Girls Rule The World
Established: 2021-07-11
- Fantasy
- Male / Female
- Torture
- S&M
sub men dom women
212 members
12 stories
1 photos
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09:31 <slaveatif> I am a immigrant from a backward country. I Found a chance to fight against the graceful and famous LISA. Victory will give me money and the girl will take her place in Kitchen. The proper place for girls according to my beliefs.
09:53 <Lisa_Q> The lights are low in this small secluded venue. There's no crowd like normal, just a handful of shady looking suits seated in the dark. This ring isn't exactly clean either. Probably a training ring and it hasn't even been properly disinfected or cleaned yet. Likely they wanted it this way. For their viewing pleasure of course. I'm entering 1st. Clad in my normal gear and sauntering down without music or a crowd but still possibly playing to an invisible audience. It's either habit or ego or both.
10:05 <slaveatif> It is due to Mr Derek that I found this arena and a private match against a big star and celebrity. Victory will send the girl to Kitchen and I will get $.I turn the curtain and start moving towards the ring in this quiet area. I then get on the apron and vaulted over the top rope.I climbed on top of the second rope and jumped inside the ring. I did not know that the match has online audience or not. My sponsor had told me that I will win Us$ for a victory against this girl. For me this is a great chance to show to the world that women place is in a Kitchen and not in the outside world. I stand in my corner waiting for the match to officially started and failing to keep my eyes wandering on the sexy body of my opponent. In my country the woman in such clothing is considered as a sin.
10:10 <Lisa_Q> I nod at you. You look serious. This probably means some black eyes. Unless you're just selling it. Don't know that my flagrant beauty is sinful. It's not likely going to help when I slowly spin in place, giving you my back as I twirl my hips in a short provocative dance. Presumably this display is for the audience rather than for you.
10:16 <slaveatif> I had to bite my bottom lip to keep from whimpering too loudly when you turn around and twirl your hips. " I will fuck you and send you to the Kitchen" I said in a silent mode. I shake my head to clear my nerves. I have never seen a girls in this clothes so close to me and feeling my cock jumping up and down in my trouser.
10:17 <slaveatif>
10:22 <Lisa_Q> Bell rings. I turn my attention on you fully now. They've sadly not giving much instruction but these private events usually don't. Sigh. I pace around trying to size you up, winking at you in the process.
10:26 <slaveatif> DING DINDING! The bell ring and the match is officially started. I drop down in a fighting stance with my guard up and the legs bent. I see you coming near and looking for the opening. My coach and sponsor Mr Derek had told me that the opponent girl is too quick. I have to keep my guard and remain defensive till see loses her speed. I take few steps back and keeping distance.
10:30 <Lisa_Q> Grinning a little, guard seemingly dropped just a little, "Scared of a little girl?" Could be a ploy...
10:33 <slaveatif> I want to take the advantage as you drop a guard. I step forward and flick out a double jab. My technique perfect.
10:40 <Lisa_Q> It's a ruse. I just dart back with excellent footwork, letting you exert some energy with punches into the air. Still taunting "Oh, maybe you're a beater instead"
10:52 <slaveatif> You were already anticipating my move. You just step backward and my fists punch the air. My anger is growing as I raise my arms ,trying to engage you in classic collar-and-elbow tie up.
10:58 <Lisa_Q> You might be getting angry. (Is it obvious?) Are the taunts working already? Hmm. I'm still loose, bouncing around with shuffling feet, taking my time to engage. "You alright over there?"
11:04 <slaveatif> You are continuing bouncing up and down and oh GOD! . I am stunned for a second . I am going googly eyes,more focused on your Tits. I backed a little and then sprang off the ground. I will try to land a low dropkick onto your left knee.
11:08 <Lisa_Q> I spin away. Although you almost hit me. I try to immediately retaliate with a quick kick to your midsection while you are on the mat.
11:14 <slaveatif> I was not expecting such a quick response from you. You not only spin away but retaliated with your own kick at my midsection. AAAAGH!" I clutched my midsection . The force of impact push me backward . I get my foot up as I look to shove it into your abs to send you back If you come near me for more attacks.
11:16 <Lisa_Q> I back off again. Best to let you burn off excess strength before getting right down to it. Walking off a bit, I allow you plenty of time to get back to your feet
11:21 <slaveatif> You backed off ,not going on offensive by yourself. I am very much confused due to your waiting game. I really think that you are far quicker and can easily neutralize my attack. I want you to attack me and I will take advantage of your mistakes. I bang my both fists, Inviting you. " Come On. "
11:24 <Lisa_Q> "You're the one with the big muscles. Come take it." I turn to the side slightly, possibly weakening my defensive stance.
11:29 <slaveatif> For my own surprise I feel my cock getting hardened in my shorts and start twitching up and down as you pose and offer me to attack. I could not control my aggression. I step forward and would deliver a round kick to your head.
11:31 <Lisa_Q> I step into the attack, not giving you enough space to level a roundhouse. I offer an elbow to your chin instead.
12:07 <slaveatif> Before my kick touch your skull , you are quickly in position and throw an elbow to my chin. " CRACCCCCCK! Sensitive mics installed in different corner should definitely pick the sound of your forearm striking my chin. Saliva is flying in all directions as I fell on my back . I covered my mouth with my hands and roll towards the corner.
12:09 <Lisa_Q> I shake my elbow some. That hurt me. Definitely going to be red after that. I pursue towards the corner, though not completely at a break neck speed. Still keeping a defense up
12:09 <Lisa_Q> Speed
12:18 <slaveatif> That was not the muscular power of your forearm, It was the speed that has hurt me so much. For the few moments my brain was blank . Then I stumbled back on my feet with the help of ropes behind me and look at you standing in the opposite direction. My blood is boiling with anger. I was a street fighter back in my country and this girl is not giving me respect at all. I am falling in your trap again and again and I am unable to strike a single blow. I decided not to fall in your trap again and will try other tactics. I said with a smirk " Come on Bitch. Suck my cock . Come near me if you dare"
12:21 <Lisa_Q> I back off just a bit, lowering my guard "Suck your what?" I look offended. Fake offended. I brush off the fakeness to simply reply "Show me. Come on big.... I presume big guy, show me."
12:31 <slaveatif> You are visibly distracted by my comment. I seized the opportunity to take advantage. I sprint towards you ,standing in the opposite corner.I raise my hand and would deliver a clothline.
12:34 <Lisa_Q> I was expecting you might just show me half expecting an attack. I dodge out of the way of the clothesline by running into the perpendicular ropes and bouncing back towards center ring.
12:38 <slaveatif> No body was there as you are showing your agility and skill. I turn around to see you in the middle of the ring. " I will fuck you Bitch " My face is red with anger and spit is dripping from my mouth.
12:41 <Lisa_Q> I bounce from 1 side to the other, picking up speed, taunting "What are you waiting for come fuck it"
12:48 <slaveatif> You are playing with me like a toy . I am trying to catch my breath, already out of breath. I am also disturbed and some what distracted due to your sexy body. I am carefully calculating my next move. I think my one power strike can knock you out. " Come come. Come near me . I will take you in my loving embrace." I offer you.
12:56 <Lisa_Q> You're not biting. Smart. Or afraid. Both serve me as well as any other fighter. I'm patient though. I break from my speeding across the ring to a slower almost strut away from you to the far side. My back is half to you, possibly dropping guard again
19:01 <slaveatif> MY confidence in dwindling, In my home country it’s usually me trapping some other boy in my moves but this is a completely different kind of fight. Your posture and your way of walk is showing your confidence. My chest going up and down from taking big breathes as I hold myself up in the corner. " Come On . Come on over me this time BITCH" I shout
19:10 <Lisa_Q> I give you more of my back, returning to dance to this select crowd, lowly reiterating "You didn't even show me."
19:18 <slaveatif> You did not give attention to my invite and continue to dance in a sexy manner. You are twisting your hips left and right. I look down briefly and confused to see that my cock is jumping up and down on the each twist of your hips. I suddenly bounced of the ropes and charged at you. I will raise my arm and would deliver a clothline from behind.
19:34 <Lisa_Q> I'm such a perfectionist that even though I know I need to cut the dance a second short to successful dodge away, I don't. Don't want to sell the dance short. I spin away from the clothesline, which might've been a perfect evasion but your outstretched hand catches me in the cheek, causing me to stumble back and lose my balance. I don't fall but I definitely struggle to keep up
19:40 <slaveatif> You stumbled back but regain your balance quickly. First time I have upper hand in a fight and you seems to be reeling. I step forward and will throw a couple of forearm shots to your head.
19:43 <Lisa_Q> I move away quicker from your pressing attack but it forces me to stumble more, eventually making me fall to the mat. But even then I roll to the ropes like I'm going to roll under them to the outside.
19:47 <slaveatif> You are trying to roll away from me. I turn towards the rolling girl and will try to give a vicious kick to the gut.
19:52 <Lisa_Q> I get clipped in the side by the kick before rolling out. In a standard match, the Ref would count but this being what it is, a security guy immediately coaxes me to return. So, I roll back in and get to my feet
19:55 <slaveatif> My confidence is growing as I am able to show you the dust. Seeing you back in the ring , I throw an offer to you. " Why dont you come near me and give me a hug and I will let you go out of the ring without further humiliation and pain" I am feeling that my tactics of provoking you are becoming successful.
19:58 <Lisa_Q> Scoffing "You ain't got that power, scrub. Not even man enough to get out your little pull toy." I re-enter a more coherent stance preparing to get back to business.
20:10 <slaveatif> Mics installed in the every corner are picking up our trash talk. The word hadn’t even left your mouth when I burst out of the corner,shoulder leading. Fueled by desperation and rage . With my arm spread, I am trying to hit you with a spear.
20:12 <Lisa_Q> Might not be able to dodge away, so I choose to fall back slightly but raise a knee trying to catch you in the head. I'm going to get hit but hopefully so will you
20:21 <slaveatif> You are far more quick than I think. You fall back a little and your knee is raise at the right place at right time. My head strikes your knee at an accelerated speed. I flipped in the air once before landing on my back on the unforgiving floor. I am extremely dizzy.My head is spinning all over the place. I roll myself towards the corner.
20:24 <Lisa_Q> I go down regardless. Between your spear & my knee, I lose my footing. It's not as painful as your landing but it doesn't feel great.
20:29 <slaveatif> With all my strength , I brought my self in the corner . My legs were too weak to stand on my own. I take a support from the ropes and stumble back on my feet. I am too disoriented to see what you are planning to do next.
20:43 <Lisa_Q> Getting back to my feet, I take a little breather to regather focus and my breath. I know this is helping you too, and pushing now could end the match, but ultimately these guys wouldn't be happy with a short match. We might be here a while.
21:02 <slaveatif> Some how I manage to recover from the Knee shot at my head. The hard Knee had blurred my vision for few minutes. I shake my head to clear my vision. My chest going up and down from taking big breathes as I hold myself up in the corner. My sponsor and coach was right that not to go on offensive and you will use your speed to reverse and neutralize my moves. Your clever tactics of provoking me into attack has caused lot of damage to me. I gasped for air and raise my guard .
21:10 <Lisa_Q> Mr Derek had already told you that a loss here won't just cost you cash but it might be a career ender as far as going any further in this league. You'll be back home wrestling for meals. Could be years, if ever, that you get a chance to break back into the big time. That's why he gave you a glove soaked in chloroform to stuff in your trousers.
21:11 <Lisa_Q> I move back towards you, slow at first then faster, threatening with a clothesline.
21:14 <slaveatif> I see you coming and with the arm spread for a clothesline. Judging your speed , I ducked quickly to avoid the arms striking my neck.
21:17 <Lisa_Q> I'm right on top of you, and by the ropes. I jump to the middle rope while holding onto the top rope, swinging my legs up as high as my hips, to bring them back down towards you. Likely it might be a torso hit but I can't quite aim it that well
21:40 <slaveatif> I ducked underneath your arm, You use the momentum of your sprint and springboarded on the second rope with your hands holding the top rope. Before I could figure out what's going on. You swing your body striking my body with the momentum and force. Once again my body flip in the air before collapsing on the floor. I rolled on my stomach and coughed for air.
21:45 <Lisa_Q> I roll you towards center ring and attempt to get you into a pin.
21:53 <slaveatif> I am stunned due to your last moves and really have no idea where I am . When you roll me towards the center of the ring and cover me for the pin. " COME ON!" My sponsor shout from the outside. I use all my energy for twisting and turning my body , enough to dislodge you.
21:56 <Lisa_Q> Not even a 1 count. But I was hoping for that. Ending a match this quick for private viewers isn't good for business. Or health really. They might insist on a more tortuous match next time perhaps. I get up and try to get you to your feet, trying to keep a hold of 1 of your wrists to begin a lock.
22:01 <slaveatif> I stumbled back to the feet as you pull me up. You are trying to hold my wrist in a lock. I purposely slipped ,making it difficult for you to execute your move.
22:05 <Lisa_Q> I follow you still trying to secure the lock. Maybe a quick kick to the gut will help me out
23:01 <slaveatif> My fragile attempts to slip away are not working. Your kick to the gut knocked the wind out of my lungs. I stumbled a little and drop on my knees. My sudden movement can lose your grip on my arm If successful , I will try to raise my arm up between your legs, would strike groin with the inside part of my elbow.
23:46 <Lisa_Q> I let go of you, stumbling backwards, holding my crotch with a gasp. I should've been expecting that. I got sloppy.
23:46 <Lisa_Q> It doesn't seem to make a difference in the match. They say nothing.
23:54 <slaveatif> My cheap short between your legs forced you to stumble back and you covered your pussy with both of your hands. I now understand that it is not possible to beat you in a fair fight. You are MS PERFECT with lot of moves and speed. I have to do some thing out of ordinary to win. I am back on my stumbling feet and after regaining my balance, unleashed a fierce blow to your skull.
23:57 <Lisa_Q> I stumble backwards putting up hands to protect my head. I'm giving ground & losing my footing but your blows are lands on my forearms currently
00:04 <slaveatif> You are quick to raise your guard and my blows land on your forearm. The momentum of my blows are sending you backward. Seeing you reeling and losing the balance, I grab your arm and irish Whipped to the other side of the ring. I am waiting for you to bounce of the ring and come back towards me.
00:06 <Lisa_Q> I bounce back probably just how you intend me to. I'm to busy trying to regather my failing footwork to redirect.
00:11 <slaveatif> You are running towards me ,trying to stabilize your foot work. I rotate to my right and will attempt to land a spinning heel kick towards your head.
00:18 <Lisa_Q> I take it right on the chin and go down, lying there like I don't know what hit me
00:22 <slaveatif> You fell on your back first time in the match. I can go for a pin but I want to make sure that you have no energy left to break the count. I climbed the closest turnbuckle and measured the distance between myself and you. You are still on the back, winded from my hard spinning kick. I jumped forward and went for a diving splash across your stomach.
00:25 <Lisa_Q> I'm a sitting duck. I don't even see it coming and let out a hard groan as you crush me into the mat.
00:29 <slaveatif> My hard chest crashed in your stomach and knocking the wind out of you. I quickly go for a cover and signal the referee to start a count.
00:31 <Lisa_Q> You get a 2 count before I kick out, still out of breath.
00:42 <slaveatif> I am stunned to see that after taking so much beating you are able to kick out. I grab your hair and pull you on your feet. I then try to lock your neck in frontal head lock. If successful ,I will execute my finisher (DDT)
00:47 <Lisa_Q> You get my head but I move forward pushing you back against the rope. I need to get out of this but can't break your grip just yet.
00:50 <slaveatif> I feel you slipping a bit and pushing me back towards ropes but I try to tighten the grip around your head to keep you in place. "Stay still!" . but if not, you might end up free and away!
00:56 <Lisa_Q> I move to the side, still caught in the headlock but now we're both leaning into the ropes. I'm struggling but haven't broke through yet
00:58 <slaveatif> I tighten the clutch a bit more. Then reaching down for your trunks with one hand, I take a quick breath... then try to lift you up parallel to the canvas, before falling back, aiming to spike your head into the canvas with my finisher, the Implant DDT!
01:03 <Lisa_Q> I've wrapped 1 of my legs around the ropes. You have me, but when you go to lift me, my leg tightens against the ropes preventing me from going too far off the ground. Unless you lift hard enough to break my grip or reposition. It still isn't comfortable for me being partially lifted by my neck
09:08 <slaveatif> I am grabbing your neck and trying to pull you, You have wrapped your leg around the rope and making it impossible for me. I pause for a moment and gather my strength. I pull again but unable to raise your body for the DDT. I let go my grip on you and swing my arm towards you in depression.
09:12 <Lisa_Q> I roll away from you, tripping as I was wrapped in the ropes. You couldn't lift me, but I've taken a pretty good head shot & the lift attempt on my neck was still stretching and painful. I get to all fours, not quite to my feet
09:17 <slaveatif> I’m getting more and more tired. I have never fought for so long. My stamina is getting low and my priority is early victory. I run towards you and will attempt to give a kick in your gut.
09:20 <Lisa_Q> I come off the mat with kick, coming back down, collapsedon the mat
11:46 <slaveatif> .
14:54 <Lisa_Q> I come off the mat from your kick, collapsing on the mat afterwards
15:00 <slaveatif> Your body flip before you collapsed on the floor. I am gaining momentum and also my chest is heaving and the sweat is dripping down my body. I have never fought for so long and my energy level is going down. I cover you quickly for pin. " Now stay down " I shout.
15:06 <Lisa_Q> Count goes to 2 before I kick out. 2 seconds of your heaving chest mixing its sweat with my own.
16:29 <slaveatif> Sweat mingled with sweat and body heat with body heat, and muscles strained in opposition. My heaving chest was touching your Tits when you kick out. My chance of victory are becoming thin. I am a hard hitting fighter and not a long runner. . I stumbled on my feet and grab your hair. I will pull you up with your hair.
16:31 <Lisa_Q> I'm on my feet. Not enough strength to mount an attack, but maybe a good defense. I'm panting hard, my breasts swell with every strained breath.
16:33 <slaveatif> I grab your neck with both arms and will try to bring you down in a vicious neck breaker stunner.
16:37 <Lisa_Q> I move forward, knocking you off balance. We'll both tumble down, but it gets me out of a neck breaker
16:43 <slaveatif> You did not allow me to execute my move. Your push send me on the ground. I try to get back on my feet but slipped.
16:47 <Lisa_Q> We're both on the mat for a stretch, as I am unable to get up immediately as well.
16:53 <slaveatif> Seeing you on the ground and unable to stand give me confidence and hope. I use my extra strength and finally stand back on my feet. I take a few steps back and then will give down on your neck with a double leg drop.
16:56 <Lisa_Q> I roll away, though you clip me in the back with 1 of your legs. I roll to the ropes and get almost to my feet using them
17:01 <slaveatif> You rolled out of the way just in time. By then, it was too late for me. My knee strike the hard canvas below. I lay down on the ground and grab my knee.
17:03 <Lisa_Q> I get up fully and climb atop the corner post. I can't help but to play to the crowd a little, posing and yelling out to them before launching myself towards you with a leaping elbow
17:23 <slaveatif> Before I could react ,You landed on top of me with a leaping Elbow. The sound of the impact echoing through out the arena. Your elbow compress not only my abdomen but as well the organs that are just behind my abs. My eyes are shot open with pain. I rolled on my stomach and coughed for air.
17:25 <Lisa_Q> I roll with the impact myself, finally stopping a little ways away. That was exhausting. I lie there on my back, chest heaving, panting profusely
17:28 <slaveatif> I gasped for air. It felt like I had the wind knocked out of me when you landed with the Elbow impact. Poor rolled on the mat, clenching my stomach and kicking my legs about, symbolizing how much pain I was in. I rolled towards the corner,trying to roll out of the ring.
17:30 <Lisa_Q> Realizing you're trying to escape, I force myself up and try to grab an ankle to pull you back in
18:27 <slaveatif> I twist my leg feebly as you grab my ankle. AAAHHHHHH!" The sound of my moaning told everyone in the arena that your last strike has hurt me a lot.
18:33 <Lisa_Q> I try to pull you back from the ropes, hoping this might be my chance to win
18:35 <slaveatif> I roll my self and grab the bottom rope. Holding it with both of my hands,making it difficult for you to drag me in the middle of the ring.
18:45 <Lisa_Q> There's a Ref, but he's standing out of the ring and hasn't stopped a damn thing. So, I wrap my legs around yours to secure it and apply an ankle lock.
19:09 <slaveatif> I was expecting that you will use your strength and drag me in the center of the ring, instead you wrap your legs around my leg and spin ..AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! ITTTAAAAAIIIIIII!" I shrieked in pain as you apply more pressure . I hold the ropes tightly hoping that referee will stop you
19:13 <Lisa_Q> Normally the Ref would stop me because you have the ropes but he doesn't. I twist your ankle, trying to roll both our bodies, tearing your grip from the rope in the process
19:38 <slaveatif> Twisting my ankle flip my body .This forced me to let go the ropes. Few people in the crowd stood on their feet and cheered for your explosive hold. For the moment it seems it is all over for me. Your legs are not big and bulky but they are amazingly strong as have locked my leg and my ankle is in your grip. Breathless now , My hands scratch the canvas and try to hold the ropes again.
19:41 <Lisa_Q> I scoot my body towards the center more and keep the ankle lock, grunting hard from all the exertion
19:52 <slaveatif> I am only able to scratch the floor as you pull me in the middle and keeping the pressure on my joint and leg. I screamed in pain as you are twisting my ankle further. I TAP the floor three times with the idea that Referee will stop you for inflicting further pain.
19:54 <Lisa_Q> The Ref does nothing. It does make me stop though. I'm a Face & I don't try to make people suffer. I roll over you to attempt a pin
20:04 <slaveatif> You break the hold and roll over me. The intense pain is replaced my feeling of ecstasy . First time in the match I feel that how wonderful your body is as your body is generating immense heat and power.I have mixed feelings. The feeling of shame that a girl I challenge that I will send her to the kitchen has destroyed me and feeling of her sexy and graceful body touching my body causing my cock to stand in full salute in my trouser. I did not have any courage and will to break the pin.
20:07 <Lisa_Q> The count goes to 2. I'm lying across your body my back to your front, your legs pulled up high. My body is burning from the intensity. And I've more than nudged that growing bulge, probably by accident, but it's digging into my side all the same.
20:19 <Lisa_Q> 3! The bell rings. I get off you as the the Ref enters the ring to raise my hand. Mr. Derek isn't going to be happy.
21:24 <slaveatif> I lay there on the floor dejected and sad. I thought that I will send you to the Kitchen but you humiliated me and beat me in front of your local people. Also I cannot believe that how warm and wonderful your body feel when you were on top of me. My entire body feeling hot with a mix of shame and pain as I try to stumble back to my feet and exit out of the ring.
21:24 <slaveatif> end
<Published> 2024-09-03, viewed 78 times.
2024-09-06 09:02Would send you to the Kitchen.
Lisa Q
2024-09-03 20:43Nice. My 1st Match
Wren Peterson
2024-09-06 08:58(In reply to this)
want a real challenge now?