting out a loud grunt as I grit my teeth and crawl into the ring on my knees taking a second to recover as I look around to try and find out where you are yt
11:07 <shadyfighter07> I appear on the opposite edge where you landed, I notice your suprise "did you miss something Clara?" I tease you as I push me up on the apron to come back into the ring, a red mark is on my side where you hit me but I guess I'll recover soon yt
11:08 <ClearlyClara> I growl as I see you, snarling and baring my teeth "I'll fucking end you" I say s you tease me and come back into the ring and I instantly lunge at you, running at you with full speed as I try to hit you with a clothesline the second you get to your feet yt
11:10 <shadyfighter07> I've put my feet one second before you so as you charge to me I am ready, as you rush to me I keep my position, at last moment I duck under your forearm and I run toward the opposite side, I bounce to the ropes my my back and charge back at you, trying to slam my body on your back/chest if we meet, my arms wrapping your side yt
11:11 <ClearlyClara> I run at you wildly and growl as I do but you duck, and I keep going forward. I huff as I turn around before I feel your body slam into mine making me grunt out, your chest hitting mine as I cough and y our arms wrapping around my side. I grit my teeth as I try to pull my arm up and send a chop to your neck. yt
11:14 <shadyfighter07> as our bodies slam I lock my arms and using the momentum of the run I try to lift you turninf on side as I try to flip you with a belly to belly supplex but as I am performing my move ouchhhh the side of your hand hit my throath cutting air off me....yt
11:14 <ClearlyClara> I manage to cut off the air as you lift me up and I instanly try to wrap my arms around your head, trying to force it down into my breasts as I try to wrap my thighs around your waist and ribs and hold on to squeeze yt. yt
11:18 <shadyfighter07> I guess my supplex didn't succed but I am holding you lifted, you hug my head and your legs wrap around my waist but I can't stop my spinning movement I turn making me fall forward trying to slam your body down, I fall over you and I hope my body falling over you let your double hold open or at least easen yt
11:22 <ClearlyClara> I grunt as I keep holding onto you, trying to stop the suplex as I squeeze but you twist around and spin, before you fall forward and slam my body down making me grunt as my legs unhook from around your waits as I cough and wheeze yt
11:27 <shadyfighter07> I land babdly over you, my body squashes on yours I bounce for the impact and I roll off your body, I lay nex to you, holding my throath and coughing....ohh fucking hell, this girl is like a wild beast I growl as I take some time to recover yt
11:28 <ClearlyClara> I cough and groan as I try to recover and I look to the sde seeing you there as I growl in return. I slowly get up to my feet and I try to drop my knee down right onto your stomach while you're down yt
11:31 <shadyfighter07> I am massagin my throath laying on my back not able to move right now OUFFFFFFFFF my body curls up into a U shape as you land on my stomach with your knee, the impact looks twice due your all body weight as you drop...my legs and arms go up then fall down with a thud, I lay on my back spreaded yt
11:32 <ClearlyClara> I growl and grind my knee onto your stomach as I huff at you "Not talking now are ya huh?" I say through gritted teeth as I move my knee off and stand both my feet onto your stomach as I look down at your faec and growl. I crouch on your stomach before I jump up, doing the spliots once more as I try to land it right onto your face yt
11:37 <shadyfighter07> I feel my pride burns as you trample on my belly....I flex my abs to bear your weight as I move my arms trying to reach your ankles, I grind my teeth and depsite the pain I roll on my side jerking your legs trying to unbalance you as you crouch preparing your jump..."keep your breath girl, I am not done yet" yt
11:38 <ClearlyClara> I crouch ready to jump before you grab my ankles and I hiss beofre you roll to your side as I let out a squeal and land on my side with a thud grunting as I do soo and snarling at you "you fucking will be" I say hissing as I pull one leg free and try to send a heel kick to your navel yt
11:40 <shadyfighter07> I manage to pervent a bad feet stomp on my face, you fall on side as I am laying on my side as well in front of you, I grunt as your foot hit my belly, but I feel my rage increases, this little girl is taunting me...I try to grab your foot trying to stand up, I have to do slowly due the pain on my belly yt
11:41 <ClearlyClara> I hit your stomach as i growl at you and you grab my foot once more as I hiss and you start to get up slowly as I stary to claw and dig my hands in the canvas trying to pull away form you yt
11:44 <shadyfighter07> I stand up, holding your leg I grab it either using the other hand following you as you crawl away pushing your leg up toward your leg as I suddenly leap in trying to deliver a stomp kick on your belly "let see if your abs are strong enough to handle this" yt
11:45 <ClearlyClara> I grunt as you follow me and lift my leg up, making my belly and abs tense in on each other before you leap and stomp onto my belly making me spit out as I gasp and groan struggling to breathe as my belly takes another hit and I grit my teeth groaning yt
11:47 <shadyfighter07> I look the boot's footprint I left on your belly, giggling "ohh so you'll have a mark by me" I move on side and pull your leg trying to make you roll on your belly yt
11:48 <ClearlyClara> I grunt as my stromach moves up and down and i groan feeling you trying to pull my leg to roll me on my belly but I move my hands to the side and keep my stability, struggling against you as I try to pull my legs free yt
11:51 <shadyfighter07> grrr I growl as you block my attempt to roll you, I try to hold your ankle but as you pull it I am unbalanced forward and I am forced to let go your leg to prevent myself to falll yt
11:52 <ClearlyClara> I let out a sigh of relief as you let go of my leg and I grunt, taking a second before I slowly get back up to my feet, one arm holding my abs as I heave and huff yt
11:54 <shadyfighter07> I don't go for another attack, I need some time to recover so I move toward the ropes, resting there with a back till you stand up on your feet, as you do I charge toward you, screaming a battle cry AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH as I extend one of my arm trying to smash my arm on your chest with a clothesline yt
11:55 <ClearlyClara> I get back up to my feet and I turn to face you, seeing you charge at me with a battle cry as you extend your arm out and as you come towards me I duck in the last second and try to turn around quickly as I place my hands on the back of your shoulder and try to jump up, digging my knees into your back and try ing to force you back into a backbreaker yt
11:57 <shadyfighter07> OHH SHITTT my arm misses you I go past you and you sneack behind me, my movement is stopped by your hands on my shoulders and your knees digging on my back, I scream loudly dropping on my knees..yt
11:58 <ClearlyClara> I laugh at youre sscream "Mmm you sound amazing screaming like a little bitch" I say hissing in your ear as I step back before I lung forward while you're on your knees and I try to run and grab your head to drop it into a bulldog yt
12:00 <shadyfighter07> I am on my knees as you grab the back of my head and push me forward I fall on my chest, my face kisses the ground...ouchhh I feel the ring shaking but I guess that's only my brain dancing into my skull, I can't reply for now..yt
12:01 <ClearlyClara> I slam you down onto the canvas, feeling it shake from the impact as I laugh and giggle out "I got you now, bitch boy" I say in your ear as I run to the ropes, bouncing my back off it as I go full speed at you and lift one leg in a front splits trying to drop it onto the back of your head and neck yt
12:04 <shadyfighter07> I place my hands on ground and fold my legs to have a support on my knees, I take a deep breath and push me up but as I am doing OUCHHH the back of your leg hit my neck sending me down again, my lips kiss again the mat...I am feeling kinda angry, I don't like kiss the canvas but I am unable to move know, I feel a bad headache growing...I push off your leg trying to roll toward the ropes yt
12:05 <ClearlyClara> I smirk as i slam you down again before you push my leg off and start rolling towards the ropes. I don't let up though and I'm back on my feet and I run to the ropes, trying to get there before you do and holding onto the top rope trying to time my jump so that the second you reach the ropes my knees try to land full wight onto your abs yt
12:09 <shadyfighter07> as I am rolling toward the ropes I see you run past me as fast as wind, I don't know what you plan to do but I guess it's more wise to keep my position, my view is blurred, I can't plan a counter but as I see you flying over me I roll again hoping to be fast enough to make you miss me yt
12:12 <ClearlyClara> I hold the ropes and jump dropping my knees down but hitting on the canvas as Icurse and hiss and punch the mat in anger as I growl at you yt
12:17 <shadyfighter07> mat shakes as you land with knee on canvas, I safe again, I move to the corner and sit there, holding my belly and panting, I have to find a way to switch this match or she will break me...my body is covered by sweat yt
12:19 <ClearlyClara> I growl seeing you move to the corner, sitting there as I get up to my feet and growl at you, running full speed as I try to jupm and twist in the air, trying to slame your face with my ass in the corner yt
12:23 <shadyfighter07> I am panting, my head is aching but you look still in great shape, you charge to me again ...I wrap my arms around the middle ropes, your bums look great but they also look dangerous especiallyif they land on a face..using the ropes as support I lift my legs up trying to catch your ass with my feet as you are on air yt
12:25 <ClearlyClara> I jump with my legs spread a bbit aiming to hit your face but my ass meets your feet and I hurl furward, falling on my knees, spreading wide and straining my thighs a bit as I huff and grunt yt
12:27 <shadyfighter07> after the impact I roll foward and stand on my knees turning to face you..."ohh Clara, your ass looks nice but it would be better spank it than have on my face" I stand up , I move staggering and my view is blurred but seeing you are on corner I can't miss this chance, I move towar you and try to hug your waist to get you into a bearhug yt
12:29 <ClearlyClara> I grunt on the ground as I hold my ass a bit and hiss at your words before you move up behind me and hug my waist, lifting me up into a bearhug. I growl at you and try to arch my back and pull my legs back to wrap it aorund oyur waist yt
12:32 <shadyfighter07> mphhh "I got you!!!" I growl, grinding my teeth and closing my eyes to stop the Arena spinning, I feel ike drunken...I grab my wrists and flex my muscles, bending my legs I lift you preparing a german supplex but as I do you arch back wrapping your legs around me this unespected movement unbalance me, I have to let you go stepping back to don't fall...growling for this missed chance yt
12:36 <ClearlyClara> I hiss as you arch my back and keep my legs wrapped around you, coughing a bit at the hold as I start to send elbows back aiming them at your dizzy head as I growl yt
12:39 <shadyfighter07> I am shaking my arms to regain my balance but your still hangling on me as your elbow hit my head adding even more dizzy into my head, I fall on my back with a big thud yt
12:39 <ClearlyClara> You fall on your back with my on top of you as I land on your stomach. I instantly start to shuffle back, bouncing my ass hard on your abs, chest , neck, then your face as I msother you yt
12:43 <shadyfighter07> oufff you wind me more as you land again on my abs, I have strong muscles there but your reapeately lands, strikes on them are weakening them, I need a momento to understand where I am my head have hit again the mat and I am dazed and confused , I can't prevent your ass sliding cross my body till it reaches my face..."ohiii who turn off the light?" I ask worried as I place my hands on your bums trying to push you away yt
12:44 <ClearlyClara> I feel your hands on my bum and i reach back to grab your wrists as I start bouncing and pounding your face with my ass, twerking on your face abefore I puit all my weight on it trying to smother you yt
12:48 <shadyfighter07> MPHH I feel your glutes are as hard as granite but I can't push them anyomore since you grab my wrists to control my hands, pulling the off from your ass, I struggle trying to pull my arms free but you start to torture my face , as you bounce and pound over some more dizzying add into my head as at end you totally bury my face with your cheek...I try to scream but I can't since my breathand my mouth are blocked by your ass, I stomp my feet on ground desperately, my lungs burn since I can't breath yt
18:05 <ClearlyClara> I feel your muffled screams in my cheeks as I feel you start to struggle, your feet stompoing around as I purr and add more weight, sinking all the way in to engulf your face as I watch you struggle around yt
08:54 <shadyfighter07> you add more weight on my face, I stop to stomp my feet and use them to push backward, hoping to unbalance you but looks like you fiexed good your facesit position over my face yt
08:59 <ClearlyClara> I feel you try to push up and I start to dig my knees to the side of your head to keep more weight on your face and keep my balace as I wiggle around to smother you more while giggling at you "Whats wrong huh?"
08:59 <ClearlyClara> yt
09:02 <shadyfighter07> grrr I growl and you can feel a hot blow warming up between your legs but that's the only thing I can do, you keep mi face down with your knees, my arms are trapped by you, I have nothing else do, I can't submit with voice so I tap twice my foot on mat to let you know I give up yt
09:06 <ClearlyClara> I purr feeling you growl beneath me as I lick my lips and see your foot tapping on the mat twice "Hehe giving up huh?" I taunt as I stay on top of yu and add all my weight, sinking down to smother you out and ignoring you taps as I cackle out loud yt
09:08 <shadyfighter07> mphhh my body wiggle, you don't release me despite I give up, I shake my arms to free them but you are keeping them tightly I raise one leg shaking my foot to catch ref's attection, I feel my lungs burn because I can't breath.....I am gonna passout if you don't stand up yt
09:10 <ClearlyClara> I giggle out loud feeling you wiggle around, your foot raised up as your hands shake but i keep hold of them and sink down deeper "Shhh shhh go to sleeep" I coo taunting you as I giggle yt
09:15 <shadyfighter07> looks life ref doesn't get my call...my body shakes, my chest heaven for a while then I feel all black into my mind as I fade out, motionless under you

<Published> 2023-09-19, viewed 106 times.




2023-10-17 20:20

A surprise result with Clara taking the win over muscled Shady by using her talented tush! Nice win Clara