Erotic Professional Intergender Club

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Established: 2022-11-18

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NCWA New Delhi: Kiara & Zack's Magical Mystery Match


Kiara_Wrestler: I moved into New Delhi for the episode match of NCWA, I feel so thrilled, my opponent is a dear friend but my goal will be kick him badly. The city is wonderful, food is very spicy the atmosphere looks magic but I have to focus to my match maybe I'll spend some time with him to visit better this city. I go into the Arena reaching the locker room I've been assigned, as I move into I notice a cup of tea on the console, a ticket tied on the handle, a write over "DRINK ME!" I shrug, so nice staff offered me a drink, I'd preferred a glass of wine but the scent of tea doesn't look bad.

Kiara_Wrestler: I still don't know into there is mixed a powerful hallucinogenic. I drink it "mhh so yummy". As I lean the cup on table ticket turns, on the other side a write "Follow the white Rabbit!". I feel confused, what the hell does it mean? I am not Alice! Time to prepare myself, I remove my clothes to wear a black fishnet body, black leather glows and high black heels, a black bunny mask covering half on my face. I look myself into the mirror "Nice look Kiara"


Kiara_Wrestler: I try to focus better my image on mirror, it looks like the surface is waveing, I shake my head to clear but the effect doesn't stop, I try to understand if mirror is breaking (I hope not!!! 7 years of disgrace if a mirror breaks) or maybe it's gonna opening a magic portal. I slowly approach my hand on surface as a loudly knocking makes me come back to reality.

Kiara_Wrestler: A screehing voice yelling "KIARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA it's late". I shiver going to door to open, I see nobody but as I lower my eyes I see a white rabbit handling a pocket watch, pointing the time it continues "it's late it's late" jumping desperately before running across the corridor. I don't have time to realize what is happening so I chase him, shaking my hand "waittt waitt where are we going??" I follow him across shining colored lights before reaching a forest (wait, a forest into a wresling arena?) not time to think: IT'S LATE!!! as I reach the rocks I have to move on all fours to enter into the rabbit's hole, all dark around I can't come back so I have to move forward


Zack_Davis: I pulled up under the awning of the NCWA Arena Participants Entrance an hour before my scheduled match with my dear friend and rival, Kiara Wrestler! Beautiful inside and out ... except inside the ring 😳 ... Inside the ring, all bets are off! My stereo is blasting as I ease my '74 Ford Pinto station wagon to a stop in front of the valet ... ... I tip the valet as he gets into the driver's seat ... "Don't scuff the paint!" I growl at him ...


Zack_Davis: I gaze up at the majestic arena before me before stepping through the door. New Delhi has proven to be a delightful destination thus far ... I'm thinking about inviting Kiara to stay a few days after tonight's "business meeting" to explore this unique culture. My daydream is interrupted by my escort whom greets me just inside the door ... "Welcome" he smiles, "if you would please follow me". He escorts me a short distance down a hallway to my dressing room, a small cozy little area. "How do I get to ringside from here?" I query, tossing my duffle bag onto an armchair. No answer. I turn to face the escort, but he is gone! Rude! A cup of hot tea sits on the small table ... Pretty sure that was NOT there when we entered. Strange culture. Welp, when in Rome, do as the Romans do ... I sip on the tea as I strip down to put on my evenings attire, a simple pair of black shorts and my custom high top sneakers ... 


Kiara_Wrestler: I can see nothing as I am crawling into the white Rabbit Hole but after a undefined time I reach the exit, I am suddenly blinded by strong light of the Arena, I need to close my eye as I stand up, my movements are slow, why my head is spinning? I battle my eyelashes to clear my view but what I see the next is not clear, I see colored lights all around and shining butterflies flying around. I song playing into the arena, I guess is not my entering song but something else, I tap my ears but I still hear this song, it's Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd..mtc


Kiara_Wrestler: I do my way on the catwalk, I hear some distorted voices, probably the crowd but I can't see their face only fixed masks "Hello? (Hello, hello, hello) Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me Is there anyone home?" I ask around but no one reply, as I suddenly hear a Siren calling me from the ring: "Come on (Come on, come on), now I hear you're feeling down Well, I can ease your pain.." I feel more confusion than pain but I know where I have to go now, so I walk toward the ring, as I am there I climb on apron, I bend my legs flying up like supergirl and landing inside with a big thud, ring shakes as the speaker introduce me "Ladies and Gentlemen 5'9" 165 lbs KIARA AKA TNT!!!!!!!!" as I hear TNT I jump and land stomping my feet on ground, an explosion shoot out messing the hair of the ref...

Kiara_Wrestler: The Angry Birds Movie Party GIF by Angry Birds - Find & Share on GIPHY

Zack_Davis: 🤣🤣🤣

Zack_Davis: The ground seems to rumble beneath my feet as a huge explosion rocks the arena. I place my hand against the wall to steady myself, but my hand sinks into the wall as if it were made of cotton ... I slowly pull my hand away, puzzled. Quite odd, but that explosion must be my cue to make my entry .. but how? Where? I was never given directions! I finish my delightful complimentary cup of tea as I race to the door, yanking it open, and ... WHOA! ...

Zack_Davis: (mtc)


Zack_Davis: This is NOT the way we came in! I step out into the magnificent cavern ... A fat little rabbit in a red dress coat runs past me with a frantic look ... "Come on, come on, Zackariah ... It's LATE!!!" ... What an odd culture indeed! I shrug, as the rabbit points to a pocket watch and repeats again, "It's late, come on!!!". Well, OK, must be a New Delhi thing ... I chase after the hare, diving into a pot of flowers behind him ... but it's not a pot of flowers at all! ... floating through an abyss, I yell to the rabbit, "HEY!" ... I can actually see my voice. What was in that tea?!? Popping up through what would appear to be a solid floor just beside the ring ... A faceless masked crowd watches on silently as a strange song plays over the speakers ... I look for that rabbit ...I turn my head but it was gone I cannot put my finger on ... I turn my head to the ring ... A large, shapely muscular black bunny..

Zack_Davis: "What have we gotten ourselves into THIS time?!?" ... I blink, and I am in the ring before you .. I am introduced ... "HER OPPONENT STANDS 6 FEET TALL, WEIGHING IN AT 185 POUNDS ... ZACK. THE SHARK ATTACK. DAVIS!"

Kiara_Wrestler: I am walking around the ring, or better I keep my position but ring moves like it was a tapiroulant, not bad I can warm up my muscles. Finally my opponent lands into the ring coming from a colored abyss, I get almost scared as I hear the speaker introduce him like a SHARK! Oh shit, I didn't know I had to fight into water, looking around I see like I was into a glass bowl for fish. I take a deep breath like I was going underwater, I forgot oxygen tanks but I squeeze my tits like to pump some air into me. I hear bell rings but it's not a classice DING DING but rather a an hard rock melody, oh Jesus Hells Bells by AC/DC rings into my ears..mtc


Kiara_Wrestler: no matter the song though, match started, I close my eyes blowing off like to sprint through the water as I reopen I expected to see a Shark! but what the hell? 3 fishes in front of me: a Shark on left, a piranha on right and a barracuda on the middle. OH Shit! what is the right one to hit? again a song playing into my ears, it's Barracuda by Heart. My eyes shine, it's clear where I have to hit. I go toward the center, attacking the barracuda, moving out my hands to grab her head then striking up my right leg to fire a knee strike where I expect to get its gut


Zack_Davis: I am announced by my ring name ... Yeah, I'm a Shark Attack! A series of bells, more like the sound of a gong ringing as heard underwater, declares the match having begun! I'M A SHARK! ... ... I begin to circle the sexy bunny before me, I can see the words of a song scrolling before my eyes ... "We're just two lost souls Swimming in a fish bowl" .. I almost swirl around the edge of the bowl as the bunny lunges ... This Bunny is cunning, I must think fast! I entered the ring with a blink of an eye ... I blink again, and find myself floating on the lyrics of the song I saw before my eyes, safely adrift to the side of the lunging bunny .. "wish you were here " I giggle

Kiara_Wrestler: I stagger forward after I threw my knee toward the barracuda's gut but I didn't get resistance this mean I aimed the wrong target or the fish moved away. I slap my forehead "KIARA, silly one, Zack Shark Attack...speaker told you that he is a Shark so why did you aim the barracuda?" I wished you were there too but as Pink Floyd said "Did you exchange A walk-on part in the war For a lead role in a cage?" not cage here but a bowl but let me switch the walk-on for war, I turn my body trying to snake behind the shark this time, slamming my breast on her flipper as I try to wrap my arms around his neck


Zack_Davis: I look around the arena ... All I can focus on is that funny bunny that led me here through that magic plant vortex! The arena appears to rotate around me as the white rabbit taunts me ... In reality it is the dark bunny that is actually rotating around me!


Zack_Davis: Music echos and drifts like fog throughout the arena ... "And if you go chasing rabbits And you know you're going to fall Tell 'em a hookah-smoking caterpillar Has given you the call Call Alice When she was just small" ... ... An arm snakes around my neck, but it is not a snake, it is an arm ... A dark gloved hand of a dark and oddly erotic bunny is around my neck! Apparently a well endowed dark bunny, as her breasts press against my back ... The white bunny shakes his head.

Kiara_Wrestler: my arm curls around your the shark neck, I use my hand to pinch her nose, but wait. Can a shark has a nose? not wise keep an hand close to his mouth though, her teeth could be very sharp but not good stay also on her back he might perform a tail shoot sending me off the route, so I move side to side with grabbing my own wrist, a guilottine I am gonna set, cut his head someone would said. But I have to get a grip if I wanna block this big rabbit fish. So I blow blow blow making my arm muscles swell swell swell, jawdropping as I see my arms grows grows grows...OMG Kiara such big muscles you got

Zack_Davis: You change your grip to a Guillitine, of this fact I'm not too keen. This Bunny is strong, I might not last long! But I am a shark and you but a hare, I think to myself I must not despair. By thrusting my tail I seek to cause harm, driving back to the corner to perhaps loose your arm. Before the match started you were called TNT .. I think to myself did you drink the tea 🤔?

Kiara_Wrestler: my arms well locked around Shark's neck but why he can move, what the hell? Focusing to get a thight grip I realize you have feet. He looks human after all, if into a ring he can walk, I wonder what I drank before, Who put tea there is a whore! As my mind is wonder about that, my back the turnbukle get. OUCHH this hurt for sure and my arms grip loses.

Zack_Davis: The ropes vibrate when your back hits the corner ... I can see the sound of the vibrations 😵‍💫! My shoulder hits the bunny in the belly, it's a pretty firm belly ... Grabbing the opposing middle ropes to either side of you, I draw back and slam my shoulder again into your belly ... more visions of the sounds of the vibrations 😵‍💫


Kiara_Wrestler: view is distorted by the sound of the slam but also my body is vibrating not in a positive way though, my body arches like a bow like it was rubbery "ah ah I can throw an arrow with this flexibility" I say or I think I don't knwo but it's not a big issue, main problem is where I can find an arrow here? planning about where I can get it another vibration got me broken my fantasy about being a bow since I double over coughing and holding my stomach I feel like switching into a bull so I charge forward trying to pay back with a shoulder strike on your belly hoping to switch negativa vibrations to positive


Zack_Davis: This Bunny I battle is not soft and fuzzy, but rather muscular from head to toe in a very delightful manner. Your body bows, your butt into the ropes, but this bunny ... A bunny or a bull?!? You rebound from the corner to drive your shoulder into MY abs! I can literally picture the atoms that make up the cells of your body smashing into the atoms of the cells that make up my body, a cascading violent impact that literally lifts me off my feet ... I can fly!! But at a cost ... "OOOFFFFFF!!!" ... The air forced from my body creates a purple haze around us as I fold over your powerful bunny-bull shoulder ...

Kiara_Wrestler: I see benind me my feet are leaving fire stripes on the mat but how can I see behind maybe my fit ass got eyes too? not bad this thing I could prevent a sneaky attack from you *evil grin*, as I am charging my shoulder is growing remembering my football players protections my bunny-bully shoulder hit a brick wall, maybe not a real one but I can feel your abs muscles curl and hardening for the impact, I raise my head to watch if I really hit that shark switched to a man or I really got a brick wall but I can't see right, a purple haze is coloring around! such damn spell he casted? let me switch foggy to rain. I raise my arms then throw them down ordering "Purple Rain!" but not a wise idea ground is slippery now and I feel wet everywhere OMG Kiara are you horny again?


Zack_Davis: (🤣🤣🤣 ... Late for work, brb!)

Kiara_Wrestler: ( my belly aches each post you do 😂 )

Zack_Davis: A quick glance around the arena reveals all of the faceless members of the audience are holding umbrellas, but their umbrellas are not umbrellas at all, rather they are brightly colored mushrooms 🍄🍄🍄! But a mushroom is still shelter against a purple rain, and the crowd of faceless spectators are unfazed. You and I, we have no umbrellas ... Not only do the purple raindrops quickly make the ring a slippery soggy mess, but my black bunny opponent into a glistening wet exotic creature! The words of the announcer echo distantly in my head .. "Kiara aka TNT!" Between the rain and the impact of your shoulder into my abs, my vision tunnels and I only see you, my abs are a brick wall but TNT can do terrible things to a brick wall ...

Kiara_Wrestler: I look around as well, vision is confused due the purple rain falling so I am not horny but it's really raining, I see Smurfs jumping over spectators' heads, poor creatures, are they cheking their house between mushrooms? or are they planning an assalut to Ms TNT? no time to waste, I don't wanna flooded by a Smurfs invasion but let me check where they are right now, maybe they are hiding behind the wall planning to let it falls. I grab one brick to open an hole there and peek behind OMG it's not a brick but your hand, I feel worried so I spin back trying to yank and throw you toward the ropes with a quick and I hope unexpected irish "whiplash"


Zack_Davis: You might not be horny, but I realize I certainly am! A prominent bulge has grown in my shorts, and that definitely is not a mushroom. Or a Smurf ;-) This damn rain has soaked me from head to toe, my shorts soggy and adding to the effect of the bulge. I view the action as if from above, seemingly looking down at our struggles from above! With your quick and emphatic Irish "Whiplash", my perspective rotates 180 degrees ... I actually watch myself from behind as my back hits the ropes and I slingshot back towards you! Your black bunny attire is soggy as well, but you're purple from the rain, as am I. My ricochet off of the ropes seems to take a long time ... I wonder if those smurfs are friendly! ...


Kiara_Wrestler: As main riff plays into my head, a grrrreat irish "whiplash" sents you along the ring toward the other side, maybe not theright side on maybe the dark side of Moon? I don't wanna let you though, my arm extend like it was a rubbery one, my muscular thick arm switches into a shrink long one so as I let you go elastic force makes me stagger back. You come back toward me I see a bulge groing between your legs "what is hiding there?" I wonder, maybe a snake or maybe a sword I don't know you don't look have a good balance as you bounce back to me so I am bend knees, I charge to perform a spear but hundrends of Smrufs attack me, I kick the out as the climb up to legs but they are too much, they reach my bunny body net uncovering my breast even more than transparent fabric was covering that

Kiara_Wrestler: ERROR|3


Zack_Davis: (boobies 😍🤗!) .. I watch myself bounce off the ropes from my aerial out-of-body perspective. I watch on in horror as you set up to deliver your nasty spear! I blink my eyes from above, and suddenly I'm back in my own body, hurling helplessly towards you. My eyes grow wide in anticipation of the spear that never happens .. the Smurfs launch an attack against you, or more specifically, your attire 😳! Ohhh, they are friendly ;-) My momentum carries me ackwardly into you, SPLAT!!! In a tangle of blue, boobs and bulge, we topple to the carpet of grass that the ring mat has suddenly become!



Zack_Davis: 😜 ...

Kiara_Wrestler: A SBAMM SBAMM SPLAHS plays into the forest as our bodies collides, I have my breast exposed and blue painted as we roll on the grass!! wait a minute why are we rolling on a carpet of grass right now? I'll think about this later I have to get your top now. Smurfs are squashed between our bodies as we struggle to get the control but I am suddenly freezed by an hard thing pressing on my crotch "ZACK!!! do you have a sword hiding between your legs??" I ask surprised as I try to sit on your belly but as I move my hands to grass to stand I feel grass under my palms, not normal grass but weed, I smirk to you "should we roll and rock?" I ask


Zack_Davis: Toppling to the ground in an oddly Smurfy tangle of bodies, not all of them human, I find myself underneath you .. not an entirely awful experience I decide. Geez, I hope you don't notice my ... too late! "A sword? Nooo, but maybe a weapon 😏" ... Smurfs are scurrying to escape from between us, I giggle ... One of them has a can of blue spray paint, and has graffitied your naked boobs 🤣! The little bastards are kind of cool! I run my hands through the plush grass carpet while you scoot up to sit on my belly. Not an entirely awful experience I decide 😜! I look at you, puzzled ... "Roll and rock?" I ponder this thought for a moment ... Roll in the grass with you? An intriguing thought. Roll grass and smoke with you? Also an intriguing thought. Both? Now my mind is racing! I glance to our side where the merry band of Smurfs has retreated... Rasta Smurf is already on the job rolling a fattie for us ...


Zack_Davis: "Friend of yours?" I giggle as Rasta hands you the fruits of his labor, a Smurf-sized twist of this weed .. already lit! "Well, I suppose we have time!" ...

Kiara_Wrestler: 😂😂😂

Kiara_Wrestler: Raising my eyebrow, shaking my head "I know what kind of weapon you are hiding there,a big bamboo" smirking but I try to look serious and professional but I guess it's impossible with blue splattered Smurfs covering my nipples. I meant roll something else,so I pick some magic grass on ground to prepare a magic smoke but before I can light it you do a wrong roll or maybe right on by your point of you, I am bridged off as music starts to play, a smurfy raeggetown, I roll on my back as I am licking paper to close the magic cane, under you I hear a positive vibration but we need fire right now to let party begins, I snap my fingers to light flames 🔥 it doesn't work so I shake, bucking up my hips to rub that hard sword just like a flint stone to give a spark. But wet wood can't burns up, my legs raise up giving you a positive vibration as my thighs switch to a muscular scissor around your waist


Zack_Davis: I giggle as I buck you .. 😏, exchanging positions and now laying atop of you! I lean on my elbow with my head on my hand, watching as you roll and lick ... A Smurf, I believe it's the one with the can of spray paint, crawls out of your cleavage .. he gives me a wink and a thumbs up 👍. "SCRAM!!", flicking the little beast away with my finger. The paint on your breasts is still wet ... I trace my initials on your nipple, but you begin bucking your hips, grinding your smurfette against my magical boner ... See?! It grows bigger still! Magic 🍒🥒! You've ignited a fire but not a fire to light a party with. Well, maybe, but not with weed 🥵! You wrap your legs around my waist ... There's worse places to be than between your legs. Definitely a positive vibration! "Ackk!!! Not so tight, Kiara!" Looking around for a source of flames we can use ...

Kiara_Wrestler: My nipples pinch out as you trace your letters on my breast "don't touch there, those buttons active an explosive device called TNT" but yeah, that smurf dirty on my titties is stinky "please clean though but with your tongue" I feel my legs get hard but I don't know if they are really my legs or your 3rd one big bamboo! I like the feeling though but vibration is gonna increase speed as I quads bulge even more "why not? don't you like my legs or maybe you would feel more confortable to roll us on side?" I ask as I place one elbow on ground to rock&roll again to lay on my side but caring my legs are still around your waist for a cute cut scissor hold "did you find some fire or maybe we'll need some thin ice? temperature is gonna raise"


Zack_Davis: "this is much better" I exclaim, your powerful legs around my waist but now on our sides. Hmmm, TNT would make fire I bet 🤔 ... I lick your nipple to 'clean' it 😈 , surprisingly, it tastes like blueberries 🫐. I take the Smurf-sized little cigarette that Rasta Smurf prepared for us and touch one end of it to your TNT button 🔥... It instantly ignites! I prop myself onto my elbow as well, taking a draw on the 'cigarette'. My third leg is poking your bunny, I squirm a little between your legs to see how that feels ... "Temperature is definitely rising" I giggle, handing the little cigarette to you while addressing your other nipple to 'clean' ... Doing a VERY thorough job! 😁 ...


Kiara_Wrestler: I feel and see my quads bulging out as I am trying to squeeze you from side but as you lick my nipple you also push my moan loud button. my mouth opening as a blowing moan escape from there making air vibrating around not blue like a smurf but a pink one, that's also fire button, I flame grows up from my crotch and you use it to light the micro cigarette but after you place something bigger on there, I feel freezed but not cold as ice, rather hot than hell, my 2 only legs opening, I get the the modified cigarette taking a shoot as I roll again on your top but this time I slide backward pulling down you pants to see if I can even light a big bamboo cigarette and if it has a better taste than smurf's weed

Zack_Davis: I rather enjoy playing with your moan loudly button .. I push it again 😁! Wowza! Another rush of pink air rushes delightfully across my face ... It's hot, in more ways than one 🥵🥵🥵 ... The muscles of your thighs bulge, wrapped around my waist ... It makes drawing on that itty bitty cigarette a bit difficult ... I bet I know where another moan loudly button might be 😈. I caress your bulging thigh, my bulging something else apparently likes the feel of your legs 🤣🥒. I cough harshly from the draw on Rasta's gift, the little fucker giggles. "Ackkkk!!!" ... You roll us, you're now on top of me! "Noooo!", I struggle, until my pants are tugged down to my ankles ... "Ohh! Never mind!" I giggle ... It would seem that you have a gift of igniting bamboo cigarettes .. the gasp of sheer pleasure that escapes my mouth is part Smurf weed smoke ... You have definitely discovered my on fire button 😏!

Kiara_Wrestler: OH my mouth get a "O" shape as I totally pull your pants down, a long, thick erect pole stand up then slaps on your muscular stomach, my eyes shining I thought to find a cigarette full of magic but I find...raising one eyebrow "well, what I've just find?" I wonder, I take it with my hand. As snake? I shake my head too hard to be snake. Moving the side of my finger along the lenght "a sword?" I shake my head, not that's not sharp even thouhg is hard. A buld lighten over my head "I got it,, it's a joistick!!!" yes that's right question, those round things under looks two button, I grab it giving an hard grip with my hand moving it back and forth as I use my fingers to push soflty your nuts like were buttons. But nothing move on the screen in front of me and not sounds playing. I feel sad, I found something but I don't know what is it. I have another idea, let me feel the taste, maybe it helps, I kneel between your legs opening my mouth I lean over taking it into "mhhh it tastes so good"


Zack_Davis: 🥵❤️‍🔥😜!

Zack_Davis: I study your curious expression through the haze of Rasta's Smurf Weed ... Or is that haze in my head?!? A jolt of electricity that seems like a lightning strike courses through my body, but it's not lightning from the pink cloud of the doob, rather a jolt of pleasure! Your hand squeezes hard ... "Ummm, ouch" I protest moderately. You trace my sword that's not a sword with your finger ... Goosebumps of pleasure! But your face brightens 💡 into a big smile as though you've suddenly solved a mystery ... "YAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THATS NOT A JOYSTICK!!!!!" I yelp in terror ... well, in a sense, I suppose it IS a 'joy stick' ... but not one to be moved forcefully left and right 😵‍💫! Thankfully, you rule out the joystick idea rather quickly ... I suddenly have the munchies ... Smurf weed is strong! .. apparently, you perhaps also have the munchies, you dive down on my great big hard popsicle ... Wowza! I like this idea!

Kiara_Wrestler: "this UFO (Unidentified Fucking Ojbect) look very funny, as much as I suck as more it get bigger and harder. Oh it looks a kind of magic object so I don't stop to move my head back and forth to cover the whole length as my hand stroke the trunk. Wait, maybe I got now, it has a trunk and a hat, mhhhh *thinking face* ? YESSS I need to stop to share my guess with you "I know what is that stuff you have between legs" my face is shining for happiness, I am smart despite I am blond "that's not a sword, neither a joystick, nor a crush room but a MUSHROOMMMMMMMMMMMMM" I lean over opening my mouth like if I would bite it to taste

Zack_Davis: (🤣)

Zack_Davis: Leaning back, grinning broadly, while you suck and stroke ... I decide I'm kinda enjoying New Delhi! Every stroke of your hand sends waves of delight pulsating through my mini-me, your lips ... Ohh, those lips 🤤 ... if this is losing, winning is over-rated!!! But you've paused for a moment ... nooo, don't stop! I look up at you, a bunny goddess in a shroud of pink haze, your face shining with happiness .. "a mushroom?" ... Okay, I can work with that, I giggle, but your beaming smile opens wide when you lean over to take a bite 😳! "AGHHHHHHHHH!!! NOT A MUSHROOM, NOT A MUSHROOM!!!" I shriek out in horror!

Kiara_Wrestler: "GNAMMMMMMMM" my mouth wide open, hat of the mushroom is just into inside, I am gonna close my lips following by my teeth but I stop as you say that's not a mushroom. I face turns sad, I thought I guessed that mysterious object but I get wrong. Pouting I let gears into my brain rolling, THINK THINK THINK...again a bulb light "ah I know that that's a Calippo" a kind of ice cream ice I ate when I was Little Kiara, it had lemon taste, coca cola taste...mmmh maybe this is a new taste and even better. It shrinked when I sucked it but this new one an infinite Calippo to suck mmmhh I close my lips without biting and continue to suck suck


Zack_Davis: "Ohh thank the Gods" I gasp to myself, allowing myself to relax again ... Mini-me is safe, and now is being treated like an old favorite treat 😊 ... That's me, a real treat 🤣! The mat is no longer a grass field, but a padded canvas mat as it should be .. I remember something about a match and a quite odd impatient little bunny, but if this is our fight you definitely have the, umm .. upper hand ;-) I look to see if I can do a counter move, instead I find myself simply brushing a few strands of your delightful blonde hair away from you face ... "I wouldn't want you to get hair on your Calippo" I grin, my third leg I'm quite sure I could stand on by now, that hard and throbbing snack that you're giving your attentions to threatening to blow it's top! I ponder our situation .. 🤔 blissfully. Would this mean I lose??? Would that be so bad I wonder .. Your sexy muscle tits brush against my bare thighs ..

Kiara_Wrestler: I close my eyes, like to increases even more Calippo's taste, looks like it switching into a 3d leg but not knee so it can't be bent, it's even better I would have to make particular movements to suck a thing folding, it's more easy if it keep right up! I hear a kind of slap slap movement, as I move up and down my whole upper body to take into my mouth the whole lenght of that misterious tool. Opening my eyes I realize I have to hills on my chest, they are soft since they flatten each time hits your thighs. Wow those girls look amazing I wonder what would happen if I get Calippo between them so I switch position, bunny's bums looking your face now, I shake them like to let my tails dance, not knowing I don't have a tail but just a couple of holes that guys love so much. Leaning over I trap your leg between my hills, squeezing them for side as I move back and forth, smiling each time the hat of mushroom escape from my breast, hoping the eat between them won't melt ice cream ice

Zack_Davis: My body gives a little quiver as I think to myself that being a Calippo isn't such a bad thing .. just kind of stand around while people smile when they lick you! But if I am a Calippo, or at least part of me is, whatever would I eat? Do Calippo require nourishment?? My black bunny opponent repositions herself on top of me, I poke at the bunnies form round bum. It doesn't jiggle but it certainly is fun to play with! Have I found a new toy?! I give both bunny cheeks a squeeze with a squeal of delight! Bunny buns make wonderful toys! But is it broken? There seems to be a crack in it .. a thin strip of fabric covers this apparent crack. I pull the thin strip of fabric aside to investigate, if it is cracked, perhaps I could help fix it! "Well, what have we here?" I mull 🤔. Its worse than I thought, there's holes in the crack .. ohh dear! I poke a finger at the uppermost hole 👉 as you trap my Calippo between your bunny boobs .. whew! Calippo likes bunny boobs! (mtc)

Zack_Davis: I study more closely .. it seems you have lips at this end too, a second mouth?? Is this a bunny thing?!? But there are no teeth, this can't be a mouth 😺! Oh well, there are those lucious full lips 👄 ... I kiss these second set of lips, probing at this second mouth with my tongue, but no tongue greets mine. Hmmm ...

Kiara_Wrestler: as I switch my position I feel something poke my glutes, ohh this forest is full of mosquitos, so I swing one arm back slapping my own ass to crush the insect, I don't know if I got it or not but I tried!! HEYYYY this insect is bigger how can it squeezes my ass, well my ass is not little but is not as big as a aircraft carrier neither! But wait! something is going between my cheeks, I know I had to put some traps there or everything can enter inside so I have to turn on analdefencedevice, I snap my fingers all my muscles flex both my tits and glutes tense to squeeze whatever is between them but looks like the Calippo's ice-cream man found something else, more wet and tasty than other cave but even more pleasable for kisses. I feel some wetness increasing. mtc

Kiara_Wrestler: I don't have a baromete so I can't measure atmospheric pressure but I guess it's not going to rain but it might happens so I increases my tits job on calippo, sahivering as I feel a flexlibe snake sliding into me, I don't know if I have to be scared or not that something is moving in but I feel a kind of heaven pleasure ohhhhh

Zack_Davis: I give your buns a poke and a squeeze, but it's a trap! You smack my hand and deploy your anal defense device! "Unghhhh!!!" I groan .. "Sweet Mother of Gawd!!!" I now very much resemble a human tripod, as two legged creature with a throbbing third legs that you are in the process of SQUEEZING him between them boobs! They aren't muscle hard but they are quite firm, your boob job tactic wreaks havoc on my nervous system .. pleasure overload! "Mayday Mayday Mayday!!! Meltdown Inevitable!" I plunge my tongue deeper into my new toy ... Or is it a taco?? It tastes like a HOT and spicy taco, but soooo tasty! I decide it's a good that can be used as a toy as well. I is smart 😁 ... I trace my tongue around the rim of my taco toy, seemingly making your boobs squeeze even harder! Core / Calippo meltdown reaches critical mass and blows right of past that threshold into the onset of the most powerful and pleasurable sensation E.V.E.R.!!! It must be a boiling point of sorts, because suddenly my tea kettle is boiling over from its spout 🌋🌋🌋 💥💨💦!!!


Kiara_Wrestler: I am gonna be worried, a meltdown sounds like a dangerous explosion, I should get a safe point maybe a anti atomic bunker like you are doing with your soft snake, your tongue got a safe place, maybe a wet environment but comfortable, tasty and even spicy!!! such lucky man, I am not as lucky as you are I am trying to melt Calippo but I have feeling it grows and get harder, it's moving now, I can hear some rumbles..."ohh a volcano is gonna erupt?" I wanna see clear so I stand my upper body causing my ass slides back just over your face, I raise my eyebrow, I don't see a volcano shape but rather a snake one. Maybe with two hands on the base it might look like a volcano, let me try!! I move my hands there stroking stroking stroking, I hope someone has un umbrella if that Calippo snake spits up. I don't know if it will be an hot eruption but my hole is caring to enlarge a pool under your face, my body is shivering I guess climate is gonna be very wet

Zack_Davis: You shift yourself slightly backwards when you sit upright and grasp my, err ... 'volcano', with both hands ... You're literally choking my chicken! Or at least trying to stretch his neck out ... Stroking relentlessly, what did that chicken ever do to you?!? The chicken is happy, however, apparently he enjoys his neck being stretched, and your two handed grip is definitely making him happy! You shift back, jamming my tongue even deeper into my new favorite swollen and wet toy. Taco. I give up trying to decide what to call it, continuing to lick and play ... I muffle into your undercarriage when my internal tsunami warning system activated with an eruption of EPIC proportions! Squeezing your firm bums, trying to press you a little bit upwards, what a pickle I've gotten myself into! Suffocating under your booty while the volcano erupts! 😜


Kiara_Wrestler: huh? a chicken? I usually like to eat chicken's thighs but this one look..mmhh more fun, I work on it like I was choking the chicken maybe I'll roast it later, I feel so hungry maybe that strange tea I've drunken early. I feel an under invasion but it's not cruel like a war but despite I feel firing I guess I'll have some peace after, a kind of Nirvana but right now my body is shaking, I feel all my muscles bulge out Oooo are those so big? I hope my skin won't get green but suddenly all my body relax a loudly YESSSSSSSSSSSS coming out from my mouth as I feel hot juices drain out from my cave at same time eruption begin. My mouth shaping into an "O" as I see the eruption comes's not red flaming one but a white spray, like it was raining I don't have an umbrella though so I start to sing in the rain


Zack_Davis: 🤣

Zack_Davis: A thought 💭 bubble appears above your head, the words are faint but legible .... "NO!!! THERE WILL BE NO ROASTING OF THIS CHICKEN!!!". Making a mental note to take you out for dinner later, your body shakes, your muscles tense ... As near as I can tell, no greenish she-hulk hue, but your volcano erupts at the same time mine does! Awww, matching orgasms! You begin to sing, such a lovely voice. Smurfs like to sing, and a chorus of tiny smurfette voices join in and sing along with you. Rasta Smurf rolls another miniature bomber, but I politely decline his offer ... My head is spinning already. WAS it the tea?!? New Delhi certainly has presented some unusual happenings, but what's happening now is not unusual .. it's actually quite blissful. My entire body is enveloped with a warm, fuzzy and tingly afterglow when I am reminded of a very important element ... Oxygen! Or more specifically, the lack thereof! "Your ass is on my face" is what I attempt to say ... What comes out is actually a garbled "mppffhhh mff pff fttthhh 😳😨!!!".


Kiara_Wrestler: I lick my lips as a bubble appears above my head "not roasted chicken for dinner but roasted cock with peppers " drooling just feeling the taste into my mouth. As I am singing like a siren sitting on rock over the ocean but I guess it's just an illusion I am sitting over a giant's face with a long sword spitting... spitting what? It's not water like rain, but more dense...ohh is it cream? So bad I didn't bring some strawberries with me! But how could I know a Calippo could spray cream? What Kiara? Is it really the ice ice-cream you ate when you where a little girl? I shake my head, impossible. This looks an adult toy, I move my palms upward to take, this mysterious liquid falling from the sky. Looking it, rubbing my fingers to feel the texture. OOooo finally I got everything, this is big bamboo magic cream...Yupppieeee a magical substance giving eternal youngness to skin so I spread it all over my body, a bit sticky but I don't care it's the price to look beautiful. I accept the bomb rolled by rasta Smurf. Vaping, mmhh good stuff but I have feeling my ass over your face is giving you some troubles, opps "sorry Calippo man" I stand up slowly, leaning over you I blow on you face a heart shape smoke foggy. Dingg Dingg I hear a bell rings, it's a kind of wake up, almost an alarm clock, watching look confused, then looking around, I see a lot of faces, some cool, some ugly, some others surprised. Despite smoke I am blowing out everything is clearing...we are into a ring, my face turns red realizing my body is shining for male cum and I and still dripping juices. I would disappear but as I hear people whistling I shoot a lovely smile, it's for you and I pass Smurfy magic joint to you "let's get together and feel allright" ❤️yt


Zack_Davis: My first reaction when you lift your sexy bum from my face is to gasp a great big breath of air .. but you blow your puff of Rasta's Smurf-sized twist into my sharp inhale .. Colors instantly deepen as the powerful, fast acting smurfweed quickly takes effect. 'Calippo Man' .. hmmm 🤔. I've had worse nicknames. Maybe the Ice Man for short I ponder, my mind already reeling. I hear a bell also, and a twinge of reality enters my mind ... "Jesus, Kiara, what's all over your skin?!?" I look around at the crowd, the ring, the wet spot where we were on the mat. Taking a puff of the magical little twist, I smile a sheepish smile as the crowd materializes as a roaring, cheering mass. "Why are they cheering, my lover?"

Kiara_Wrestler: Smiling as I can guess your thoughts as I call you Calippo man! I am dirty, my hair a mess I don't have my typical sexy frame with my body covered by a big bamboo liquid spreaded on my body but it's not important I'll have a perfect skin from now to forever. Indian tea effects are blowing off, maybe my mind is clearer than yours now. I know it's shaming what just happened but since you ask..."Zack Zack we were wrestling into a ring but we've been drugged before so..." I peek pound enlarged under your head where I've dripped my cum "...I don't know exactly what happened but..." Giving you my hand I lift you up... leaning my lips on your I kiss you even if your face is soaked by my cum.."it was hot"

Zack_Davis: Still in a bit of a 'fog' from the tea and the Smurfical weeds, I graciously accept your hand to help me to my feet. "That was wrestling?! We need to wrestle more often 😁!". I giggle at your disheveled bunny attire, your crazy wild hair and all of the other effects of the match, and looking down at myself I don't look much better! "I think I saw a shower in the back, and I'm hungry! Wanna get a shower and some dinner??"


Kiara_Wrestler: Smiling, rubbing my head confused as I realize what we have done, my cheeks colouring red "dunno what we did, I'll look video later but feeling a positive vibration" I lift you on your feet "just feel an hole on my stomach, a shower, a dinner then ..." Winking to you, my hotel room on Delhi is very big I guess two people can sleep there


Zack_Davis: I smile a bright smile ... an evening in your hotel room leads to many delightful ideas, the least of which is sleep ;-) ... Scooping you up into my arms as we exit the ring, "I think I'd be interested in watching that video too ... after we "sleep" of course!"

Zack_Davis: ... 🥰

Kiara_Wrestler: Send a friendly spank on your ass as we are leaving the ring..."do you mean sleep?" I smile evilish maybe you don't know I go to bed naked 😜

Kiara_Wrestler: (End)

Zack_Davis: *very much hoping you go to bed naked ❤️‍🔥* ... (End 😘)

Kiara_Wrestler: 🙂

Published: 2024-06-02, viewed 47 times.



Nathan gingerbread

2024-06-03 09:41

Absolutly speechless... 🤣😂🤣