Hard Knocks Gym
Established: 2022-12-25
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Whether it’s to better yourself or let off steam “Hard Knocks Gym” Is ready for you
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Established: 2022-12-25
Chat room: #Gym_Lobby
Whether it’s to better yourself or let off steam “Hard Knocks Gym” Is ready for you
Leanne Lioness (deleted member)
2022-12-27 15:46For some, you want not only the feel of strength but you want want the look, the bulk but, it’s important to realize, though it may look impressive it’s not always the strongest or the healthiest. Remember, quality over quantity and distribution over bulk.
Sometimes you’ll see a smaller fit woman or man go against a bigger bulkier one and dominate. Why? Because they know distribution. Abs don’t win endurance contests.
Day 1: Balance and Endurance: if you want to be really fit you need balance.
Less weights more reps. If you’re not doing this as part of your routine already try days of strictly muscular endurance.
Think of the average weight you lift and the number of reps you can do. Decrease the weight by half. Double the number of reps. And for balance and core try exercises that force you to work your core.
Front Raise
Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent, hold the dumbbells in an overhand grip in front of your hips.
Keeping your arms straight, lift the weights up and out until they're at shoulder height, engaging your core to avoid leaning back.
Pause, then slowly lower the dumbbells back down in front of your body for a count of four seconds. That's one rep.
(This will challenge your body to find counterbalance between falling forward or back as well.)
Lateral Raise
Stand straight with a dumbbell in each hand by your side.
Raise your arms outwards until they are level with your shoulders and you are stood in a T position. You should be able to feel your bicep muscles working. Lower and repeat.
Lateral Raise to Front Raise
Stand straight with a dumbbell in each hand by your side.
Raise your arms outwards until they are level with your shoulders and you are stood in a T position. You should be able to feel your bicep muscles working. Lower, then slowly lift them straight out in front of your chest, before lowering to your starting position and repeating.
Try doing these in a sitting position as well. Different conditions will challenge your body differently for example, sit at the foot of your bed let your legs dangle by not putting pressure on your legs your challenging and endured core further.
ABOVE ALL ELSE, PRESSURE IS GOOD, STRAIN is BAD. Take about a 5 minute water break between reps and, if your working muscles you otherwise wouldn’t start slow. LESS WEIGHT MORE REPS.