Gutpunchers Guild
Established: 2021-03-31
Chat room: #GutPuncherGuild
- Gutpunching
A Federation for folks who love giving and receiving punches to abs.
(First Match Round One of Three)
<22>56 Ollie GP-SF 101 ready for my first 3 round match in the KING of the ATTIC Tournament am told I am facing Cyclone Scott. I know a little about him and his style but never fought him before so this will be a test fo me and him as we are both new commers here to both CF and THE ATTIC. Looks great as I climb the stairs and see the ring set up and verry professional indeed. I heard other wrestlers down stairs chatting to Manu after just finishing thier match and only quickly put my head in to say Hi and Cyclone should be here soon. Manu looking Hot and ready for his match and the other two both looking exhausted but hot guys. kick off my joggers and strip my jeans and T Shirt in my usual low Red Speedos barefoot and jump up into the ring,18 years, 178cm(6'), 70Kg (155lb) barefoot go to the far corner and do some stretches as I hear Cyclone arrive saying hi to the guys downstairs. I hear him coming up the stairs and stunned by his good looks as he walks in shirtless and a pair of shorts and joggers. "You must be Scott, Hope you are as ready fo
<15>36 CYCLONE SCOTT I arrive and say hi to the guys downstairs and walk up the stairs to the Attic and am impressed by the set up. I see my opponent already in the ring looking Sizzling hot in his red speedos the clearly show the outline of his cock clearly as excited bout this fight as I am. "hey there dude. Scott here " talking as I strip down to my brief silk almost see thru white speedo.leap up to the apron and over the top rope bouncing on my toes. Barefoot18 years as well 75cm (5'11"), 66Kg (around 145lb) Stretch and flex my toned lean body.
Ollie GP-SF 101 "Great to meet you Scott... you look hot in your speedos there ....too bad you won't have them on for too long. " smirks as I adjust my dick in my speedo. We had talked on the phone before and agreed if you lose a round you have to strip and stay naked for the rest of the rounds. Unless you are stripped in a round then you must remain naked for the rest of the match.
CYCLONE SCOTT "Great to meet you too Ollie and we will see who is going to be fighting naked Hotty " big smirk on my face Both us know the other rules no balls attacks and no death or broken bones or blood as we had agreed. "Ready to lose HOTTY?" I move out and start to circle you.
Ollie GP-SF 101 "it's going to be hot seeing you naked and can see from that tent you are ready for it too hahaha" both of us into gut attacks and the rules say nothing about grabbing dicks I move in for a lock up but at the last second send a kick to the side of your left knee WHACKK
CYCLONE SCOTT: ready to lock up feeling confident raise my hands for a test of strength I catch your foot coming at my knee at the last second but only manage to flex it just as you hit and suddenly pain erupts in my left knee "AAHHHH FUCKKKK" knee in pain i move back limping to the ropes shaking my knee out I see you coming at me fast and drop to my knees and even though the left is hurting and send hard right then left into your lower abs just above your cock hard as I can .. then try an uppercut to your chin. yt
<Ollie_GP-SF> Keeping on you wanting to get this first round over fast and not get hurt pull my right fist back to send into your solaplexus but before I can send it you drop and send 2 vicious punches into my unflexed lower abs OÖOOHHHFFF UUUHHHHH "then as I double CRACK !! uppercut to my chin sends me stagering back in a daze "WTF .. still doubled over and shaken try t get some distance to recover totally caught off guard "you will pay for that punk" still dazed yt
<CYCLONE_SCOTT> wanting a quick win in the first round actually first two rounds and avoid any bad injury already a sore knee but not badly hurt I follow you as you stagger back pull your head up by your thick hair and send a huge punch into your sdolaplexus then again THUDDD THUNKK .. and another to your chin "How's that feel OLLIE .. we willl see who the punk is." as I watch you yt
<Ollie_GP-SF_101> still a little stunded and lower abs hurt. I see you limp after me fast and grab my hair.. I reach up to free myself when OOHHFFF OOHHHFFF two solid punches into my solplesxus take the wind right out of me and still held wanting to drop and double up another uppercut to my chin this time send me flying back to the corner behind me and arms flay over the top ropes and knees give out as I hang in the corner gasping for air and dazed.. trying to clear my head as I am filled with pain in my gut. yt
<CYCLONE_SCOTT> Knen still a little sore but recovering well now I follow you fast to the corner quickly strip you red speedo and then lift you legs over each siide middle rope then start send right and lefts into your navel over and over then to your lower abs THUDD THUDDD even the guys down stairs can hear the punches and your gaspsing. your naked body an full open target and precumm spirts from your slit with every lower punch.. yt.
<Ollie_GP-SF_101> Finding myself trapped in the corner stripped my cock spring up rock hard as you lock my legs out wide. my only saving thought is at least my balls are safe as my cock dribbles precumm .. then you attack with punch after punch into my navel and lower abs making sure your have hurt them from plexus to belly. .. over and over OOHHF OOHHFF HUUUU HHHUUU OOOHHFF then a chop across my pecs but that does nothing much . hanging in the corner . gasping for air "you ... will payy n ohhh punck SCOTT" yt
<CYCLONE_SCOTT> I laugh as you hang there winded and in agony the chest chop only stings you a bit which all they do .. I pull your legs down and grab your head as I back up to you .. then wrap my arm around your head and bend forward flipping you up and over to your back . spread eagled on the canvas. you look a bit tired there OLLIE .. don't worry round one will be over soon hahaha" I climb the corner to te top turnbuckle sey myself and leap off for a big splash into your weakened body. yt
<Ollie_GP-SF_101> feeling the energy draining out of me as you free my legs but before I can collapse you grab my head and flip me over you onto my back.. laying there gasping as you taunt me more and more can't believe how you have dominsted me so far. I need to do something then see you climb the corner OMG NOO .. knowing what is coming I try to roll but to sore and winded just now so at the last second. bring my knees up to my chest and thrust my legs up as you come down at me nailing you right in the gut with a double uppercut kick WHAMMMMM!!! .. you fall off my legs and I am able to roll to the ropes and start to pull up. yt
<CYCLONE_SCOTT> As I jump I yell out "CYCLONE ATTACK" but to my horror I see you pull your knees up and then kick your fet up "OHHH SHIT OOOHHHFFFFHH" your feet drive into my gut with my momentum behind me I fold like like book closingover yu feet then fall to the right still folded .. unable to breath and feeling like a bomb just went off inside my guts.. moaning unable to even speak. yt
<Ollie_GP-SF_101> my plan had worked but still I am weak and this is just round one of three. I have to do something fast and know you are hurt bad as my feet hand missiles into your gut drilling your navel almost to your spine . I move in fast as I can stagger and roll you onto your front-end drop my ass onto your back my bare ass cheeks feeling your smooth brown Asian skin as I pull your arms up over my knees and thighs knowing your gut must be in agony stretched like then as I fishhook yur mouth and yank your head back at the same time dig my thumbs up under your jaw. in a nerve stab. "MY BREATH HEAVING STILL i GASP OUT " ok STUD YOU KNOW YOU ARE FUCKED UP HERE NO WAY OUT .. DO YOU SUBMIT TO ME?" PULLING BACK HARD. YT
<CYCLONE_SCOTT> DOUBLED up unable to get a decent breath the missile kick had done it's job. I had heard of this guy using it now know what it feels like. feel myself getting straightened out and set up into the Camel Clutch and nothing I can do about it. the fishook grip and Jaw nerve hold as you yank my head back adding more pain and asking if I give.. I know I can't get free and don't want anymore damage so quickly unable to talk start tapping on your legs to signal my submission hoping you will free me.. yt
<Ollie_GP-SF_101> I feel you have no fight left and start tapping on my legs. I let go right away "GOOOD BOY CYCLONE. YOU ALMOST HAD ME BUT NOT QUITE" and step up off you .. roll you onto your back and can see the feet marks red in your abs as they heave up and down then strip your hot white speedos since you lost that round. no a naked match through to at least the next round. Hoping I can take it too. stagger back to my corner and reach into my bag for a drink of cool water as I watch you crawl back to your corner . yt
<CYCLONE_SCOTT> still gasping for breath but at least avoided too much damage from the Camel Clutch by submitting fast I crawl to my corner and as you did I reach into my bag as I sit on my ass and grab some cool water..''
_______________ END OF ROUNND ONE ---------------------------
CYCLONE SCOTT Slowly get my wind back but I git urt more than I hoped for in t fIrst round against this punk. Got to get the next 2 rounds now so can't afford any more damage or injury. get to my feet feeling the energy return some and check oner my body stretch nd wait for the bell. DING . makes my way to meet you in the middles rubbing the back of my neck nd trying to look more injured than I am.Ollie GP-SF 101 watching you closely as we have our break but you seem to be hiding any special points and all I see is the toe marks on your slim hot abs and you rubbing your neck. Adjust my rock hard cock as I admire your slim sexy toned body. DING .. the bell ring for round two and I make my way out to meet you in the centre "sure you don't want to give up now and save yourself a lot more Pain Cyclone? " Smirking as we circle each other . see the glare in your eyes as I taunt you both our bodies soaked with precumm and sweat I lunge at you to lock up collar and elbow style.
CYCLONE SCOTT you taunt me as yu walk out to the middle to meet up with me. I am hoping for a quick opening and finish to this round but not sure I have the energy, you got so lucky 1st round jack ass it's the last you will get" "As yu lounge at me I drop and double over and thrust my right shoulder into your abs hard as I can using my legs to drive in deep . wrap both arms around the top of yur thighs nd lift yu up nd over Supplex you to yur back behind me as L stand fast using yur own momentum to carry yu over me. Immediately up straight see yu on yur back drop my left elbow aimed at yur throat .
Ollie GP-SF 101 As I Lunge in my body wide open and you drive your right shoulder into my already sore abs OOOHHMMM!! .. double over your back and then flipped back over landing hard on my back AAHHHHH FUUCK!! arch up and a bit winded don't have time to react as your elbow drops into my throat .. has me coughing and gagging and rolling , kicking my feet like a fish out of water as I can hardly get a breath.
CYCLONE SCOTT WHACK my elbow hits yu right in the adamS apple and has you hurt bad .. up fast and grab yur legs spread them wide yur naked body on display I run my toes over yur hot hard cock between my big and next toe stroking it with my toes for a while bringing you close to orgasm as I feel it start to throbb. then stomp yur navel THUDDD THUUDD THUDDD THUDDD keeping yur legs spread I step forward nd trample yur cock into yur lower abs with left heel and right heel into yur navel then bend my knees nd spring board of yur cock and navel come down with a double knee drop one to yur navel the other to your lower abs just catchin the head of yur hot hared cock BAMMMM THUDDD.. still with yur legs soread wide I slide them under my arm pits. nd bend yu in half my hhands hold yur shoulders down as my knees dig deeper into yur abs..
<16>37 Ollie GP-SF 101 hardly able to get a breath my throat hit hard and gasp for any air then feel you grab my ankles and spread them as you lift then . next I feel your toes grip my rock hard cock and stroke it until I am about to cumm coughing out "NOOO NOO DON'T MAKE ME CUMMM " BUT you're edging me and stop then then three hard stomps into my navel OOOHHFF OOFFFF OOFFF .. next I feel you traple and stand your heels one to my cock head and lower abs the other to my navel ÖOOHHHHH COUGH COUGH YOU PRICK CUGH COUGH".. getting well worn down and weak .. my abd get crushed as you sping board off them then crush them and the head oof my cock as both your knees slamm down doubling me right over as you shove my ankles under your pits freeing your arms. your knees dig deeper.. as you pin my shoulder I try to rock or roll but can't move and in agony...
CYCLONE SCOTT "got you now punk" as I grab your arms and with your legs end over trapped i my pits I cross yur arms over yur throat and start to choke you out with yue own arms. unable to get a breath as you choke and my knees crush yur abs abd head of yur cock deeper into your guts.. "GIVE IT UP OLLIE YOU GOT NO WHERE TO GO EXCEPT UT LIKE A LIGHT .. i"
Ollie GP-SF 101 My struggle are all in pain as I am too winded and in agony as you crush my abs and cock head and have my body bent in half. Trying to push you back with ym legs but your ar on it having my ankles trapped can't get the leverage I need . Then grabbing my arms and cross them over my already damaged throat choking me with my own arms.. starting to black out I whimper iut "i ..... oooohh i give ... i give." hoping yu will release the hholds quickly before I pass out.
CYCLONE SCOTT I can barely hear your submission but not wanting to waste anymore energy than I have to an torture you a little longer I release everything and spring if yur abs as you let out a huge gasp for air and your legs drop.. "TOLD YU i AM GUNNA WIN PUNK AND THAT WS TO EASY." WAK TO MY CORNER AND lean back and take a swig of water.
Ollie GP-SF 101 Thankfully you release me right away and I get some air at last. I can't believe you got me that fast in that round but glad it didn't go on any longer as my mid sections aches and throat sore. I slowly get to my feet and back to my corner taking some Water . my body soaked in sweat and cock dripping precum,,.
+++++++++++++ROUND THREE THE DECIDER ++++++++++++++
Ollie GP-SF 101 : I wait for the bell to ring as I regain my breath and a little energy. I know this is my last chance to move to the bext round. DING th bell ring all to soon for my liking. I start to move out very slowly
CYCLONE SCOTT as you move out slowly i decide to try and press on fast as I can .. at first I walk fast then suddenly bust into a run dropping my shoulders aimed at your sore abd. my cock bounces up and down sending precumm everywhere as I run..
Ollie GP-SF 101 I was hoping you would rush me and I step aside and put my right foot out and trip you to the mat letting you slade face down to the corner post .
CYCLONE SCOTT Yu trip me as yu mmove out of mmy way nd I slide right into the corner post head firstm BANY ... seeing stars and nearly KOing myself lay there moaning aand try to reach up to my head .
Ollie GP-SF 101 Plan works even brtter than I could wish for and now you are nearly LOéd as I drag you by your feet and stand you up pulling by your hair to make your head even more sore . Sling you by your roihjt arm to the ropes and as I follow you a litt wait for you to bounce back and drive a knee up into your bruised aabs. THUUUDDDD the hard axehandle across your back .
CYCLONE SCOTT I have no idea what is going on, as yu drag me out from underthe turn buckles and pull me to my feet.. next I an ffliying into the ropes.. try to grab them to sotp myself but miss and spin flying straight back into yur knee OOOOHHFFF lifts me off the canvas then at the same time huge axehaqndle to my back flatterns me back down flat as a pancake my chest, abd and cock taking the full force of the landing. laying there twitching barely concious.
look down at your twitching boy body time to finish this as I am out of energy and hurt too much in the previous round. knowing your head and neck wiil be sore and hurtig first I roll you onto yur backand knee drop into your solplex. then again to your navel and again to your lower abs and dicks head.
Ollie GP-SF 101 next kick you over face down straddle your body and youoan and agsp.drop my ass and repeat my firt round winning move. locking you oin a fishhook Camel Clutch pulling back as I sit low on your back nearly bending you in a 90 degree agle.. "want to give up prick? "
CYCLONE SCOTT kicked over and abs Stopmed hard to plexus , navel and lower abd and cock jacknifing each time still in a daze as you kick me back ob=ve face down and lock on the devasting Camel Cltch ever bending my back and nd stretching my injured abs more. my neck on fore and head poundiong as soon as you start to ask ioff I submit I start tapping yur legs again to signal my submission. tch
Ollie GP-SF 101 I let got right away never wanting to do any more damage than needed in a match. Jump to my feet in joy as I have one my FFIRST ROUND of the TUORNAMET .. I lean down and offer my hand to help you and and then arm around you as you start to regain your senses. I take us to the shower room and once your head is clear we have some private fun.
CYCLONE SCOTT I have lost the match that I so desperately wanted to win but won a friend as Ollie helps me to my feet . "you deserved that win Ollie" he winks back at me telling me in truth it could have gone either wat we are so evenly matched. we head to the shower and after my head aches goes we get into a much more Erotic and Sensual time together. both of us walking out after two hours of fun in the shower dressed with huge smiles on our faces both rubbing our sore abs but looking forward to a night on the town..
T +++++++++++THE END OF OUR FIRST ROUND ... OLLIE WINS +++++++++++
Hope you all enjoyed from Scott and Ollie.
<Published> 2022-01-27, viewed 18 times.