Firestorm Pro Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2024-06-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
Taking the wrestling world by storm!
34 members
2 stories
1 photos
0 files

20:02 JJtheWrestler: Hi Meggy
09:14 JJtheWrestler: Morning
11:43 JJtheWrestler: Hi Hikura
11:43 Adam_Drake: Damn! Didn’t even gimme the chance to say welcome aboard lol
11:43 Hikaru: Well hello there
11:48 Zack_Davis: Welcome aboard 😁!
18:25 JJtheWrestler: Hi all
18:25 Adam_Drake: Sup JJ and company
05:02 Adam_Drake: Welcome aboard @Taylor_Star!
05:02 Taylor_Star: Thanks
05:02 LaceyP: Hi Taylor
05:02 Taylor_Star: Hey
05:03 Blaze_Freya: Welcome Taylor 🌟
05:03 Taylor_Star: Thanksss
05:36 Adam_Drake: Welcome aboard @S_Hitomi!
05:36 LaceyP: Welcome S_Hitomi
20:11 Adam_Drake: Heads up to everyone who’s around and those who might check the room! I’m mostly finished the show’s card and I plan on most likely sending out a text version of it (haven’t quite figured out the promo pictures yet!) when I get back to my apartment as I’m currently out of town. Thanks for all your patience :)
09:32 JJtheWrestler: Morning
09:33 Georgia_Ellenwood: Morningg
09:33 Georgia_Ellenwood: Hopefully you're all doing well 😊
09:33 JJtheWrestler: Just waking up here, and you?
09:34 Georgia_Ellenwood: Just woke up myself haha
23:22 Adam_Drake: Welcome aboard @Cosplayer_Zoe!
23:22 Cosplayer_Zoe: Hey hey
23:22 LaceyP: Welcome Zoe!!!
23:22 Cosplayer_Zoe: Your new favorite has arrived
23:23 Adam_Drake: But I don’t see anyone else here? 👀
23:25 Cosplayer_Zoe: Haha, very funny
06:24 Avid_Boxer_David: Hitomi, Hope you are well. Looks like we were matched up on the card
08:59 Avid_Boxer_David: Hello