Combative Couples

Public Open

Established: 2021-11-15
Chat room: #CombatCouples

  • Romantic
  • Fantasy
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Descriptive writing
  • Stakes
The place for men and women who want to put it all on the line with or in front of their partners.
122 members
0 stories
0 photos
0 files
Information for non-members

Welcome to federation where couples decide who rules neighborhood. Do you want to see if you and your spouse are the "Alpha Couple"? This is the place! Or maybe you're husband willing to put your wife on the line against another man for the chance at his wife or engage in a little competitive swinging? This is also the place! Or, say your a wife who has noticed the neighbor making passes at your man and you want to wreck her in front of both of your husbands.... you guessed it- This. Is. The. Place.

The idea of this federation is to give people who are inclined to conflict revolving around couples a place to play. If this sounds like something you'd like to explore, grab a partner and knock on the door! We won't bite unless it's allowed in the rules.

The only request we make is that you have a partner (partners can be played by the same person) to play with.

About Combative Couples

Welcome to federation where couples decide who rules neighborhood. Do you want to see if you and your spouse are the "Alpha Couple"? This is the place! Or maybe you're husband willing to put your wife on the line against another man for the chance at his wife? This is also the place! Or, say your a wife who has noticed the neighbor making passes at your man and you want to wreck her in front of both of your husbands.... you guessed it- This. Is. The. Place.

The idea of this federation is to give people who are inclined to conflict revolving around couples a place to play. If this sounds like something you'd like to explore, grab a partner and knock on the door! We won't bite unless it's allowed in the rules.


Hawaiianpunchprincessa (deleted member)

2021-12-28 02:39

Hello everybody I am Alaina , and me and my Lover PunchyPrincess are interested in fighting other female couples so get in contact with me or her if you are interested .


2021-11-28 14:27

Hi there! Manu & Peter, a couple with a small, fast and wild redhead woman and a big, powerful man. We are looking mainly for pro wrestling fights, but other styles can be discussed. In any way the fights should get very hot ;-)

Jim Marshall

2021-11-15 22:48

You can post the names of your couple, short descriptions and what you're looking for here.

Latest Stories
The Power Couple
Author: Lissa (deleted member)
8 Replies
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3 yr
2022-02-08 04:01
5 Replies
3 yr
Lady Darcy
2021-12-17 00:24
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Online in chat

16:51 <Mxdmlwrstler> Hi there!
15:16 <ValerieCats> Hello Ryan
15:20 <Ryankoed> hi my love
07:22 <fighterka2> Hi Valerie!
12:41 <Cerby> Morning all
14:43 <ValerieCats> My husband and I are prepared to take on any other couple!! You are not logged in.
14:30 <Maturecat> Impressive looking couple
12:46 <Pia_the_Warrior> He
17:19 <Pia_the_Warrior> Hi
17:19 <lewis> heya
17:19 <Pia_the_Warrior> Hou are you
17:19 <lewis> good and you?
17:19 <lewis> looking for a couple brawl?
17:19 <Pia_the_Warrior> Sure
17:20 <Pia_the_Warrior> Tell me more
10:21 <Erika_Jordan> Hey everyone
16:00 <Pia_the_Warrior> Huhu
16:01 <Tania_Ontario> hello
13:51 <Deepro> hello..???
01:54 <Deepro> hoping to catch up with you sometime Tania