Bulls Vs Bitches
Established: 2022-12-30
Chat room: #BullsVsBitches
- Back and forth
- Long-term roleplay
- Descriptive writing
- Male / Female
Males Vs Females Federation - who will be the bitches?
16:17 <Nathan_gingerbread> You are not logged in. i watch from the shore as the guys set up a floating ring ....well this is all new to me . And it seems damn chilly still as the sun is still rising .. over the water i can hear the clanks of tools and the voices of the men. ... i review the rules again from the production company ... i feel like there should be more.... pro wrestling. No pins , no submissions , no knockouts ... first to touch the water losses.
16:31 <Nathan_gingerbread> My mind turns to my opponent .. . I know so liitle about her , i hate that, i like to research and plan.
17:07 <Candy_Krush> I am so excited for this match, it's my debut in the federation, my first match, my opponent looks a good one, a nice guy for sure but I don't mean be sweet with him, I wanna make a name in wrestling's World so I am here to win. The match could be easy or hard, it's first time I do this kind of fight, rules look easy I have to toss my opponent in the water but I have to care he won't toss me in the water as well. I look guys are working to the floating ring waiting the signal to enter yt
17:57 <Nathan_gingerbread> Its a long wait but finally i get told there ready i see a boat on the opposite shore set off just as mine does .. i red figure stood on the prow but its hard to see more .. i have not gone with my traditional gi or the theatrical face paint ... its chilly and i have kept my jeans on its bad enough being bare chested .You are not logged in.
17:59 <Nathan_gingerbread> My boat and her boat chug to the middle and i loose site of her as the ring looms into view ... close enough now i hop on and duck under the second rope looking up at the drone cameras in the air ready to capture the action
18:00 <Nathan_gingerbread> Taking my corner i jump up and down flapping my arms trying to get warmed up .. waiting as i hear her boat bump into the ring side.
18:00 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
12:10 <Candy_Krush> I follow your entering then I know it's my turn, I come out walking across the people to reach the floating ring, I am wearing red bikini, my face is masked with a matching color mask, I mean to do a good debut and maybe run for all the tournament, I feel trhilled but I try to control my emotions, I enter in the ring, as I put my feet into I push side to side to feel how ring works and if it moves, it looks pretty stable though...I look my opponent, he is taller than me, but I am a rolling candy and I know how to handle people bigger than me...I smirk at you "are you ready to taste my bitter sweet?" winking yt
12:10 <Candy_Krush> You are not logged in.
00:17 <Nathan_gingerbread> I try and keep my face passive but wow where did they find her ? Muscled and lean with powerful looking limbs. I have a little flutter of nervousness . Her voice ? It sounds italian and familiar too looking at her eyes that dance with mischief as she asks if i am ready for a taste. But i thinking that mask looks quite the weapon... well too late now as the announcer voice plays from speakers in the drones and i hear the bell 🔔 chime
00:24 <Nathan_gingerbread> Advancing cautiously keeping high guard and turning my hips to present a smaller target. I dont think i want to engage this woman in a test of strength or let her muscle me about but i better come up with plan very quickly
00:24 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
10:46 <Candy_Krush> looking at you through my red mask, I should look scaring but I don't read fear into your face, rather surprise and doubts, a smile curls on my face I guess some confusion is a point for me, I have more chances if your mind is not clear, I slowly take a fight stance waiting the match starts...I hear the bell, I notice you move forward with caution, showing me a short target, looks like you don't wanna engage with me a body to body struggle, you have size advantage so I think my best option is be fast...I yell charcing at you with a middle clothesling aiming to your ribs but before my arm could connect I past over and I go the ropes to take some speed, I go with a crazy attack I try to slam my body on yours using the momentum to have more power and maybe unbalance you as my arms go around your waist to wrap your body yt
11:17 <Nathan_gingerbread> Charging at me yelling arm out for a clothesline i start to move my feet and duck my head thinking i can bring my shoulder underneath but you sail around me and bounce on the ropes. My mind registering the quickness as i spin around to face you and see you coming in full blooded tackle. But i am not some rookey strait out the stable and as your arms come to me i seek to grab them throwing myself backward and looking to plant a foot in the chest as i attempt a monkey flip to use all that momentum against her.
11:17 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
11:20 <Candy_Krush> I hoped to be fast but you I am not before my body collides with yours you grab my arms and using my own momentum you plant foot on my flat belly YEWWWWWWW I fly over you, across all ring's lenght I land on my back on the opposite corner with a loudly thud....I have a good muscles armour on my back so I can afford the bad falling but I am a little winded, I grab the ropes trying to pull me up onmy feet before you can attack me again yt
11:30 <Nathan_gingerbread> Laying on my back i hear and feel a big thud and roll to my side scrambling to my feet as i look across but already your pulling yourself up . I need to remember to be disciplined and not rash ...after all this is just the start and she is quite obviously tough. Moving forward across the ring wanting to keep her in the corner i aim a low kick to her muscled thigh thinking i should work to slow her down. Yt
11:33 <Candy_Krush> I pull me up on my feet, my mouth open as I catch air, I fake to be more hurted than I really am, I hold the ropes, exposing my belly, my eyes looking to you...I don't move till last second then I step aside, pivoting on my inner foot I turn my body trying to whip a low round kick on the back of your knee to send you onto the corner yt
11:38 <Nathan_gingerbread> I Was right to try and slow her down but picked a bad way to do it as she skips aside kicking at the back of my knee and collapsing my leg and suddenly i am stumbling forward face first into the second padded turnbuckle on one knee my arms grabbing the second rope.
11:38 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
11:41 <Candy_Krush> I use the kicking movement to sneak behind you, I slam my body on your back leaning forward to match your height as you are on one knee...I try to slide my arms under your armpits, closing my hands on the back of your neck to setup a full nelson, caring to move my head cheek to cheek with yours to avoid an headbutt, you can taste my candies breath from this position yt
11:49 <Nathan_gingerbread> I feel her dense frame slam into me from behind driving my face again into the pad and as i push my arms to move back those strong looking arms slide across my ribs and link up behind my head ... crap.. dont panic ...keep calm .. her masked face very close to me i am well aware of her full breasts pressing into my back . ..keeping hold of the ropes and using them to pull on as i press up trying to get to my feet wanting to make it hard for my shorter opponent .
11:49 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
11:54 <Candy_Krush> as my hands go on the back of your neck I interlock my fingers to complete the hold, muscles of my arms flex as I push your head and move back my arms to hurt you with the full nelson, I try to hold you down with my strenght as you try to press up using the ropes as support, I growl I can't match your strenght and I can't keep my hold if you totally stand up, I move my inner leg forward, the back of my thigh in front of your thigh, my foot close to yours, I twist my body pushing with all my strenght on the back of your neck trying to stumble you forward and slam your face on the top turnubukle yt
12:01 <Nathan_gingerbread> Bbboooff again my face hits the turn buckle this time the top one and i am starting to feel dizzy as you thrust me forward your leg tripping me .. i am going to need more if i am to break free and i plant my foot on the second turnbuckle sucking in air to shove backwards violently hoping to throw us both over backwards and break the hold .
12:01 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
12:05 <Candy_Krush> you head slam on the turnbuckle with a very nice sound, just a moment after the impact one of my arm moves down to hug you waist, my hold switch into an half nelson, I am gonna lift you but you push me back using the turnbuckle as support, this help me on my next move, I use you pushing strength to lift you up trying to flip you as I fall on my back to perform an half nelson supplex yt
12:05 <Candy_Krush> (something like first one)
12:15 <Nathan_gingerbread> Instead of getting a nice soft landing i get launched as my own thrust helps propel me over backwards the rope ripped from my grasp landing heavily on my upper back the air rushing from my lungs as my face contorts in pain and i try to roll over my side arching my back in pain
12:17 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
15:44 <Candy_Krush> I hear a big thud as your body lands on ground behind me it sounds like a KRUSHHHHHHHHH, I fall on my back....my body bounces on the mat, I roll on side to stand on all fours, I see yoy laying on side, your body arched, I stand quickly and run toward you trying to deliver a nasty kick on your back to force you to turn on your belly yt
16:07 <Nathan_gingerbread> Pain fires across my back and i am just catching my breath and starting to look around when i kick sinks into my back and i cant help but fall onto my face as i realise the danger and try to push up on my hands .
16:07 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
16:19 <Candy_Krush> I hoped to gain more with my powerful kick but it's good a managed to make you roll on belly, I leap up, jumping as high as I can trying to fall on your lower back with an knee drop to keep you down and to hurt even more your body yt
21:04 <Nathan_gingerbread> Still unaware where you are i am reeling from the row of attacks and fully in survival mode nust wanting to get away but just as i lift my hips and start trying to get up your full weight crashes down on back digging into my kidney and causing me to cry out in pain clenching my fists and my legs kick the floor as i try and roll away from you
21:27 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
11:26 <Candy_Krush> I land with one knee on ground and the other on your lower back, looking to your reactions seems I cause you some good pain, after the impact I bounce a little and you can roll away, I don't have the chance to follow with a quick attack, I stand up following you as you roll, moving toward your side I lean over grabbing your hair to pull you up on your feet yt
11:45 <Nathan_gingerbread> Ohhh it doesnt matter how much people pull your hair it still hurts and after the last few hits i feel wobbly and shaken but i am also annoyed angry at myself i am getting my ass kicked and i really need to fight back before i am finished in embarrassing style.... sucking in air i brace myself and while she is anchored to me i put both hands on top of hers fixing her hand to my head. And collapse my knees and ducking my head diving for the floor hoping to painfully bend her wrist even as my fingers work to get her to let go.
11:46 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
11:51 <Candy_Krush> I am pulling you up on your feet by yanking your hair but as you put hands over mine I feel your body get weighter so I have to increase my strenght to complete my move but as I am doing you fall forward on your belly forcing me to follow you, I am bent forward and then I fall on my knees since I am unbalanced by your movement, I don't like this position so I do what your fingers work wann do, I let go your hair yt
11:56 <Nathan_gingerbread> I feel some relief in my scalp but i dont let go . Rather clamping down harder and crocodile rolling to the side looking to attack that bent over wrist and force her arm to twist as i try and come to my knees yt
12:02 <Candy_Krush> I can't free my arms and now you are controlling me hurting as you try to twist my arms, I struggle trying to oppose some resistance using my muscles, I am pretty strong, maybe not as strong as a man but I guess I can hold a short time or at least I hope....I fall on my back extending up my legs, I use your own hold to jerk you down trying to make you fall in front of me or at least hoping to make you drop on knees as I launch my legs trying to wrap my thighs around your waist for a scissor attempt yt
12:06 <Nathan_gingerbread> Only just getting to my knees as she flips over to her back to relieve some of the pressure and resists strongly . Mtc
12:32 <Nathan_gingerbread> Throwing out her legs and trying to pull me into a scissor but thats definatly where i dont want to be . And rather than be caught i let go of her wrist moving my head away and push up off the floor wanting to get to my feet where my size is a better advantage .
12:36 <Candy_Krush> I go on my back too much easy, you let go my wrists moving away but the movement of my legs and my arms was syncrhonized so as I close my scissor 's attempt SMACKKKK my inner thighs slam each other causing a sound like a kiss...feeling upset since I can't get you between my strong legs, I roll on side to stand up yt
19:45 <Nathan_gingerbread> As i get away i hear the smack of her thighs coming together and it reminds me of another italian lady with dangerous thighs ... as she is getting up i see a chance to strike charging forward raising my knee looking to catch her before she is fully off the ground .
19:45 <Nathan_gingerbread> You are not logged in.
19:45 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
10:21 <Candy_Krush> I am standing up, my hands and my kness are on ground but before I could totally move off the floor your knee hit my shoulder sending me on canvas again...I am laying on ground, I am vulnerable in this position, I roll toward the ropes trying to reach a safe place to stand up yt
10:31 <Nathan_gingerbread> Finally i get some respite and turning around i suck in some air and put my hand to my bruised back . Candy is trying to roll away and i want to keep up the pressure following her with a couple of quick strides and a hop to throw myself into a peoples elbow You are not logged in. wanting to nail her before she can get to ropes
10:31 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
10:34 <Candy_Krush> I am close to the ropes, I move out one arm to grab the middle one so I can stand up but before I can close my hand on ther your elbow get my back ARGGGGG I yell out for pain I go flat on canvas again, I don't like tha way this match switched I have to do something fast or I'll go to swim soon...I suppose the side where you are so I turn there moving out one of my arm trying to hit your body with an elbow strike, maybe not a great move but I hope it's good to gain some time to recover yt
10:45 <Nathan_gingerbread> Oh its nice to finally be giving rather than getting and i catch her just as she gets to the rope but she is tough and despite the pain strikes back with an elbow that catches me in the ribs as i start to roll off and i sag to the side putting an arm out to the floor to steady myself. I need to do a lot more work before i am going to be able to get this woman over the ropes i know. On my knees now i lunge at her foot with both hands wanting to grab it and lift it so i can both keep her down and do some damage.
10:45 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
10:49 <Candy_Krush> my knee hit your ribs, I didn't expect to get the max result with a really poor strain, I throw my legs up then I bring down on floor to stand me up as fast as I can but as I am on my feet you lunge into me, I am panting, my back hurts, I can't move out quick as I could do if I was 100% good so you catch my foot, pulling up my legs, I am unbalance back but I meet the ropes, they are very close, I grab the top one to suppor me as I whip out my free leg trying to kick your belly, it's a dangerous move you can throw me off the ring if my kick doesn't connects yt
10:58 <Nathan_gingerbread> The elbow to my ribs hurt but i felt i could stay on top . Still quick she flicks herself to her feet while i do manage to grab her leg and she aims a kick in my belly ....oooofff ... but i can feel i have a chance and i hang on to her leg now as i try and catch the other leg - if i do she will be suspended between me and the top rope . And certainly vunerable.
10:58 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
11:03 <Candy_Krush> my foot hit your belly, I hoped to push you back with my kick but I probably didn't have enough strenght, I am in great trouble now since you get my other foot too, I am suspended now, my body is horizontal, my shoulders and my head off the ring, I don't look back, I know the water is behind me but I know it would fear a kind of giddiness if I looked back, I close my eyes I wrap my arms with the ropes like to interwine with them, I push my back down to bend the rope as I kick out my legs with all strenght I have using the elasticity of the rope to propell me forward hoping to kick you out off me yt
11:20 <Nathan_gingerbread> I start to push forward thinking i will force you over but you coil up like a spring and suddenly piston your legs out sending me flaying backwards ...i try and keep my feet back pedaling quickly but not quick enough and i am forced to put myself into a backward roll as i travel a long way . Coming back to my feet looking both suprised and disappointed ..
11:20 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
11:23 <Candy_Krush> I closed my eyes as I kicked my legs out, I don't feel the impact but I feel your hands move out and my feet lands on canvas, my body is covered by sweet, my face pale, I really feared to fall into the water, I let me drop on my knees, panting, hands on thighs....I see you are to a security distance so I stand up moving to the center of the ring trying to calm me down yt
11:28 <Nathan_gingerbread> Damn i was close but i must remain focussed i need to slow her down and weaken her before i have a hope of getting her out and as she strides toward me looking menacing i move to her quickly throwing myself shoulder first at her thigh in a chop block wanting to work on wearing her down.
11:28 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
11:35 <Candy_Krush> my eyes are fixed on you as you charge to me I step aside, your chop block misses me, I run forward to bounce on the ropes with my back, jumping up I extend my right leg trying to fall over you, the back of my htigh on your back with a Candy Leg Drop yt
11:41 <Nathan_gingerbread> Like a matador she side steps and while i am still face down drops on me . her thigh and butt pummeling my back once again thankfully higher up. Ahhhh the air driven from my lungs as i am forced to suck up more damage and it takes me a moment to gather myself
11:41 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
11:45 <Candy_Krush> "Ohh yesssssssss" I yell out as I hit your back again, both my thigh and my ass are abboundant, you felt hit with all my weight, I land next to your side, you look in trouble so I try to take this chance, I move toward your legs on all fours, as I am there I tryo to grab your legs, standing up keeping your ankles undr my armpits yt
12:06 <Nathan_gingerbread> Awww hell, i dont like where this is going and push up on my hands pulling my legs toward myself my butt in the air before jackknifing them out again trying to shake you loose .
12:06 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
12:14 <Candy_Krush> as you put hands on ground I spin on my feet trying to let you miss the contact with the ground, attempting to lift and drag you with a rotation motion yt
12:37 <Nathan_gingerbread> Skidding on the ground i give up trying to push off and pull my legs in shortening the distance maybe i can reach down and grab an ankle as i look up and grin trying to look confident.
12:37 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
15:29 <Candy_Krush> as I am starting to spin you push on your hands, your legs bent and you reach an upside position, I realize what you wanna do, I let go your ankles and hug your waist as your hands reach my ankles, I try to anticipate your next moves making me drop on my ass to smash your head on groun in a kind of powerbomb yt
23:38 <Nathan_gingerbread> As i reach for your ankle you move your grip lower lifting me off the ground only to slam me straight back down in short powerbomb. Short or not my weight and your weight drives my shoulder blades and the back of my head into the canvas and yet again i find myself withering in pain but i have to try i have to fight if i dont want to keep getting pummelled by this red devil. I have seen her legs snap together and i am sure its in my future so i make sure i wrap an arm around one of her feet. Its all i can do in my current state.
23:38 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
16:51 <Candy_Krush> My involuntarily power bomb sends you on canvas , I land sitting just in front of you, mat, ropes and the whole ring are shaking like if they were dancing , you are in front of me hugging my foot ,my other leg is free , I lift it up almost vertical then I throw it down trying to deliver a kind of axe kick aiming the heel on your head to knock you out yt
11:20 <Nathan_gingerbread> Dazed from impact and slowly gathering myself i see her raise her foot up high and in my weakened state i have only a moment to save myself ... raising my arm in a vain attempt to block while i turn my head to the side does little.her heel crashes into the side of my head and i go limp all i am aware of is a whistling noise and a bright circle in my vision .
11:20 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
15:17 <Candy_Krush> my heel hit the side of your head and you fall limps in front of me laying on your belly, I don't waste time, I stand n my knees and grab your wrists, standing up I start to spin on myself, I do the same move I've done before but I pull you by arms this time, I try to add more dizzness to your head as I am spinning yt
15:38 <Nathan_gingerbread> Ohhhh i feel floaty , i am not really registering much more than that as the speed increases more of myself comes off the ground and the bright light seems to be moving my arms stretching a bit as my weight starts to be taken ... groggy and limp at least the whistling in my ears has stopped.
15:39 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
15:40 <Candy_Krush> I spin fast, also my head is spinning but I don't care as I feel your weight totally lifted from the ground I let go your arms trying with the spinning momentum I got to throw you over the top ropes to the pool hoping to hear a big splashhhhh yt
15:47 <Nathan_gingerbread> From the middle of the ring i am suddenly flying and some sense of danger floods my system with adrenaline as my floppy body hits across the second and top rope and the ring strains before i am bounced back inside like a rag doll landing in a heap my knees draw up to my chest as i settle on my side facing away from you. On the floor my eyes snap open as the adrenaline kicks my brain in the ass and wakes me up. . Yt
15:54 <Candy_Krush> I stomp my foot on ground with disappoint as I see your body bounce on the ropes rather than fly out the ring, but you land on knees, you are away but you are facing me, you look upset so I try to get this chance again, I run toward you, falling on my back I slide toward you trying to hit your chest with a baseball slide kick yt
16:05 <Nathan_gingerbread> I roll over to face you ...and you see i am awake. And are quick to keep up the attacks sliding toward me still trying to get back some motor function and clear my head i cant effectively stop you driving your feet into my chest and i immediatly curl up in more pain both arms locking across my chest in an x as i roll onto my back my knees up also trying to protect my chest.
16:11 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
16:17 <Candy_Krush> my easy move has partially the effect I've hoped, I can't throw you toward the ropes but you fall on your back again, I realize I have to do better if I want send you into the pool, I hoped you'd liked to swim there but looks like you are doing everything to avoid that...as you are laying on back with legs up protecting your chest I stand up I grab your ankles and pulling your legs i swing my arms trying to make you roll on your belly yt
16:34 <Nathan_gingerbread> I can here candy muttering and am suprised she seems unhappy having been kicking my ass from pillar to post ...slowly getting all my senses back i throw my arms out wide trying to make it as hard as i can to flip me over but i am struggling from all the hits have taken and slowly i am forced onto my belly i look up and see i am lying with the ropes within my reach running down my left side ..
16:34 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
16:38 <Candy_Krush> as I am rolling you onto your belly I walk along your right side and then I move my leg over you to straddle over your back, curling your legs over you head as I lower my hips to sit on your back, trying to set a boston crab "let me torture you a little so you'll enjoy a good dive into the pool after" I say in teasing way as I use all my strenght to control you yt
16:43 <Nathan_gingerbread> No no no ... my back already in pieces i can feel the tortured muscles start to protest and i clench my teeth and ball my fists sucking air mentally trying to close out the pain i am expecting to come while i wonder how the hell i am going to get out of this mess.
16:43 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
16:45 <Candy_Krush> I feel some resistance of your muscles as I set the hold but then I lean back and try to lift your hips off the ground to bend your body very badly, I know you can't submitt but I guess some more pain will help me to switch you into ragdoll so I can cuddle you then but before you need to get into the water I wouldn't cuddle a sweat doll lol yt
16:49 <Nathan_gingerbread> My mind ... that is where pain lives control your mind and you control your pain .... but it is oh so hard. By back screams then i realise no it is me screaming and beating my fist on the floor i reach for bottom rope pulling myself a little along trying to get relief as candy ruthlessly trys to fold me in half the wrong way.
16:49 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
16:53 <Candy_Krush> I enjoy your pain but I also are feeling my muscles aching for the strain, match has been long up to now , I turn my head and I see you are holding the rope to pull you up a little, trying to ease your pain so I realize no pity for you I lean back even more to curl your body very badly and maybe you let go the rope..."ohh I wonder when do you start to beg" yt
17:00 <Nathan_gingerbread> Anger boils with in me as candy mocks me ... she does not know how my mistress has tortured me how much pain i have already endured. Slowly i slow my breathing trying to relax fixing my mind on some happy thoughts of love and affection as i feel candy bearing down damaging the muscles i start to fear my back may be beyond a point it has ever been and the pain threatens to swamp me ... i stuff my fist in my mouth biting down distracting myself and stopping me from shaming myself. Yt
17:04 <Candy_Krush> I am amazed you don't scream despite your body is bent into a not natural position, you suck your fist like a puppy though, I think that's a way to control the pain, I wonder if you eould bite it after to increase your pain there so you can hide the on your back, but your attection look focused to resist only, on your back so I try to be tricky, I quckly stand up, keeping my legs spreaded I pull your ankles trying to make your body slides under me, as you head past over I spin and try to throw you out the ring from under the lower rope yt
17:17 <Nathan_gingerbread> Quickly things switch and i am released though the pain does not go away immediatly . Then candy drags me around in a big circle and i put my hands out as i feel myself skidding across the floor . Suddenly she lets go and the momentum carries me onward. Sliding under the rope only my out stretched arms save me as i dangle half in half out .the rope hooked into the elbows of my up turned arms my upper body hanging off the ring as i look at the water upside down .
17:17 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
10:38 <Candy_Krush> I watch your body sliding under the ropes, the elastic force due the stretch of my hold helps me to drag you outside, but you don't fall into the pool, you are still half into the apron, I raise my eyebrows, your body looks folded, your elblows hooked to the ropes and you are looking the water upside down....I don't risk to grab your arms, you can trick me so I start to deliver a long combos of kick on your elbows to unlace your arms from the rope...roaring to each kick "go down!!" yt
11:19 <Nathan_gingerbread> I try as hard as i can to hang on as you kick and stomp at my legs - i try to use my legs to grab you but you stay out of the way and slowly inch by inch i feel myself sliding out .. tired , beaten up and demoralised i feel one arm get pulled off and the other goes numb as the rope slips from my desperate hands and i fall into the cold water 🌊
11:19 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
11:22 <Candy_Krush> I hear a big SPLASHHHHHHHHH as you fall in the water, I can't believe I won my first match into Bulls and Bitches, I start to jump all around the ring to celebrate, clapping my hands like a child..."yesss yesss yesss" but I feel even tired, it has been an hard tussle against a strong opponent yt
11:25 <Nathan_gingerbread> Gasping and struggling in the water my body just to tired to keep me afloat i am lucky the men come in the boat and fish me out as i lay on the deck shivering wondering where it all went so wrong.
11:25 <Nathan_gingerbread> Yt
11:32 <Nathan_gingerbread> 🤝
11:34 <Candy_Krush> I shoot a last one biceps pose to celebrate my win then I move out the ring, swimming to reach the bar, I need a drink (END)
11:34 <Candy_Krush>
<Published> 2023-09-19, viewed 115 times.
Levi G (deleted member)
2023-09-22 00:39Shit. What an Intense Match.😳
Nathan gingerbread
2023-09-22 00:50(In reply to this)
Yes more like intensive care for me :)
Nathan gingerbread
2023-09-20 10:15Yes fun ... i feel i kinda let myself down but candy literally crushed me.
Candy Krush
2023-09-20 12:39(In reply to this)
Thank you Nathan for the amazing match ;)
Zack Davis
2023-09-20 02:01Ohh, Nathan 🫢! Luv the scenerio, fun match!