Bulls Vs Bitches

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Chat room: #BullsVsBitches

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Black Hulks Vs Deby for Bulls and Bitches tournament

16:50 <Big_Deby> I am so excited, it's my debut in an official match, I feel all my body shakes for the thrill. Well I am a newbie so as I enter in the Arena and I see the crowd, light, my head get dizzy for a moment but I am confident, I am a big strong girl, nobody beated me at gym and I'll do a great debut. I enter in the ring wearing a black t-shirt and black pants. I am 267 lbs,5'7" tall, as I am into I flex my massive biceps to the crowd, moving on my corner waiting my opponent yt 

16:50 <Big_Deby> 02:28 <TheBlackHulk> I warm up and stretch in the dressing room getting ready for my 3rd fight for Bulls vs Bitches. It's go time and I bolt ftom the l Lock a room and heads down the aisle to the ring, Reaping up on the apron before slipping between the top and middle ropes I back into my corner, keeping my eye on you as I continue my stretching, I stand 6'2", 220 pounds of twisted black steel, ready to go as I eye my opponent up and down 
02:28 <TheBlackHulk> yt 

11:58 <Big_Deby> I look to my oppoent as he enters in the ring, he is taller but I have some more weight, I notice your ebony body is sculpted of muscles but I have some too and I know how to use them, a table is placed in the middle of the ring...the goal of the match is breaking it using the opponent's body, basically it looks an easy thing but that's not as easy as it looks, I am on my corner, warming up with some shadowbosing, readyo to rumble when the bell will rings yt 

20:54 <TheBlackHulk> The bell rings to start the match and I come out slow, crouched with my hands held up cefensively as I push the table to the side to the ropes and focus on my thick opponent as I circle in a wide arc, my eyes locked on you 

20:54 <TheBlackHulk> yt 10:40 Big_Deby: I see you move out the table, I raise my eyebrow...with a teasing smile I move close to the ropes, just on table's edge, I place my elbow on the top, smirking at you "ohh why did you push the table on side? I thought to warmup muscles with an armwrestling" smirking to you yt 

02:36 <TheBlackHulk> "This is a wrestling match, not an arm wrestling match. And the table is in the way for the wrestling."I say as I move around the table and look at you as I move into my crouch, my hands coming up, one about shoulder height, my left palm down at my waist as I slowly begin to close the distance between us 
02:36 <TheBlackHulk> yt 

15:15 <Big_Deby> smiling, you didn't fall into my trick or maybe you are just scared to lost an armwrestling matc against a woman..as you move around the table I stand and turn to face you, I raise my arms straight, opening my palms like for a test of strenght, one of my sides in close to the table...I approach you slowly looking if you go for contact yt 

16:18 <TheBlackHulk> you smile as you consider why I didn't engage you in arm wrestling and you turn to face me with your arms raised straight, palms open like you are inviting me for a test of strength, one side close to the table. I crouch and move in a wide arc around you away from the table, finding it strange that the table is already Prominently displayed. in the ring before the match begins
16:18 <TheBlackHulk> yt

16:41 <Big_Deby> I see you move out of my the range of my arms...I smile looking a big guy like you don't wanna engage a test of strenght against a defencless girl...I follow your movement to move away from the table and also to keep a frontal position with you, I stomp my foot faking a forward movement to see your reaction but I lower my body running forward like a bull trying to slam my shoulder on your packed abs...yt

01:10 <TheBlackHulk> I succeed in getting you to turn away from the table and watch closely as you take a lunge step towards me and I drop my center of gravity. Then you chargelowering your shoulder as you look to drive it into my abs as you drive into me I fold over your back, wrapping my arms around your waist and use your momentum to kift you, turning and slamming you down to your back, then backing out of your imidiate range
01:10 <TheBlackHulk> yt

09:22 <Big_Deby> my head is low, I am charing like a bull, willing to let you feel all my strenght and all my weight just at start but I didn't consider your skills and your smartness, as I am connectiong with you I feel your thick arms wrapping my body, my feet lost contact with ground and I am slammed badly on the mat, my body mass let me bear the bad falling but I arch for a moment due the impact, such bad start!!! I roll toward the ropes trying to lift me up yt

04:31 <TheBlackHulk> I watch as you arch then roll to the ropes to pull yourself up, contented to rest as I move along the ropes behind me, changing direction in no particular interval as I keep my eyes on your thick body
04:31 <TheBlackHulk> yt

09:30 <Big_Deby> you don't attack me so I can stand up easily, I do slowly due my big mass, shaking my head I bend my head side to side to stretch my neck, I take my guard again then I move toward you, it's better not be rushy, you looks skilled and strong, you easily lifted my big body, that was unexpected...i reach the middle of the ring, waiting you yt

18:31 <TheBlackHulk> I watch as you rise and move your head to loosen / check your neck. Then as you take your guard again and move to the center of rge ring I crouch again, my hands reaching out as I begin cirvling you again to make you turn to face me
18:31 <TheBlackHulk> yt

10:49 <Big_Deby> I follow your circling but I care to move closer each time I complete a circle, doing a kind of spiral motion to decrease the distance between us, as I see you are in line with the table I bend over, my shoulder out charging you like a bull I try to deliver a spear on your guts to push you back yt

16:45 <TheBlackHulk> We circle each other in ever tightening circles until you once again charge like a bull, spearing me, slamming your shoulder into my babs and friving me back and off of my feet
16:45 <TheBlackHulk> yt

11:36 <Big_Deby> I know I am not a very technic one, I count of my strenght only, sometimes it worksm this is the case, my belly hit your packed abs, you fall on your back, I am standing close to your feet, I bend my legs and dive forward trying to land over you with a body splash yt

14:41 <TheBlackHulk> Knocked to the canvas by your spear, I look up to seeyou bend your legs and dive forward looking for a big splash on my body. I draw my knees up looking to lwt your belly land on my knees aas you land to knock the breath out of you then roll you off to the side
14:41 <TheBlackHulk> yt

15:55 <Big_Deby> I don't care my move is a suicide one, my only goal is squash your body under mine but I didn't consider you are a tough guy and one spear only could not be enough to ko you so as I land I meet your knees on my soft belly, oufffffffff I curl over your leg, I am bounced off after the impact, I fall on my back,holding my stomach yt

17:04 <TheBlackHulk> Seeing you land on my knees and fall off to the side holding your belly. I get up quickly and attempt a Guillotine leg drop, trying to inflict some damage on you
17:04 <TheBlackHulk> yt

10:36 <Big_Deby> I am laying on mat, my belly aching, my upper body is defencless so you can easily hit my throath and my breast with a leg drop, it cut air off me, my body bounces up and fall again on mat, I roll on side trying to reach the ropes yt

12:45 <TheBlackHulk> I nail you with the leg drop and you roll to your side reaching for the ropes. I reach in, grabbing for your har to pull you to me slipping my right hand between your thighs to grab your ass while draping my left arm over your shoulder, attempting a body slam as I lift and invert you, trying to slam you hard to the canvas
12:45 <TheBlackHulk> yt

16:03 <Big_Deby> I am standing up holding the ropes as you come toward me, grabbing my hair pulling you into me, I can't block this but Ikeep my hold on ropes and as your try to lift me I push back swining my arm to hit your chest moving back to use my weight to unbalance you yt

16:31 <TheBlackHulk> I go for the body slam but you manage to hang onto the ropes and swing your thick arm, slamming it into my thick pecs . Knocked off balance i take a step back to recover my balace then step in again as I try to deliver a European upper cuct to your chest that continues up and to your face
16:31 <TheBlackHulk> yt

16:36 <Big_Deby> I manage to push you back just using an elbow strike and my body weight but as I turn to face you...oufff my large breasts meet your fist, I scream as I stagger back onto the ropes, I hold the top one with one hand, with other arm I protect my boobs to recover by the hard shoot yt

16:42 <TheBlackHulk> My Forearm slams your chest and you scream as you are driven back into the ropes still holding on to the top rope with one hand , the other arm protecting your boobs as you try to recover. I lunge in again and try to drive my knee up sharply into your belly, trying to sink it deep, looking to knock the wind out of you
16:42 <TheBlackHulk> yt

16:47 <Big_Deby> ohh shit! you look in rage mode right now you hit me again this time your knee sinks into my soft belly, I blow off air...the impact makes my big body bounces on the ropes, I am forced forward with no control, my body slams on you I just try to hug your waist trying to shove you back using my bodyweight only yt

16:55 <TheBlackHulk> My knee sinks into your belly and air rushes out of your body as you bounces off the ropes and your body slams into mine as you try to hang onto my waist. I wrap my arms around you and attempt a belly to belly suplex with release, trying to toss you out towards the middle of the ring

16:59 <Big_Deby> I have no control after the bounce on the ropes, my body slams on yours but you can use my own momentum to lift and flip me over your head, I am lucky you slam me on the middle of the ring instead on the table...I land on my back, a big thid, ring shakes...I lay on my back, hodling there...winded, opening and closing my mouth like a fish to catch some air yt

17:06 <TheBlackHulk> You lay on the canvas gulping air like a fish out of water kick you over to your belly and drop onto your back, pulling your thick arms back as I lock on a camel clutch, my fingers laced under your chin as My ass srttles in the small of your back as I begin yanking back hard
17:06 <TheBlackHulk> yt

17:10 <Big_Deby> as I am laying on my back you kick my belly oufff adding some more pain to my just hurted body, forcing me to roll on my chest, you drop on my back with a big thud, ouchhh it hurts even more...I am not clear but I can bear a lot, as you grab my arms I fold my legs under me, I struggle to don't let you pull my arms,lifting my ass I try to unbalance you hoping to be fast enough to block your attempt to lock the camel clutch yt

17:30 <TheBlackHulk> As I attempt to lock on the camel clutchyou quickly fold your legs under you and lift your ass unsettling me and i tumble off of you rolling away and grabbing the ropes as I get back to my feet to reset
17:30 <TheBlackHulk> yt

11:10 <Big_Deby> oufff I manage to pull you off me , I sit on canvas, not caring I am in the middle of the ring, I need some time to recover, my big breast heavens as I am breathing, my back hurt...I stare at you, I usually can handl my opponents easily but you look very strong yt

20:54 <TheBlackHulk> I pull myself up, watching as you sit on the canvas, your big chest heaving as you catch your brearh when I suddenly charge, going for a low drop kick, aiming for your chest
20:54 <TheBlackHulk> yt

12:16 <Big_Deby> I expect you'd taked advantage by my position but I still feel tired so as you charge at me I cross my arms in front of me to protect my big body, I don't get a full strike but you send me flat on my back....I growl, I need to come back into the match yt

00:04 <TheBlackHulk> I blast into your chest with my low drop kick, sending you to your back, then i rise, grabbing a fist full of your hair as I do, pulling you up to a seated posistion and attempt to slam my knee into your cheek, looking to knock you silly
00:04 <TheBlackHulk> yt

09:32 <Big_Deby> I am still to dazed to move so you can easily lift my head by hair, I scream trying to grab your wrist to pull your arm off me but I can't avoid your bad knee strike on my cheek, my head is bent on side, my view blurr I don't fall since you are holding my hair but I am unable to perfrom a counter attack yt

23:28 <TheBlackHulk> you dazed I yank you up by your hair and yank your head between my muscled thighs, then hook your arms up behind you, looking to dwliver a pedigree, wanting to drive your forehead into the canvas
23:28 <TheBlackHulk> yt

11:55 <Big_Deby> mphh you trap my head between your massive thighs, I try to move my arms to hug your legs but you are faster than me and block them behind me, pushing forward I try to use my bodyweight on you but this help you on next move....ouchhhh my face hit firts the canvas as I fall on my breast....I lay there motionless..I can't believe you are ragdolling the Big Debby yt

19:23 <TheBlackHulk> I hit the pedigree, driving you face first to the canvas and begin to rise, once again grabbing your hair to pull you up as I rise and locking on a reverse head lock, Then grab a fistfull of your black pants as I pull you to me
19:23 <TheBlackHulk> yt

11:12 <Big_Deby> I scream as you grab my hair and lift me up by them, I move my hands to grab your wrists as you put me into an headlock but I can't defend, I am still too weak..you pull me up trying to lift me on all fours (I guess) but I struggle but I guess I can't worry you since I am in very bad conditions yt

02:11 <TheBlackHulk> I Drop my hips a bit then fire up hard lifting you for a verticle suplex and back up towards the table until I finally fall back to slam your back onto the table
02:11 <TheBlackHulk> yt

14:35 <Big_Deby> mphh I try to push on your lags to shove you back, but you do that very fast and I am not in great shape so you lfit me upside down then CRASHHHHHHHHH my back slams on table, I feel pain everywhere and you add some more on my big hurted body. But what it's worst is my back breaking the table, I fall motionless between the 2 halfs yt

00:26 <TheBlackHulk> I look down at you laying between the two halves of the broken table, put my foot on your chest as I hit a double bicep pose

11:35 <Big_Deby> I barely hear the bell rings to announce match's end...I feel broken outside and inside, it's first time in my whole live I've got a so shaming defeat and your foot on my large breasts as you flex biceps is even more shaming 
18:05 <TheBlackHulk> (End)

<Published> 2023-10-12, viewed 81 times.




2023-10-29 08:56

Well done hulkie


2023-10-14 01:44

fun match, congrats on the win Hulk!

Nathan gingerbread

2023-10-12 14:44

High five for hulk ...a dominant performance