Defeated xxx non human

Public Restricted

Established: 2024-09-02

  • Male / Female
  • Female / Female
  • Anthro
  • Sex
  • First to cum
A non human version of defeatedxxx fed
36 members
0 stories
8 photos
0 files
36 members

Bree Wolf Rookie

Jobber Punchee Squeezetoy

A submissive Wolf who loves being dominated by humans

Luna Fox Rookie

Jobber Trainee Punchee Squeezetoy

Anthro Fox looking to make a name of herself

Failed Experiments Rookie

Fighter Puncher Villain Squeezer

The remaining subjects

Female Failed Experiments Rookie

Fighter Heel Villain Squeezer

You didn't think we just experimented on men... did you...?

Axol Aqualon Rookie

Fighter Trainer

Horny little axolotl

Dillion harper Federation Admin Founder

Fighter Jobber

Founder of defeatedxxx fed and The Hot Ring

36 members