Female Dice Fighters

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-01-30
Chat room: #FDF_Chat

  • No holds barred
  • Dice match
  • Grappling
  • Female / Female
  • Sex
Come and revel in the visceral thrill of cyberfighting like you never have before!
212 members
70 stories
0 photos
0 files
Information for non-members

Dice fighting is a game that runs alongside your fight story. One of strategy, guts, and yes, a good bit of luck. Far from a silly tug of war with dice, the FDF's house rules aim to deliver the tension, momentum, sensations, and flow of a hard-fought fight in a sleek and sexy package. It supports and elevates every fighting style you can think of, from vicious and brutal NHB to deliciously intimate sexfighting, everything in between, and in any combination!

Dice fighting requires good storytelling, just like traditional cyberfighting. But, rather than simply making it all up, the dice take the players' actions and weave them into a little thread of "reality." The story might not go quite as you planned, but that's half the fun! You will experience thrill, delight, frustration, and amazement as the dice dance with and against your and your rival's wiles, turning the story into a true edge-of-your-seat experience. Just remember, no plan survives contact with the enemy, so roll with the dice and have fun!

No experience is required for membership, and we love to help new players learn the ropes. All we ask is that you have a profile page filled out well enough for us to understand who you are and what you're about, a willingness to read the rules, and a desire to kick ass!

Contrary to the name, I've decided to make exceptions to the requirement that all members have female characters and allow male characters on a case-by-case basis. Why? Well, we received some very polite and persuasive requests from excellent story writers!

About Female Dice Fighters

Dice fighting is a game that runs alongside your fight story. One of strategy, guts, and yes, a good bit of luck. Far from a silly tug of war with dice, the FDF's house rules aim to deliver the tension, momentum, sensations, and flow of a hard-fought fight in a sleek and sexy package. It supports and elevates every fighting style you can think of, from vicious and brutal NHB to deliciously intimate sexfighting, everything in between, and in any combination!

Dice fighting requires good storytelling, just like traditional cyberfighting. But, rather than simply making it all up, the dice take the players' actions and weave them into a little thread of "reality." The story might not go quite as you planned, but that's half the fun! You will experience thrill, delight, frustration, and amazement as the dice dance with and against your and your rival's wiles, turning the story into a true edge-of-your-seat experience. Just remember, no plan survives contact with the enemy, so roll with the dice and have fun!

No experience is required for membership, and we love to help new players learn the ropes. All we ask is that you have a profile page filled out well enough for us to understand who you are and what you're about, a willingness to read the rules, and a desire to kick ass!

Contrary to the name, I've decided to make exceptions to the requirement that all members have female characters and allow male characters on a case-by-case basis. Why? Well, we received some very polite and persuasive requests from excellent story writers!

New Members


2024-09-14 11:27

Melissa n Lara own me

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FDF House Rules

FDF Perks & Quirks

Last updated February 9, 2025

The FDF House Rules is a complete set of rules designed to help guide our stories and bring to life any setting and combination of fighting styles you can dream up. It's a modular system, and each of its building blocks is intended to be simple, intuitive, and flexible. In concert, all of these little elements form a deep and dynamic web of choices and chances that helps imbue our stories not only with tension and suspense as coins flip and dice roll, but a sense of strategy, momentum, and flow. If you're familiar with any RPG or pen-and-paper game systems, you'll feel right at home!

If you're just starting out, I'd suggest skimming the rulebook once, taking a peek at the Perks and Quirks and pick one or two perks and an equal number of quirks that get you all hot and bothered, and then just diving into a dice match and learning as you go! I promise it's not as complicated as it might seem at first blush.

This is a living rulebook, and is the result of many wonderfully creative minds sharing their lovely and wicked ideas. We are constantly working to make the House Rules sleeker, sexier, more elegant, and most importantly, more fun! If you have ideas, please do share. We would love to hear them.

Special thanks go out to the ChatFighters admin team, and especially to Tech, for their incredible assistance and support!

Online in chat

04:33 <MMA_Jane> I might just bake the "overconfidence" quirk into the main rules
04:37 <Ashley_Fit> another suggestion would be to say you don't have to use an action to perform any attack. Like you just want to taunt your opponent or play to the crowd, etc
04:38 <MMA_Jane> oh, you can definitely do that!
04:38 <MMA_Jane> I like to play recovery rolls that way
05:05 <Ashley_Fit> Well, I'll need to try out the new rules sometime and see how they play hehe
06:06 <MMA_Jane> mmm, sounds like a fun time ;-)
01:54 <MMA_Jane> Vanessa is CRUSHING me!!!
01:54 <Vanessa_Vixen> what can I say... Jane left herself WIDE open *wink*
01:55 <Vanessa_Vixen> And I think we all know what happens when you hit her where it hurts =P
05:52 <MMA_Jane> The dice giveth, and the dice taketh away... bish </3
05:53 <Vanessa_Vixen> ohmigoddd!
06:34 <Ionia> Always love a good dicefight. I hope you guys will post it
06:34 <Vanessa_Vixen> Certainly planning to! It's so much fun lol
09:30 <Angie_the_asian> Can't wait to read
12:47 <Angie_the_asian> Morning everyone
13:08 <Ornella_Morgan> Morning
06:24 <Vanessa_Vixen> it's a slow cooker lol
21:59 <Sybille> hi :-)
19:04 <Maren> Reading the FDF guide is almost like foreplay for a match. Certainly gets one in the mood.
00:30 <MMA_Jane> Lovely to hear! <3