Bulls Vs Bitches
Established: 2022-12-30
Chat room: #BullsVsBitches
- Back and forth
- Long-term roleplay
- Descriptive writing
- Male / Female
Males Vs Females Federation - who will be the bitches?
73 members
44 stories
67 photos
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12:13 <Zack_Davis>
01:56 <Zack_Davis> Pulling into a parking spot in an alley just off the plaza, I can see the crowd already gathering in anticipation of our match. I sit in my car just gazing at the ring set up for us, with the opportunity for the winner to advance in the Bulls vs Bitches Tournament. I sit there lost in my thoughts of this possibility as my car stereo plays at a respectable volume .. " style="background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); font-size: 1rem;">
02:12 <Zack_Davis> The song winds down and I snap back from my daydream. Candy. Krush. I got myself into it this time, I figure, but I've had some success against the more muscular ladies in the ranks and my confidence level is high. I step out of my car wearing only my sweatpants over my wrestling trunks and a pair of sandals.
... making my way through the crowd towards the ring with some high fives and fist bumps with the fans, I report in at the table set up at ringside for the event co-ordinator. I kick off my sandals at my corner and slip out of my sweatpants to reveal my red attire for this match ..
.. rolling under the bottom rope into the ring, I lean on the top rope flirting with some of the cuties in the crowd as I await your arrival...

02:46 <Zack_Davis>
10:26 <Candy_Krush> Candy Crush theme songs play in the plaza to welcome my entering:
10:30 <Candy_Krush> a door opens and I come out from a building, wearing a pink and blue striped bikini with long socks of same color, I skate around the ring, showing off my athletic body then I stop to metal stairs, I sit over there asking to a guy an help to remove roller skate from my feet, as he does I stand up, climinb up on the stair I enter passing throught the ropes, I look at you, a big muscular guy is my opponent for this tournament but I look confident..."are you ready for a SWEETTTTT KRUSHHHHH" I say to you before move to my corner, waiting for the bell
10:30 <Candy_Krush> 

01:57 <Zack_Davis> Your music suddenly echos through the plaza as you come out of a nearby building, skating gracefully, elegantly ... Someone with your muscle mass shouldn't be as agile as you are! I can't help but laugh as a couple of fellas rush to you, almost fighting for the honor of removing your skates. You blow a bubble as you strut your way across the ring, wandering purposely close to taunt me ... I smirk. "Eye Candy gettin' Krushed today".
10:10 <Candy_Krush> I blow another bubble, big enough to cover my face as it explodes I smirk to you "this is what will happen to you...BOOOM" I take my fight stance, I am muscular but strenght is not my main skill, you'll see soon. Bell rings, I move out from my corner starting to circle you
10:36 <Zack_Davis> I smile at your threat as you approach from your corner ...
... "Ohh, you've brought me no gum?". I make a sad face and no effort to approach you, I turn with you where I stand as you circle. I've already seen how well you carry yourself with your impressive physique. My own physique has been honed in the gym as well, and at 6 feet tall and 175 pounds, I feel I can match your power. Your agility concerns me, and I take a defensive posture as I turn with you. "Let's see what you got" ... looking for an opening to exploit

11:12 <Candy_Krush> I know you have size advantage but I am not scared I've put on knees guys and gals bigger than you, I see you don't attack me "are you shy? or maybe you don't like candies?" I ask smirking, I step in stomping my foot to distract you, lifiting my arms like to go for a lock but I fire my back leg trying a nasty knee strike to your guts
11:26 <Zack_Davis> Our game of cat and mouse quickly concludes when you take the offensive, stepping to me with your hands up. I raise my hands to match yours ... "Let's see what a piece of Eye Candy can do" I taunt .. my hands almost touch your well shaped shoulders when you stomp your foot. Glancing down reflexively, just in time to see your knee strike ... I actually see it before I feel it. A split second to process the thought 'that's gonna hurt' before an explosion of anguish doubles me ... My left hand does find your right shoulder to steady myself while my right wraps my waist. Looking slightly to the side to hide my wince from you ... "Not bad" I croak ...
11:35 <Candy_Krush> My knee hit your packed abs, I raise my eyebrow "oh not bad neither" I smirk, my words are about your hard steel abs "so those muscles are real, are them?" I ask as I recover my stance, your left hand on my shoulder, I guess you can feel my smooth skin covering my shield of muscles, I grab your wrist with two hands, one step back to get some distance, spinning on my feet I jerk your arm trying to launch you toward the corner behind me with an irish whip
12:04 <Zack_Davis> With your power combined with your lower center of gravity, you easily get my top-heavy body moving into your Irish Whip. My guts protest at every movement, not like I have a choice! I too grasp your wrist, pivoting as you are about to launch me, reversing your efforts into my own attempts at tossing you into the corner
16:57 <Candy_Krush> my strenght is not enough to launch a big boy like you, as I am spinning you counter twist, I got some momentum preparing my move so I can't block your attemp...you toss me toward the corner, I can't stop and my back slams on the thurnbukle, my body arches for pain...."I am amazed, usually guys are not so smart"
02:51 <Zack_Davis> "Well" ... I tap the side of my head as I smile broadly to the crowd, "I is smart!" ... your body arched back from the impact presents your belly in an irresistibly exposed position. Dropping to my right knee, looking to drive a right handed punch straight from my shoulder into that welcoming target.
10:31 <Candy_Krush> I need to hold the top rope to don't fall, exposing my belly, you are too fast, I can't move out and I can't neither use my arms to block, I can only blow off air to flex my abs, hoping to reduce damages, your fist hit my belly, I double over, coughing...I try to hug your shoulders for a clinch, using my body to push you back, taking time to recover, I didn't expected a so bad start
11:22 <Zack_Davis> My early survival so far has been merely a matter of happenstance, I recognize with no uncertainty. An Irish Whip reversed, a belly punch delivered more from convenience and my forward momentum. But I'll certainly take it! You double over into me, coughing. I feel the power of your arms for the first time when you hug my shoulders in our first clinch. Your powerful legs push me back, an effort I'm more than willing to work with. The effects of that knee of yours that I ate, mere seconds ago, certainly linger on.
11:37 <Candy_Krush> I can feel your muscles as we are hugged into a clinch, but I guess you are feeling mine as well, it's time I start to use them if I wanna have a chance to compete against a big guy like you, I force you step back, I don't know if you are letting me do that or if are still hurted by my early knee but I have to get this chance despite the pain on my belly. I extend one leg trying to put my heel behind one foot, bumping my breast on your chest trying to let you stumble back
12:19 <Zack_Davis> Fighting you shorter little powerhouses can a frustrating lesson in physics at times. Your lower center of gravity combined with your sneaky trip easily sends me crashing ackwardly to my back! I grasp you tight in our clinch, pulling you down with me, hugging your head. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but in hindsight I question the wisdom of that decision when I get a double impact, sandwiched between the mat and your strong, sultry body. Your breasts slam against my chest, not pleasantly, while your bodyweight drives you into my torso! I look up at the sun and groan!
14:27 <Candy_Krush> A cheap move but I can push you back doing you crush down on mat, I leave my clinch but you grab my head dragging me down with you, I can't counter your attempt, I fall flat ove your, my breasts hit your chest squashing over it, I feel a little embarassment but I mean to use this new position to my advantage, I am on your top after all, I grab your forearms, digging my fingers into your flesh I push your arms up, sliding back I curl my body trying to slide my head off by your hold so I can sit over your bell
15:30 <Zack_Davis> Stunned a bit from the impacts I've just been treated to, and not really committed to grip on your head, your fingernails digging into my flesh is more than enough to abandon that effort! You pop your head free, sitting up to now straddle my belly. I draw my hands up in a guard position, biding my time, opting to try a counter to your next move rather than waste energy fruitlessly trying to escape. I smile up at you innocently with my most charming smile ... "Candy is sweet, right?".
15:45 <Candy_Krush> I free my head by your strong arms, I am still holding them maybe I am crazy but I try to push them on ground, over your head trying a quick pin, my muscles bulge for the effort, I doubt I could match your strenght but maybe my body weight helps a little, I smile back you, doing another bubble caring to make it explodes close to your face "yes Candy is sweet outside..the ring"
23:31 <Zack_Davis> I smirk up at you while you blow another bubble, studying your green eyes ... That little mischievous twinkle in your eyes, it's ... intriguing. My hands are trapped but yours are occupied in trapping them, so for the moment, I don't panic. I can feel the weight of your ass on my belly, and as you lean down close to my face, I quickly lift my head ... If I'm lucky, I'm stealing that bubble gum by grabbing that bubble in my mouth! "But we're inside the ring ... "
16:36 <Candy_Krush> I am surprised you stole my bubble gum rather than caring to bridge me off but I get that like an overconfident by you, a way to tell me you can control me, I mean to show you off the contrary, I am still holding your hands, I lean over using my weight and my muscles to pin your arms on ground, flattening my body on yours I try to lace your legs "yes we are, this mean I am not sweet"
16:57 <Zack_Davis> (🤣 ... the bridge was next. I wanted that gum!)
17:02 <Zack_Davis> "You're chewing gum is sweet" ... I've locked my ankles against your grapevine, but I now wear a Candy Crush blanket! Your body lays flat atop of me, my hands pinned to the ground. I arch my back, my head and my now flat feet my only points of contact with the ground, arching as I as I can before I try to roll us into our sides. I pop a bubble that nearly touched your lips in our struggles 😈
14:47 <Candy_Krush> I knew I couldn't handle your strength, not yet, I can't open your legs with my grapevine, leaving, your feet are still on ground so you have supports on ground, I bridge me off sending me laying on my side, you are in front of me popping a bubble on my face, I used my lips trying to stole the gum "this is mine" I say before rolling away
02:06 <Zack_Davis> I pop that bubble in your face, almost point blank range as we lay side by side facing each other, my bridge and roll successful in dismounting you. "Hey!" I protest when you deftly snatch your chewing gum back! "If you were polite, you would share!", watching you roll clear of me. I myself opt to roll the opposite direction, not really comfortable in a ground fight with you. At a safe distance I turn to face you on my hands and knees, watching you warily, and perhaps admirably, as I rise to my feet.
16:30 <Candy_Krush> I stand on my feet as I got a security distance from you, it's not a good idea fight on ground with you neither, you are bigger than me, it wouldn't be very good if you got my top..I shake my head, talking about my bubble gum "you've stolen from my mouth, you could ask for a piece, maybe I'd gave you" I take my fight stance, glaring to you, I slowly approach you in the middle of the ring for another lock or maybe an attack but I play in defence for this turn, I need some time to recover
19:03 <Zack_Davis> "Fair enough" I shrug, matching your stance approaching you as well. "Loser buys the winner a pack of gum?" I suggest, slipping into a lock up with you. I can feel the muscle development of your arms and shoulders as we lock up ... "Lift weights much?", pivoting slightly hoping to gain a head lock from our collar and elbow lock up.
09:34 <Candy_Krush> I blow another bubble..."I have another proposal, I'll give you my gum if you beat me" winking, we meet us in the middle of the ring, my hands go behind your neck as we lock into a collar and elbow, my muscles flex as we are locked, you feel them as well as I feel yours "yes, let me say I spend a lot of time at gym" your move surprise me, you trap my head into your strong arms, I move my hands under your elbows trying to push up your arm as I lean my body to slide my head off
10:56 <Zack_Davis> I smile at your proposal, admiring your bubble. "You do have a sweet .. piece" I giggle as we lock up. I manage to gain my headlock, but this hold is simply a set up for what's to come. I grasp my opposite wrist, my arms bulge while squeezing as hard as I can! Seeking to take a few quick steps before jumping in the air to land on my ass in a bulldog maneuver ...
11:02 <Candy_Krush> I am struggling to get my head free but your grip is very tight, you step back I try to lower my ass to don't let me darg, I am surpised you are not pulling me, suddenly I feel all your weight on my head, stretching my neck, I can bear it and you slam my face on ground...ouchhh, I lay on my chest pretty dazed
13:51 <Zack_Davis> With a burst of adrenaline, I sense the opportunity to gain momentum in our melee! Our landing onto the mat has dislodged my grip, I literally bounce on my butt upon impact!. Turning to face you on my hands and knees, you lay on your belly seemingly stunned. With a double handful of your sultry blonde hair, I rise to my feet, coaxing you to your feet as well. One arm I seek to wrap around your neck in a front overhead headlock, while I grasp at the back of your thong / string bikini with the other ... My heart races at the possibility of what might come next!
15:24 <Candy_Krush> I am laying on my chest, my head stunned. I breath to recover by the hard slam and to clear my head but you come me back to reality yanking my hair, I scream hissing "let me go" but you trap my head into your strong arm, I feel my thong slides into my ass crack and my pussy.."Ohh not" I guess you are trying to setup a DDT I don't mean to have my face slammed again on canvas, I hug your legs, my face is pressing the side of your abs, I try to distract you doing explode a bubble, pulling your legs toward me I use my strong legs to push forward trying to unbalance you before you could perform your next move
15:55 <Zack_Davis> "Crafty she-devil!" I exclaim! You quickly recognize the dire situation of an impending wedgie DDT, countering quite effectively with your power and skill. Wi You pop another bubble, I chide you ... "Brat!" ... as your leverage forces me off balance, falling back onto my ass with your arms wrapping my legs. I focus on maintaining my front overhead headlock as I'm uncerimoniously dumped to my ass, grasping my wedgie-creating wrist with my headlock hand to hold tight. I open my legs when we crash to the mats, perhaps I can salvage a Guillotine from my failed DDT!
16:22 <Candy_Krush> I was so smart anticipating your move, I avoid another hard kiss on mat and I can control my falling, punsing on my feet so I have a soft land over you, my face close to your shoulder, I am so happy as you remove hand from my panties but not so happy as you switch the hold into a guillotine, I open my legs as well trying to lock my feet with your ankles to block your legs or control them, I move my hands on your arms, my thumbs over your elbows, I dig my fingers into trying to open your arms, panting...all my muscles bulge for the strain
00:06 <Zack_Davis> Locked in a mortal embrace, we both strain mightily .. our intentions quite opposite! I strain to maintain my advantage, my arms quivering from the prolonged tension of my cruel hold, your body strains with every ounce of your considerable strength to escape. A test of wills with grave consequences at stake! Your fingers dig painfully at my bulging arms, my body scissors absent as you expertly disengage my legs ... With a primal scream I pour the entire focus of my existence into the blood choke I've stumbled upon!
10:46 <Candy_Krush> my legs are shaking for the effort to hold yours, I am trying to open your arms but my fingers meet strong muscles only, I can't hurt you as I wished, your strenght increases, I can't breath despite I open and close my mouth no air comes into my body, I can't match your strenght but I have to do something fast but I have to be smart too if I don't wanna be choked. I release your legs, I move slide my right leg over your left, put my knee close to the side of your thigh, using it as pivot point I turn my body to get a diagonal positon over you, with my right elbow I press on your shouldera as I push down my breast to the other side trying to pin, hoping I resist 3 second before pass out for chocking
22:38 <Zack_Davis> As you reposition your body, I can't help but feel a rush .. soooo close, just a bit longer! I watch your still wedgied bum as you reposition your legs ... "That's it, Candy, fight hard" I coo. I knew coming into the match, you have not an ounce of quit in you, and your fighting spirit does not disappoint! You reposition your body into a diagonal mount, but I still hold my Guillotine .. until the ref slaps the mat?!? "ONE!" he bellows ... One WHAT?!! ... "TWO!" ... Jesus, I'm being pinned by a boob!!! I roll hard, enough to lift my shoulder and break the count, but only for that instant. Your body presses me again to my back, again the ref slaps the mat ... "ONE!". DAMNIT! I can feel the effect my choke is having on you, yet in our game of Chess we both seem to be caught in a Check position! I can't risk being pinned before you succomb, I think fast ... I hook your pivot leg with my own, drawing it inwards to break down your leverage while releasing my choke.
22:42 <Zack_Davis> My right arm, from it's choke position, I slip under your left arm in an underhook. With my left arm, I press your right arm downward. Hopefully you're weakened enough that I can roll you with that underhook onto your now unveraged left side, and from there to YOUR back ... Once again, Check ...
16:23 <Candy_Krush> GMPPHHHH I hear a magic sound, ref's hand slapping on ground followed by his voice starting the count, it's the best melody I've ever heard, 2..count left, Candy resists!!! my face is red, my neck is aching like if it was gonna breaking, my lung burns, the second slap arrive giving me some more chance, I start to pray God, Madonna and all Saints I know but you lift my shoulders, I feel so bad heavean didn't hear me but I don't give up, keeping all my muscles flexed I try to re-pin you but just after one count I feel weak, my eyes are closing I am not breathing since log time ...all my muscles relazes, I am rolled on my back, I use my last strenght left to open my mouth, catching some hair, I wake up like after a long apnea but I can't move yet and you can get my top easily
17:05 <Zack_Davis> My escape from your 'pin' actually works ... "WHY DON'T YOU JUST QUIT?!?" I yell at you as you roll to your back. You're gasping for air as you lay on your back ... with gum in your mouth. No way. When I beat you, it won't be because you've choked on a piece of gum! I pluck that treat from your mouth and smirk, as I pop it again into mine. A cameraman stands at the apron near us, filming our every move ... I crawl over to the camera, for all of the viewing audience to see. I blow a HUGE bubble into the camera, popping it loudly ... "Candy. Krushed!" I gloat for the world to see, before I turn back to face you on my knees.
17:15 <Candy_Krush> I really need some time to recover, I've been chocked for long time, I feel weak but slowly I feel my blood get some oxygen, my muscles are regaining some strenght but as my body is gonna to respond you stole again my gum, I clenh my teeth to bite your fingers but I am not fast enough. This drive me mad, you are chweing my gum!!! I roll to stand on my knees, rage for missing what I owned drives me mad I stand u, my legs are weaks but I charge toward you, almost staggering as I you are turning to face I dive forward trying to ram my shoulder on your gut with a spear
19:26 <Zack_Davis> I turn away from the camera to re-focus on the business at hand ... You. Blowing another bubble for no other reason except to taunt you ... My eyes widen as I turn, however, spotting you in mid-dive just before your shoulder rams into my gut! With a sharp "UNGHHH!!!" the bubble flies from my mouth clear onto your butt when the breath is driven from my body! Your momentum drives my butt backwards from my knees, setting my ass on the bottom rope as I fold over your shoulder. I can't wrap my arms around my waist, your position prevents this, so I wrap my arms around your waist, holding on to stall for time to recover. 'Why didn't I just pin you when I had the chance' ?!? ...
10:17 <Candy_Krush> My shoulder hit hard your guts, I mostly used my body weight and my inertia, not able yet so put some real strenght, I land on my knees and hands after impact, I feel something wet and sticky falls on my ass, I don't know what that is so I move my hand to check, my face shines like if was kissed by a sunray.."my gum" I pun into my mouth, chewing a little, then popping out another bubble but my happyness is very short I feel your strong arms wrap my waist..."maybe because I'll pin you?" I ask trying to push your arms just over your biceps as I try to crwals back
10:39 <Zack_Davis> You push against my arms while you back away from me on all fours. I could perhaps squeeze your tight, rippled waist, yet I'm still not interested in a ground match, at least at the moment. Your compact, muscles body and the inertia generated kind of well, ... Sucked! I stay as I am perched on the bottom rope as you slip backwards from my grasp. My hands slip along your body while you do, not entirely an unpleasant touch. You've picked that gum off of your cheek ... "Noo, because I wanted that gum, sassypants!"
10:50 <Candy_Krush> I can move back, your strong arms slide across my body, I don't feel a strong grip now, my hands slide along your arms till I get your wrists "THAT GUM IS MINE!!" I reply as I suddenly roll on my back to lay on the canvas as I try to jerk your arms to pull you toward me, unfolding my legs from under me to extend them
11:05 <Zack_Davis> "Ackkkkk!!!!" I squack, suddenly yanked uncerimoniously from my perch! Your hands grab my wrist, your grip obviously quite firm I would guess from your weight training .. launched towards you as you roll to your back, pulling me airborne with you! I'm hoping for a soft landing onto a pair of pillows, but your legs uncoil beneath you ... 'that's not good' I think ..
11:14 <Candy_Krush> ouuff you fall on me, your face have a soft lands over my breasts but it's not very good for me, an OUFFFF sounds come out from my mouth, I am winded a but but I can't miss this chance, I hug your head pushing it against my chest as I try to lace my thighs around your waist, I don't wanna miss this chance.."oh why not? I am gonna put you to sleep"
11:25 <Zack_Davis> My eyes bulge as I muffle into your breasts ."b-but I'm not sleepy!" ... well, that's what I MEANT to say, the sounds that escape your cleavage are more like "mmphh mphmph mmmpphhhhhh!"! Your shaply and quite powerful legs squeeze my waist like a pair of boa constrictors, forcing my breath from me that your suddenly not-so-friendly 'pillows' will not allow me to regain! My hands find your shoulders as I make a panicked effort to push myself free against your grip, but your grip doesn't waver .. on the contrary, my struggles if anything settle me more firmly into your body. My struggles rapidly burn through my reserves of oxygen, I find myself beginning to swoon in your grip ... Not a good swoon! The word 'Checkmate' flashes through my mind as I give one more futile effort at escape! ...
11:32 <Candy_Krush> "oooh don't worry baby you'll be soon" I flex muscles of my arm, playing with your hair with other hand, like a cute mommy, your mmpphing cause some sweat wets my cleavage. My thighs are wrapped around your strong waist, I can feel your hard muscles on the inner part of my legs but I try to have more, I cross my ankles, my quads grow as I am starting to squeeze your thick body. I yank your hair on side to force your cheek against the side of my boob like to make you feel more confident on the pillow. You struggle over me.."oh calm down baby, maybe shall I siing you Lullaby, sleep baby you need , you need to have right hours of sleep or gals will kick your ass easily into the ring" my voice is warm, volume slow like if I was driving you in dreamland in sweet wat, as sweet as candies lol
11:40 <Zack_Davis> (🥴)
11:50 <Zack_Davis> Your hand brushes through my hair as I lay on top of you, your legs wrapped around me, your arm holding me tight. I could get used to this I think to myself through a darkening veil ... Minus of course the entire being squeezed into oblivion part! I can tell you've locked your ankles to set your legs firm, if you weren't squeezing the breath from me before, you certainly are now! Your quads bulge around my muscled core while you steer my face into the inner part of your breast, your hand in my hair not so gentle now! I can hear your voice, but it seems distant, as though I am hearing it underwater ... It's soft, soothing even ... I notice the perfume you wear is even candy scented, but that is the last thing I noticed before the shroud of darkness falls over me and I slip into an unconscious abyss! So typical of a man, falling asleep in the midst of a moment!
12:00 <Candy_Krush> I move my arms side to side like a cuddle movement, I am not singing a Lullaby but the sound of gum into my mouth as I am chewing it remembers that kind of song, despite the sweetnes of my intection, my muscles are flexed, squeezing and Krushing your body, I wonder if your are enjoying this opposition of feeling sweet inside of course but crusher outside. I slowly feel your body is weakening, your body soften, your breath switch to panting to a slow one.."ohh yess baby, sleep now" I feel you give up, not need to tap or say it, I have the perception you are doing. Ref checks your conditions, you are not broked but you are sleeping like a baby. I release my hold, I can't believe I did it! Bell rings, I take my gum and stick in into your front, pushing you softly on side I let you lean on your back, whsipering (but I doubt you coul hear me) "here my gum". I stand up, shooting a double biceps victory pose as speaker annonce "WINNER IS CANDYYYYYYYY KRUSHHHHHHHH"
12:00 <Candy_Krush>
12:12 <Zack_Davis> Sweet with sour, pain with pleasure, all a confusion of feelings as I'm effectively Krushed by the sweetest of Candies! Slowly my eyes flutter as a precious flow of oxygen returns ... "Wh ... what happened?!" ... I hear the crowd chanting your name as my eyes slowly focus on a stunning double biceps pose above me ... And there's ... Gum in my mouth?!? "Thanks, I think" I mutter as I hold my hands to my face ... But still managing a peek to your butt from this vantage point 🫣! "Well hell", I groan ... "I owe you a pack of gum".
<Published> 2023-11-20, viewed 101 times.
2023-11-20 19:56WOW! Venus Bulls are endangered!