Girls Rule The WorldPublic OpenEstablished: 2021-07-11FantasyMale / FemaleCBTTortureS&Msub men dom women212 members12 stories1 photos0 files HubTournamentsMembersForumsStoriesPhotosFiles212 membersPage 1/812345... 8Next Filter Filter Γ Fighter Jobber Heel Face Trainer Trainee Puncher Punchee Hero Villain Squeezer Squeezetoy FighterJobberHeelFaceTrainerTraineePuncherPuncheeHeroVillainSqueezerSqueezetoy No holds barred Pro wrestling Submission Boxing Even match UFC/MMA Romantic Fantasy Back and forth Squash match Pin to win Dice match Long-term roleplay Descriptive writing Karate Taekwondo Kick-boxing Bareknuckle/fistfight Grappling Freestyle wrestling Judo Sumo Brazilian jiu-jitsu Oil wrestling Mud wrestling Pool wrestling Outdoors match Weapons Trash talking Male / Male Male / Female Female / Female Two on One Tag Team Straight Gay Anthro Superhero Supervillain Stakes Naked Sex Face Sitting Rip and strip Cock fighting First to cum Wrestle for top Forced cum Workout Forced Workout Bodybuilding Muscle Growth Muscle Testing Handicap Gutpunching Muscle worship Lift and carry CBT Torture S&M Interrogation Trampling Extreme violence Blood Broken bones Death Foot fetish Bearhugs Scissors Giant and tiny Musk/Scent Mind control Hypnosis Dad/son Brother Sister Family Underage Catfight Catball No holds barredPro wrestlingSubmissionBoxingEven matchUFC/MMARomanticFantasyBack and forthSquash matchPin to winDice matchLong-term roleplayDescriptive writingKarateTaekwondoKick-boxingBareknuckle/fistfightGrapplingFreestyle wrestlingJudoSumoBrazilian jiu-jitsuOil wrestlingMud wrestlingPool wrestlingOutdoors matchWeaponsTrash talkingMale / MaleMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleTwo on OneTag TeamStraightGayAnthroSuperheroSupervillainStakesNakedSexFace SittingRip and stripCock fightingFirst to cumWrestle for topForced cumWorkoutForced WorkoutBodybuildingMuscle GrowthMuscle TestingHandicapGutpunchingMuscle worshipLift and carryCBTTortureS&MInterrogationTramplingExtreme violenceBloodBroken bonesDeathFoot fetishBearhugsScissorsGiant and tinyMusk/ScentMind controlHypnosisDad/sonBrotherSisterFamilyUnderageCatfightCatball Chatting now Followed Has storiesContributing Federation staff onlyGender -- gender -- female male other Body type -- any body type -- Slim Normal Toned Athletic Muscular Stocky Large Age18 -100Height1'8"-7'3"Weight66-551 lbsOrientation100% gay -100% straightPosition100% bottom -100% topWillpower100% submissive -100% dominantSort by Federation join date Last login Last updated Start of membership Name Number of public stories Age Weight Height
Foo the Femboy 02256'0"168 lbsNormal50% endurance68% straight70% top51% dominantFighter Squeezer SqueezetoyLoves, to fight and take control.SubmissionBoxingFantasyBack and forthSquash matchFreestyle wrestlingMale / FemaleFace SittingFirst to cumForced cumCBTTortureS&MBroken bonesScissorsLast login: todaynonniemouse 00355'9"308 lbsMuscular38% endurance100% straight50% bottom60% dominantFighterBeefy brute looking for mixed deathmatchesLast login: 5 days agoIts Brittany Bitch 01265'5"185 lbsStocky20% endurance70% straight50% bottom70% dominantFighterHello, I'm Brittany, here for some spicy and wild RPsNo holds barredPro wrestlingDescriptive writingMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleTwo on OneTag TeamStakesSexFace SittingFirst to cumForced cumS&MCatfightLast login: 3 days agoTyler 614236'0"200 lbsNormal25% endurance100% straight50% bottom50% submissiveFighter Jobber HeelReady to take on anyone in the ringPro wrestlingSubmissionBoxingEven matchBack and forthSquash matchTrash talkingMale / FemaleTwo on OneTag TeamFace SittingLift and carryMusk/ScentFamilyLast login: 2 days agoHello 00185'7"165 lbsNormal54% endurance100% straight60% bottom74% dominantFighterFighting and fightingSubmissionRomanticFantasyLast login: yesterdayDavid Bryant 03366'1"209 lbsAthletic58% endurance100% straight50% bottom52% dominantFighter Heel Puncher PuncheeThe best mixed wrestler in the world..No holds barredSquash matchPool wrestlingOutdoors matchTrash talkingMale / FemaleTwo on OneStraightCBTTramplingFoot fetishLast login: todayCaitlin T 545225'7"124 lbsAthletic75% endurance50% gay50% bottom88% dominantFighter Heel TrainerFeel free to message!No holds barredSquash matchLong-term roleplayFreestyle wrestlingMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleStraightGutpunchingCBTTortureTramplingExtreme violenceCatfightLast login: yesterdayTrans girl skylar 01185'7"141 lbsSlim15% endurance88% gay100% bottom66% submissiveFighter Jobber FaceLooking for fun erotic marchesSubmissionFemale / FemaleTwo on OneTag TeamStakesNakedSexFace SittingFoot fetishMusk/ScentMind controlHypnosisLast login: todayTyler McKinley 00226'2"160 lbsToned8% endurance100% straight60% bottom60% submissiveFighter FaceUnderwear fashion model moonlighting as an underground fighterNo holds barredBareknuckle/fistfightMale / MaleMale / FemaleTwo on OneStraightGayRip and stripForced cumGutpunchingLift and carryCBTFoot fetishGiant and tinyLast login: 3 days agoJosh White 10196'0"158 lbsToned26% endurance100% straight51% top50% submissiveFighterMisogynistic college frat boy ready to kick some woke bitch ass!No holds barredBack and forthDice matchLong-term roleplayDescriptive writingBareknuckle/fistfightFreestyle wrestlingMale / MaleMale / FemaleStraightGayRip and stripForced cumGutpunchingCBTLast login: yesterdayBryan the Rookie 03195'4"132 lbsSlim21% endurance90% gay75% bottom80% submissiveJobber Face Squeezer SqueezetoyYour next door rookie wrestlerNo holds barredSubmissionGrapplingOil wrestlingTrash talkingMale / FemaleSexFace SittingFirst to cumForced cumExtreme violenceFoot fetishMusk/ScentLast login: 3 days agoPeterStevens 01285'8"187 lbsNormal50% endurance100% straight80% bottom90% submissiveFighter JobberYou don't really think you stand a chance, do you?No holds barredPro wrestlingBoxingSquash matchBareknuckle/fistfightTrash talkingMale / FemaleGutpunchingCBTTramplingExtreme violenceFoot fetishLast login: todayAishath 446195'4"126 lbsSlim59% endurance50% gay50% bottom50% submissiveFighter Jobber HeelMuslim Maldivian GirlBack and forthKick-boxingWeaponsTrash talkingMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleTwo on OneStraightGayNakedFace SittingBloodBroken bonesDeathScissorsLast login: todayLil black swan 04335'8"134 lbsToned67% endurance75% gay73% top62% dominantFighter Face Hero SqueezerHence when I was growing up I was that ugly duckling as braces and glasses!No holds barredSubmissionRomanticBack and forthOil wrestlingPool wrestlingFemale / FemaleStakesFace SittingFirst to cumForced cumCatfightCatballLast login: todayNathan gingerbread 11268205'8"204 lbsAthletic73% endurance74% straight63% top60% dominantHeel FaceππΌππΌππΌπ πΌπ€·πΌπ€¦πΌππΌππΌSubmissionRomanticFantasyDescriptive writingNakedForced cumCBTS&MInterrogationLast login: todayQueen Sky 01185'9"165 lbsNormal13% endurance85% gay100% bottom100% submissiveFighter FaceA very quick striker who likes to do more erotic matches and is a sub but is competitiveRomanticFemale / FemaleSexFace SittingHandicapLast login: todayAliz The FemBoy 01245'5"129 lbsSlim25% endurance90% straight80% bottom80% submissiveJobber Squeezer SqueezetoyOnly sexual encounters ~No holds barredSubmissionGrapplingMale / FemaleSexFace SittingFirst to cumForced cumCBTTortureS&MDeathFoot fetishMusk/ScentMind controlLast login: 13 days agoMatteo Bianchi 00255'9"135 lbsSlim50% endurance100% straight53% top56% dominantFighter Jobber Puncher Squeezetoyno words to describe mePro wrestlingSubmissionSquash matchPin to winLong-term roleplayDescriptive writingOutdoors matchMale / FemaleLast login: 2025-02-27Hae-Won 15205'11"153 lbsAthletic100% endurance92% gay88% top80% dominantHeel Trainer Puncher HeroReady to look good while I hit you... π₯π«¦BoxingUFC/MMAFantasyDescriptive writingKick-boxingFemale / FemaleSuperheroMuscle GrowthMuscle TestingGutpunchingMuscle worshipCBTTortureBloodSisterLast login: todayunstoppable killer 425236'0"150 lbsMuscular100% endurance100% gay100% top100% dominantFighter Heel VillainI have take a decision, from today i'll fight against males too, but not all males, I'm very selettive and I'll choose who'll have this chanceNo holds barredPro wrestlingBoxingUFC/MMARomanticBack and forthLong-term roleplayDescriptive writingGrapplingWeaponsBloodBroken bonesDeathCatfightLast login: 4 days agoArlethG 00225'9"182 lbsToned25% endurance100% gay100% top100% dominantFighter Puncher Hero SqueezerThe fuck are you looking at?No holds barredBack and forthPin to winGrapplingOil wrestlingMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleGayNakedSexRip and stripFirst to cumForced cumCatfightCatballLast login: 2 days agoTommy aka TKO 01225'8"135 lbsSlim25% endurance100% straight100% bottom100% submissiveJobber Punchee Hero SqueezetoyUp for a good fight scenario or creative roleplayNo holds barredKarateBareknuckle/fistfightMale / MaleMale / FemaleSuperheroSupervillainRip and stripForced cumGutpunchingCBTExtreme violenceBloodBroken bonesDeathLast login: 3 days agoThaAmy 23275'6"126 lbsSlim70% endurance95% gay50% bottom50% submissiveHeel Face TrainerThaOne ..... ThaOnly ..... ThaAmy!!!No holds barredPro wrestlingSubmissionRomanticLong-term roleplayDescriptive writingGrapplingFemale / FemaleTag TeamStakesNakedFace SittingFirst to cumForced cumMusk/ScentLast login: todayBrian Adams 26425'4"150 lbsSlim30% endurance100% straight52% bottom50% submissiveFighter Jobber Heel Facelooking for online wrestling fantasy and fun !No holds barredPro wrestlingFantasyBack and forthSquash matchTrash talkingMale / FemaleLift and carryLast login: yesterdayAdrian the PornFighter 37305'9"159 lbsSlim40% endurance100% straight70% bottom90% submissiveFighter Jobber Villain SqueezetoyThese days a lot into porn pic fights ;)SubmissionFantasyBack and forthFreestyle wrestlingOil wrestlingPool wrestlingTrash talkingStakesSexFace SittingWrestle for topForced cumCBTDeathMusk/ScentLast login: 3 days agoLittle Jessica 16235'4"110 lbsToned60% endurance100% gay75% bottom85% submissiveFace Trainee SqueezetoyA Lady's girl that would be a good companion to the right woman.SubmissionRomanticLong-term roleplayTrash talkingFemale / FemaleGayNakedSexRip and stripForced cumMusk/ScentMind controlHypnosisCatfightLast login: todaytranslucy 00305'9"170 lbsToned66% endurance58% straight51% top51% dominantFighter HeelSHEMALE LUCYSubmissionKarateTaekwondoGrapplingJudoOil wrestlingFemale / FemaleSexFace SittingFirst to cumBodybuildingFoot fetishScissorsFamilyCatfightLast login: 2025-02-26Fuerza Salgado 00295'3"154 lbsNormal35% endurance100% straight60% bottom85% submissiveJobber HeelA small lucha libra wrestler that loses often since most of his opponents outclass him in size or skill.No holds barredPro wrestlingSubmissionFantasyBack and forthPin to winLong-term roleplayDescriptive writingGrapplingFreestyle wrestlingTrash talkingMale / FemaleTwo on OneStraightFace SittingLast login: 3 days agoHikari Yamada 17255'5"120 lbsMuscular93% endurance100% straight100% top100% dominantFighter Heel Trainer TraineeOne... Two... One... Two... Nice combination, isn't it? That's what awaits you...BoxingUFC/MMARomanticKick-boxingBareknuckle/fistfightFemale / FemaleFirst to cumForced cumGutpunchingTortureInterrogationBloodCatfightLast login: 2025-02-10JJ Abbott 128385'9"154 lbsToned77% endurance50% gay90% top90% dominantFighter Jobber Heel SqueezerNasty hot wrestlingNo holds barredSubmissionRomanticFantasyPin to winOil wrestlingMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleStraightGayNakedSexFace SittingFirst to cumMusk/ScentLast login: today212 membersPage 1/812345... 8Next