Bulls Vs Bitches

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Established: 2022-12-30
Chat room: #BullsVsBitches

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Males Vs Females Federation - who will be the bitches?
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War of the gods


<Narrator> The curtain parts and the crowd fall to a hush as the music starts ...the cinema packed for the premier.

<Narrator> Kiara and Nathan having made there way down the red carpet sit with the producer and wait for the film that has been so eagerly waited for ...




<Narrator> The scene opens ... Where the last film ended... With a massive roar kiara thunders across the volano floor dust kicked up behind her as she charges her face twisted in rage and her eyes glowing red. .. the camera pans to Nathan wearing armour and starting to run toward kiara while his gauntlet begins to crackle with energy ...

<Narrator> And then it shows two statues ... a deeply feminine voice almost purrs " this one ...this one will be short." In reply a deep rumbling chuckle " And yet ... You watch as I do. "

<Kiara_Wrestler> looks like even the volcano is preparing to fight, maybe an eruption of gas and lava will color sky of red magma to prepare the field for this epic match between the daughter or a Goddess and a magic Samurai. I am running fast, my blonde hair flying back as I am close enough I ben my legs, my feet sinks on black basaltic ground as I prepare my movement, a kind of slow motion, a pause moment before I jump forward, my arm still folded back as I almost fly toward you to deliver a superman punch under your chin

<Nathan_gingerbread> I have seen the craft of my suit and even the magic within it ... I just need to have faith and use it well leaping up the servo motors boost me up much further than i could ever jump as i think to end this with a single devastating punch but she rises up too meeting me in mid air her fist cocked back and muscles bulging ... Too soon i throw my punch hurried now unable to get to full charge but still i hope its enough .. so focussed am i on my goal i dont think of failure as i feel my fist land only to then have my vision filled with her fist as it crashes into my face with a massive impact sending me spinning away .. the helmet showing me red lights and i crash into the volcano wall like a wet rag. Slowly sliding down to the floor ...i can smell smoke and my all the air is driven from me as i am shook up inside the amour my face bleeding where it was driven into the display and my back a mass of pain as i impact the wall in a huge cloud of dust .

<Kiara_Wrestler> I didn't care to your punch coming toward me, bodysuit gives me the confidence, I am sure I can't fail my shoot, I feel too much strong, no one can match power of my muscles. This happen, I hit iron, I am amazed metal doesn't crush, I could crushed a wall with my punch, I feel that into my muscles as the flex to release shoot. You fly back crushing against the volcano's wall, it rumbles like to approve and bless my strength maybe not knowing my power it should be sinned. I land on ground, earth shakes as my feet touch the floor. I expect you are died or at least knocked out so I move toward the cloud of dust, I can't see you but I am sure you are not a threat

<Nathan_gingerbread> Oh my good god ... What the hell can i do against that... Slowly gathering my senses. A sense of panic helping to galvanise me .. the suit skweeks and squawks as i see damage everywhere ...somehow it holds together and even as i watch i see a thing go from red to amber as the suit starts to repair itself ... Too slow too slow .. she ,her , it ... Whatever she is now is going to mangle me if i dont buy myself some time... So little seems operational .. but this ... This i can use .. i just wish i could repair like the suit as i try and move and a fresh wave of pain hits... Maybe i have a cracked rib. Suddenly a stab in my thigh as a pain killer injects .. ahhhh thank you suit .. looking up i see all the dust, well that works for me deploying smoke bombs .. and with it disk 💿 on the floor each set to deliver a blow if touched.

<Kiara_Wrestler> I take a deep breath, my breast swollen as I catch air then I blow out to dissipate the cloud of dust around, I look the evil wolf of a fabula. Now my view is clear, you are there, I raise my eyebrows I can't believe you can still be conscious, you suit looks repaired, I thought I've hit you hard but looks like your armour is harder than I expected. Suddenly view is blurring again but I don't care, I've localized you so I know where I have to move. I step forward but I stomp a metal device, I hear a beep beep, I look down seeing a disk but before focus better I am thrown backward, I fly some meters before stop as my back slams on a stone wall, opening a crack. I am more confused than hurt, I have to care better, this kind of Samurai has some devices. I slowly stand up, looking around to see where you are

<Nathan_gingerbread> The smoke is just blown away like it was nothing and i feel my guts tighten .. the light creep up but i can still barely move ...BANG! One of the mines goes off as she stomps toward me and hurls her back .i dont imagine it will do much to whatever she has become ... But finally i get enough amber lights to move getting to my feet... "" Nathan-san brute force is her domain ... You must be smarter "". ... Anger fills my voice .. get out of my head ! Why dont you come try ...

<Nathan_gingerbread> I dont have time to rant more ... The armour clanks as i take a step then another looking over i see kiaka standing in front of a kiara shaped dint in the wall looking pissed... Come on ...come on .. finally i see the last red light turn amber ...not great but better...

<Kiara_Wrestler> I volcano's is erupting some lava, spilling out like a red fountains, making your armor shining, but due darkness veil draping my eyes I can see you clear, just a red spot I have to crush like a worm. I move toward you, with more caution now, looks like you are hiding some toys and metal covering your body looks resistant. You have something magic protecting you but power of my muscles will lead me to break you to 100 pieces. My quads bulge out each step, my arms up, circling you, trying to check a soft point but then a voice inside me says "HIT HARD KIARA, NOTHING CAN RESIST TO THE POWER OF YOUR MUSCLES" I hear that voice so I fire a right jab straight to your chest

<Nathan_gingerbread> I have a plan .. i am going try and stall her out hoping she will grow tired ... I just need to keep out of trouble ...

<Nathan_gingerbread> My suit feels sluggish and she stalks up to me and i get ready thinking i can block or parry ... Her fist blasts past my block and pounds into my chest driving me back and setting back a bunch of lights to red.. i stagger back clutching my chest realising how out matched i am. I need to survive nothing else now in my mind as i raise the other arm and fire a series of nets each made of strongest materials .. one would hold a strong man ... But i fire them all as fast as i can desperate to keep her at bay.

<Kiara_Wrestler> KABOOMMMM my punch is thrown as fast as a missile but ten times stronger, it breaks your guard but I had no doubts it did, crushing on your chest, armour doesn't break though, I wonder what kind of material it is done. Time matters only I'll break that fucking armour hitting again, again and again. I follow you, I see you are throwing me something, I swing an arm to deviate it but a net entangle on my arm, opening it falls over me covering al my body, stretching out I try to break free but another one falls, trapping me even more, another and another, last one traps my legs, I step back but I stumble since I am tangled into the a series of net. I am strong enough to rip all those net but I need time, spreading my legs and my arms I try to free me, my muscles bulge out, I feel my body burning for strains, tissues are losing

<Nathan_gingerbread> Gasping as i try and recover my body being shook like a pea in a can .. there are pads and support but its not enough .. i watch as the nets land one after another slowly making it harder and harder for her to move .. i look through what does work ..its not much but there on the menu is somthing i can use right now a long katana blade forms in my hand unfolding from an impossibly small box . It feels so light and yet i know its totally lethal.. i advance on kiara holding the blade high as i see her snarling face and notice already the nets start to rip... NO! ... I cannot , i will not .. this is not who i am ... " nathan-san " no! Get out ! .. i turn and throw the sword farther than i thought i could and its thin frame is lost against the background of the walls .. i have no clever plan, no cunning strategy... And my old mentors words come to me ' when in doubt ...run' yes run the suit can do that ...

<Kiara_Wrestler> looks like your sword appear from nothing, I narrow my eyes, I wonder how many gadgets you hide in your pockets, fabric of net is tearing but I fear I can't totally get free before your sword land on my body, my muscles look hard but I don't know if enough to bear a sword I neither know how much sharp is the blade so I just look to you as I see you move arm I roll on side, I can do since net loosen a little. I hear a metallic sound, I think tha blade landes where I was laying early I can't know you hav thrown it away. So my only goal right now is move fast! I am laying on my chest, folding my legs I place my knees on ground with all strength I have I try to stand up, extending my arms upward CREEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK net breaks totally, I turn to see where you are, my arms covering my face fearing a quick a shoot

<Nathan_gingerbread> The amplifier still works as i turn on my heels the suit is getting better as i start to run i have no idea if i can out run her .. "KIARA ! , LISTEN TO ME .... PLEASE . " The helmet shows me a rear view as she breaks all the nets ... I notice the gauntlet at least is charging again ...little good it did me last time....

<Kiara_Wrestler> I see you are running away so I chase you running as fast as I can, my quads bulging to each steps, ground shaking as I hear KIARA I stop for a moment, like if that name remembers me something but suddenly a dark fog hide my thoughts, I come back chasing you, leaping forward I try to jump on you, wrapping my arms around your waist I try a football tacke down

<Nathan_gingerbread> Holy crap.. the suit i thought would at least be faster than her but she doesnt run fast its more like bounding and each foot fall covers so much more ground than i can hope to . She is on me in moments tackling me to the ground and i crash down smashing my helmeted face into the unforgiving rock floor .. inside my head rattles around and i think i am struck blind ... But its just that the lights are off ... Coming on only to show me more red , more amber... I cant turn my head left without a shooting pain in my neck and the helmet wont turn right ... I can taste blood in my mouth no doubt i mashed into the display again.

<Kiara_Wrestler> As I leap to take you down I am running as fast as a missile so as we stumble on basaltic ground I roll over past you, stopping some feet forward but with a quick jump I am standing again, I see your metal body laying on ground, you can't move head neither so you can't see where I am, I curl my toes like to prepare myself to another charge, that's what I do, running again, my feet stomping ground cause again earth shaking jumping up I extend my leg trying to land on your body with the back of my thigh with a kind of leg drop

<Nathan_gingerbread> I manage to roll over by pushing upon one side ... External vision comes back just in time to see kiara charging and leaping ...i actually scream in panic raising my arms and hitting control ,everything , maybe somthing will work ... Warning bleeps tell me things are too broken but then somthing works and pink gas shoots from my wrist ... Just as she lands ...her weight is still her weight and the suit takes it well as i look to see what just worked ...laughing gas ... Well thats not funny at all....

<Kiara_Wrestler> as I am preparing to jump I suddenly see a colored gas spit out from your wrist, it distract me I stagger forward almost stumbling covering my face with one arm but still able to jump even though I miss the target I land quite far from you, my leg grazes you only but my attempt to don't breath the gas doesn't work, I feel it burning into my throat, I cough but as I am sitting on ground next to you I feel my belly shaking, some strange sounds coming out from my mouth as all my body vibrate AH AH AH AH I feel a kind of happiness flowing across my body, this is a new sensation and I don't know I am laughing 😂😂😂😂

<Nathan_gingerbread> I cant breath its so hot in the suit . I reach up pulling at the helmet using what i can to pry it off ... It suddenly releases and i get a nice cool draft on my face .. she is sat on the floor roaring with laughter ... I manage to sit up feeling very vulnerable without the helmet , though my face is bloody i try and smile " Kiara, its nathan ....nathan your friend ... "

<Kiara_Wrestler> I see a bloody face looking to me, I show my teeth like a wild beast, roaring, I hold my breath to don't laugh and looks like the evil side is growing up again into my mind so I slowly stand up but as I catch air again I start to laugh again, slapping my leg as my body shakes "I don't know you Nathan and I wonder you call me Kiara but let me say....NATHAN!!" I try to be serious now but I can't I still laugh "your face is so funny now"

<Nathan_gingerbread> Well thats a start and i play to it crossing my eyes and making a goofy face as all the time i watch her hands ... " You do know me .. think ! ...you do " the suit quietly working on repair . I hold my hands out flat palm up trying to look harmless ...maybe i can keep her laughing "There was a girl called Kiara, Who tried to make cheese from mascara. She mixed and she stirred, Till it all got absurd, Now her kitchen's a scene of bizarre-a."

<Kiara_Wrestler> as you do a goofy face I lean on my back, holding my belly "Pleasee stoppp stoppp" I feel like my heart is gonna exploding, you continue to insist you know us but I can't remember and I don't care only think I wish I this laughing stop, I can't control this but you don't help me telling a funny rhyme, as I am still laughing I say "and I've met a guy called Nathan, I should cook him like bacon" my rhyme is not good but my laugh increases even more, I need something push on my mouth to stop

<Nathan_gingerbread> I wince a little then laugh her laughing is infectious... I jettison my gauntlets and scoot closer hoping i dont push to far as my fingers dance over her belly " There was a girl called Kiara,Who tickled her friends at the plaza.They'd laugh till they cried,And roll side to side,Causing quite the comedic drama.". As i lean closer hoping she doesn't just snap my neck

<Kiara_Wrestler> I stomp my feet on ground as you put fingers on my belly I guess you feel an hard wall of muscles flex and relax, I need a way to stop this laughing or my heart will explode, I grab your hair pulling your face closer to mine pressing my lips on yours. I am kissing you, I don't know what does it means but I feel my body warms up, I see a kind of light brightening into my mind now, a sweet music is playing into my ears

<Nathan_gingerbread> My hair grabbed as she just rag dolls me up and i brace expecting a terrible blow ... But its more a crushing kiss it hurts but same time i feel no threat if anything she seems to relax a little ... I had thought since our meeting how it might feel to kiss her . But never did i think like this.. i kiss back best i can using my hands to stroke her hard muscled arms.

<Kiara_Wrestler> look like my kiss is working, I close my eyes trying to focus to kiss you better only, I feel my nipples pinch out and something warming my crotch but something of more important is happening into my mind, last thing I remember is a big statue then all is black, now I am outside but where? I open my eye I see you, my eyes wide opening "Nathan? what are we doing?" I grab your cheek, looking better to see if you are real or not "why your face is bloody? and what the hell are you wearing?"

<Nathan_gingerbread> "Kiara ? Kiara! You have been beating hell out of me and this armour .. you totally lost your mind and got super strong.... The gods they want us to fight .. i dont want to fight you ..."

<Kiara_Wrestler> I wide open my eyes "me superstrong?" I flex my muscles, I feel an incredible strength running through my veins "I guess a goddess gave me this power but I feel confused, I have the feeling like I am just woke up by a Nightmare" I am curious to know more about those powers though so I place my hands on your shoulders to shove you back, I don't use a lot of strength but just a minimal amount

<Narrator> " well done Nathan-san, i knew you could do it ".

<Narrator> " whatever do you mean you old fox kiara overcame her rage and beat your champion . "

<Nathan_gingerbread> I look at kiara and make sure she can see and hear this too ... " Enough we will not die for your entertainment .. we will not fight in your stupid war ...

<Narrator> " silly boy ... What war ? -- ohhh hush ...and listen ... I could never be defeated the strongest amazon queen but i was ... I let my guard down and my heart was stolen , by this champion of the east .. he brought order to my chaos...

<Narrator> " and she brought passion to my calculations.. i told you Nathan-san you must find your way ... To get what you truly desire ... Do you still not understand ?"

<Narrator> " kiara my chosen one ... You have done so well fighting the dark rage it is hard and now you see it burned away all that was not important ...

<Narrator> The sword appears in the amazon cat gods hand ...

<Narrator> Know this , he chose to face that rage when we could have cut it short ... He did not know he was always safe.

<Kiara_Wrestler> I suddenly see a cat, wait not a normal cat but an anthropomorphic one and..wait! he is talking..."what the hell?" I look Nathan confused, I see him like a threaten so I stand up, placing my body between him and Nathan like to protect him, darkness moved away from my mind but I still feel invincible and super strong. I look to Nathan, a bit confused "what is he talking about?" a sword appears on his hand, I take a fight stance ready to hit if this cat move one step only

<Nathan_gingerbread> "She ". ... "Kiara if a god can be a him or her " .."i cant pretend to understand everything .. but this seems some sort of test... " ." For you to control your anger and not be led by it. "

<Nathan_gingerbread> "And for me to find a way to embrace emotion and even show my feelings... "

<Nathan_gingerbread> Even when i was scared for my life i could not being myself to use the sword.

<Kiara_Wrestler> I smile "can I be anger?" I say showing off my cute face, I feel a kind of peace into my mind, like I can see sunlight after I've missed for a while. I can't remember my previous state of mind but my body shivers if I try to think about. Like if my subconscious want forgot. I hear your last sentences "so this is the treasure we found, me control anger and you show your own feeling and ride the wave" I say as I move close to your side

<Nathan_gingerbread> No point hiding now " yes to show how i feel, .. this is there idea of date night ...i think playing out how they met again and again .."..

<Kiara_Wrestler> smiling "oh a date night? so I have to buy a new night dress" I reply smiling

<Nathan_gingerbread> . This is not the only treasure kiara, nathan-san ..

<Narrator> There now in front of them is a handsome stack of gold several bars and a small pile of coins

<Nathan_gingerbread> Well... Smiling broadly as i turn to kiara ... " That will buy a lot of dresses , maybe even some shoes"

<Kiara_Wrestler> My eyes shine as I see a pile of gold...."oh yeah, also a new car!!!" I bow to the cat "thank you goddess"

<Nathan_gingerbread> " Well yes .. thats nice" slipping an arm around kiara waist ... " But i think i found my treasure in the tomb "

<Narrator> Music starts and the scene stars to recede the view getting higher and higher ... Fading to a back screen .. then text ... ONE MONTH LATER ....

<Nathan_gingerbread> come on darling , we will be late... The limo is outside .. straightening my jacket and checking again...

<Kiara_Wrestler> I take keys of my new Ferrari but as you talk about the Limo I put them down "oh yeah dear, Limo is more confortable" I come out wearing a long red dress


<Nathan_gingerbread> Gorgeous darling .... And i like we can both have drinks .... I put an arm around kiara and

<Nathan_gingerbread> Steer her to the door with a kiss to the cheek ... Moving ahead to open the limo door ... As she elegantly folds herself in...i pause looking back at the huge mansion and then to the garden where two statues stand grinning and giving a small nod.

<Narrator> As the limo pulls away the camera focusses on the license plate ... LUCKY1 ...

<Narrator> The screen goes black and the house lights come up ... A voice from a tannoy says " please make sure you have all your possessions with you before you leave "

<Narrator> Credits start to roll as the theme music plays

<Narrator> The credits finish... And the screen goes white ...

<Narrator> The screen flickers

  " why are you still here... Go home. No more teaser trailers ... Go ... Shooo ...


<Kiara_Wrestler> oufff as camera shoot out I remove my high shoes "high heels are so hard to wear" I sit on sofa, massaging my soles, I look to Nathan "I hope people will enjoy the movie, maybe someone expected to see a winner but not all challenges can end with a war, what do you think Nat?"


<Nathan_gingerbread> "I dont know "collapsing on the sofa pulling off my bowtie ... I grab kiara foot and massage it while i think ...." There is saying ... You cannot please all the people all the time ... I guess we will see . "

<Nathan_gingerbread> Looks directly out the screen ... Let us know.

<Published> 2024-05-21, viewed 56 times.



Zack Davis

2024-05-22 00:19

A delightful adventure 🤗!