Cat Walk

Public Restricted

Established: 2024-07-13

  • Romantic
  • Female / Female
  • Naked
  • Rip and strip
  • First to cum
I am pakistani model so i am bringing some cat walk to chatfighter
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Information for non-members

This federation is just for females so please no male try to apply for it. Those females who either interested inodelling and catwalks are more than welcome .
Those females who want to do some hot and sexy fights in amy of modeling attire are welcome .
I dont accept rude,angry or pedo peoples here .

About Cat Walk

Hello everyone first i would like to introduce myself my name is Azbia and i am 29 years old i am a full time model from Pakistan turn wrestler and a sexfighter. With this federation i want to introduce something different . In this federation those who likes to perform cat walk and truely welcome but not only that they can even fight in catwalk costumes like evening gown or swimsuit whatever they wish to . I am looking to find who are into this .

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