Defeated xxx non human

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Established: 2024-09-02

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  • First to cum
A non human version of defeatedxxx fed
36 members
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23:16 Li_Swiftpaw_Mei: ooh that’s nice !!
23:16 Female_Failed_Experiments: If you want to see more of what we can do, our arena is always open Li
23:16 VampiressLisa: We need some she-werewolves here....I have not sunk my fangs into one of those bitches for too long
23:16 Ditto_Workout: Hee hee I was joking.. ditto's split into two
23:27 Axol_Aqualon: Hello everyone!
21:52 Axol_Aqualon:
21:53 Bowsette_the_hottest_queen: Cute
08:57 Ditto_Workout: Very adorable
08:58 Failed_Experiments: *Waves tendrils hello*
08:59 Female_Failed_Experiments: *A silver pool forms on the ground - The liquid metal raising and forming a humanoid shape* Greetings
08:59 Ditto_Workout: *Wave tendrils* \(^_^)/
09:04 Ditto_Workout: I have a question. I'm not very confident in my combat skills to do matches.... I was only interested in helping people train. So I was wondering if there's a way to be a referee for you all?
09:05 Female_Failed_Experiments: I doubt that would be an issue. May I ask what confidence issues you struggle with?
09:10 Ditto_Workout: ✓(^_^;;)> Well it's my spelling and grammar to start. I also fall into God mode and that's not cool to an actual match. There's a few other things but these are some big ones
09:12 Female_Failed_Experiments: All things that can be worked on. Grammar and spelling is subjective, it depends on the person really as whether or not that's an issue. I'd use grammar tools to help. For the God mode aspect, just use words like "attempt" or "try" for each action, that'll give your opponent a chance to react and try to counter or avoid, or just take it if they feel like they can't
09:15 Ditto_Workout: I do used If successful. Also I am a fan of three hit rules if people don't want to used dice
09:22 Ditto_Workout: If you don't know it.. it's a rule you can dodge an attack up to two times but on the third no matter what you must take the hit. You could mix things up or to void big hits by taking an soft one in 2nd attempt.
09:26 Female_Failed_Experiments: That means all someone has to do is be aggressive and throw constant attacks to win
09:27 Ditto_Workout: True but wail the do that so is the other person... So it becomes a strategy game
09:29 Failed_Experiments: It sounds more like the one to take the first turn can just attack on each turn and they get an immediate advantage
09:31 Ditto_Workout: One of my friends was in a fight with the other friend and he would take every punch cause the other was aiming to used his strong attacks on the third one... But taking the soft blows and voiding the stronger ones actually took the guy down.
09:36 Female_Failed_Experiments: I tend to prefer a more natural feeling flow. If I feel like I can counter, I will, if not, I'll take it
09:40 Ditto_Workout: Nothing wrong with that... It's an old setup no one really knows about so I am not putting it into law
20:05 Ditto_Workout: Hi all
20:12 Axol_Aqualon: How is everyone doing! Hope to get a match up and running today!
20:12 Axol_Aqualon: Hello Ditto!
20:15 Ditto_Workout: *pull out the rule book* Hey Axol. I wish you luck... If you can get one. *Begins to study*
21:28 Axol_Aqualon: Hello again everyone! Just wondering if anyone's open for a match.
08:19 VampiressLisa: Hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
10:31 VampiressLisa: Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss