Elite Fighting League

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-09-22
Chat room: #EliteFighting

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Back and forth
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Descriptive writing
A place where the best cyber fighters in the world compete
33 members
0 stories
2 photos
0 files
Information for non-members

You need good references to enter the Elite Fighting League. It's not for rookies

Run to be the 1st ever Elite Wrestling Fighting Champion of the World

Contact the admin Edoardo to join the tournament and try to be the new face of EFL

About Elite Fighting League

Challenges, tournaments, feuds ... Only the best fighters will be able to compete in the arena of the EFL.
A private club where you can do any type of fight: m vs m, f vs f, mixed, pro wrestling, grappling, nhb, boxing, brawls.
Please join if you're open also to intergender matches. During a tournament it can happen that you catch a man or a woman in a round.

Latest Stories
Run to the title
Author: Edoardo
1 Replies
1 Replies
3 yr
2022-02-25 09:23
7 Replies
3 yr
2022-02-20 15:22
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Online in chat

11:47 <Lera_Simkiff> Well that's not a problem
11:47 <Edoardo> why?
11:48 <Lera_Simkiff> I have no equal in kicking ass )
11:50 <Lera_Simkiff> But so far I've only kicked one ass, but everything is ahead.
11:51 <Edoardo> so you shouldn't be so self confident
11:51 <Lera_Simkiff> Life will show.)
11:52 <Edoardo> sure
11:52 <Edoardo> for now, welcome to hell
11:53 <Lera_Simkiff> Hell is more fun than heaven.
11:53 <Edoardo> that's why i didn't build heaven
12:23 <Edoardo> hello folks
12:42 <shadyfighter07> Hello
01:59 <Jiujitsuswitch> Hey Melina how are you?
14:48 <Dutch> Hello
23:29 <Dutch> Hi Melina
23:53 <Dutch> Hi Pantera
15:28 <Dutch_de_Leeuw> Hello
23:12 <Destiny_Sanchez> hey angie
23:13 <Spanked_Angie> Hello there
16:08 <shadyfighter07> This Place needs a cleanup and a revive