Figure Four Leglock Lovers
Established: 2023-07-24
Chat room: #Figure_4_Lovers
- Pro wrestling
- Submission
- Back and forth
- Squash match
A federation for both men and women who love figure four leglocks, both aplying them and having them applied on!
26 members
1 stories
0 photos
0 files
20:10 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> I have created the public room #Figure_4_Lovers.
20:19 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> Welcome Sumiko! :)
20:20 <Sumiko_Wrestles> Thank you! Love this group!! Awesome idea!
10:42 <FightQueenEmma> interesting room
22:34 <Lara_Pro-Style> Anyone in here want to try a session?
15:37 <Lady_Victoria> Now this is a group for me!! I'm gonna figure 4 the hell out of all of you jobbers!!😈
22:47 <Toshimi_Minami> Hi
22:47 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> Hi there! Welcome!
19:54 <Dianne> PLEASE MEEEEE!!
21:06 <Amélie> Hi everybody!
21:07 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> Hi there!