Erotic Professional Intergender Club

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EPIC lola & Nathan


QueenLola: I climb into the ring wearing a black bikini as I place my hands on my hips and look across the ring standing in my corner as I awaited my opponent.

Nathan_gingerbread: i slide under the top rope watchful , knowing lola can be sneaky but smile and come to stand in my corner ....

QueenLola: The bell rings and I push out of my corner and charge towards you trying to tackle you down to the mat quick and early on in this match up.

Nathan_gingerbread: I am suprised how quick you come out , i was more slow but that means i have my balance and as you come to tackle me i turn my hips not trying to stay upright but trying to land at least half on top .

QueenLola: We both crash to the mat just not in the way I intended as I am nearly under you then you under me as I try to roll us over so you would be fully on your backside.

Nathan_gingerbread: Damn i need to wake up as lola just rolls with the motion and i cant stop her taking top position . I try and bring my legs up wanting to get dome control as my hands search for her wrists hoping i can use my strength.

QueenLola: He grabs my wrists as I struggle and squirm trying to pull my arms back but he’s way stronger than I am as I lay ontop of him.

Nathan_gingerbread: Its not doing me much good with lola on top wriggling all over me her breasts pressing into my chest and i can see a determined look on her face ...i manage to push my thigh between hers and lock my other leg around hers. As i stretch out my hands forcing Lola's arms out wide using my longer arms to my advantage

QueenLola: I can feel his thigh pressed against my crotch between my legs and him trapping one of my legs as he uses his arm span to draw some stretching pain out of me as I groan loudly as I may of had the top position but not the dominance here.

Nathan_gingerbread: Just as my leg is between hers , hers is between mine and it feels good but i have now two targets right in front of my face ..twisting my neck to reach and using my tongue on the black material where i can plainly see her nipple hides

QueenLola: I gasp and let out a small moan as I feel his tomgue flicking at my stiff nipple through my bikini top as I tried to wiggle my leg against his crotch to arouse him.

Nathan_gingerbread: I look up and give a little grin but i know i cant win anything like this ... I dont want to give up my hold on her wrists but i need my hands too ..letting go to swiftly bring them close attacking that bikini top on both sides little blindly as lola no longer held by my flops forward and my face is covered by her hair.

QueenLola: I flop forward as he lets my wrists go and I keep trying to work my leg rubbing against his crotch as he tries to blindly go after my bikini top now. I still thankfully was ontop of him.

Nathan_gingerbread: God damn knots ...i give up fumbling fingers and resort to a more basic approach hooking my fingers in on both sides and pulling and outward on both sides.. shaking my head and trying to get free of her hair i plant my foot down and lift one hip getting ready to try and topple her.

QueenLola: Him yanking my bikini top open exposing my breast distracts me and allows him to lift and turn enough to get me down into the bottom position now as I whimper.

Nathan_gingerbread: Tipping and rolling i get her off me and keep rolling to be above her. Your legs still intertwined as i slide an arm under her head turning my shoulder in my other hand making a grab for her wrist so i can force it up to be held by my free hand.. i need to keep her mind busy while i set myself up and dive my mouth onto hers driving my tongue between her lips in an unsubtle and dominating way

QueenLola: I gasp as he used his hands to distract me and plants a dominating kiss on my lips as I kiss back and try to push up with my hips needing to get out from under him as being on the bottom could be a struggle for me to defend against his attacks in.

Nathan_gingerbread: I pass her wrist to the arm under her head and know i have free rain at least for a few moments ..sliding my palm down her belly to to that little triangle of fabric looking to see how much room there is between our thighs

QueenLola: Trapped under him and under his control as I squirm and struggle more and more as his hand slips down towards my bottoms and with the hip struggling put some separation between my thigh and his.

Nathan_gingerbread: There is enough for my to run fingers down pressing through the fabric finding where the soft skin yields and running up and down that small gap as i feel lola kissing me back and begin to enjoy this position alternating some small circles with my fingers.

QueenLola: I keep kissing him as he makes me moan against his lips as his hand works between us rubbing over the thin fabric on my bikini.

Nathan_gingerbread: I feel like things are all going my way, and get more confident as my fingers get stronger and more insistent.. i nip at your lower lip with my teeth as i hear you moan eying how your nipples now grow hard.

QueenLola: Being half naked made it hard to hide how wet I was getting as my nipples were getting stiff and he can clearly see that as my body was slowly giving in to him.

Nathan_gingerbread: I am sure lola can feel my erection pressed to her thigh but i must be hitting the right buttons becouse she hardly resists .. my mouth goes to the side of her neck kissing and then giving a a firm bite on that soft milky skin as i bring my hand up to slide beneath the bikini deliberatly passing my fingers either side of her clit and giving a scissoring squeeze.

QueenLola: I gasp and let out a loud moan as he kisses and bites my neck as I whimper and moan feeling his fingers squeezing my clit between them.

Nathan_gingerbread: I can feel how warm and wet she is getting , as i jiggle my fingers teasing and making small squeezes. My lips pass lower to your collar bone and linger kissing and dragging my stubble across that soft skin of your chest.

QueenLola: I moan and squirm in his grasp as I can’t tell if he’s warming me up or not for his hard shaft I can feel pressing to my leg as I was dripping wet in my bikini bottoms at his hands.

Nathan_gingerbread: I kiss across your chest and at the pit of your throat as two fingers curl up and find the wet waiting place easily sliding in if not far. But my palm now presses down firmly

QueenLola: I gasp as I’m trapped below you and feel your fingers slip into me as I moan out a bit and lay my head back.

Nathan_gingerbread: Lola puts her head back and i push my fingers deeper curling to the roof as i turn my hand palm up and use my thumb to circle the firming nub of her clit... My own excitement making it hard to focus but i still keep up the good work kissing down over your breasts working my way down .

QueenLola: I moan louder and bite my lip as he begins to kiss down my body making me squirm as his fingers pump in and out of me.

Nathan_gingerbread: I feel like lola is submitting in our sexfight and that maybe i am ahead enough to indulge taking my hand away with a final playful spank before working to free my manhood shunting my hips forward to get the position i will need .

QueenLola: I feel him pull his hand away from my pussy as I groan and grunt moving my head side to side as I look up at the ceiling half naked.

Nathan_gingerbread: I need to make sure i dont get carried away tempting as it may be ... My rigid cock soon finding a home seeking that place like it knows. I have some suspiciousness and bring my hand up to rest on your throat as i look into your eyes and start to press my cock home.

QueenLola: I gasp and moan as he begins to slip inside of me as I lay back with his hand wrapped around my throat as I look at him.

Nathan_gingerbread: My hips rise and fall in a slow steady beat making sure i use every inch to keep up my ruthless attempt .

QueenLola: I moan louder and louder as relentlessly pound into me over and over as my body is slowly giving in to you

Nathan_gingerbread: My free hand slips up your body squeezing your breast urging you on making it hard to resist as i start putting more force into each thrust making my hips slap to skin .

QueenLola: I moan more and groan as I can feel my body start to quiver as he pounds into me and squeezes my breast.

Nathan_gingerbread: One hand on your throat and the other squeezing as i start to increase the tempo driving hard to force your submission in orgasm

QueenLola: I moan louder and louder as my body trembles and gives in to him as I look up at him and reach my humiliating orgasm.

Nathan_gingerbread: I dont stop just becouse lola trembles and moans .... If anything it makes me want more and my fingers slip to her nipple pinching and my fingers tighten on her throat as i try and ring more from her.

QueenLola: I moan louder and squeal as he pinches my nipples already have one the match and just now adding insult to injury.

Nathan_gingerbread: I smile and give a kiss slowing down and then stopping, pulling out and putting my hand on your sternum . Pinning you there while i just enjoy the view .

QueenLola: I lay out completely defeated and dominated under him as he placed his hand on my sternum and pinned me.

Nathan_gingerbread: Waiting just a moment, then falling back to be on my knees . My hands lightly on her calves.. . Letting lola up if she wishes.

QueenLola: I stay on my back while defeated and look up at him as he stands to his feet

Nathan_gingerbread: It is enough ... No need to cruel or dominating... I look down at lola lithe body nearly naked and so vulnerable. Blowing a kiss and retreating from the mat.

Published: 2024-06-25, viewed 41 times.



Zack Davis

2024-06-26 01:56

God damned knots 🤣!