Gutpunchers Guild
Established: 2021-03-31
Chat room: #GutPuncherGuild
- Gutpunching
A Federation for folks who love giving and receiving punches to abs.
<05>10 Gutpunchee I have created the private room #Abandoned_Warehouse.
<05>10 Gutpunchee I have invited @Scorp to join #Abandoned_Warehouse.
<05>12 Gutpunchee I drive up to the warehouse off the dirt road in my Jeep, top down. The air is hot and the road was dusty. I am in my sneaks, tank top and jogging shorts, I jump out of the Jeep with duffle bag in hand and walk towards the door.
<05>14 Scorp I am already sitting on the chair now reading a book, naked my cock limp between my legs a dufflebag besides me “your late boi” I say add 10 more to that contract of ours, wear these green speedos I command throwing them to u
<05>17 Gutpunchee I take out the contract and hand it to you, sorry-I got lost! Can we make it 5 more, 10 is a lot? I walk over to the winch, and start to strip. I am naked, revealing my sinewy, 8 pac and firm round pecs, thick chest cocks erect, smooth chest and gut. I take the green speedos and put them on, adjusting my cock in the small material
<05>19 Scorp That’s 10 more total to 30 for arguments when u r late, I make the changes in the contract and get up looking at u looking sexy in those greens I get u tied up now and pull the chains up making u hang from them now
<05>22 Gutpunchee The shackles dig into my wrists as the winch slowly lifts my body high off the warehouse floor. The air is stifling and I start to sweat, the winch screeching loudly in the vast empty space. My near naked body swings slowly as the chains hold me in place...
<05>27 Scorp Smirk at I see ur hot body in display abs strong and sexy, move to the table and grab oil and apply it over ur abs now finger digs into ur navel and then I move towards the table again and grab a red speedo and wave it in front of u “smell them, tell me who do they belong to boy”
<05>30 Gutpunchee I feel the oil as it's rubbed into me and my body glistens in the dimly lit warehouse. I watch as you walk over to me with the speedos, as soon as I sniff them, I know the scents of my buddy Levi's ass crack and ball musk. I say "those belong to Levi, my best bud!!"
<05>33 Scorp Good boy, I say now pushing them into ur face making u taste them, I move to the table and wear my black trunks now with a golden scorpion logo on the front pouch, and now face u…. So u think u can survive 30 punches hu? Oh don’t look at me like that all confused I already said that 10 for u being late and 10 for u arguing
<05>35 Gutpunchee I hang helplessly now from the chains, I know I have no choice-better not to argue lest he add yet another 10. I tense my guts now, awaiting the first body blow to come, as the speedos are thrust into my mouth, the scents of Levi make my cock stir, but I try not to let that show
<05>38 Scorp I see u tighten ur abs now and I move my hand over ur abs feeling which is stronger and which is not accessing how to break them down now and as I come to ur navel I ball up my fists and slam it into ur navel hard grinding it counting it out now 1!
<05>39 Gutpunchee The punch hits my lower body, my guts fully tensed now, and I yell out "ONE"!!!
<05>41 Scorp Smile and now slam a hard punch into ur upper abs between the two bricks testing how hard they r by grinding into them TWOOOO!!
<05>44 Gutpunchee I feel the grind......hard and long.....I know he's testing my bodily areas.....he knows what he's doing I think I yell out "TWO"!!
<05>45 Scorp Then move down to ur lower abs and slam a hard punch into it now between the two bricks again grinding harder this time seeing the reaction on ur face now THREEE!!!!
<05>47 Gutpunchee UGH!!!! my tensed gut takes the hit, and I swing backward and forward on the heavy chains, the shackles dig into my wrists deeper still, I yell out "THREE"!
<05>50 Scorp My cock is rock hard now watching a beautiful body squirming in front of me now and I rub my cock, “so ur abs are weaker at the mid and lower section I see, strongest at the upper, now I ball up my fist and pull it back till my ear then with full force slam it on the right side brick of ur upper abs now with full force “let’s see what comes out of this” I say looking at ur face now FOUR!!!!
<05>54 Gutpunchee ARGH!!!! The fourth punch hits hard and my tensed guts weaken in that section from the super blow! I look down and see your speedo tenting a large cock must be in there I think. The dead air in the warehouse is filled now with the scent of your rip, rank pits ..... I yell out "FOUR"!
<05>56 Scorp I pull back another punch and slam it into ur left side upper abs brick determined to weaken that as well now, the punch filled with equal force and intensity FIVEEEEE!!!!
<05>57 Gutpunchee eoooww!!!! THAT one hit me hard, I yell out "FIVE"!
<05>59 Scorp Seeing ur upper abs are weakened now I pull back slamming four consequent punches into them two on each brick to make sure they r now weak then I keep my fist over ur upper abs and grind it in to see how far it will go in… SIX SEVEN EIGHT NINE!!!!
<06>02 Gutpunchee ARGH!!$#$@$%%. The four consecutive punches do their damage as I lose the tensed gut at the ninth hit. My body shakes violently as the four punches pummel me and the sweat pours down my chest and legs. The shackles dig deeper and cut into my wrist deep , I yell out "NINE"!!
<06>06 Scorp “FUCK DUDE U R HOT” I say now rubbing my hard cock watching u squirming in the bonds now I reach out softly touching ur abs now tracing my fingers over the ridges and then down to ur hard cock I trace my fingers over it and feel it throbbing and leaking
<06>08 Gutpunchee My torso has turned bright red with the bruises that start to show, the nine battering rams to my body did some damage already. I feel you touch the green speedo, now wet with my sweat and small gobs of thick pre
<06>12 Scorp I now smile at u and slam four consecutive short punches this time to ur mid section now on each brick then the fifth and last punch straight into ur navel grinding it hard into ur abs seeing how far it can go in…TEN, ELEVEN,TWELVE, THIRTEENTH…..FOURTEEN!!!!!!!!
<06>14 Gutpunchee The shackles have dug in so deep now, small rivulets of blood trickle down my arm and onto my chest. My nipples are hard from the gut punches, and my brain starts to go numb from the repeated painful blows. Thinking I'm almost halfway there, I try to focus, take deep breaths and try to limit the internal damage this brutal beast is dishing out on me, I yell out "FOURTEEN"!
<06>17 Scorp Good boy…I softly crease ur abs now giving u chance to recover slowly then before u know it I now slam four more punches into ur lower abs now on each brick repeating the patter of five punches hard grinding the fifth hard pushing it in…15…16…17…18…19!!!!
<06>21 Gutpunchee I scream out!!! The agonizing blows hit over and guts are weakening and I don't think I can hold out any more. My body trembles and the shackles yank upward with every he hold his fist into me, I feel internal injuries guts cramp and churn!! I yell out "NINETEEN" please no more!!!! I SCREAM PLEASE STOP!!
<06>24 Scorp Smirk at u and lower ur body down now as u have announced ur submission to me… as soon as I let u go ur body falls limply down on the floor now and I am smirking at u… “u couldn’t even take 19 punches into ur abs but I need to finish this baby so let’s go for the finale!!! I say now rubbing my cock letting u get up on ur own now
<06>28 Gutpunchee As the shackles fall off, I rub my numb wrists, covered in sweat now< I look at you, enjoying your victory of having broken me, yet another one of your victims, I am now nothing more than another trophy on your long list of conquests
<06>34 Scorp I pull your arm to get you to my side. "Now, it’s time to own u baby !!!!!” It's my finishing move! Planting my foot hard in the full speed and use the first left/right combo to slam your arms guard, I roar loudly! "Scorpion Hurricane!!!" A flood of fists of 12 combos hit your upper/mid/lower abs! BAM BAM! HOOK JAB JAB UPPERCUT!!! And the finish fist goes as a straight into your navel! Roaring loudly! "Go to die!!!!" BAAAAM!
<06>37 Gutpunchee I scream in agony, as the internal injuries explode my guts, I spray our blood all over you, me and the warehouse floor. the body blows are so severe, I piss myself, losing bladder control as the pain spikes up and down my spine......then I pass out-unconscious in a heap on the cold, concerete floor.
◇ Gutpunchee: Your turn
<06>40 Gutpunchee THE END
This is a private room. Private rooms keep their histories for 30 days. The room expires if there is no activity for 30 days or all members close the room.
<Published> 2022-01-03, viewed 135 times.
GUTT BUSTER (deleted member)
2022-01-03 13:43I believe I hold the record for KOing your abs Gutpunchee HOTTY although I do like Scorps finisher except the blood bit. We will have t get together again soon and play. Well done all the same to Scorp as Jay so eliquently put it. My abs are trained like that everyday as are ny Bros GPNHB is virttually unbeatable and same for Bro Jackal who is just as tough and our best Mate Lightniing Scott. There is a GUTPUNCHING FED here I know but never anyone there except once when I broke the Hottest boy there.
Hope to see you soon Gutpunchee and Scorp and Jay althogh I don't think GP is you main thing Jay so I will not tease anyone that is not into it,
All the best for the NEW YEAR to ALL in CF not just GP guys. Most of you are great GUYS and GIRLS.
Jay (Gutt Buster)
Scorp (deleted member)
2022-01-19 11:13(In reply to this)
Thanks, but u still haven’t faced me yet and I wonder why?
Jay Jones (deleted member)
2022-01-03 13:05Well done Scorp you literally beat the piss out of Gutpunchee.
Jay J
2022-01-03 13:06(In reply to this)
He sure did- it was brutal!!