Fem Wrestling Rooms

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Established: 2023-02-07
Chat room: #RingRoom

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Where FWR ladies meet in the ring to find out who the best is
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Fem wrestling room characters only! If you aren’t one you will not be accepted.

Here we find out who the best lady is to ever Grace a FWR ring!

About Fem Wrestling Rooms

Fem Wrestling Room is where the big girls wrestle!!! To join its simple have a FWR girl and request to join! We only accept fwr girls. Any matches are welcomed here, trash talking and in character fun is also welcomed! Just be respectful and have fun!

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15:24 <Sinn_TheNatural_Sage> You continue to thrust against me and my body starts to shake, twitching beneath you as your efforts prolong my orgasm, my hips jerking as I continue to soak your wet lips with my own juices.
15:25 <Emily_Addison> “That’s it, oh you’re so close aren’t you!!” I gasp as your juices squirt onto my own legs as we fuck on the mat
13:45 <LeannFWR> Hey ladies
15:10 <Emily_Addison> Hey leann
20:55 <Emily_Addison> Hey girls
20:58 <Emily_Addison> Anyone know when Nikki will be on next?
15:55 <Becca_FWR> Hi peyton
15:26 <Emily_Addison> Hi Peyton :)
05:25 <Emily_Addison> Anyone want to box?
01:03 <Emily_Addison> Oh nikkiiiii
01:03 <Nikki_FWR> Hi
01:04 <Emily_Addison> How are you dear?
01:04 <Nikki_FWR> Very good
01:05 <Emily_Addison> Im glad! Wanna wrestle?
15:05 <Emily_Addison> Wanna wrestle Peyton? :)
23:40 <Emily_Addison> Anyone around to box me?
15:35 <Becca_FWR> Hi Violet
21:09 <Emily_Addison> Hey Becca
18:32 <Emily_Addison> Hey Sinn😍
18:33 <Emily_Addison> Should we continue that fight?