Gutpunchers Guild

Public Open

Established: 2021-03-31

  • Gutpunching
A Federation for folks who love giving and receiving punches to abs.
308 members
14 stories
0 photos
0 files
308 members


Fighter Trainee Puncher Punchee

Boxing guy that loves a good back n forth fight


Fighter Trainee Villain

Down for violence



WARDEN of Downstate Penitentiary, brutal and sadistic, he has turned the prison into a real hell-hole.


Fighter Trainee Puncher Punchee

Joey reacted to junior high bullying by taking-up body building, thinking THAT would protect him.

Tristan Lakerz

Puncher Punchee Squeezer Squeezetoy

Lost yet finding my way back step by step.

Cole Harkness

Jobber Heel Squeezer Squeezetoy

There's so much hurt, and Harm and I should do something about it right?


Jobber Trainee Puncher Punchee

College guy looking for a fight

The Atomic Fist Federation Admin Founder

Jobber Heel Puncher Hero

A hero with a gluttony for gutpunching his enemies.

308 members