Figure Four Leglock Lovers

Public Open

Established: 2023-07-24
Chat room: #Figure_4_Lovers

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A federation for both men and women who love figure four leglocks, both aplying them and having them applied on!
26 members
1 stories
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Team Sheri vs Team Angelica

MissRachel (deleted member)
DominitaHeel (deleted member)
Sheri1109 (deleted member)

16:36 <Sheri1109> In the locker room I look myself over in the mirror, beautiful as usual, when I hear a knock at the door telling me it's time.. I walk down the hallway and thru the door to a large room with a well lit ring in the center of it.. I make my way to the ring steps with my purple one piece which barely holds in my 5'9 170lbs body 38Cs pressing against the fabric and Black boots reflecting the lights.. I slip between the ropes and saunter over to my corner waiting for my partners to get this match going..YT

16:38 <MissRachel> Myself and @DominitaHeel come out as a combined and menacing force. Wearing match black leotards and boots, we scowl out at the crowd as we walk down the ramp to the ring. Ignoring the boos, we climb over the ropes and into the ring where the beautiful Sheri awaits. I nod at her with a smile while @DominitaHeel glares out at the crowd. We take up positions in one corner and await our bit- ... opponents. YT

16:43 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> Wearing my regular pink lycra leotard, sheer hose, white knee pads and white boots I nervously wait for my partners, Gibi and Sanna to join me before walking out. I look at the ring seeing the three heels already there, all of tehm looking very menacing, Rachel and Domina looking like real powerhouses and Sheri like a veteran who could twist a jobber intoa pretzel anyway she'd want.

16:44 <Sanna> After getting into my gear I join Angelica near the entrance while she's waiting to go out to the ring. I see that she's looking past the entrance curtain towards ring nervously at the heels.

16:47 <Gibi_the_Jobber> After arriving a few minutes late I hurry to get changed into my black and white leotard, black knee pads, black knee high converse boots and my black fingerless gloves. As I hurry to the entrance I see Angelica and Sanna already waiting but their focus is more on what's out there than me being late, me being late doesn't seem to matter at all really. After we're all gathered we head out to the ring, all three of us looking nervously at out opponents. We walk up the stairs in a line, Angelica first, then Sanna and me last, we all enter the ring as everyone is preparing for the match to start
16:47 <Gibi_the_Jobber> yt

16:50 <Sheri1109> Looking over our smaller opponents I scoff and a smile comes over my face.. "This is gonna be fun" I hiss as I ask my partners if I can start it off for us.. "Come on bitches .. Who's up first?" I yell across the ring at all if you putting my hands on my hips waiting to see who my victim will be..YT

16:51 <MissRachel> I nod and clap Sheri on the back. "Have fun." I then slowly climb through the ropes and wait patiently. YT

16:53 <DominitaHeel> I crack my knuckles and roll my shoulders before smirking as Sheri elects to go first. "By all means Sheri." I say but then fix my eyes on the gorgeous @Gibi_the_Jobber. "But leave me the pretty one." I then climb out onto the apron as well. YT

16:54 <Sheri1109> No problem Dominita

16:54 <DominitaHeel> *grins*

16:57 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> We all gather in our corner, talking about who should go first. We decide that I'll go first against Sheri. As we all nod to eachother, Sanna and Gibi get on the apron as I turn my attention towards Sheri, I swallow nervously as I start to crouch down and raise my ahnds, getting ready for the match to start while looking at Sheri who is still standing with a huge grin on her face and her ahdns on her hips, not taking me seriously at all

16:58 <Sanna> "Come on, Angelica you can do this!" I say to her from outside on the apron, trying to encourage her before the match kicks off

16:59 <Gibi_the_Jobber> Standing on teh other side of the turnbuckle as Sanna tries to encourage Angelica I look over at the opposing team and see that Dominita is staring at me with a huge sadistic smile on her face, cracking her knuckles
16:59 <Gibi_the_Jobber> yt

17:00 <Sheri1109> DING DING!!

17:04 <Sheri1109> The bell sounds and U come out of my corner circling to my right my hands up and my knees bent .. My smile widens when I see the fear in your eyes and I slap at you hands "Come on sweetie..Come to Sheri" I playfully taunt as I slowly close the distance between us.. When I get close enough I lunge at you as if to go for a collar elbow tie up only to grab your right wrist with my left hand as I step in with my right foot sending my right arm around your slim waist and my hips press against your belly I try to take you over with a quick hip toss..YT

17:08 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> I wait nervously for you to do the first move and as you do, I quickly realize how fast and skilled you are. Before I know it, rather than being in a eblow and collor tie up I find myself being shifted around and sent to the mat witha hip toss. "Ouuuff!" I groan as I hit the mat, holding my lower back as I try to get up as quickly as possible to face Sheri and not let her pounce on me while I'm down.

17:13 <Sheri1109> Tossing you over to the mat I chuckle when you hold your back and I keep close to you.. Reaching down I grab your left arm and use it tonyank you up to your feet "Is this what passes for a wrestler nowadays?" I playfully ask as I get you almost all the way to your feet only to send up my right arm and I try to send a hard European uppercut under your chin wanting to knock you back to the ropes or the bear corner to start to work on my little victim..YT

17:16 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> "Oooohh!" I yell and groan as I'm borught up only to recieve a hard european uppercut to my chin. I quickly grab it as I start to stumble backwards from the impact, ending up on the ropes that breaks my stride, I hang on the ropes for a few seconds holding my chin and shaking my head to get my composure back. Realizing that I'm in trouble already
17:16 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> yt

17:21 <Sheri1109> Slamming my forearm to your chin gets me what I want and 8 keep the pressure on you as I follow you to the ropes.. Adjusting my fits I my top I press myself against your smaller body and shove my left arm under your chin pressing up and back bending you over the ropes.. "Now this may hurt a little" I say and giving a quick wonk to my partners in the corner I raise my right arm and bring my hand down with a hard SLAP down to your chest wanting to work your little body as much as I can..YT

17:22 <MissRachel> "Damn! That one landed!"

17:23 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> "aaargghhh.." I grit my teeth as you push my head abck and get me leaning over the ropes. Suddently "OOOHHH!!" I gasp and groan, feeling a hard slap across my chest as I feel your arm leave my chin, I stumble forward a few steps, mouth open and gasping for air, while holding my chest before falling down to my knees doubled over. "Oh my god that hurt!" I think to myself
17:23 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> yt

17:28 <Sheri1109> The sound of flesh smacking flesh fills the gym and you crimble at my feet.. "Begging already? It's too early for that bitch " I growl and my smile turns to a look of anger as I grip both sides of your head and pull you up by it pulling you in front of me.. With you vent at the waist I slide my left arm over your neck while my right grabs your pretty pink tights.. "Going for a ride sweetie " I say as I pop my hips and hoistbyou off the dirty canvas holding you up in a vertical suplex position for a few seconds to show off for my team before facing your corner and falling back and letting your back hit the mat hard ..YT

17:29 <MissRachel> *claps as Sheri holds Angelica in the air!*

17:32 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> "oh god no!" I say to myself, getting hoisted and being held upside down, knowing what's comming next, as he fall down and I hit the mat with a loud thud, I groan loudly again, sitting up and holding my lower back, eyes squeezed together, teeth gritting as I'm feeling the effects on the suplex. I know by now that you're just toying with me and I don't stand a chance
17:32 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> yt

17:38 <Sheri1109> Falling back the wrong parts of me jiggle when I hit the mat and I roll to my r8ghtbto see the effects of my work.. "You're fun honey" I say pressing to my feet and grabbing your head I shove it under my right arm against my tit when my other hand gabs my right and locks you In a front headlock.. I squeeze your head for a few minutes showing off my powerful arms to your teammates as I do when I drag you over to our corner and reaching for Miss Rachel I tag her in right before I grab your left arm and lift it up giving my partner a clear shot to your ribs as she comes in the ring..YT

17:40 <MissRachel> I tag in from Sheri and smirk. I step through the ropes slowly as she opens up Angelica's rib cage for an attack and I slam my big boot hard into her ribcage. I hear a satisfying smack and smirk at her team-mates, before giving beautiful Sheri a little wink. Yt

17:41 <Sheri1109> *Let's go of Angelica and slides out of the ring joining my other partner on the apron

17:42 <DominitaHeel> "Well done Sheri"

17:43 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> Being held in place and feeling Rachel's boot hitting my mid section I groan soudly again, "ooooohhhh!!" Before turning around and falling down to my knees and doubling over again from the pain as the heels work me over. I grit me teeth, clutching my side with my arm, wrapping it around my mid section as I try to recover from the pain and to get to my feet
17:43 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> yt

17:46 <MissRachel> "What's wrong sweetie. Want to take a break?" I grab your wrist and shake it in the direction of your partners before laughing and throwing it down. I then take a tight grip of your hair and slowly drag you up to your feet. I then stand behind you, reach down and grab your leg. I bend it at the knee and then lift you up into the air, before slamming your leg down hard across my thigh! Yt

17:47 <Sheri1109> YES!

17:48 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> "AAAAaaahhhh!!" I scream as my knee slams down against your thigh in a painful knee breaker "Oh god no!" I think to myself again as I fall forward, laying on the mat clutching my knee, knowing that the leg work has started and where this will end up eventually
17:48 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> yt

17:50 <MissRachel> I smirk and laugh at the unfortunate pretty wrestler on the mat in front of me. With you lying face down, I grab your ankle and lift your leg high up into the air. I then slam your leg down hard and fast. I drive your hurt knee into the canvas and try to inflict more damage, softening you up. YT

17:50 <Sheri1109> *winces at the brutal move

17:53 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> My body flies up from the mat as you lift my leg up before it's brutally sent down to the mat again "AAaahhahaha!!" I scream, spasming around on teh mat holding my hurt knee from teh impact, I can feel that the knee breaker from before really did a lot of damage and my knee is already injured. I pound the mat with my fist, still with my eyes shut tight and gritting my teeth as I roll around holding my knee
17:53 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> yt

17:54 <Sheri1109> Nice job Rachel!

17:54 <MissRachel> Smirking even more as I slowly take apart Angelica's knee. I grab hold of her foot and drag her around the ring in a circle for a moment. Then I place a foot and knee against the mat and lift my own boot high. After a moment, I stamp it down on Angelica's knee to wound it further. The ring shakes on impact! YT

17:57 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> "AAAAWWW!!! OG GOD!!" I scream again, my body flinging around in pain as you stomp down hard on my injured knee. If a proper refere was in this match he'd ask me if I can continue but there is no such luck for me in this and I have to try and endure, i try to crawl towards teh ropes to get some distance, dragging my body away from you and eyeing my corner to see if I can get there but it's far away even with Sanna and Gibi reaching towards me
17:57 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> yt

17:58 <MissRachel> I watch with a titled head as Angelica tries to retreat! "Where do you think you're going?" I grab her foot and drag her back to the centre of the ring. Then I start to apply the figure four leg lock! I step round her injured leg, work it into the 4 shape and cross over. I drop onto my ass and hook my spare leg over her ankle. I then apply it on hard and pressure her injured knee! YT

18:03 <Sheri1109> Break it Rachel!

18:04 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> My attempts to reach my corner are stopped abrubtly as I hear you from behind me, asking where I think I'm going and the second after feeling you grab my ankle, a skidding sound echoes through teh ring as my lycra leotard slides on the mat surface as you bring us to the centre of the ring, and this is where I'm finished. With little chance of resisting I see you holding my injured leg, stapping around it while I wave my arms with a look of dispare on my face, shortly after I see you grabbing my other leg, straightening it out before placing the ankle of my bent leg firmly over the knee of the other, ausing for a bit before falling down and locking the figure four in place.. "AAAAAAAWWWWNNNN!!!!" I sit up and goran loudly again, my body sitting up in a wwave like motion from the instant pressure before I lean to my side with my bent knee ponting slightly downwards towards teh mat while my ankle is pointing slightly up at an angle. I know that I won't be able to make much of this hold
18:04 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> yt

18:06 <MissRachel> "There we go!" I yell and keep the hold locked in tight. I use my big powerful thighs to work her slim legs and really crunch down hard on that hurt leg. "Oh I will!" I reply to Sheri. "Tap or snap sweetie." I growl at Angelica and shake her legs around with mine to emphasise my point. Yt

18:07 <DominitaHeel> "No where to go Angelica!"

18:09 <Sheri1109> *Looks to make sure Gibi and Sanna stay where they are

18:10 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> "AAArrggghh!!! AAHHH!! AAAGhhhh!!!" I groan my upper body spasming as you apply more and more pressure on my legs. Just like I thought that I wouldn't be able to take your figure four leglock for long, I start to submit after just a few seconds. Your mightly thighs tightly entwined with my sheer hose glad legs and with your far leg expertly placed over the booted ankle of my bent leg, pressing down to further increase the pressure. "Oh my god!! AAAAHHHH!! AAAWNWNN!!" I call out and groan as I start to tap out over and over
18:10 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> yt

18:11 <Sheri1109> Keep it on her!

18:12 <MissRachel> I grin as Angelica starts to tap out in the middle of the ring as she can't take the pressure any longer. I don't let her out and simply shuffle myself round a little so that I am facing the other two. I hold my palms out to them with a sly smirk to tease them and shrug my shoulders. I keep the pressure on Angelica, sending a clear message. YT

18:13 <Sanna> Seeing Sheri and Dominita keeping an eye on us we are both terrified to intervene

18:16 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> "AAAHHHAA!! AAAAAAHHHH!! AAAAAWWWWW!!!" My upper body flings around from the intense pain as my sheer covered legs are being mercilessly tortured by Rachel. "AaAaaaaaAAhHHHHH!! I submit!" i manage to get out between the groans and moans from teh pain that is making me go crazy, in a desperate attempt to get Rachel of me but I'm not expecting much as my legs continues to get tortured in the figure four leglock
18:16 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> yt

18:18 <MissRachel> After a few moments longer, I finally and roughly release the figure four and shove Angelica away from me. I clamber up to my feet and hold my hands out at my team. "One down!" Then I turn round and grab Angelica by the hair and the back of her leotard, before I run and fling her through the ropes and out of the ring! YT

18:19 <Sheri1109> *puts my hand out for a tag from Rachel

18:20 <MissRachel> "All yours!" I slap Sheri's hand to tag her in.

18:23 <Sheri1109> I get the tag from Rachel before she tosses Angelica out of the ring.. I stop and brush my hair off my face and smile looking at Sanna and Gibi in the corner.. "OK bitches who's next?" I ask putting my hands on my knees and pointing my AMPLE SEXY ASS at my corner shifting my weight back and forth as I look at the two small girls waiting to see who jumps in..YT

18:24 <Sanna> We look at eachother before I enter the ring. Wearing my silver metallic realise swimsuit with black details, white knee pads and silver and white boots. I carefully walk towards the centre of the ring, obviously worried after seeing what happened to Angelica
18:24 <Sanna> yt

18:29 <Sheri1109> Watching you cautiously enter the ring as I slowlyapproach you"Don't be afraid Sanna there's nothing to worry about " I tease closing in on you and lunging in at you for a collar elbow tie up.. We collide near your corner and I press the soles of my boots to the mat pressing my bigger SEXIER body against yours trying to show off my power as I try to shove your back to the corner..YT

18:30 <MissRachel> I nudge Dominita. "Come on, let's go give you something to do." I drop off the apron and walk slowly round towards Gibi on the far side. As I pass Angelica, I stomp on her tummy! YT

18:31 <DominitaHeel> I smirk and follow Miss Rachel round to the far side. I have had my eyes on Gibi for most of the match. As we get near, I follow Miss Rachel's lead and we both snarl at her, before yanking her off the apron by her ankles! YT

18:34 <Sanna> I'm too nervous to fully commit to tryin to counter you as I half heartedy try to answer your lunge for the tie up, I'm easily shoved back into the ring ropes as i look around seeing Dominita and Rachel having left their corner and heading towards Gibi. My attention is quickly brought back to you though as I see you approaching again with me on the ropes

18:36 <Gibi_the_Jobber> I'm to anxious and focused on the match that I haven't even noticed Dominita and Rachel leaving their corner, it takes a while longer before I feel to hands gripping my ankles and pulling my feet of the apron. I grunt and groan as my head bounes of the ring apron as I fall down to the floor, causing me to fall backwards, I hold my face as i try to get my bearings back again only to see the two heels standing next to me
18:36 <Gibi_the_Jobber> yt

18:37 <Sheri1109> Shoving you back to the corner I press my big body against yours and getting close I whisper in your ear "I'm gonna break you in half bitch" right before I bend at the waist and my hands shoot out grabbing the middle ropes on both sides of you.. I bend my knees and lower my AMPLE SEXY ASS and surgery forward trying to drive my left shoulder to your tiny belly then trying to repeat the move again to make sure you got my point..YT

18:39 <MissRachel> "All yours Dominita!" I laugh, standing over Gibi! YT

18:40 <DominitaHeel> I reach down and grab hold of Gibi's lovely hair and pull her slowly up to her feet. "Oh I have been looking forward to getting my hands on you!" I growl. I then reach down between her legs and grab her shoulder. I lift Gibi high off the ground and scoop her over before slamming the gorgeous youngster down hard onto the mats outside the ring! YT

18:42 <Sanna> ooouugghh! I groan as air shoots out my my lungs and mouth when you ram your shoulders into my stomach, the same reaction repeats itself everytime you lunge in before pulling back out for another thrust into my stomach, all of them causing me to double over over you with my eyes wide open stunned.

18:43 <Gibi_the_Jobber> I shut my eyes and grit my teeth while I hold my back after Dominita slams me down on the outside of the ring, I turn to my left, holding my back, feeling the full effects of that bodyslam
18:43 <Gibi_the_Jobber> yt

18:48 <Sheri1109> Driving my shoulder to your belly takes some if your air .. I laying on my back and I press up straight quickly "Get off me .. it's no time for a rest Let's see if I can wake you up" I say with a smirk on my face and 8 drape your right leg over the middle rope and I give your thigh a quick stomp before I grab your boot and yank on your leg twisting it around the rope wanting to work your limb and weaken it..YT

18:49 <MissRachel> "That looks like fun!" I say to Dominita and grab hold of Gibi's hair. I drag her up off her feet and scoop her up into the air. Repeating Dominita's move, I slam poor Gibi down hard on her back with venom! YT
18:49 <DominitaHeel> I watch as Gibi is scooped up and slammed down hard onto the unforgiving mats. "It is fun, isn't it?" YT

18:50 <Sheri1109> Wow!

18:50 <Sheri1109> "I got this one girls have fun"

18:58 <Sanna> With a fre thrusts delivered into my stomach I'm well stunned and managable for Sheri to handle when she puts my leg over the middle rope. I yelp in pain as she stomps my knee, the knee pad on it doing little to help. I then scream, throwing my head back as she starts to wrench on my leg around the ropes. I'm starting to realize that what happened to Angelica might be in store for me also

19:00 <Gibi_the_Jobber> I groan in pain rolling to my side again with a pain striken face as Rachel bodyslams me on teh outside as well. "oh my god, my back..." I groan to myself as I hold the lower part, trying to get the pain to stop
19:00 <Gibi_the_Jobber> yt

19:04 <Sheri1109> Wrapping your leg around the ropes gets a scream for me and it's music to my ears as 8 enjoy working your weak little body.. Thinking I got enough work on it for the moment I bring your leg back over the rope only to reach out grabbing you by your head leading you out to center ring.. With your partners occupied I can take my sweet time with you and I do.. I turn you around roughly getting behind you and taking a page from Rachel's book I bend your right leg and wrap my left arm around your waist before I hoist you up 9n the air only to drive your bent knee down on my thick luscious thigh trying to work it more..YT

19:06 <MissRachel> Smirking at the sight of Gibi rolling around in pain, I check that Sheri has things under control. She does, so I turn my attention back to Gibi. I wrap my hand in her hair and drag her up off the floor. Then I take a big handful of her leotard, yank it into a wedgie and then throw the poor girl shoulder first into a nearby barrier! WHAM YT

19:06 <DominitaHeel> I watch on as Miss Rachel works Gibi up and slams her into one of the metal barriers! YT

19:12 <Sanna> It feels like forever that you're wrenching my leg around the rope, the pain is so intense as I keep screaming while you wrench away, finally after your done, I'm exhausted, panting heavily, feeling like I'm about to collapse but instead I'm taken to the middle of the ring. I feel you grabbing my leg that you've already worked over, bending it and I soon realize that your taking a page out of Rachel's playbook and your going to do to me what she did to Angelica. Shortly after I feel you raising me up, "oh no!" I think to myself before you send me down, crashing my knee onto your outstretched though. AAAAHHHH!! I scream, throwing my head back again and I fall forward, clutching my knee just like Angelica did and just like her I can already feel that the knee breaker has done it's job and injured my knee already. I grind my teeth to try and endure the pain as I lay on my side holding my knee in the middle of the ring

19:14 <Gibi_the_Jobber> SLAM* "Aaa ooo.. Oh my god" I say to myself as Rachel tosses me hard into the ring barrier back first. Again I find myself on the floor, holding my back and rolling around slowly as the pain courses though me
19:14 <Gibi_the_Jobber> yt

19:18 <Sheri1109> Driving your knee to my thigh gets the reaction I wanted and I let you drop to the mat.. I stand over you adjusting my tits in my top and my spandex around my AMPLE SEXY ASS before I reach down sinking my fingers into your greasy sweaty hair yanking you up where I slide my left arm over your shoulder as my right slither between your legs over your tiny excuse for an ass before pressing myself against you and popping my hips I lift you up across my mighty chest your legs almost over my shoulder as I take a couple steps and hopping off the canvas I try to send you down with me on top of you as I try to execute a big power slam..YT

19:20 <MissRachel> "Stay there Dominita!" I say and hoist Gibi out of the her crumpled heap by her leotard once again. I then turn her and send her running towards Dominita... YT

19:21 <DominitaHeel> ... and I finish the move by running full pace into the much smaller opponent and running her over like a truck! I follow through and jog to a stop, breathing very hard and looking at Miss Rachel. That's enough running for one day! YT

19:27 <Sanna> "oooohh!!" I groan as the wind is knocked out of me and pain starts to shoot through my back again after being slammed down hard with a powerslam by Sheri. With Sheru still ontop of me I try to catch my breath again while also trying my best to endure the pain both to my lower back but also the pain to my knee from that knee breaker.

19:28 <Gibi_the_Jobber> I run full speed at Dominita to hurt and dazed to stop myself. It feels like I'm running into a speeding truck. Dominita completely levels me and send me downa nd out to the floor where I land spread eagle with my eyes closed
19:28 <Gibi_the_Jobber> yt

19:31 <MissRachel> "You good there Sheri?" I call

19:34 <Sheri1109> Slamming Sanna almost thru the mat I sit back on my knees with a wide grin "I'm just fine babe " I yell back at Rachel before turning my attention back to you.. With you dazed in your back I toss back my hair and pressing to my feet I back up to the corner and slowly climb up to the middle ropes.. "Hey girls watch this " I yell as I leap off the ropes extending my legs as I try to land a big leg drop across Sanna's chest wanting to wear her down more..YT

19:35 <MissRachel> I watch as Sheri hits the big leg drop. "Nice!" I say and clap a bit. I slowly wander around the ring back to our corner and climb onto the apron. YT

19:37 <DominitaHeel> Gibi is laid out at my feet but I'm not through yet! I stand between her legs and scoop her knees under my armpits. I then hoist her right off the ground and swing her over, stepping with her as I go. I then get her nicely positioned for a boston crab and, still on my feet, start to bend her back! "Scream for me Gibi!" YT

19:46 <Sanna> My lower body and my head almost lifts completely of the mat in reaction as Sheri comes crashing down with her leg on my chest. Again the wind is completely knocked out of me and I'm totally spent in the middle of the ring

19:49 <Gibi_the_Jobber> Aaaaaaaggghhhh!! I scream as Dominita steps me over into the boston crab and slowly sinks down and squats over my lower back, bending me ina deep boston crab. "Aaaaaaahhhh...!! I submit!" I cry out, not being able to take her Boston crab, but it's outside of the ring so my submissions fall upon deaf ears. The soles of my feet are pointing in the same direction as my head now, all while DOminita is taking her time effortlesly bending me into submission
19:49 <Gibi_the_Jobber> yt

19:53 <Sheri1109> I fly through the air and finally come to rest with my big keg across your tiny chest.. My legs jiggle as I hit and I sit the for a moment "You ok Rachel, Dominita? " I yell before going back to work on you.. I press up to my feet and grabbing your weakened right leg I lay it out straight on the mat.. "This may hurt a bit honey" I say before I kneel down on your right thigh and I grab your right boot bending your leg and twisting it at the knee "You're the only one who hasn't screamed yet sweetie let's hear it " I say as I twist and work your leg even more..YT

19:54 <MissRachel> I clap on the apron as Sheri starts to work Sanna. "Yes, make her scream!" YT

19:55 <DominitaHeel> I hear Gibi start to scream and yell out her cute little submission. I simply ignore her and growl loudly! "Grrrrrrrr!!" I pull further back on her legs and slowly lower myself down onto one knee, keeping the bend on her but modifying the hold just slightly to increase the pressure. YT

19:58 <Sanna> AAARGGHHH! I scream, again throwing my head back as you start to wrench on my already injured knee. This work over hold is almost enough to make me submit given how hurt my knee is already. I pound the mat and arch my back, but making sure that it's clear that my pounding isn't me tapping out. I continue to scream and between me having my eyes shut tight and opening them i can see that sadistic smirk on your face as you keep wrenching my my leg

20:01 <Gibi_the_Jobber> With Dominita making the boston crab even more compact it almost looks like we are a ball of black and white together as she sinks deeper and bends me further. "aaahhaaa!! Please! I give! I submit!" I cry out, verbally submitting as my back is bent further and further. The slight modification has me submitting even more and has me head pressed against the floor from the angle my back is being bent too. My palms are also pressed against the floor as I scream and cry out in pain and submission from the powerful hold
20:01 <Gibi_the_Jobber> yt

20:06 <Sheri1109> Wrenching my hold on your leg the gym fills with your screams and we love every moment of it.. "God you're so weak" I yell at you working your leg knowing this hurts like hell.. Once satisfied with your leg for now I reach down sinking my hands into your sweaty hair again "COME HERE!" I yell as I roughly yank your battered body up tonyour feet where I yank your head back then suddenly I rush you towards the corner turnbuckles "EA6 CORNER BITCH!" I yell as I try it spam your pretty face to the turnbuckle..YT

20:07 <MissRachel> "Yes!" I yell again. "Kick her little ass!" Yt

20:08 <DominitaHeel> I laugh out as Gibi screams and screams in the painful submission but I'm in absolutely no rush to let her out yet. Still gripping her legs, I pull back further and really try to increase the pain on that fit little body. "No chance sweet cheeks!" I tease and look out at the booing crowd around me. Those screams are like music to my ears and I have no incentive to release the brutal boston crab. YT

20:13 <Sanna> I'm brought up to my feet once again, stumbling with my hurt knee. If it wasn't for Sheri pulling me there I would have collapsed on the mat. My head bounces of the corner over and over as Sheri keeps hold of my hair and shoves it into the turnbuckle over and over. I almost forget about my hurt knee for a second cause of how dazed and stunned I am after getting my face repeatedly slammed into the top turnbuckle over and over, my eyes almost rolling to the back of my head

20:16 <Gibi_the_Jobber> Aaaaaahhhhh... Oh my god!! I call out, the side of my head pressing against the floor with Dominita ontop of me, my face completely painstriken as I tap over and over to no use, Dominita keeps bending me and keeping the pressure on my back. it feels like my body is about to break and there's nothing I can do. A large part of the small vrowd in teh gym booing but some cheering from the site of the powerful heel in all black and me in my white and black leotard, black gloves, black knee pads and balck and white knee high converse getting bent more and more, submitting over and over
20:16 <Gibi_the_Jobber> yt

20:22 <Sheri1109> Driving your head to the turnbuckle over and over I feel you going limp but I keep hold of your hair keeping you on your feet.. "Look at you.. Look at you.. So pretty and so weak and pathetic " I say lowering my shoulder and I use it to lift your feet off the mat and I March iver to the corner putting your legs on the outside of the ropes sitting you on top.. I climb up there to get face to face with you for a moment "Going for a ride sweetie " I playfully say as I get ti the top ropes and I drape my left arm over your neck and my right hand grabs your tights and I lift your tiny excuse for a body up and try to take you back down to the mat with a Superplex..YT

20:22 <Sheri1109> BAM BITCH!

20:24 <MissRachel> "BOOM!" I yell loudly as Sanna is sent for a little ride! YT

20:25 <Sanna> OOooooffff!!! I groan loudly as a loud thud echoes through the gym. I roll to my side holding my lower back after I hit the mat. I am completely spent and exhausted, my body is aching all over, not a single part of me is not in pain right now and I'm starting to wonder when this all will end

20:25 <DominitaHeel> After some nice torture on the outside, I finally decide that I've had enough of making Gibi scream for the time being. I throw her out of the boston crab and give her a nice big swat on the ass for her trouble. YT

20:27 <Gibi_the_Jobber> ooooww... I moan after finally being released from the boston crab, I continue to lay face down, my arms and legs spread out, entirely drained and defeated after the submission hold, not even able to respond as Dominita slaps my butt after she is done
20:27 <Gibi_the_Jobber> yt

20:31 <Sheri1109> Falling back I hit the canvas with you and my body jiggles from the impact of it and I almost bounce out of my top.. I slowly press to my feet fixing my spandex over my sexy ass when I look to my corner "Time to f8nishbthis bitch" I yell and grabbing your legs I hold them up to the lights and my left foot steps between them and turning I twist your leg around mine and dropping to my sexy ass on the mat before I drape your right leg across your left and I slide my right leg over locking you in the dreaded figure four leg lock and slamming myself back to themat to increase the pressure "Cry bitch cry!".. YT

20:34 <MissRachel> "Second little tap out coming up!" I yell and tease the fans as they boo me.

20:36 <Sanna> AAaaaaahhhh!!.." After working me over thouroughly I throw my head back, moaning in defeat as you decide to finish me off the samw way as Angelica was. I arch my back, eyes closed as I trist my upper body squirming in the hold while my silver metallic leotard glistens in the gym lights. It doesn't take much pressure from you to cause serious pain to my onjured knee, you just have to keep the hold tightly applied so the pressure is constant. After about 5 seconds into the hold I start to submit. "I give! I submit!" with a voice of defeata nd resignation as you keep my legs firmly trapped together with yours yt

20:38 <DominitaHeel> I slowly walk around the ring and climb back onto the ring apron, watching Sanna writhing in pain.

20:40 <Sheri1109> Hearing you cry out your submission brings a smile face "Good girl" I say calmly as you moan and twist at my mercy .. Then I slam my back down to the mat keeping you in my hold putting more pressure on your leg flexing my thick powerful thighs wanting to hear that pop that I want "Tell me who wins! Tell me I'm SENSATIONAL before I break it!" I yell working your legs more..YT

20:40 <MissRachel> "Thats it Sheri! Nice!"

20:42 <Sanna> "Aaawwwwwnnn!!" I moan arching my back and raising it up from teh mat as you slam down to increase the pressure even more. "oh my god! Aaaahhh!! You win, Sheri! aaaawwnnn! Your sensational! Oh my god my legs! I submit!"
20:43 <Sanna> yt

20:46 <MissRachel> "Punish her Sheri!"

20:49 <Sheri1109> Hearing what I wanted to hear 9 slowly unwrap my legs from yours and press to my feet.. Reaching down I roll younto your belly and grabbing your hair and the seat of your spandex I rush you to the ropes and toss you out between them to the floor.. I look over at Dominita "You haven't had a turn yet? Let me take care of that for you dear." I say politely before going over and sliding under the bottom ropes to the floor I grab Gibi by her sweaty dark hair yanking her up and rolling her under the ropes back into the ring then sauntering over to Dominita tagging my big new friend in for some more fun...YT

20:49 <Sheri1109> Served her up for you

20:51 <Sheri1109> *Gies looking for Angelica by ringside

20:52 <DominitaHeel> I slap Sheri's hand and tag in, smirking. Then I wander over to Gibi and pull her up by her sweet locks. "Come on sweet cheeks, lets have some more fun." Once she has gotten to her feet, I face her away from me. Then I step back and drop down low to drive my shoulder hard into her left knee! YT

20:53 <Sheri1109> *Finds Angelica "There you are. Come here girl"

20:56 <Gibi_the_Jobber> I gotten a little time to try and recover from the boston crab torture from earlier, but I'm still dazed and exhausted. After Sheri rolled me into the ring and tagged you in I try to regain my compusure, suddently though you pull me up by my hair and get behind me.."AAAAHHHH!!!" I scream as loud as I can, eyes shut tight and cluthing my knee as you dive directly into my left knee. I crumble onto the mat clutching it, upperbody spasming form the pain. I know where this is heading now but there's nothing I can do about it. yt

20:59 <Sheri1109> Finding Angelica at ringside I yank you up to your feet "Oh you look so tired baby let me help you" I say playing with her hair for a moment making sure you don't fall over for a second.. With my partners in control 8 have a little me time with you and going low I sink my shoulder to your belly and drive you backwards trying to send your back to the ring apron..YT

21:00 <MissRachel> While Sheri plays with her food and Dominita works Gibi, I make my way slowly over to Sanna. I grab her by the hair and hoist her up, throwing her over my shoulder. "Come on Sanna, you're not finished yet." I dump her onto the ring apron and roll her back inside. YT

21:01 <DominitaHeel> With Gibi down on the floor, I smirk and grab her leg as the other two slowly get hold of the other two. I roll Gibi by her foot onto her back and keep it held up high. I then stomp down on her knee and laugh, taking my time! YT

21:04 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> After being down and out for so long it's almost like being ripped from a dream as Sheri finally gets me me into action again after being out trying to recover for so long. Getting up to my feet, I feel that familiar feeling of pain again as Sheri rams me into the ring apron, sending it into my back "aarrghh!!" I scream, tensing up and falling down to my knees with my back still arched and my eyes shut with my jaw clenched

21:05 <Sanna> "uuuhnnn.. no..." I moan spent and exhausted as Rachel rolls me back into the ring, I end up laying with my back against the mat, spread eagle and staring up at the ceiling

21:07 <Gibi_the_Jobber> "aaahhnn!" I groan, reaching for my leg while Dominita keeps kicking the back of my knee to work on it even more. I see my partners getting worked over again and even Sanna being rolled into the ring once more by Rachel. "oh my god.." I think to myself, overwhealmed with pain to my knee from teh stomp and the chop block delivered by Dominita yt

21:13 <Sheri1109> Driving your back to the apron you collapse at my feet again I reach down grabbing your head and roughly pulling you back up "You're not done yet sweetie " I say rolling you need need bottom rope back into the ring and I follow you in.. once there I press to my feet and sinking my hands into your greasy matted hair I shove your head between my thick sexy powerful thighs and then leaning down I wrap my arms around your waist and pull .. Hoisting you up so your legs straddle my head I hold you there so you get an idea of what's to come.. I turn to face Dominita with Gibi and leaning forward I go to slam your back down to the hard mat with a powerbomb..YT

21:14 <MissRachel> I slowly follow Sanna back into the ring. I then watch with a big grin as Angelica goes for a big ride and is slammed down onto her back with a BIG powerbomb next to Gibi. I grab hold of Sanna by the hair and drag her across so that she is lined up alongside her two partners. "Ready?" I ask my heel team-mates. Yt

21:16 <DominitaHeel> "Big powerbomb!" I yell out and stomp again down on Gibi's knee. She is the last remaining legal member of her team so I have got to get the tap out here! I nod at Miss Rachel as she asks me and I use my big hulking legs to slowly set Gibi up. I step round, taking my time and working her twigs into position. It's a bit of a struggle due to the size difference but I soon drop back and lock in a super tight figure four! Yt

21:20 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> "Owwww!" I groan as I come crashing down from Sheri's powerbomb, leaving me down spread eagle next to Gibi and Dominita. I don't know what the heels have in store for us but I'm guessing this is the big finale and that it won't be pleasant for us jobbers. I see Rachel pulling Sanna next to Gibi on the other side, asking if her two team amtes are ready, shortly after I see Dominta starting to apply the figure four on Gibi.

21:21 <Sanna> Same as Angelica I'm pulled close to Gibi and Dominita as the big powerful heel starts to set up Gibi in a figure four leglock of her own.

21:23 <Gibi_the_Jobber> I look up at Dominita as she nods at Rachel after getting asked if she is ready. I realize of course what's comming next as Dominita keeps a hold of my leg before she starts to spin around it, setting me up for a figure four. After spinning aroudn and wrapping my leg around her own I feel her placing my ankle firmly over the knee of my outstretched leg, pausing for a few seconds to make sure it's perfectly placed and tight before dropping down. "Aawwnnn!!" I groant rhowing my body up from the mat as the pain instantly starts to shoot though my legs as soon as Dominta uses her free leg to lock the hold in place yt

21:25 <Sheri1109> Slamming your weak body to the mat I watch you bounce a few times before resting.. Hearing Rachel yell out I grab your legs and maneuver you next to your teammates .. Brushing the hair off my face my smile widens when I see Dominita lock Gibi's legs and she starts squealing.. Grabbing both your feet I point them to the lights and stepping between them I turn myself wrapping your leg around mine before dropping to my sexy ass next to Dominita where I take your other leg and drape it over allowing me to lock you in a figure four of my own so you can scream with your girlfriend..YT

21:28 <MissRachel> I am the last to go and smirk down at Sanna. "Oh I am going to enjoy this!" I then wrap her legs into a very tight figure four, enjoying the look on both hers and the audiences face as I turn, create the four, drop to my ass and lock it in tight. I then snap my body back and listen for the sexy scream! Yt

21:29 <DominitaHeel> I snarl at Gibi as she starts to groan out and keep my eyes fixed on her before I drop backwards and start to punish those lovely legs. "Come on Gibi! You've already tapped out once, lets have another!!" I howl and punish her in the middle of the ring alongside her little girlfriends. Yt

21:33 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> "oh god no.." I beg as Sheri starts to set up the figure four leglock on me. I've already tapped to it once before when Rachel was torturing me, this time is bound to be no different. Beofre I know it Sheri has her figure four in place and locked in, swinging her free leg over the boot of my bent leg. "AAAAHHHH!!!" I start to scream with Gibi next to me also screaming from teh pain of Dominita's figure four. "Aaaaahhh!! Oh god, I submit!!" I scream, my body flailing in the hold with all htree heels having a perfect view of me submitting in the hold while my pink lycra leotard and my sheer hose shines and glistens in the gym lights

21:35 <Sanna> "uuuhhnn..." I moan as Rachel looks down on me, telling me that she's going to enjoy this. I am completely spent and only feel rachel spinning around my legs, wrapping it around hers before creating that dreaded 4 shape with my bent leg over my outstretched one. "Aaaaawwwnnn!" I moan as she drops down, completing the hold and start to submit instantly from the pain

21:37 <Gibi_the_Jobber> With my two partners next to me, submitting straight awat as soon as Sheri and Rachel's figure fours where locked in I can't hold on any longer either, not that I would be able to alone either for that matter. My back tenses up and arches as I start to tap out. "Aaaaaahhh..! I tap! I submit! oh my god!"
21:37 <Gibi_the_Jobber> yt

21:40 <Sheri1109> Hearing the chorus of submissions I smile wide looking at my partners.. "Great job girls" I yell out to them before slamming my back down to the mat again working your legs even more letting your screams echo throughout the gym.. "You're loosers Begbus to let you go and we may be nice" I Say wrenching the hold waiting for the "pop".. YT

21:42 <MissRachel> I watch as Sanna and the other two girls submit and scream in chorus at the triple figure four leg lock. I keep leaning back and look across at Sheri. "This is fun!" I say and wink at her. I continue to wrench and pull at Sanna's foot, my legs brutally squeezing on hers and I wonder how long her legs can withstand this! She looks pretty hot in her outfit and I smile to myself. "Living the dream girls! Living the dream!" YT

21:44 <DominitaHeel> Gibi submits and is the last of the three girls to officially submit. The bell rings and the match ends but none of us have any interest in letting any of the girls out of this painful hold. I wiggle my big hips from side to side and continue to use my huge size advantage to punish Gibi even further. "Take it you little twerp!" I yell and then look over at the other two girls screaming and submitting. "Too easy!!" YT

21:44 <Sheri1109> *giggles

21:47 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> "AAAAHHH!! Oh god!! Please let me go! I submit! AAAAHHH!!" I continue to scream with the pain being more than I can handle. I can tell that all three heels are loving the sight of the three of us jobbers all submitting in their respective figure four leglocks, enjoys the choorus of screams , groans and moans combined with the intense sound of us taking turns tapping to mat to desperately signal our submissions

21:49 <Sanna> "Oh jesus, OOOOHHH!!! I GIVE, I SUBMIT!!" I yell as Rachel keeps the figure four applied on my legs, my knee pads not helping one bit as I'm forced to tap and submit over and over, hoping to get released and from the looks and sound of it the same goes for Angelica and Gibi

21:51 <Gibi_the_Jobber> I can tell not only Dominita but also Sheri and Rachel are looking at me while I submit in Dominita's figure four over and over. Seeing me in my black and white leotard, my blacka nd white boots black knee pads and black fingerless gloves all designed to give me a more edgy and bad ass look. but this situation is doing the exact opposite, I'm anything but bad ass and tough as I continue to tap to Dominita's figure four leglock, reaching down and holding the tight of my straight leg, while leaning my head back and howling in pain
21:51 <Gibi_the_Jobber> yt

21:54 <Sheri1109> Leaning back I hear Gibi submit like a crazy woman as all of you beg for us to let you go.. "You're too easy bitch. I should break it so you don't get back in the ring again" I yell at Angelica as I pour on the pressure "Tell us You're all loosers .. DO IT!" I yell at our now defenseless victims as they squirm in our grasp..YT

21:56 <MissRachel> "Yeah come on girls. Let's hear it before we start snapping stuff!" I laugh and increase the pressure on Sanna just a little bit to make my point. My eyes are all over her lovely one piece outfit as I lick my lips. "Okay... hands down. I have the hottest girl!" I yell out and grin to myself. Yt

21:57 <DominitaHeel> I growl as I hear Miss Rachel and Sheri, smirking at poor Gibi. I look across at Sanna and raise an eyebrow. "She does look rather yummy wriggling around in that little outfit. My girl went for bad ass and you can see how that is working out for her!" I laugh and this causes my legs to shake and to torment Gibi some more! "Now come on Gibi, lets hear it!!" YT

21:59 <Angelica_the_ProJobber> "Aaaaahhh!! Ok ok! We're losers! OOOHH GOD! I SUBMIT!!" I yell sitting up, still with my eyes shit tight and gritting my teeth, leaning my head back from the torment, still submitting wildly from Sheri's figure four on my legs

22:01 <Sanna> Normally I would be flatteded by Rachel's comments about me and my gear, but now I'm too busy submitting and trying to make it all stop. "OWWWW!! Yes, we're losers! You can make us tap so easily! Aaaaaawwwnnn.. oh god.. please I submit" I beg arching my back, begging and tapping the mat

22:03 <Gibi_the_Jobber> "AAARRGGHH!!! YES, YES, YES, YES!!" I sit up begging and pleading in acknowledgment to the heels damands of us admitting we are losers. "Oh god, please anything to get out of this figure four! AAAAHHHH!!" I fall back down tapping the mat and submitting once again as Dominita and the other two heels ponder their options and discuss if they should accept our submissions finally yt

22:04 <Sheri1109> Finally hearing what I so need to hear I wrench your legs one more time "And don't you forget it bitches " I yell before slowly releasing your worn out legs.. "Nice job ladies I say to my partners in punishment as I press to my feet and brushing my hair back I send a hard stomp down on Angelica's chest "Stay there whimp" I say as 8 wait for my teammates to do a victory pose over you..YT

22:05 <MissRachel> I smirk and release the hold on Sanna, finally letting her go. I stand to my feet and smack Sheri's ass as I stand there. "Good work Sheri!" I say and place a boot on Sanna's tummy as she lays at my feet! Yt

22:05 <DominitaHeel> I keep the hold locked on for a few more seconds before I finally release and let Gibi out. "Easy win girls!" I yell out and smirk out at the audience and then the pile up of ruined wrestlers. I place a boot on Gibi's cute face and pose with the other two!


<Published> 2022-02-22, viewed 125 times.




2024-06-20 08:12

Loved this so much!thanks))

Lina Taps Out

2022-03-07 19:39

Amazing match!!!

Sheri1109 (deleted member)

2022-03-07 19:44

(In reply to this)

Thank you. It was very fun

Lina Taps Out

2022-03-07 19:55

(In reply to this)

I can tell!^^

Scorp (deleted member)

2022-02-23 16:21

Damm hot what a squash match, great fight by everyone!!!