Bulls Vs Bitches

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Established: 2022-12-30
Chat room: #BullsVsBitches

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Males Vs Females Federation - who will be the bitches?
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Bulls and bitches final ...Candy & Gingerbread


<Nathan_gingerbread> Sitting in my dressing room putting on my face paint... this ...this will be tough. Its still fresh in my mind. I took a beating .. humbling , but as i have always done i learnt from my defeat knuckling down after that and stringing together wins .

<Nathan_gingerbread> And now i face candy again .

<Nathan_gingerbread> The final ...the mantle of the bulls, bull i can feel the weight of expectation on my shoulders.

<Nathan_gingerbread> And so ... There is none of my normal planning , no clever strategy ... Just everything i have .. every angle ...every effort. ... This...this WAR!


<Nathan_gingerbread> My music starts its time

<Nathan_gingerbread> "3,2,1. Lets jam ... " Running out and down the ramp the crowd worked up and ready for show cheering and whistling. No pyrotechnics tonight but i do have a little surprise waiting for miss krush.

<Nathan_gingerbread> I jump on the apron and get in the ring casting off my leather coat as i get settled in my corner ... I look over a d make sure my guy is ready to drown out her entrance music ... And i hope mess with her head


<Candy_Krush> Candy Crush theme song plays into the Bulls & Bitches arena, that's signal it's my turn to enter. I don't do my usualy show wearing skates since this is a final, THE FINAL! Winner of this match will be the champion of the federation, the one will hold BULLS belt!


<Candy_Krush> for this and only for this reason I picked up my WAR outfit. A red bikini, top if pretty tiny to show off my dangerous girls, an easy hittin poing but also good weapons if used in right way, just s little strip of tissue between my cheeks. My face covered by a mask. I walk slowly, my eyes narrowed looking to the ring: The Battle Arena!

<Candy_Krush> I climb up on tha apron, grabbing top rope I enter into with with a jump, I don't look sweet like a candy today, I decided to switch my mood into the KRUSHING one only today. Red annonce me "Ladies and Gentleman CANDYYYYYY KRUSHHHH" I raise my thick arms, a way to say hello to the crowd coming here, Arena is sold out. My muscles look more ripped than usual showing the hard workout I've completed to prepare this match. I come toward "so this is a WAR, prepare yourseld because I'll KRUSH YOU"


<Nathan_gingerbread> Damn ..my little prank seems to have failed and i cant worry about why or how now...

<Nathan_gingerbread> " you did that once" . .. my eyes narrow , "you were never going to come here and play tickle ...not with the title at stake "

<Nathan_gingerbread> The announcer does his job and maybe its the adrenalin but everything seems to move quickly .. i only have eyes for candy watching her every move ... She looks even bigger than last time,more defined too. I crack my neck and brace myself in the corner waiting until finally the bell rings. And i come out quick trying to take the center of the ring keeping tight and compact my hands up and close ...

<Candy_Krush> I trained hard for this final, I want that title, I wanna be a champion for once into my life. Finally bell rings, I cannot hide I feel nervous, I am usually more confident but I know you want the title too so I can't fall, I have to be smart and strong. All tensions loosen though as match start! I reach you to the ring's center, you are offering hands for a lock, I am strong but maybe not as much as I guy so I slap your right hand coming to fire a front kick onto your belly, trying to be aggressive from start

<Nathan_gingerbread> I really didn't think she would want to lock up and am expecting a strike but it is not enough to stop it and i clench taking a hard boot to the belly but i cant let that go without trying to grab the leg before it goes and if i do i will launch my own at the knee of your supporting leg

<Candy_Krush> Sole of my boot hit your abs, not a big shoot but just an alert for you, I can hit and maybe I can even hit harder if I have a good charge. You grab my foot, I try to hop toward you maybe to put my hands on your shoulders to get a support but before I can connect, you hit knee of my standing leg, I fall on my back, controlling landing with my arms but I have my leg trapped, I try to pull it free

<Nathan_gingerbread> Its too early to try a submission ,i am getting more experienced and i dont want to give you chance to kick at me so i push it up trying to stretch that big meaty hamstring up and over then knee drive up hoping she stays still long enough ..i dont intend to hang around and let go of the leg as i bring in my knee.

<Candy_Krush> I fear a submission even if that's not your thought so as you push up my leg I fold it toward my chest, placing my elbows on ground to have a support I buck up my hips as I try to kick out my leg with all strenght I have, hoping to block your attempt to stretch my leg and maybe get it free with a quick move

<Nathan_gingerbread> Your bucking and stretching spoils my knee and i let go , rather than move back knowing i should not rush ...she is on her back on the floor .. i will wait and try to get advantage as she rises.

<Candy_Krush> My move got the goal, have my leg free and I've prevented your attempt to smash my leg on your knee but you are still there, I move my other leg like to kick you but it's quite fake only to distract you as I try to roll toward the ropes to stand

<Nathan_gingerbread> I know i am out of range and simply follow waiting for that moment when she tries to reach for the ropes ...the ref so watching and i move closer to ref as well a plan forming. " Get up candy ,lets go!"

<Candy_Krush> I keep my eyes on you, looking at you over my shoulder, fearing an attack from behind but you show off to be a sportish man so I can turn, I regroup my fight stance, arms up and legs bent "I am here Nathan, nice warm up no we can start to wrestle" I move toward you , circling as I wave my arms trying to confuse you, don't let you know where I am gonna attack

<Nathan_gingerbread> To smooth and quick she is at her feet and my thoughts of heel maneuvers vanish .. ahhh well ... I watch the circling arms but dont want to wait and defend its time to set the tone ...waiting in the circling for what i hope is a gap to send a toe kick low to the belly like where the bladder is .

<Candy_Krush> I keep my eye into yours, something is enough to watch where opponent is looking at to guess next show, I see you are watching just over my pussy, I guess you can't send me there a punch so I lower both my arms down trying to block your kick with both hands, pushing down your legs as I bend a little my body charging forward like a bull trying to hit your chest with my shoulder

<Nathan_gingerbread> You block with quick hands and charge catching me driving a shoulder in my chest i quickly wrap my arms around your top half as we go backward and keep going backward trying to quicken before i plant my foot and tighten my grip. And start to pivot hoping i can send candy over as i drop down setting up for a sacrifice throw

<Candy_Krush> I am focusing to push you back only, my quads flexing but I realize I am using too much strength so as you pivot I almost stumble and using your grip around my upper body you flip me up slamming me down with a kind of belly to belly supplex...ouchhh I fall hard on my back with a big thud

<Nathan_gingerbread> Falling with you i land half on you one arm across you chest ..trying to take advantage i am not going to be stupid and try and hit your head with that spiky mask but i can put my leg over your belly and start to get a mount

<Candy_Krush> I protect my face with my arms as I see you are looking to my masked face but you move over me, standing over my belly, I guess you are gonna sit on my belly so I roll aside hoping to hit your leg with my body to let you stumble before you drop on me

<Nathan_gingerbread> You roll and at first i try and fight it but quickly realise this gives a big chance and i instead help pushing at the shoulder and trying to fall in behind .. pushing a hand under your head i grab at the edge of your mask " i confess i have a crush on you "

<Candy_Krush> I roll on side too much easily, you are behind me as I am still laying on my side you grab my mask, I shake my head "don't do I am scaring without mask, I neither make up today" I one elbow to support me as I fire back the other trying to hit your chest/head with an elbow strike

<Nathan_gingerbread> I had hoped you would not see the danger and as you shake your head i am ready pushing my arm around more getting my forearm under your chin as i try and close the gap .. I am trying to get in nice and tight i feel the elbow coming and have to suck it up wincing in pain. I bring my other arm lower to get in the way of more

<Candy_Krush> my elbow hit you but strike is not enough strong to push you away, no time and strenght to waste trying to hit you again I am sure you are going to protect yourself, one of your arm is under my chin, I guess you can't have a tight grip to hold me, so as I am lying to my side I place one knee on ground, using it as pivot point I try to roll foward like I was going to get an all fours position trying to escape from your hold

<Nathan_gingerbread> I am trying to stick to you like glue and as you roll i push forward trying to stay on your back its not perfect but i get my leg over as i tighten my grip pulling up on your chin. .. i dont want you getting away and repay your elbow driving a spear hand toward where i think your kidney is...

<Candy_Krush> I roll on all fours but you are glued on my, I don't know your right position but I guess you ar behind me, holding my chin and forcing me to keep my head lifted, I move back one hand trying to get your hair, yanking forward as I raise my ass like I would flip you over my back but hit my kidney area with a sharp elbow strike, oufffff I collapse on my chest

<Nathan_gingerbread> I was trying to put weight on you and as you collapse i stumble forward ... And have to move more to the side i reach between your legs searching for your wrist .

<Nathan_gingerbread> I am sweating and all this close work is distracting for me as i look at candy's ass sticking up in the air inches from my face .

<Candy_Krush> I feel for a moment your weight losen as I drop on ground, my back is aching but I have to move away or Candy Krus will be Candy Krushed, I can't see your positin, I just know you are behind me so I need to turn, my glutes flex for a moment as I try to regroup my strenght to roll on my back, maybe you can go over me but I don't care I can't wrestle without seeing what my opponent is doing


<Nathan_gingerbread> I cand find your arm and the moment is lost as you roll away and i try and stop you with my grip around your head but once your hips are away ot gives you an angle to pop your head free ...lucky you ate to escape the ripe tide i was trying to get to... Frustrated but i give a little clap as i get to my feet.

<Candy_Krush> after an hard struggling and some rock and rolling I finally manage to get free, I roll for a while till I reach farthest edge of the ring before standing on my knees, my body covered by sweat, panting, I raise my head looking if I have to prevent an attack or not but you are standing clapping hands, I make a balloon with bubble gum before standing up

<Nathan_gingerbread> No rest for you though as i close quickly keeping up the pressure trying to force a mistake ... Running not at you but at the space next to you as you stand facing me with your back to the ropes.

<Candy_Krush> I fake to be more tired than I look so my standing up is very slow, you are coming not frontal so as I am on half way I turn to get frontal pivoting on one foot as I extend same leg trying to dive into you like  a kind of spear on your guts

<Nathan_gingerbread> I am watching carefully but there is little i can do as i run onto the leg rather than the ropes and fold up holding my gut my momentum still moving me forward till i do hit the ropes but not how i wanted to crashing into them shoulder first


<Candy_Krush> you run onto my kick , I  hit your guts like I hoped, I am not straight perpendicular so my kick make you stumble on the ropes, as fast as I can I am reaching you I try to wrap my arms around your body

<Nathan_gingerbread> Offf that hurt and i see candy boots appear in my eye line ... I am winded and struggling but i know i cant let candy start throwing me about ... I grab the middle rope to help secure my position and stamp down my foot aiming for hers trying to buy myself time.

<Candy_Krush> I am just tasting the feeling of my strong arms squeezing your body but before I could really go for a hold OUCHHHH you stomp my foot, grrrrrr it hurts, I grab my foot hopping back "this was very tricky" I growl

<Nathan_gingerbread> Sucking in air and straightening up i glare " not even a bit ...but i have a whole bag of heel moves if you want to see ?" Your hopping and i see a chance to take you down moving forward and pivoting on one foot to sweep at your standing leg with the other.

<Candy_Krush> my hopping is slow, too much slow, I can't gain enough distance to bring me to a safe zone you sweep my standing leg, I fall on my back with a big thud....still holding my leg

<Nathan_gingerbread> I am quickly on you grabbing feet making sure i am not too close to be kicked .... And then holding the heels pulling backward trying to stretch you out .

<Candy_Krush> you grab my feet as I am laying on my back, I spread my arms to have a kind of support on ground if you try to roll me kicking out my legs with all strength I have not to hit you but only to get them free...

<Nathan_gingerbread> Its a tussle i get one leg hooked under my arm and battle with you over the other as you lay on your back fighting me " remember this ? I do."

<Candy_Krush> ohh nottt, you trap one of my leg under you arm trying to block also the other "what are you talking about???" I ask growling as I kick out as strong as I can to let your hold get difficult

<Nathan_gingerbread> " when you span me round and round ... That was fun you should try it " ...your kicking and pulling and as you yank me in i bring back my foot and aim a hard kick at your ass .

<Candy_Krush> my legs are lifted up so my ass is welll exposed arggg you kick my bums!!!! my face turn red for rage, I pin my elbows on ground trying to throw up my legs like I was taking momentum to make a back roll but after I try to kick out again hoping to unbalance you before and shove you back after

<Nathan_gingerbread> You pull in and i take the chance to secure the other leg . Leaning back and starting to haul then pivot on my heel. Candy is solid built its hard to get going but it will be worth it

<Candy_Krush> my desperate kicking doesn't work you are holding both my legs as you start to spin..."NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I scream desperate, I try to nail the ground to stop but I can't I am turning like a crazy spinning top "STOPPPPPPPPP MY STOMACH IS WEAK I MIGHT VOMIT!!!" I tap my mouth with one hand

<Nathan_gingerbread> Round and round faster and faster picking up speed i want to taunt but its taking everything i have i eye the corner as i spin getting faster then let go trying to launch candy there but its a fine thing to judge and who knows if i got it right as i feel her legs slide quickly from my arms.

<Candy_Krush> ARGGGGGGGG you don't stop, I have to close my eyes to soften headspinning too.....suddely I am free but you don't let me go gently but I am rather launched toward the corner, my body rotate a little so middle of my back hit the turnbuckle, ouchhh my legs fold over top rope outside the ring, my body hanging upside down, my arms toward the mat, my eyes are spinning, I can't move dazed and confused but everything around me is spinning

<Nathan_gingerbread> I come to a stop and the room keeps spinning and i have to take a moment to let it settle when ot does there she is perfectly mounted like a sexy exotic butterfly ... What did;; she say about a weak stomach lets find out starting a charge toward her dropping my shoulder aiming for a spear to see if its true

<Candy_Krush> my view is blurred but also my head has some kind of issues, I see 3 Nathans coming toward me but they don't look on right position, 2 are horizontals and other vertical but upside down, I battle my eyes to clear to but it doesn't work, I try to move but my legs are tangled with ropes, I shake my body but I can't move: PANIC PANIC PANIC!!!! I see all red like an alarm was whistling!! I blow off air flexing all my muscles but it's not enough OUFFFFFFFFFFFF your spear hit my abs, pretty hard but you wind hell out from me. Impact makes untie my legs though, I drop on all fours, my ass looking to you, holding my belly

<Nathan_gingerbread> After the ass kicking i took that was satisfying... She is a sexy woman but i am closing my mind to that...well mostly 😏..

<Nathan_gingerbread> Mtc

<Nathan_gingerbread> Maybe now i can try again what i tried before moving to her side and reaching between her legs i find her wrist wrapped around her belly and pull it back between her legs pulling up and trying to get hold of her head those spikes giving good grip .as i set her up for the ginger snap my version of the rip tide.

<Candy_Krush> I am so glad you don't care about my exposed ass, you could hit me with a kick or a spank, adding some humiliation but you don't go there, you grab my arm pulling it between my legs, my forearms pressing under my crotch as you pull me back, forcing me to stand on my knees with my arm trapped under me, I try to struggle, my muscles bulge

<Nathan_gingerbread> You dont let me get position what i want for the ginger snap and struggle on your knees ...standing at your side perhaps a hard knee to that ample chest will get me the time i need. Lifting my leg and cocking it back to send a knee across and up.

<Candy_Krush> I manage to block your attempt to apply a Ginger snap, I feel hurt badly but my muscles are still strong  you catch me on a soft point, maybe the only one of my body ouchhhhhh your knee hit my large breast, squashing my tits, I fall on my back if you are not holding me


<Nathan_gingerbread> I feel her falling back and let go of the hand between her legs letting her fall ...this i decide is the problem with signature moves ... I look down and see she is struggling i need to keep up the pressure and set off to the ropes sinking in to bounce back even faster ...throwing myself down in a baseball slide

<Candy_Krush> I fall on my back, my arm is free now, again I managed to block his signature move but I can't stay here, he is dong better then me and I guess he doesn't want miss the head of the match, keeping pressure on me, I have only one thing I can do right now, I try to roll outside the ring, my back, my tits, my belly and my head are hurting now, I need some time to recover

<Nathan_gingerbread> I arrive with my slide but its no more than a little shove as she had already rolled away going under the rope.... Nooo... But i must remain calm getting to my feet and moving to the ropes to see where she has gotten too...

<Candy_Krush> I am too much aching to control my falling so I drop outside the ring on all fours, panting...I get the tendon under the ring and crawl under to hide, checking around if I can find some useful object but most of all I try to to take time for recovering

<Nathan_gingerbread> My head goes left and right where is she...i really dont like this i go to nearest corner pulling myself up giving myself a vantage spot... The ref is counting but wherever she is she is resting and i feel all my good work being undone . Dropping to the apron and then down to the floor o walk out to the barricade... But no ... Turning back to face the ring i hear still the ref counting

<Candy_Krush> I hear counting but I need some more time, my hand get something interesting "Oh oh...." I giggle, I close my hand around an handle of cat o' nine tails, I hear also a drop when your feet land on ground outside the ring, I crawl toward that direction, peeking out I see you are close to the barricade, I move out as silent as I can at last moment I battle cry YAAAAAAAAAAAA swinging my arm I try to whip your ass with my new toy


<Nathan_gingerbread> I start to look at far corner trying to stay safe and leaning to side to look along. I am startled by a cry and my head whips around to see leather clad candy bearing down on me with what looks like a whip ... My feet dont need telling but its too late as a stinging lash savages my ass and thigh but i dont want to take more and take off running around the ring constantly looking over my shoulder where the hell did she get that from....

<Candy_Krush> I giggle as I hear the sound of cat o' nine tails landing on your butt and thigh, fun is making me recover by pain on my body, i charge my arm for another shoot but you run away, i  Follow you around the ring like a mom would chase his son for a prank "come here don't runway!!!" I try another whip to your ass but I miss you, staggering forward I have to swing my arms to don't fall, ref continues to count, such hell of mood breaker!!!

<Nathan_gingerbread> I hear the whip crack and feel it pass close I need to stop this and avoid more if i can slamming on the brakes and turning to face reaching a hand trying to grab her wrist...

<Candy_Krush> as I am recovering my stance you grab my wrist!! I struggle to keep the hold, pulling back my arm "let me go!!" I growl, I wonder if you have 9 red stripes on your ass, this thought make me giggle so my grip is loosening

<Nathan_gingerbread> Your strong and fight me but you think it's funny whipping my ass i swing your arm out trying to bang it on barricade ....as i do i note all the power and sound cables running along the floor all neat against the edge of the barricade and reach with my other arm to grab at them .

<Candy_Krush> my grip loosen a little so as you bang my arm on top of barricade whip drops by my hand, I growl as I see it falls beyond the barricade, I struggle if I have to jump there to get it or run into the ring, my head turn here and there as I am trying to decide, I don't see you are going to grab cables

<Nathan_gingerbread> The whip falls from her hand a shame it goes wrong side of barricade i might have returned the favour.

<Nathan_gingerbread> But i lift the cables up loop over her arm , throwing them over her head trying to ensnare her they spread out as i let go stepping back before she can kick out at me.

<Candy_Krush> I am still locking other barricades planning to get the whip but you trap one of my arms with the cable "what the hell?" I swing my body trying to hit you with other arm but I can't hit you since I can't move much due cable wrapped around my arm, I pull to tear it my muscles bulge hurting myself because cable tighten around my arm..

<Nathan_gingerbread> I give a grin , and turn rushing to the ring ... Diving under the apron and shouting at the ref to count quicker ... While i get to my feet ..

<Nathan_gingerbread> Giving a little wave and kiss i congratulate myself for doing the smart thing ...for once ...

<Candy_Krush> grrrr cable is squeezing my bicep so I grab it with other hand and tear it off! some electrical shocks flash....I run toward the ring jumping and diving under lower rope to slide into the ring

<Nathan_gingerbread> I knew you had to rush and not have time for caution , and it would give me a chance which i grab quickly diving in your back and trying to secure your strong arm between my legs as i make a grab for your head

<Candy_Krush> I am sliding on to my belly to come back into the ring but as I finally manage to move into you lock me on ground, trapping my head with your arm and also locking my thick arm between your legs, my bicep is still hurting for the cable but I don't give up...I grab your hair with free hand, rolling to same side I try to pull your hair as I use my arm trapped to pull you sideway like I would make you flip over me but it's just an attempt to pull you off me before you could lock hold tight

<Nathan_gingerbread> Owwwww i give you a good squeeze but cant stop you dragging my head over and with it my center of gravity , i try and re adjust but cant bring any force to bare.. i know i am going to lose out here but before i slide off i change my grip grabbing that mask in a move i saw suki use on mangler trying to twist it and obscure your vision .

<Candy_Krush> mphh I can feel your hold is losing, with a great effort and with power of my strong muscles I am gonna get free but suddenly you twist my mask, it covers my eyes and I can't see...ohh shit!!! I try to send some elbow strikes to hit you trying to roll away to gain some space

<Nathan_gingerbread> I fall off and take some amusement watching you thrash the air in panic as you roll away i am on my hands and knees crawling forward and rear up clasping my hands high to bring them down across your back as you roll to your belly ..

<Candy_Krush> I manage to get free in some way, rolling away, now I have to care to get my view again, so I lay on my belly, my elbows on ground trying to twist my mask to right position but as I am doing ouchhh you hit my back sending me flat on my belly

<Nathan_gingerbread> A solid hit as you put your hands to your mask and i push up on one knee turning on the ball of my foot to try and follow up with a butt drop to the middle of your back .. "yaaah".

<Candy_Krush> my hands are still on mask, despite pain on my back I manage to slide it to right position "grrrr nice trick but...." as I am completing my sentence with BUT, you land on my back with your BUTT, ouffff your landing wind me out...holding me down, panting, I recovered my view but I am pinned under your ass


<Nathan_gingerbread> I think about the whipping you gave me and flatten my hand bringing it down in a hard slap but its not just petty revenge i hope your head pops up so i can grab under the chin maybe work that back more.. i am increasingly finding it hard to keep my mind on winning

<Candy_Krush> I am in trouble now, my head is lifted so you can grab me under chin, placing my elbows on ground I try to crawl forward, maybe reaching the ropes, wondering if they might be a safe spot for me

<Nathan_gingerbread> I get the chin and start to pull your head back but you drag yourself forward and i see the danger of you reaching the ropes... We are not there yet and i plant my feet trying to stop you crawling any more but determined to make you suffer for every inch you get ... I bring up my knees wanting the camel clutch but your arms are tight under your body ..

<Candy_Krush> I barely move one inch forward before you block my crawling toward the ropes as you suddenly pull my upper body back, making it arches as you apply a painful camel clutch, I scream for pain, I still have my arms on ground but they are not musch useful now, I just use them as support, placing my elbows on mat I use both them and my knees as support trying to lift my hips, maybe I'll unbalance you

<Nathan_gingerbread> I pull back and manage to stop your advance but i cant reach your arms and i might not have enough to make a stubborn strong person like candy submit but it sure can weaken her as i pull and try to add a bit of twisting to her neck " come on candy ... Submit just say the word "

<Candy_Krush> mphh you didn't get my arms so your hold can't be as painful as a tight Boston Crab should be but you add some more pain twisting my neck, arrgggg, it hurst I use all strength of my muscles trying to counter your twisting but I can't so I roll on same side hoping to let your hold loosen a bit

<Nathan_gingerbread> I can feel you squirming and i know its just a matter of moments before you either roll me off or get your head free and you start that rolling with my twist . Reducing my pressure .. its time to quit it while i still have some control deliberately trying to slam your head forward before jumping up and taking myself to the corner post where i start to climb .

<Candy_Krush> my teeth are griding, some sharp sounds coming out as I struggle with all strength I have, I guess you can even feel the sounds o fmy muscles as they tense to resist by pressure you are giving me, all those efforts pay though I manage to reduce twisting on my neck I am almost laying on my side as you slam my head, ouchh my cheek hit the mat but it looks like a good feeling compared to stretching and twisting you were apply early. Again I roll outside the ring, my body covered by sweat


<Nathan_gingerbread> I had hoped to finish with some big move but as i turn your rolling out the ring ... Do i dare risk it .. as i swing my leg over and climb down to the apron , face toward you you flop to the floor and i wait just a moment making sure your staying there before i jump off the apron in a big frog splash ,,,,

<Candy_Krush> mphh I fall badly out, landing on all fours, panting...I raise my head as I see a kind of shadows darkening over me, I crawl back hoping to be fast enough to let your frog splash missing me as I walk on all fours behind the commentary table to recover

<Nathan_gingerbread> "Ahhh" i see her move and i am air born little i can do but put out my arms and try to spread the impact ... Which i make with heavy thud the air forced from my belly and my chest smashing into the hard unforgiving floor ...

<Candy_Krush> I can't see your frog landing on the floor outside the ring but sound make me giggle "a frog splashed" I say to the commentary as I stand on my knees, moving up my head to overcome the table to check your right position, I grab the mic by cable as I slowly stand up, climbing over the table

<Nathan_gingerbread> I am dazed and struggling to breath as i draw up my knees and get on my hands in all fours shaking my head. Stupid, stupid .. . I reach out a hand to grab the apron and start to haul myself up.

<Candy_Krush> I stand over the table, swinging the mic cable like it was a lazo, my muscular body covered by sweat, my breast swollen as I pant to catch air, I let take some speed to the mic then I throw it toward your head as you are standing up on the apron

<Nathan_gingerbread> Some quick sound guy turns it on just as it flies straight and bashes the back of my head amplified over

<Nathan_gingerbread> The sound system in a huge " CRACK!!!" As i drop to my knees facing the apron my arms both on the apron ... My head spins for a moment before i grab the bottom rope and plant one foot to the floor.

<Candy_Krush> "huh huh real cowgirl has hit the bull on head" I really foster now, mic drops on ground I leap forward jumping down from the table running toward you, I see you are kneeling on the apron, holding one rope I try to place my hands on the back of your neck to slam your forehead on the edge

<Nathan_gingerbread> I have no idea what hit me and am slowly getting my senses back when i feel her strong hands on the back of my neck slamming my head on the edge of the ring ...my legs buckle and i fall to my ass clutching my face and oblivious to anything else.

<Candy_Krush> SBAMM I manage to slam your face on the apron's edge, you drop on ground, sitting in front of the apron, you look pretty dazed so I have to be fast to take this chance, leaning on you I hug your waist, flexing my muscles I try to squeeze you but as same time I try to lift your body to the apron "time to come back into the ring"

<Nathan_gingerbread> I am dazed and remember that was where i was going " ring... " As i am bodily lifted and my upper body pushed onto the apron i try and lift my leg to climb just knowing i need to get in there... But as i am rolled under the rope it starts to dawn on me i am in danger and i bring my hand away from head where a small trickle of blood is colouring up my makeup ...

<Candy_Krush> MPHH I am pretty tired for long match, my body is aching but I can't give up now I hope my muscles still have some strength inside, after I've lift you on the apron I climb up there as well ,coing back into the ring I lean over grabbing your arm I try to drag you inside by pulling your arm, panting, my muscular body shining for light reflected by sweat


<Nathan_gingerbread> Still getting myself together i remember how candy pretended to be more hurt than she was ... And i can see she is sweating and her big chest is heaving so i offer no resistance being pulled into the ring and keep my eyes wide and focussed on the floor between us as every moment i feel a little bit better.

<Candy_Krush> I am giving myself, I thought your body was lighter but it looks very heavy now for this long battle, each drag to bring you into the ring is like lift a ton "well Nathan you were so close to finish you with a camel clutch early but you forgot a detail" I move over you straddling with one hand I grab your other arm, crouching down I try to sit over your back trying to pull your arms backward against my legs

<Nathan_gingerbread> I snap into action lunging out my arm for the rope, while i twist my body trying to get a knee under me ... " Noooo" as i realise my cleverness might be my undoing

<Candy_Krush> my fit ass meet your back but movement of your arms is unexpected, my palms are sweat so I miss the hold and twisting of your body unbalance me, I am gonna miss my advantage on you but maybe this movement helps me to set another hold, I try to move one hand under your chin, falling on my shoulder I try to slide one leg under your body, the other going over you pulling you by head I try to make you roll a little to bring you into a position I could set a waist scissor

<Nathan_gingerbread> I dont get the rope but its enough to throw her off she still has my head but i think i will soon be free but then a thick thigh slides under my body and i realise i have swapped one problem for another ... I put one hand up prizing at her fingers and there to guard against being choked ... The other hand i put on her meaty thigh as i lift my legs and try to wrap them around her outer leg before she can bring them together

<Candy_Krush> I don't care about choking you just focusing to use my legs, I guess I could squeeze hell from you if I manage to lock my feet to scissor your body but you are smart trapping my thick thigh with your legs, blocking my attempt to close my scissor, I growl, I have a bad problem now, one of my legs is under your body, other one trapped..I can use one hand only, I push your shoulder as I try to roll awat from you

<Nathan_gingerbread> I am just about to piston back my elbow even elbow that thigh when you suddenly let go of my head and push me away your foot helping you get some distance i am just glad to be out of danger and roll the other way trying to make some distance as i pull myself up on the ropes and get to my feet

<Nathan_gingerbread> standing up with my back to the ropes i lean on them a little and narrow my eyes thinking candy os starting to look tired.

<Candy_Krush> so bad I had to give up but I feel a bit weak to get a battle on ground with you, I roll on the ropes to the opposite side where you are, standing on my knees I look to you, panting, my body sweaty...I am tired but I guess you are too, I slowly stand up "so bad you didn't accept the sweet candy hug of my legs"


<Nathan_gingerbread> " Another time perhaps candy , i do like a hug ... Maybe after i win " i am not rushing in she is far too tricky and dangerous but i come to the middle of the ring making a beckoning sign with my hand and set myself ready holding one arm out " no rest for the wicked .. candy"

<Candy_Krush> "my hugs might be very beary" I reply smiling flexing my muscles to let you know I can hug very tight, I take my fight stance too, arms up and palms open "I don't need to rest, I'll rest when I'll have beat you" I approach you moving out my hands to distract you but I fire a front kick on your guts

<Nathan_gingerbread> I thought she might be slowing down ..my mistake ... As i only have time to tense a little and stagger back clutching my gut but i suck it up and get my feet under me as i step forward and launch a big heavy sparta kick in retaliation.

<Candy_Krush> my foot lands on your gut but your tensed abs hold much of the strenght, I recover my stance, moving forward as you leap in firing a spartan kick, I X cross my arms to block your foot but power of your kick make me stagger back a couple of steps

<Nathan_gingerbread> I see her block but it still knocks ger back i know it probably didnt hurt but i get some momentum and i can never win this defending so i take 2 quick steps and throw myself feet first in a high dropkick trying to make an impact and keep candy on the back foot.

<Candy_Krush> I am recovering my balance swinging my arms as I see you are jumping up...NOOOOO I scream as I see your feet launched like 2 missiles against me...your soles slam on my soft breast, softening my tits, I fall back but I bounce on the ropes so I drop on my knees, panting and holding my tits


<Nathan_gingerbread> I land on my side ready to spring up and quickly do seeing you on your knees against the ropes i need to follow up fast and keep you busy so i aim a kick ... To your belly while i try and grab your head wanting to get it forward where i can wrap my arm around in a guillotine hold ..

<Candy_Krush> feeling to much pain on my body as you charge to me, my hands are holding my breast so I can't block your kick, my abs are flexed but weak now oufff I double over , you bend me down even more I have to place my hands on ground to don't fall flat, one of your arm around my neck, choking me..I cough but I have to so something, I lean my head on your shoulder to have a support as I grab your wrists, twisting them I try to loosen your guillotine

<Nathan_gingerbread> It's not going to be very effective already candy's trying to pull my arm away and that spiky mask digs into my flesh but it gives me the chance to set my feet and then throw them backwards so I csn attempt a short bulldog into the mat while still holding her head...

<Candy_Krush> mpphh struggling to open your hold, all my muscles are bulging out but I am not as strong as I was at beginning of the match, long battle has tired me so my head is not clear neither, focusing too much to pyr your arm I don't care my face is defenceless ouchhhhh my head slams on ground with a loudly sound, I see some stars spinning around my head, laying on my brest...panting

<Nathan_gingerbread> I try and lean as much of my weight as i can into it and hear a solid bang as her face kisses canvas .. i get up and rush to the ropes now in full flow " stay there baby i will be right back " running to lean in on the ropes ans catapult myself back...

<Candy_Krush> my head is dizzy, I put my hands and my knees on ground to stand into an all four position, shaking my head to send stars back to the sky, I feel mat shaking under me but my view is blurred to know where source of this "earthquake" is coming from

<Nathan_gingerbread> I am watching as i run back and see how candy is getting to her feet i ran to nearest ropes and see i have chance to pull a pin throwing all my weight into it and driving with my legs I hope to catch her before ahe knows what hit her

<Candy_Krush> I am walking on all fours like a cat, slowly, not with a right destination but just wandering around, still trying to recover as you charge to me from side, my body turn and I fall on my side, your push more forcing me to lay on my back, pinned under you..


<Nathan_gingerbread> I get the pin position and scream at the ref to start counting while i push up me weight trying to hold the pin hooking one arm over your leg and looking to do the same on the other side .. " just rest Candy .. " as i look in those fierce eyes behind the mask .

<Nathan_gingerbread> The ref drops to his belly and declares "1"

<Candy_Krush> mphh I am laying on my back, my side hurting where you've hit me but that's not only part of my body aching, I feel broken or I'd better say Krushed...my legs lifted, your weight keeping me down, I pant trying to move but looks like my big muscles are not working in right way 2....

<Nathan_gingerbread> I only need a moment more, just a second leaning on her i cant let her rally i cant let her use her strength .. so i lean my head in and do what i hope will buy me that moment planting my lips to hers and kissing passionately those ruby red lips ... As i spread my fingers and hold on for all i am worth ...

<Candy_Krush> I kick wildly as you kiss me, spitting and hissing "let me go! I am not that kind of woman" despite my struggling you keep me down, ref slaps hand on ground for last time saying "3"...

<Nathan_gingerbread> I pull my head back before i get headbutt off those spikes ,and roll off to the the side falling to my back as the ref calls the match and announces me winner ... But i am just laying there looking up at lights .

<Candy_Krush> oufff bell ringing is a bad verdict for me but I am very exausted for long match...as you let me go legs drop down on mat, I lay there legs and arms spreaded. panting, my body covered to sweet. grinding my teeth I wshiper "congratulation Champion"

<Nathan_gingerbread> I turn my head my chest heaving and give a smile knowing its hard to take a loss , i rub the back of my head where a lump has formed. Knowing I have been in a battle " thank you candy, another day things may not have gone my way"

<Candy_Krush> I slowly stand to a sitting, panting "wel it's your day, celebrate your win but look your back, maybe I'll ask to compete for this belt again" standing up I stagger toward the ropes to come out from the ring, I really need a shower now .

<Nathan_gingerbread> I watch as candy leaves her body glowing and all her muscles shining in the ring lights .... I am very sure thats true , and I need to be ready when that challenge comes


<Published> 2024-05-29, viewed 82 times.




2024-07-22 05:08

Please tell me there is a re match?

Nathan gingerbread

2024-07-22 09:59

(In reply to this)

Candy has been quiet, i suspect she is plotting revenge.


2024-07-22 10:32

(In reply to this)

Considering she mostly wins via submission. She might wanna make it an oil fight.

Kiara Wrestler

2024-05-29 16:18

Congrrrrrrrrrratulation to new Bull Champion

Nathan gingerbread

2024-05-29 18:25

(In reply to this)

Thank you kiara 😘

Kiara Wrestler

2024-05-29 19:52

(In reply to this)

Don't blow kiss to me when River is around, she might be jealous 😜

Nathan gingerbread

2024-05-29 19:54

(In reply to this)

She might blow you a kiss too

Nathan gingerbread

2024-05-29 14:37

A tough battle for sure

River Cage

2024-05-29 14:00

Woa! i loved that fight! You two weree really amazing!