Fem Pro Jobbers

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Established: 2021-11-02
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This is a federation for NON-EROTIC female PRO_WRESTLING jobbers and the heels they face
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Amale/Angel vs Cora/Nikkita first match

Amale X Angel (deleted member)
NikkitaLyons (deleted member)
CoraJade (deleted member)

16:27 <Amale_X_Angel> Background: During the last tour in Europe, the WWE decided to do a special show with the two branches of NXT. For the first time, wrestlers from NXT UK and NXT 2.0 will be in the same ring. For the occasion, a series of 3 matches were organized between the women of the rooster. The first team composed of Amale and Angel will face the team NikkitaLyons and Cora Jade. The first match will be a classic rules match. victory by pin or submission. The second match will be a tornado tag team match. And if the two teams are tied, the third match will have a secret but extreme stipulation!
16:27 <Amale_X_Angel> [...]
16:40 <Amale_X_Angel> We are both in our locker room, a little stressed but mostly excited. Our recent team is a huge opportunity to shine, especially because we will be watched by all the NXT viewers. I (Amale) help angel to fix her hair. Then someone knock at the door "Amale, Angel it's yours!" we look at each other, hug quickly and we head to the ramp. Our music starts and we walk to the ring. We wear maching gear. For me, a green and black tight bottom, with a high waistband, a top matched and long black boots. Angel has a similar gear, green and gold. I go up the stairs first, I sit on the middle rope to let Angel pass. Then I follow her. She sits on the corner and I stand right in front of her. She whispers in my ear our strategy while I look at the ramp waiting for our opponents.
16:41 <Amale_X_Angel> You are not logged in. You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
16:41 <Amale_X_Angel> yt
16:50 <NikkitaLyons> Recently with Jade we have formed a very promising tag team. We complement each other well and we seem to be almost unstoppable at the moment. I walk out of my locker room dressed in my outfit and walk into Jade's locker room "you ready?"
16:50 <NikkitaLyons>
16:50 <NikkitaLyons> yt
16:55 <CoraJade> "Yeah just a second please" I grab my skateboard and get up... "Let's win for the real NXT" i laught and we leave my lockeroom together. We're backstage, waiting for our entrace. The gm nod and our music starts. You enter first, you walk determinated, i'm impressed it's like if an aura of power is surrounding you. Then i come to the ramp as well. I look at Our poor opponents, we will end this in 2matchs only ! I look at you then we go to theringYou are not logged in. . We both cross the ropes ingnoring our opponents then i climb on the opposite corner like Angel and you stand right in front of me, arms crossed under your breasts. yt
17:13 <Amale_X_Angel> For sure it will be a fight in the fight, Amale vs Nikitta and Jade vs Angel. I must admit that the choice of the bookers was rather smart. Our two teams are similar, the match will be interesting... The referee checks our outfits then... the bell rings. I stare at Nikkita... mentally preparing myself... I slowly approach the center of the ring, my hands at my head "Come on big blonde come and show me what you got!" I bend my knees roll my shoulders calling for a lockup yt
17:16 <NikkitaLyons> jade is rubbing my shoulders, once the ref has checked me, I step to the middle of the ring, focsued and confident. I palm my biceps.. hop a bit before bend and raise my hands for the lock up... our bodies collide, i plant my feet onthe ground, flexing my whole body to push you back.. but surprisingly you don't moove.. "Urghh come on !!" yt
17:16 <CoraJade> "Come on Nikkita ! You got this !" yt
17:18 <Amale_X_Angel> We start a powerful lockup, i do my best to push you back but... "rfff" you're as strong as i tought and we both stay in the middle of the ring... i step forward... you do it as well... we're now very close to each other...this duel is in a stalemate, so i raise my right foot and stomp your feet as hard as i can... BAAAM yt
17:20 <NikkitaLyons> "Urghh Bitch !" I yell pushing your arms away breaking the lockup... my foot is a bit painful, but nothing alarming, my boots take the most of your stomp. I instantly respond with a stiff right hand aiming at your face "Take that" *SBAAAM* yt
17:20 <CoraJade> "Nice one !!" yt
17:23 <Amale_X_Angel> "Urghh..." your hand lands right into my face. My head bonces back quite brutally, shocked by the speed and power of your punch I step back slightly unbalanced... Angel look at me and say "tag me i go it !" I look at her, then i look at Nikkita. I'm a bit worried but i trust my tag team partener so i make the tag. Angel cross the ropes and step in the middle of the ring, she raise her hands "Bring it !" yt
17:23 <CoraJade> "Really ? haha you have no chance Angel" yt
17:24 <NikkitaLyons> I Smile quite surprised but also very amused "Alright alright"... i know that you have something in mind so i quickly stepforward to start the lockup as fast as possible. Once we're in the collar and elbow... I easly and very quickly push you to your corner. "I told you" say Cora from our corner. yt
17:27 <Amale_X_Angel> Angel lands quite hardly in the corner, but it's exactly what she was looking for. She grab nikkita's waist. And i do a blind tag. I quickly go in the back of Nikkita, grab her waist as well... and when Angel let her go. I bend my knees and throw Nikkita in a german suplex.. *BOOOM* yt
17:30 <NikkitaLyons> I didn't see the blind tag, too focused on Angel, I see Amale crossing the ropes "hey ref ! stop her !" Amale grab my waist from behind and i land neck and back first on the canvas... "Urghh..." The ref say : "she was legal" I'm a bit confused but i understand know what happened.. urghh i fall in your trap like a beginer ! Hopefully, you didn't manage to keep the control of waist so i can roll on my side and tag Cora yt
18:03 <CoraJade> I extend my hand to nikkita "Come on... Yes !" You clap my hand i cross the ropes as fast as possible. I look at Amale, she's getting up... i rush and jump high aiming at Amale's breasts with a powerful dropkick "Raah !" yt
18:07 <Amale_X_Angel> I give a up to Angel then i get up... i turn to my opponent, expecting to see Nikkita but instead... I see Cora running and jumping at me. i riase my arms in a 'X' but it's too late your boots smash my breasts and i'm throw back to my corner. Arms on the top rope... "Urggh, you want her ?" i ask to Angel. She nods and i tag her. Angel cross the ropes and come to confront Cora... yt
18:13 <CoraJade> I quickly get up and blow a kiss to Amale as she tags "You gonna miss me Fat frenchy" But now i focus on my new opponent : Angel. "Come there Angel" I bend my knees, rubbing my tighs waiting for Angel... yt
18:19 <Amale_X_Angel> Angel step to the middle of the ring, facing Cora. The crowd is quite hyped. I smash the appron the cheer for Angel as Nikkita is clapping her hands for Cora. Angel and Cora are cicling together... slowly Angel try to grab Cora's wirst, but she dodges it pretty easly. Both are very fast and techikcal wrestlers... but after very longs seconds angel grab the left wirst of Cora.. Angel go in the back of Cora and start to twist her left arm. yt
18:21 <CoraJade> "Arghh shit..." My left arm is trapped in my back and Angel start to lift it... I put my right hand on my left shoulder trying to endure the pain.. i bend my knees.. and throw and elbow strike to Angel's waist... then i grab her left arm.. and i try to throw her over my shoulder. yt
18:23 <Amale_X_Angel> "Wait no don't !ahhh' i land hardly on my back surprised by the counter i lost the control of your arm. I roll on my side grab the middle rope and get up... Once you're on your feet i charge at you, going for a clothesline. yt
18:29 <CoraJade> my landing was quite painful, during your fall you pulled pretty hard on my shoulder... i'm on my knees rubbing it.. and i slowly i get up and go for a tag.. but you're on my way, my corner is right behind you.. you're runing at me one arm raised... you attack is pretty obvious and i duck under your arm.. i continue my run into the ropes closed to my corner and bounces in them... yt
18:29 <NikkitaLyons> I take a blind tag as Cora bounces in the ropes yt
18:35 <Amale_X_Angel> -Shit- Cora duck under angel's arm and Angel didn't see the blind tag. She also bounces in the ropes and comeback for a second try both arms raised... yt
18:35 <CoraJade> At the last moment, i go on Angel's side, and push her in the back to send her to our corner, using her momentum yt
18:38 <Amale_X_Angel> "hey stop that !" Angel protest as Cora dodge a second time... but with her momentum, angel can't stp herself and she lands in your corner... yt
18:42 <NikkitaLyons> "Look who's going there!" I grab Angel by the throat, crushing it with my huge hand. "You tricked me earlier, do you remember ? Now it's your turn" I grab Angel's bottom and i lift her as high as i can, pulling hard on her bottom in a chockeslam position... now i have Angel at my arm's length.. i lift her over the top rope and a chockslam her from the ring to the apron.... *BOOOOOOM* I scream and flex my biceps as the crowd is shocked yt
18:46 <NikkitaLyons> yt
18:47 <Amale_X_Angel> i can't believe what i just saw.. Angel has been was literally sent over the ropes....She lands right on her back, and drop to the padded ground. She archs her back, barely mooving. The ref and a doc come to check her.. I also go to see how she is.. she is holding her back, I look at the ref but he told me to stay away, to let the doc cheking her. After a long minute the doc decide to call a stretcher... yt
18:47 <CoraJade> "and one less haha" yt
18:48 <NikkitaLyons> I tag CoraJade "Hew Amale it's not finished come there if you still have the guts" yt
21:31 <Amale_X_Angel> I climb on the apron, looking at the poor Angel on the stretcher... i bit my lips worried for her. I finnaly cross the ropes and face Nikkita... We are closer andcloser.. my breasts pushing against yours. I'm furious and you insolent look piss me off so much.... I push you a bit more.. then you push me.. and after few puchs... I grab your waist and you grab mine and we start to struggle. I bend my knees, trying to add some pressure on your legs... "Rghhh..." yt
21:32 <CoraJade> I look at these two powerful bodies pushing each other.. that so impressive and the crowd is on fire ! yt
21:34 <NikkitaLyons> "You gonna join your friend bitch urghhh" I throw a first punch in your side trying to weaker you.. but you respond with a similar blow "urghh" we trade some punches as our bodies become more and more sweaty.... Finally i grab your wirst in my back, break your grip and push you back.. i follow it with the same right palm strike that earlier... yt
21:35 <Amale_X_Angel> You push me back and smash my face one more time with your palm strikes... i drop on a knee still shocked by this strenght but i'm not done I get up and sand a massive and sharp shop aiming at your exposed breasts *SLAAAP* yt
21:36 <NikkitaLyons> "Ahhrg..." I step back holding my breast in my hand, rubbing it as a red mark of your nails and hand appears on them... But then i comeback to face you "You know what..." I point the ropes "Let's do this !" yt
21:39 <Amale_X_Angel> I glares at you, breathing heavly, my chest going up and down with my breath... I nod then i start to run in the ropes... you run in the opposite one.. at full speed we are both back in the middle of the ring, arms raised for a clothesline... yt
21:39 <CoraJade> I hide my eyes yt
21:40 <NikkitaLyons> *BAAAAMMM* The impact is so intence.. I step back and you do the same.. but we're both on our feet... furius i yell "Again !" Then i run in the ropes... yt
21:41 <Amale_X_Angel> This time the impact is even more intences we both collapse at full speed, a bit dazed i start to loose my balance.. but i sitll on my feet. I open my eyes looking and you and.. "Oh.. on your knee bitch ?" yt
21:42 <NikkitaLyons> You're right, i droped on one knee... taking heavy breath.. for a second i think to make the tag but it's personnal now.. I get up.. "AGAIN" Then i run one more time... But at the last moment.. i plant my feet... spin and send a massive high kick to your face You are not logged in. . yt
21:44 <Amale_X_Angel> I smirk and run one more time in the ropes "You're done bitch !" but you stop and start to spin.. Confused i don't see your kick comming.. and it lands right into my jaw... Cut in my momentum I collapse on my back eyes wide opened.... arm and legs sprayed... yt
21:46 <CoraJade> "Well done !" yt
21:49 <NikkitaLyons> I looking down at you..I spit on your breasts "Pff.. anger only leads to defeat BITCH" i roll you on your belly.. grab your waist... and pull you up ou on your feet... I bend my knees... and throw you in a huge suplex...You are not logged in. .. i roll you one more time on your ass... force you to get up.. and go for a second one You are not logged in. ... BOOOM yt
21:50 <Amale_X_Angel> Dazzed, almost knock out.; i can't do nothing.. you lift my big and sweaty body. and smash my back two times... before finnaly let me go.. i'm on my belly... not mooving at all... yt
21:51 <CoraJade> "Finish her !" yt
21:55 <NikkitaLyons> "I think you're right this pig is done !" i roll Amale on her Back...raise my right leg straight up... and land in a split on her breast, my ass landing on Amale's face.. with the imapct I grab amale legs and go for the pin... 1... 2... 3 You are not logged in. yt
21:55 <Amale_X_Angel> I don't moove completly crushed by nikkita ass... i can't moove at all completly out cold... yt
21:56 <CoraJade> I run in the ring to celebrate with nikkita... i stomp on Amale abs and crotch as Nikkita is stomping her breasts... yt
21:57 <NikkitaLyons> I grind Amale's breast and flash them for the camera.. then we leave the ring... 1-0 for US ! yt

<Published> 2022-05-22, viewed 45 times.




2022-05-25 14:15

Wow! Great match. And a great win for NXT!