Bulls Vs Bitches

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Established: 2022-12-30
Chat room: #BullsVsBitches

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Males Vs Females Federation - who will be the bitches?
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The treasure in the tomb

The crowd start to filter in and  noise levels increase as people chat and sweet wrappers rustle...  The smell of popcorn in the air as the house lights slowly fade ... Chat dies down and an excited silence fills the theater as the curtains open 

 .... A hush falls as the projector clicks  and people settle back to enjoy the film 


<Nathan_gingerbread> Starring : NATHAN J GINGERBREAD AS NATHAN

<Nathan_gingerbread> Also starring : KIARA WRESTLES AS KIARA


<Narrator> The year is 2024 ... Many of the great treasures have eluded every attempt to be found ... The tomb of the chaos queen is one. Steeped in legend .. the last resting place of the last amazon queen .

<Narrator> Kiara and Nathan join forces in there search. both with diffrent skills , both equally determined to uncover the truth for it is a dark tale ....

<Narrator> Almost one thousand yeas ago ... The tribe of amazonian women held a thriving city ... Battle was there strength and none dared to challange the tribe . but the queen her throne and her crown were equally at risk. For only the mightiest might rule.

<Narrator> deep in the jungle in the circle the queen met every challange it is said possessing mythic strength that legend says comes from a magical girdle granted her by the amazonian gods.

<Narrator> Until a champion it is said came from the far east a great artisan who finally defeated her ... But that is only a legend


<Narrator> But kiara and nathan search for somthing far more tangible the gold it is said was paid to the amazons in tribute by all the surrounding cities and villages.

<Nathan_gingerbread> The machete rises and falls with a steady rythem as i hack through the undergrowth . We must be nearly there , kiara reading the map behind me suddenly taps my shoulder and i look up to see through the vegetation our goal... The lost city of the amazonians


<Nathan_gingerbread> " we made it!" I try and sound confident though in truth i had started to think we were off course or it simply was not here. Everywhere we look there is soft moss on the ground and the place seems undisturbed. " Now all that research pays off ehh? " Looking at kiara with a crooked grin . Her cartography and my ancient languages skills have combined to unlock one of the great mysteries ... The tomb of the amazon queen .

<Kiara_Wrestler> I would scream as I see the tomb's entrance but I prefer to keep my mouth closed, just showing my satisfation curling up my lips. I have the feeling some spirits of amazones are sleeping here so I guess it's better don't disturb. Researches have been long but finally we've found the entrance. I hope we'll be lucky to find also the treasure, but not knowing exactly if treasure is real or that's a legend only. What really makes me curious is know more about those amazones but I am intrigued even more by the magic object owned by the Queen, I have the feeling it's something related about strength but who know? I neither know if it really exists or not. mtc

<Kiara_Wrestler> I give you a friendly punch to Nathan "oh yes we made it but now more difficult part starts, we have to explore inside" I can't hide I feel a bit of fear but we have to do! I fold map and take a block notes, tracing a draft of what I see I have to track everything we see to don't get lost inside. As I finish I sit on a trunk, taking off from my bag some food and a thermic bottle with beer inside "let feed us and relax a moment before enter" I remove my shoes and socks too, wiggling my toes to rest my tired feet


<Nathan_gingerbread> "indeed yes , as you know,the scrolls speak of pits and traps if any dare enter the tomb . We must be careful . "


<Nathan_gingerbread> I watch while adjusting my pack making sure i have a few handy items ready to use . But i am itching to get in there and heft the torch making sure its fully powered. I smile admiring her legs and how she arches her feet letting the toes play .

<Kiara_Wrestler> I nod "I know Nathan it looks a dangerous place for this reason you brang me" I bend my arm, doing bulge my bicep in playfully way "you need a strong amazon to discover the secrets of acients amazones" I try to soften the tension with some funny time, maybe we won't have time to be joky when we'll move inside


<Nathan_gingerbread> Her good nature is part of her charm . And she certainly is a physical specimen. " Yes kiara if there are any rocks needs shifting i will stand back and show you what a sex equality minded guy i am ..."

<Nathan_gingerbread> I keep talking knowing she will jump on me saying the word sex to tease ... "The first trap it says ,will stop the lonely and punish those who come alone.. " so hopefully were good on that front ."

<Nathan_gingerbread> After that i am not sure ... " None who come can go ...without the gods price being paid ... . Well hopefully they like gold eh?"

<Nathan_gingerbread> come on kiara while its light ...plenty of time to enjoy the view later :)

<Kiara_Wrestler> I raise my eyebrow "sex huh? you wanna abuse an alone defencless girl inside the jungle" I narrow my eye faking a threatening look, I make one last laugh before keep a serious look, I am a teaser but now we are gonna do a very dangerous game. We move toward the entrance, It's not good come too much close, I rub my head as you describe the first trap but I nod as you aske me if I like gold. "well what does it mean Natha? punish who come alone" I look around for a sign as I in front of us 4 foot prints sculpted into the rock just in front the entrance "watch there"


<Nathan_gingerbread> I smile to myself as kiara jumps straight to teasing shes is sexy and owns it with confidence ....Still searching around on the wall i can see chips and gouges where someone once tried to test it. But kiara points to the floor and my instinct is to keep well away.. but then .... " I think this is the key ... That only two can enter .. see how close they are ... I might be wrong but o think we stand on them together .." pulling off my rucksack and holding out in front of me hoping if somthing nasty happens it will act like a shield..." What suddenly your shy ?.... Come on stand on the other ones ..."

<Kiara_Wrestler> I shrug "only a way to know, but I guess we should move our feet on there almost at same time" my feel a bit worried but we didn't travel so long to stop at first issue. I grab your hands, gently "follow me" I say as I slowly go there placing my feet into the prints, my feet are littles than holes but it's even better before you step there with me I hear a "click" sound, I have feeling ground is haking "quick Nathan, punish who come alone I don't wanna be punished" I jer your arms

<Nathan_gingerbread> I had intended to go in front but kiara takes the place impetuous as ever . Quickly i press myself to her wrapping my arms to hug her tight ready to dive away and pull her with me if it all goes wrong.. her ample butt pressing into my groin i swear she is arching into me but i have no time to analyse as the whole section of wall sinks down while stepping stones rise up .. " wow this is a thousand years old and still works " the vibration of the ground pitches us forward and kiara starts to stumble forward .. " careful " my hands sliding up to a better centre of mass wrapping around her chest ..." Look " there in the sand now fine sharp points poke out the fine sand would do nothing to stop anyone being impaled. " We should get off here and inside before anything else happens "

<Kiara_Wrestler> My body is trembling as the ground is shaking but I feel safe feeling strong arms of Nathan hugging me and mhhh her bulge pressing on my fit glutes "MOVE AWAYYY!!" I scream "ALL IS GONNA FALL OVER US" but he keeps me tight on there as I was stumbling forward, I see something is opening on the ground "well let's try I hope it won't be the white Rabbit hole" I try to loosen tension as I greb your hand running toward there y

<Nathan_gingerbread> Following as close as i can there is little room but deft of feet we hop from stone to stone staying close together .. finally on the other side as we turn and watch the stone sink back into the ground and the wall rise like it had always been there... Striking up my torch into the gloom .. casting about before we move deeper " that was fun i turn to kiara doing a good impression of a guy full of confidence.

<Kiara_Wrestler> I am so glad I am so trained, my balance is alway perfect so I can follow you in this crazy run. But I am amazed as I see a new wall grow from the ground. I look to you confused "how it's possible a so ancient building have this mechanism?" So glad you prepared torch before I hate the darkness, I focus toward the light ray you are directing to the gloom, nothing clear is visible but I feel a cold wind caress my right naked thigh goosebumping me "there!" I point

<Nathan_gingerbread> " well i can only guess but we know they were fascinated by balance... Maybe down there * shining the torch on the floor " there is a another set of stones and we just tipped the balance " with a shrug of my shoulders .

<Nathan_gingerbread> "In any case ... We are in thats the main thing " scanning the walls with my torch when i hear kiara and i can feel a draft too ..." Yes i feel it too"

<Kiara_Wrestler> "so we should take a look better" I say with no kind way I grab your arm, squeezing a little your bicep to pull you toward me but as I am doing I stumble moving toward a dark zone, there is hole, larger than my body I fall into...."yuuuuuuuuuuuu" I scream like I was sliding on a slide, disappearing from your view

<Nathan_gingerbread> Pulled forward i dont resist thinking she means to show me somthing when suddenly she drops through a hole screaming her pull on me increasing before her grip slips away....i am nearly pulled in with her ... " Kiara !!!" No reply ... Crap .. thinking quickly i come to a choice ... " Well damn ... Were in this together lowering myself into the hole ๐Ÿ•ณ๏ธ there is a smooth surface leading away .. like a big slide . With a sigh i let go and cross my fingers ... Ohhhhhh...shiiiiiittt as i accelerate faster and faster in the dark toward wherever kiara went.

<Kiara_Wrestler> I slide down for long time, screaming, I try to dig the tunnel walls to stop or at least slower my crazy sliding but it doesn't work so I just SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! I wonder if I am going straight to hell but I don't see fire and flames so maybe I am just going into the breast of the earth, it's all dark I fear some bats are around so I hug my head to protect my blonde hair. Suddenly slope reduces, speed decrease I back pedal but I reach a ground. All dark around, I look up but I can't see nothing, I take a deep breath then with all voice I have into lungs "NATHANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!" I scream, rock shakes for my yelling I hope you can hear me

<Nathan_gingerbread> I slide a long way in the dark the only way i can tell is the feel of the smooth surface as it whips by and the rush of air going past my face . I burn my palm with friction trying to slow down . And all i can do is brace expecting a crushing landing ...

<Nathan_gingerbread> The rucksack takes some of the damage and my heart is in my mouth as i expect at any moment to hit a wall or even somthing worse . But it slows .. getting shallow... And i shoot out on to the floor in the dark rolling and rolling till i come to rest bruised but alive laying on my back aware of kiara's voice but unable to reply .the wind knocked out of me.

<Kiara_Wrestler> I am an all fours yelling your name, no reply! OMG I am here, alone into the darkness, so bad I don't have a torch with me neither, I wonder what I should do now, calm down Kiara, you are blonde but you are smart, you'll have an idea later or soon but before a bulb lights on on my head OUCHHHH you comes out from the slide, overwhelming my body..I stumble back with you over me "Ohh Nathan so happy to see you"

<Nathan_gingerbread> I realise half of why i cant breath is kiera on top of me laying across my belly... But then one of my legs is over hers .. "offf ... You ok? " I manage to wheeze . My hand stretching out in the dark quickly pulled back as i realise the bit i am touching is her round ass ..

<Nathan_gingerbread> Fumbling in my bag to bring out an electric lantern ..god knows where my torch went . The soft glow then lets us at leat see what were doing .

<Kiara_Wrestler> ouff I lay a moment on cold ground of the cave I thumb up "oh yeah but I guess you should learn how to land better" I stand up, finally a bit of light, we into a very large room, I wait you turn on the light to see what there is around. I try to draw into my mind the shape of the slide, it was almost a straight path, counting the curves I try to realize the right position but I can know where we exactly are just moved forward from the entering

<Nathan_gingerbread> I feel a bit disoriented by the fall getting to my feet kiara seems the same ... Looking around there are markings on the wall .. i get excited seeing that i recognise some of the cuneiform shapes and symbols. " Here there are words " ... My brain bending to the task of translation best i can .. .." the sun rising , the sun setting ... I recognise these as east and west a man follows the setting sun ... A woman heads to the rising sun...

<Nathan_gingerbread> Then there is a fire and a symbol i have never seen ... The letters beneath are written in a diffrent style...

<Nathan_gingerbread> ๐Œ๐Œ„แ”๐Œ€๐Œ“๐Œ„ ๐Œ•๐‹…๐Œ„ แต๊Š๐Œƒ๐Œ” and under this smaller marks obviously added later by another hand .,. Tะฝั‘ gัณะด$ $ั‚ั—ะณะณ ั‰ะฐั‚cะฝ ...

<Kiara_Wrestler> I move next to you,I don't know that language but the explanation is clear as you translate. I fear to say you what I am thinking but looks like our paths have to divide now, maybe it's only a rebus though but I take compass from my bag "is what I am thinking? " I ask worried "woman to east and man to west?" I point to runic letters "..or maybe those other symbols are explaining something else?" I hope you are gonna tell me something different than I guess

<Narrator> The scene cuts to another cave where two brass statues stand as we watch forces seem to gather around them and an energy begins to build up

<Narrator> Suddenly a voice female sultry and deep ... " I like this one "... " strong and fierce, yes i deem her worthy ... " ... "Do you wish to forfeit now ? And we can continue elsewhere " there is tone of teasing and though the statue does not move the voice carries a smile in its question.

<Narrator> A long pause happens as the other statue begins to glow .... . A male voice slow and thick with accent responds in a measured and deliberate way. " Ah yes , you need not a mirror to see your self. " ... " I too am content , the man is balanced and sharp as my blade "

<Narrator> The two statues go silent the light fading away

<Nathan_gingerbread> "Yes i guess thats what it means ... Seems we are warned too of the gods ,whatever that may mean" ..." Be careful i dont like this i feel like we are being herded toward somthing ...." "And i have no idea what this symbol is with the fire .. but i bet its not good. ". Turning out my rucksack i start dividing up items as best i can ....

<Kiara_Wrestler> I look the stautes with a mix of amazing but also worried, they shine like stars into the deep night, they're lighting those ancient metal objects. I squeeze your arm worried but as I hear a female voice first and a male voice after I squeak. Jumping back by  instinct, as all come back silent I ask to you worried "who talked?" but I know the reply, statues did. I see you are dividing your objects so even if you don't tell me I know our paths are gonna divide too, one to the east and one the west, they are the only possible directions, looking in the new cave there are two steps only..

<Nathan_gingerbread> I heard nothing ,and look up blankly .. you ok kiara ? Did you hit your head ... I am distracted thinking of the task in hand ... You seem to be doing the talking i grin .. yes looks like we split up ... I think we give! this a try there is no point staying here. We will never get back up that slide ... And ... Were no futher to finding the gold i wink showing a care free attitude i dont really have.

<Nathan_gingerbread> Watching kiara size up her exit i plunge on walking down the west tunnel ... I can feel a warmth in the air which is welcome after the chills ... And then suddenly round a corner .. what the hell .. a cavern opens up to me small fires light a path across the room

<Nathan_gingerbread> My mind jumps straight to the glyphs on the wall about fire but what can it mean...

<Kiara_Wrestler> I rub my head confused, you are looking me like I was one hearing voices. Maybe something wrong into my brain or maybe someone or something is communicating me with mind only. I take some objects, placing them into my bag heading toward the west tunnel. my body shivering as I enter into, my hand runs on the rock wall, some symbol are sculpted there, they resemble  runes but I don't know the right meaning. I write on notebook though maybe you'll help me with translate later but as I am writing I realize they look like a map if you watch the on right direction. On the center a SUN, I guess I should follow this map but where am I? I notice on one border there are 2 familiar symbols, one is male sign the other is female sign. A bulb light into my head, I guess this is the room where I divided by Nathan, I steer map in right direction, a smile curls on my lips "now it's easy" I go forward following the map

<Nathan_gingerbread> I am most suspicious but start to make my way across the room its hot , really hot but there is an exit at the far side and i move toward it ... There is a bad smell .. . Sulphur and somthing else ... Eggs rotten eggs.. ๐Ÿ˜ณ... Rotten eggs thats methane ! ... Nooooo ... Running now i hear a steady hiss and realise each step i take makes more gas leak up from cracks in the ground ...faster. ... Run faster ! As i hear a rumbling growl behind me and see a huge eruption of the gas at the far end rushing toward me



<Nathan_gingerbread> Diving through the exit flames licking at my feet a huge wave of searing heat passes over me ... Oh that was too close ! Way too close ! I look back and the room is as it was all the gas burned away... Well i hope kiara is doing better than me as i wipe soot off my clothes and feel bits of burnt hair on my head fall away to the floor ..

<Kiara_Wrestler> I lost time as I am following the maps through dark tunnels, so glad Nathan left me one torch, I wouldn't like to walk alone into the darkness, a defenceless girl shouldn't walk alone into the dark, I am not the man who walks alone but I am the gal trying to be brave enough to don't fear the dark. I feel temperature raising as well as I see a golden light shining far. I turn of the torch, a kind of warm kind feeling is warming up my body, I am sweating now, don't know if dependent on the temperature or thrilling but that light has something comfortable. I move there till I reach a wide cavern "OMG" I say jawdroopping as I see what is standing on the center

<Nathan_gingerbread> Recovering from my brush with being cooked i look around and see a far more decorative room .... A large ornate stone dragon decorates the wall ... Massive and faded ... Following the line of its body as other decorations show but its impossible to tell what there was. As i walk along admiring the art i gasp as there nest to a statue there is a full set of amazing armour it gleams like its freshly polished , no sign of tarnish how amazing ..... I am totally fascinated. On a podium near by a small figurine stands alone ,the detail is exquisite.

<Nathan_gingerbread> This armour confuses me the style is ancient but the metal and craftsman ship is far ahead of anything i have ever seen from that era...reaching out my hand to brush the crest of the helmet i am seized... I cant move a horrible pressure in my head and a rushing noise like a hundred violins all striking one note .

<Nathan_gingerbread> A voice exotic and deep rings in my head "Ahh Nathan-san welcome my champion"

<Nathan_gingerbread> "Put on the armour nathan-san , i will share with you all its secrets"

<Kiara_Wrestler> I finally know what emitted that golden light I've seen across corridor. A gigantic statue of a Goddess, it looks made with gold but not the simple metal but a kind of shining one, I need to narrow my eyes to look at it. I instinctively drop on my knees joining my hands like if I would pray to her . I kind of warmth invades my body as I look to her, other than hot and light looks like she emits even strength, I feel like my muscles are tensing accidentally mtc


<Kiara_Wrestler> but something catch my attention, it's a box a her feet, it's also made with that kind of special gold, I move closer and I see a sign sculpted over, it's a big flexed biceps, it is clear is a sign of strength, maybe a special weapon used by the Queen of Amazones to head her tribe. I slowly open it as suddenly a voice fills the room "KIARA!" I shiver as I feel my name is called "we aware about what you'll find inside. You'll be the strongest woman of the word when you'll wear it but you must have a strong mind to control it or you'll switch into an evil side" I look up confused, was it the statue to talk? mtc

<Kiara_Wrestler> I open the box, I expected to find a magic weapon but I only see a black bodysuit, I take it looking better, I have the feeling statue shines even more for this object I've just found. I don't know what I should do but it's clear I have to wear it, still wondering about the words I've heard. So I remove all my clothes, standing naked in front of the Goddess. She talks again "Kiara you looks worthy of this strength I am offering you but don't let it control you mind" mtc


<Kiara_Wrestler> I nod with reverence as I slowly wear the this black bodysuit, as I complete this ritual I suddenly feel like this new clothes get a second skin, I feel a strage sensation, like if it hoing to squeeze my body and my muscles react to oppose resistance, a Incredible heat warm my body as long as I feel my muscles bulging in and out but a new sense of power invades my body, I open my eyes, they are red for a moment but I can't see I only feel I have to break something, I need a physical contact with someone to let everyone know I am strongest woman of the planet. I pick up the map I've traced to come back where I came from


<Nathan_gingerbread> The voice ... It seems so compelling and the armour fits me like it was made for me . Piece by piece it goes on i can hear intricate clicks and whirrs as tiny mechanisms in the armour come together ... Soon there is only the helmet left .. now i begin to understand there is more here... Not just technology beyond even what we can do today but more ...magic , real magic.. 

<Nathan_gingerbread> The helmet shows me images through a prism i guess this must be how a house fly sees the world . Many angles ,all the spectrum .. and then .. then the voice takes shape in my head .. " there is little time nathan - san "

<Nathan_gingerbread> " let me save you time " the calm deep voice seems amused .. " your mind sees that which you understand - that which it does not it ... It makes into somthing it can " ... I know i should panic but i also know this voice is somehow safe and anyway i seem unable to move " here then " the voice continues " the amazon queens champion is ready , you must be careful . You have now the knowledge ...but we shall see if you have the other things needed... You must survive this nathan-san. Evil must be contained , but only you can find that path "

<Nathan_gingerbread> " face the amazon queens champion ... And you may get that which you truly desire... " A low chuckle noise comes next " if you should understand ".

<Nathan_gingerbread> " brace yourself ..it is time to enter the arena .... "Suddenly a portal opens in front of me "walk through nathan-san and be ready for there can be only one champion". As i spet into the cold circle my helmet goes dark .. a huge flash of energy thrusts me forward and my helmet shows me whats happening as energy dances over the cliffs and i am dropped into the mouth of an old volcano.. barren and flat the ground a huge circle of cracked hard ancient lave formed stone .

<Kiara_Wrestler> As I am moving out the room with the Goddess, he voice block me up "you have to go head Kiara, not come back" I turn to look at her, a little door shines just behind Her. I nod moving there, I feel cold like ice even though my body is warmed up by a new strength. I move across the door as She gives me last instruction "reach the volcano mouth, you'll find there your opponent, you are stronger than him but don't take it easy, he is very fast and skilled, remember don't let the evil conquer your mind" I see in front of me a vertical wall, other around me, A narrow well with not support to climb. I place one hand on one wall the other on the opposite side. Using strength of my arms only I start to move up, I climb for hundreds of meters till I reach the top 

<Kiara_Wrestler> I am into a new room, all is black but I see some blades of light coming from a wall, it looks an exit but a big stone is blocking it. I try to size it I guess it should weight about a couple of tons. I move there with not regression I spread my arms, leaning my chest on there, grabbing the sides with my hands I take a deep breath then I try to move it, I am surprised as I feel it is sliding back due my pulling, I feel my muscles tensing, a heat of fire flowing through my veins but my surprise grows even more as I lift it over my head, with not effort I throw it on side causing a kind of earthquake. Now exit is open and I can move out, I see a dark environment, some smoke coming out the volcano's mouth

<Nathan_gingerbread> Words cannot express what i am watching as a huge chunk of stone moves in the volcano wall and kiara walks out ... A light sheen of sweat on her skin makes her muscles stand out ..or is that there bigger its hard to tell from here. The black sexy outfit just adds to image and i find myself truly intimidated . If she can do that what chance do i have ... Her eyes flicker red and i see an expression on her face i have not seen before... " Kiara " i call out ..my suit amplifying my voice .. .. i understand this person is perhaps not the kiara i know but still i must try. .. " my friend .. you look...well ".

<Kiara_Wrestler> As I put my bare feet on black sand volcano rumbles like to prepare this place for an EPIC battle. I hear you call me Kiara, I guess that's my name but as you talk to me calling "My Friend" my eyes narrows, I have not friends but only enemies. Yu are first one I've met since a while so my muscles are pulsating now because my only goal now it's destroy you. I feel like my mind was covered by a dark fog but my view is clear. A kind os samurai is standing in front of me, the one attacked village of the Amazones. "Be ready to taste my rage" I battle cry YAAAAAAAAAAA as I run toward you, my right arm folded back like a bullet ready to shoot, ground shakes each time my feet stomp over, my quads bulging out at each step like if my skin wasn't unable to hold the strength of my muscles

Nathan_gingerbread: "Fuck" is all i can say , as i see her bellow and start to run across the volcano floor toward me each beat of her feet like a heavy drum beating faster and faster her face twisted in rage and a murderous look in her eyes. I must try .. i must find away to defeat her or i am going to get smashed to pulp .. and so i charge across the floor toward her using the suits marvelous technology to build up an electric charge from every movement i make .. running now full tilt toward her the suit crackling with energy .. as i clench my fist and summon that power to my gauntlet ...

<Narrator> The screen fades to black ... " Join us in the thrilling conclusion to 'the treasure in the tomb " ...." Part II of the treasure in the tomb ... The battle of the gods " the curtains on the screen slowly close ... As the house lights come up


After the credits roll a short advert starts
Later this year in a cinema not far far away... 
 join princess kiara in her quest to free her home planet of the tyrant only known as "him" in a totally original space opera of epic galaxy spanning proportions... Certificate 18.   

<Published> 2024-05-06, viewed 52 times.




2024-05-27 14:20

Really fun story - ยซ good ยป different!

Nathan gingerbread

2024-05-27 14:24

(In reply to this)

Thank you we both worked hard to make it fun.
Part ll is now up .

River Cage

2024-05-09 10:46

really nice and fun story!
loved it

Nathan gingerbread

2024-05-09 10:50

(In reply to this)

๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿค— thank you ...we both tried to make it somthing slightly diffrent