Erotic Wrestling Competition F﹠M

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-11-14
Chat room: #EWCXX

  • Pro wrestling
  • Trash talking
  • Tag Team
  • First to cum
  • Forced cum
basically pro wrestling with the difference that you have to force an orgasm out of your opponent if you want to win
8 members
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Information for non-members

i'm looking for people who want to help me and join the show, what i'd like to do is something like a wwe show (pro wrestling show) and it's something like this:

imagine that I have signed you on my show and you will be part of the roster, it will be your decision if
1. you will play competitively (which means that you will be forced to have a fight and you will have a week to complete it against other players that I will assign you and who will also be part of the roster)

2.You will play occasionally and when you want to play just tell me and I will assign you a fight

About Erotic Wrestling Competition F﹠M

I love wrestling and my federation will practically consist of managing the fights between the contenders who want to participate on a weekly basis and there will also be the champion of the federation who will have the most fame but who will have to put the title up for grabs if he wants to keep it, like a WWE show more or less...
members who want to take the challenge seriously and who can play at least once a week will be placed on a separate roster where they will actively participate in the competition for the title race and become the new champion, instead for all the others who want to join and play occasionally will be matched
with other players.

the rules are simple:
basically all the rules of pro wrestling apply with the difference that to win you have to force an orgasm from your opponent

(ps all fights will be public and the federation is open to both sexes)

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19:17 <Sara_neko> ehm.. what!? XD
19:19 <nick_maldaran> Was just doing a Star Wars reference when you said that you are tying to find someone.
19:21 <Jacob_Steele> @Sara_neko would you be ok with a DM?
19:22 <Sara_neko> not right now Jacob, have to do something first
19:22 <Jacob_Steele> Okay
19:23 <nick_maldaran> Hopefully we get more women in here.
19:35 <Sara_neko> I'm trying to invite everyone but my reputation here isn't the best u.u
19:35 <Jacob_Steele> What do you mean?
19:36 <Sara_neko> nothing...
19:36 <nick_maldaran> You look like a good wrestler.
19:36 <Jacob_Steele> Sorry to hear if there are problems
19:37 <Sara_neko> just wait... in time maybe things will work out
19:37 <Jacob_Steele> Absolutely
00:39 <Carolsingapore76> morning all Happy Sunday
00:40 <nick_maldaran> Hey carol.
00:40 <nick_maldaran> would say happy Sunday but it’s still Saturday here.
00:41 <nick_maldaran> How are you doing?
01:35 <Carolsingapore76> m good
13:08 <Jacob_Steele> Hey all
12:18 <Terry_Starr> Morning