Bulls Vs Bitches

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Established: 2022-12-30
Chat room: #BullsVsBitches

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Males Vs Females Federation - who will be the bitches?
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Bulls & Bitches Tournament: Lud Vs Nathan

16:20 <Nathan_gingerbread> It is not so often i fight with bad intent normally i am relaxed and hoping to have fun ... But not this ... I sniff as i put the wraps on my hands , a small amount of protection for me anyway . Warmed up and drilled on my basics there is no music no fanfare ...no fireworks ...no greeting the crowd. Just the roar of an air raid siren as i march down to the cage
16:20 <Nathan_gingerbread>
16:22 <Nathan_gingerbread> Checked by the official outside the cage i am quickly in and walking to the far side testing the sharply shaped links of the cage on my back as i watch for the thuggish woman to make her entrance.
16:25 <Badass_Lud> Finally is my turn to compete for bulls and bitches tournament, I feel so angry because I couldn't perform my match on early turn so I feel like I am double angried, poor Nathan, he doesn't know what he expects. It's my turn to enter, "Poison" by Alice Cooper plays into the Arena:..mtc
16:25 <Badass_Lud> ERROR|3
16:26 <Badass_Lud> I come into wearing a black top and tigers pants, my flat belly uncovered, I walk slowly and elegant like a feline, my eyes are glacial, my lips straight, no one emotions on my face I am looking to my prey only and that is you. I see you are just into the cage, I follow you and ref close the door behind us. "no way to escape now Nathan"
16:27 <Badass_Lud>
16:35 <Nathan_gingerbread> The cage closes... It seems she has worked out that means she cant leave... i am boiling inside but don't show it keeping my eyes on the floor between us ...there is nothing to see i did my home work i watched her other fights my italian growing slowly with my fiancee 's help .. there is no bell, no stupid referee to call rope breaks , just me and the thug i righteously hope she underestimates me she seems the type. It will be a shame to mess up that face but worth it. Advancing slowly ,watchful , in a Mai Thai stance my hands up in high fence my front leg very light on the ground .
16:40 <Badass_Lud> I look into your eyes but you look somewhere else, the floot in front of my feet "oh is your opponent too much scaring to be looked?" I ask, my voice is as cold as ice but I am glad you don't waste time and you get your fight stance. I do fists bringing my arms up, right close to my chin,left up and forward, my right foot backward, a kind of boxing stance but my legs are bent ready to spring on with a feline speed, I nod, you loor ready to start, I bounce on my feet moving to the center of the cage to meet you
16:44 <Nathan_gingerbread> Taking the fight to the enemy i flash out a quick teep style front kick looking for that gap below your guard wanting to put you on the back foot and control the distance.
16:48 <Badass_Lud> I see your foot flies on me I quickly move down my right arm trying to slap your foot down, attempting to bring your leg down on ground, I move my back foot forward trying to enter into your line shooting a left jab on your chin
16:54 <Nathan_gingerbread> I hardly expected success so quickly and you take the chance to throw a jab at me but now i get to give you a lesson deliberately dropping my head and lurching forward to meet your fist with the solid bone of the top of head . Your weight comes forward as you punch and i take the opportunity to try and put my foot on top of yours pinning it if i can as i keep my hands in guard but close the distance .
16:59 <Badass_Lud> I am amazed I've never seen someone send an headbutt on a fist...it hurts though but I guess the strike hurted you a little, my body is leaning forward and you can pin my forward foot with your, my eyes are narrowed, not feelings on my face just a glacial look "are you sure is wise be so short with me?" my right is still low for early block, I close my fist and swing in up trying to hit under your chin with a quick uppercut trying to pass through your guard from below
17:08 <Nathan_gingerbread> Elsewhere it would be dirty boxing but here it is good tactics ...i see her eyes widen as no doubt her fist hurts , my guard still in place but she starts being smarter sending up an uppercut from below i tuck my elbows but cant stop it totally and have to eat a crunching blow to my clenched jaw , she is strong for sure but i have had worse and now i have what i want as my arms grasp around around her head and i piston a knee up the middle while still trying to secure the clinch. Its time to cut the tree down to size.
17:14 <Badass_Lud> my powerful uppercut cut your guard, I am disappointed I can't hit you with full strenght, you look a tough guy despite my uppercut you grab my head for a clinch, I have a short and quick flash, you had a muay thai stance as we started our fight, this mean you can use knees and elbows, a clinch is a typical preparation for a knee strike so I bring up my back leg the only one I can use since my other foot is pinned by yours, our knees impact each other and maybe I am unbalanced forward into you since I guess your clinch is pulling me toward you but I don't care I rather move my hands on your shoulders to hold me up
17:21 <Nathan_gingerbread> Maybe not just a thug after all using her own knee to defend the center line and keeping herself up by leaning on me her hands on my shoulders ... I guess she knows somthing of the style but its hardly like i am stuck with only that ... And its time to show how thuggish i can be when provoked putting more weight on that pinned foot as i slam my forehead forward tilting my head to use the corner in a short brutal headbutt to that smug face.
17:24 <Badass_Lud> I blocked your knee strike but your next shoot is very brutal and unexpected your headbutt hit straight my face, some blood drip off from my nose, I've got my nose broked a lot of time so it doesn't hurt very much but the shoot daze me, I scream as my face get red painted...I shove your shoulders trying to push you back to free my foot and gain some space to move back
17:29 <Nathan_gingerbread> Now you dont want to be so close to me .. yeah too late ... you thrust back breaking the clinch trying to get away and as my hands are either side of your head i go to a short sharp ear clap on both sides as i finally un pin your foot but only so i can try to hook my foot behind yours and stop you stepping back maybe even trip you .
17:33 <Badass_Lud> I am too dazed to react your nasty headbutt has not been a fair shoot and you add even more diznees with a double ears slap...I can't push you back and I stumble on your foot falling flat on my ass..
17:40 <Nathan_gingerbread> Timber ... She falls backward to the floor i want to dive in her and drop bombs but i know her background is more wresting and i suspect i have a lot more work to do before she is ready to be finished . Still i can do some damage .stepping to her side away from those dangerous legs i show off my flexibility so rarely seen lifting my leg high before i bring it down for an axe kick aimed at her belly which i hope will soften her up.
17:42 <Badass_Lud> I am layiing on ground I feel like I was drunken, legs and arms spreaded my face is a mask blood as your heel hit my flat belly my abs in unprepared, my body curls up, spitting out air them my legs and arms fall again on ground
17:48 <Nathan_gingerbread> Ohhh that felt satisfying , and she looks stunned so i jump on her trying to get a full mount and i just need her confused and unable for a few moments more ... Searching for right arm the stronger one wanting to secure that first ... I look in her face to see how much she is in trouble ...
17:50 <Badass_Lud> I am panting on ground, blood is flowing down across my chest...you grab my arms and pin them on ground...I try to shake them to free but I feel too much stunned and weak
18:05 <Nathan_gingerbread> I know i should be professional finish this with elbows to her face and just knock her out ... But i want her to say it i want to hear her say the word . Dragging one arm under my knee i push my hand under her chin taking a choking strangling hold my thumb pressing on your carotid artery cutting oxygen to your brain . " tell me lud whos your daddy "
09:13 <Badass_Lud> I feel the taste of my blood on my mouth, like a real beast I love this taste even though is my real one, such big mistake you've just done not knocking me out, you push your thumb on my throath blocking my breathing but you waste time to pretend I have to tell I won't never say...one arm trapped but the other one is free, I swing it trying to poke your eyes hoping you let me go , trying to gain some time to recover
10:15 <Nathan_gingerbread> I see the defiance in your eyes i recognise it as my own and tighten my grasp thinking to just watch you fade away , You slip a hand free and your hand reaches for face to quickly for me to evade your fingers clawing and gouging " ahhh bitch" as i rear back trying to get out of reach natually releasing your neck as your fingers push into my eyes and it fly's back to defend my face .. your nails gouging my cheek i feel hot streaks as the skin is torn.
10:20 <Badass_Lud> a dark evil smile shines my face as I feel my fingers reach the target, I don't feel good but I have a chance to gain some time, I roll on my breast, placing my hands on ground I fold my legs, using the support of my knees I stand on all fours, I take some deep breath to recover, I look a wild beast now, my face is red for blood and some red stripes are over my chest, I look at you with anger, trying to use the time I have to recover as much as I can
10:29 <Nathan_gingerbread> Pushed off , i dont resist more concerned with my vision but other sense is working over time and every instinct screams at me to get in or get out . I know which way you went so i go the other rolling till i bump into the cage fence and there i get to my feet . .. testing my vision one eye is fine but the other weeps and there is blood and i get only snatches of vision as i have to keep closing it . ... Facing out from the fence i swear loudly before i push off with my back and start to advance showing a very diffrent low stance both fists at the sides of my head .
10:34 <Badass_Lud> I feel my head clearing, I try to breath with nose to check if I can do it, I feel some pain on there but I can bear, I slowly stand up, I feel my balance is good, maybe not perfect like always is but I can continue, I smile this time, but not a kind one my face look even more evilish with a vertical red stripe hanging to the side of my mouth..."did you think to play with me like cat and mice?" I ask as I get up my arms in guard, not a boxe stance like before but more a brawl stance, fists up on my face, feet on same line...I slowly move toward you, breathing with my mouth, caring to have my lungs fill as we meet at the middle of the cage
10:43 <Nathan_gingerbread> "I meant to teach you some humility " stepping wide i shape up a low body hook hoping to draw your guard down but never throw it instead a fast straight jab fires out but not a fist a flat palm aiming for what i think might be a broken nose . As it fires out i pull my false hook in tight to my chest .
10:52 <Badass_Lud> I am carefull now, I know I am not in great shape so I keep my hands very close to my face, I bring down my arm as I see you are gonna hit me with a low hook but it's a fake, your palm is going to hit my face again I bend my head on side, I feel the side of your hand graze my ear, messing a little my hair, I turn my low arm and swing it toward you trying to shoot a hook on your rib cage
11:22 <Nathan_gingerbread> Not quick enough my palm slides past her cheek. And she is quick to capitalise on my out reached arm shooting a hook to my ribs on that open side my impaired vision not helping . As your fist thumps into my exposed ribs i wince and gasp dragging my arm back to protect from further damage tucking my elbow in. I need to work smarter and throw a hooked foot at your lead leg .. aiming my foot at the inside of her knee and wanting to both kick and pull hoping to disrupt your footing and balance. As i lean back and feel the fence touch my shoulder blades.
11:32 <Badass_Lud> I switched all my weight on foot to the opposite side where my hook come from, you are smart enough to know guess where my weight is, as well as you are fast enough to hit my my inner knee, my leg is shifted on side..forcing me to make a couple of steps there till my shoulder hit the cage's fence, I grunt, not for pain but just for disappoint, I can't follow with another attack, I push my back hand on the fence to charge toward moving up and back one of my arm I fake a kind of superman punch but I follow with an uppercut under your chin using the other arm
11:41 <Nathan_gingerbread> Pleased that worked well , i have noticed a few things as we fight like lud is more hands than feet and i intend to take advantage of that as as her shoulder hits the fence i take half a step back and am able to control the range Watching her blows fall short as i set my hips and throw my first full blooded kick my back foot slicing in at waist height a lot of my weight behind it wanting to kick you into the fence if i can as my shin aims for your obliques.
11:51 <Badass_Lud> my view is kinda blurred by blood my uppercut is short and you manage to get me with a good extension, your foot lands on my flat belly, this time my abs is flexed, I don't bend over but I am thrown back toward the fence, I hit there, with one hand I hold the fence to stop a bounce, raising one leg to protect my middle body and maybe keep some distance between
12:06 <Nathan_gingerbread> It didnt work the way i hope but she is on the fence and her leg up to protect her middle smartly keeping her hands free. ... I am struggling my eye now mostly shut and i see a chance to take advantage . Closing quickly one arm up almost wrapping my head on my blind side as i try and press in before she can do anything my other arm trying to hook that raised leg and pull it higher as i push my foot against her ankle trying now to topple you or get you Awkwardly Against the fence .
12:10 <Badass_Lud> my eyes are looking to you like an eagle would look a mouse throght the grass, you move in again I expect a strike attack so I tense all my muscles ready to get it and maybe trying a counter attack but you grab my raised leg, I oppose to resistance for a while, just the time to move my other hand on the fence. as you lift my trapped leg I lean on the fence, holding it tight with both hands to have a support, throwing up my free leg I try to whip a kick aiming with the neck of my foot under your chin..
12:27 <Nathan_gingerbread> So intent on getting this bitch on the floor i leave myself open not having thought she could kick with her supporting foot .. i see it too late .. and the ball of your foot cracks up snapping my relaxed jaw shut . For a moment as my head snaps back i see only the blurry lights as control of my body is cut and i fall back on my ass in a sitting position one arm still wrapped around my head kept there by friction and memory. The other falling limply by my side as i shake my head unsure how i ended up on the floor. ..dazed .
12:31 <Badass_Lud> the fence deforms under my weight as I use it as support to bring up my free leg to kick you under chin, after my foot hit you I fall on my knees but you fall on your back and that was what I really hoped, I don't waste time I see one arm limp on your side, that's the place where I mean to move...I walk on my knees to reach your arms leaning over I grab your wrist using my hands and try to twist your arm.."did you really think to fuck me?"
12:45 <Nathan_gingerbread> Pain quickly cuts through the fog quickly but my body is not cooperating as i would like though my brain seems to be working well And my mouth ... I hiss and lean forward trying to relieve some pressure and simply unable to resist well i do manage to swing my legs together and bring my other hand down to the floor trying to stop my further collapse. - " what ? .. " truly stunned by your words " you have been an asshole , i just wanted to give you an attitude adjustment "
10:35 <Badass_Lud> as I have the hold on your arm I twist it badly to hurt you maybe injury your shoulder so I can go easy with my next move, I have a kind of headcache but my beast instict know what I have to do, I should look wild with all blood coloring me. I stand up to have a better leverage but you move your legs and your body to reverse the twisting..."oh I am a real asshole but what that's even worst I am a badass" I guess you are sitting now, I know I can hurt anymore your arms so I whip out my closer leg tring to hit the side of your head with a nasty kick
11:10 <Nathan_gingerbread> Slowly i am regaining my control but i dont know how much longer i can hold on the muscle tearing in my shoulder i feel the horrible wet tissue ripping sound as the pain blossoms ... desperately .trying all i can to relieve the pressure knowing i am vulnerable ...i start to plot how i can strike back and bring my good arm across to support my shoulder as i bend my legs thinking i might kick out -- i feel your weight shift as you aim a kick and between my held shoulder and my good arm i defect some of the blow but there is still enough force to lay me out on my back .. my twisted arm ripped from your grip flops down at my side almost useless ... My head rings i have only survival in my mind as i push off the floor with my heels bringing my good arm up as i rotate my body on the floor so my feet face you ... Half my face bloody, my arm limp , i know i am in deep trouble .
11:17 <Badass_Lud> despite your movement looks like I've caused some damage on your arm and due my kick I've added some pain and dizness with my kick, you are laying on mat now, also your face is bloody, this add some more rage into me, I see you feet are facing me like to say Get US, I hear my instict leaning over I grab your ankles trying to lift your legs from the floor, I sswing my arms trying to roll you on belly if I manage to lift your legs
11:31 <Nathan_gingerbread> The trap is sprung.. probably my last gambit too but my legs are still strong and the adrenaline of fear and anger spurs me on as you make your grab for my ankles i let you lift them before i start viciously pedalling my legs ..thrusting back and forth .trusting my leg strength over your grip to slip free and kick out at your face .
11:35 <Badass_Lud> I hopes you were more dizzy so I go easy expecting I can roll you easily but you pull your legs toward you then you kick them out very fast and very strong, I lost the hold and OUCHHHH your feet hit badbly my face, one heel on my aching nose..I scream staggering back few steps before fall on my butt almost close to the fence, covering my face with hands
11:53 <Nathan_gingerbread> Finally buying myself enough space to get to my feet i roll over and push up on my good arm ..i want to press the attack but i just dont have the energy . Swaying slightly i wonder if i can use her aggression and exaggerated my struggles listing to the side like a sinking ship ..not hard to do when my face is a mess and arm hangs limply ...though i clench my fist and think maybe i can use it a bit. Beckoning her to me . My tenacity on full display ... " Badass .. "🖕
12:08 <Badass_Lud> I feel my head dizzy, some more pain on my face, other blood spilling out but I am concious my position in vulnerable so I have to stand up, I use the support of the fence but as I am on my feet I feel my legs weak, I stagger a little and need to rest with my back on ther to gain the balance, I see you are showing me a middle finger "wann fuck me with that? too little" I reply, as I breath with my mouth to recover some energy but my view is blurred
12:30 <Nathan_gingerbread> "You seem awfully keen to get fucked , maybe thats why your so grumpy... Has it been too long ? " She is leaning into the fence and maybe its not just me struggling but i carry on my deception closing the distance but not wanting to get too close ... My Good hand up near my chin ... The cloth tape on my bad hand has begun to unravel no doubt from when she was twisting my arm but 6-8 inches hangs down as i spend my remaining energy wisely slicing a low kick toward your calf wanting to chop away at you .
12:40 <Badass_Lud> I raise my eyebrow "oh not your business how long I've been fucked but I wonder if you have ever fucked a woman" I reply back trying to make you nervous, maybe you'll do a mistake , you move closer , I keep my position, I know it's not good being with back on wall but I still don't have a good balance..I have a little advantage though, you can use one arm only so I focus to your feet, I guess you won't lose your guard using the only one arm you have..I see your leg moves I raise the one you are trying to hit to block your low kick with my ankle, pushing one hand on fence I move back from there and charging the other arm I try to shoot in a palm strike on your solar plexus..I hope my weak legs let me do this short movement
12:58 <Nathan_gingerbread> I had hoped to enrage her into a mistake and while i seem to get a touchy response it doesnt affect her fighting and my kick is deflected . My one good eye sees all to well how she pushes off the fence and i tense ,tucking my chin but the blow comes in lower and initially it feels like i can handle it but the nerve center there sends waves of sickness through my stomach and even my bladder as i sag now for real stumbling forward into you ..as we stand chest to chest , i am leaning on you heavily and have only a second or two to try my desperate tactic grabbing the unravelled the cloth wrap from my bad hand in my good one and stretching it across your neck twisting it over trying to choke you with it .
09:52 <Badass_Lud> my palms hit the target, I don't have much strenght left, I realize it when you are still standing and you can breath too, my balance is not good so after the impacet I stagger forward, I need your body to support myself, my arms are around your waist, my head resting on your shoulders, same thing happens to you, we could look like 2 lovers hugging from outside but we know the tension between us, we are both bored, blood dirty. I rest trying to recover some strenght but you stop my breathing chocking me with your arms, I can stand only because we are body to body, I try to deliver a punh on your side like the one boxes sent when they clinch, but I can't hit very hard
10:41 <Nathan_gingerbread> I am exhausted so little left i think i would fall if i did not lean on her .. i try and lift my knee to the outside to deliver a liver kick .choking her my one good arm straining at this awkward angle to impart real force .my busted arm acting as an anchor to it --leaving my body open i know . My dungeon instinct screaming at me to fight. But A short hard body blow literally beats me to the punch and makes me wilt the attack on my solar plexus making it so hard to tense . I buckle my leg coming back down to try and prevent my collapse as i slide down her body releasing the choke. Beating my fist on her side .
10:44 <Nathan_gingerbread> Falling to my knees
10:50 <Badass_Lud> I feel your weight change but I keep my body against yours, to have a support, I can't breath for your choke and this not help me to recover, I expect a blow for this but I don't know what kind of and which leg you could use but your attack doesn't came you fall on your knee after my punch on side, it has not been a strong shoot but we are both very tired right now and even a caress could be hurting like a slap, I see you in front of me, I've losen my support, my legs trembles I can't stand correctly, I move forward using my bad balance I stagger toward you raising one of my leg trying to smash my knee on your face, I can deliver a real shoot but my strike force is by my body weight falling on to you
11:03 <Nathan_gingerbread> My bad arm is done it seems ... Whatever was left is gone and it falls to my side. I feel you press forward bending me back and your knee forces its way between us lacking the force strike but it pushes me back even further and the added weight is too much for me to support ... I fall backward my legs folded as you come down on top of me knee in my chest and the impact as i hit the floor drives the air from me... I look up with my one good eye knowing i am done wanting to fight to resist but totally exhausted.. i look into your crazy mask of blood and see a flash of white teeth .. you know it too... " peace lud .. peace ..you win " i am Totally at your mercy making no further move .. as you hold me pinned down your knee in my chest.
11:11 <Badass_Lud> My knee doesn't hit you but it pushes you down on your back, I can't control my movements in right way I fall over you, grunting since I land on your folded leg, my abs are soft now so your knee sinks into my belly, causing me to cough, spitting some blood on your shoulder...I want keep the position though, so I desperately try to move my hands on your shoulders, digging my fingers into your flash, my goal it's not hur you but have a support only to don't bounce off, it's not a very stilish way to finish a match but this position looks a pin. But it doesn't matter before I can do something else you give up...I do a sight of relief, I don't know to be more happy for win or for this end, I really spent all I had..I roll on side, laying on ground legs and arms spreaded, exausted, one of toughest match I've ever done
11:34 <Nathan_gingerbread> Relief floods my mind , after such a brutal contest i had feared she may not stop or choose to exert her dominance .but she rolls off and lays on her back next to me and i realise how close i came to beating her.. i want to berate myself ...but i know i did my best . Laying on floor pain all over my body .my chest rising and falling as i look up at the lights . Thinking it will be a long time to recover from this.
11:44 <Badass_Lud> I close my eyes for a moment, bell rings, speaker announces me as winner but I don't feel in right mood to celebrate, I've been so close to be defeated. Adrenaline slowing down and I feel all my body aching, I take some time to rest then I slowly stand on my knees, still panting..my body is mess. I put one hand on ground and push me up on your feet. I give you one hand "great match Nathan" for first time after long time a smile appears on my face, maybe not a cute one since my lips are sorrounded by blood but something similar to Joker
11:52 <Nathan_gingerbread> I focus on you as you stand over me holding out a hand . Suddenly you smile your serious face lighting up and i think maybe i least won your respect . Gathering myself i make a monumental effort and drag myself up to one knee taking the hand to pull myself up all the way to my feet ... " you are indeed a badass"
11:54 <Badass_Lud> I feel some strength coming back into my body so I can help you to stand up...I nod, keeping "Oh yes I am, Badass is my Surname" ref opens cages' gate to let us come out (END)

<Published> 2023-10-27, viewed 84 times.
