Hard Knocks Gym

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-12-25
Chat room: #Gym_Lobby

  • No holds barred
  • Submission
  • Boxing
  • Grappling
Whether it’s to better yourself or let off steam “Hard Knocks Gym” Is ready for you
24 members
1 stories
0 photos
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Information for non-members

Whether it’s to improve yourself, build a reputation, let off some steam or a combination. “Hard Knocks Gym” Is the place to go! Facilities include:
-Steam a Room
-Indoor Pool
-Meditation Room
-Private Rings
-Private Beach
Training from yours truly provided upon request.

About Hard Knocks Gym

Hard Knocks Gym. Whether you want to better yourself, build up a reputation, let off some steam or a mix of all three, “Hard Knocks Gym is the place to go. Many facilities are open You you including:

-Steam a Room
-Indoor Pool
-Meditation Room
-Private Rings
-Private Beach
Unlike most gyms you won’t be punished for getting into a ruckus. Gym rivalries are acceptable and encouraged (fights can occur anywhere)

Want to really improve yourself, training provided by yours truly BUT be ready to be pushed to your LIMITS!

Latest Stories
Exercise Regimen Day 2 Core and Abs
Author: Leanne Lioness (deleted member)
2 Replies
2 Replies
2 yr
2022-12-29 08:03
Exercise Regimen Day 1: Bulk VS Muscle
Author: Leanne Lioness (deleted member)
1 Replies
1 Replies
2 yr
Leanne Lioness (deleted member)
2022-12-27 15:46
Staff Tournament
Author: Leanne Lioness (deleted member)
2 Replies
2 Replies
2 yr
Terry Starr
2022-12-25 16:25
Facilities Directory
Author: Leanne Lioness (deleted member)
1 Replies
1 Replies
2 yr
Leanne Lioness (deleted member)
2022-12-25 15:51
New Members
Online in chat

03:05 <JakeThe3rd> *gulp* I can see that
03:05 <Cassandra_the_Crusher> And sometimes those death matches weren’t even intentional hehe
03:05 <JakeThe3rd> Just a bit too much flexing in those holds huh?
03:06 <Cassandra_the_Crusher> Yeah. Little too tight in the rear naked choke or the leg triangle…
03:06 <JakeThe3rd> oh my....sounds....crazy! ;)
03:06 <Cassandra_the_Crusher> It can be
03:06 <Cassandra_the_Crusher> There are some mat rooms in this gym
03:07 <Cassandra_the_Crusher> Care to bring those muscles of yours to the test?
03:07 <JakeThe3rd> *looks around, and smiles* well, I'd be up for that. Lead the way, Cassandra
05:01 <Fitbob1> Hello
05:03 <JackHammer> HeyFitbob
13:35 <JakeThe3rd> *has the entire place to myself, so I get an uninterrupted workout in*
22:56 <JackHammer> F Beast is jacked
09:03 <HARVEY> Booring, anyone here?
09:03 <Cindy_got_MUSCLE> just me
09:04 <HARVEY> But you only into females right?
09:04 <Cindy_got_MUSCLE> as opponet's yes
09:06 <HARVEY> Then what you prefer with males?
09:14 <HARVEY> Gone?
00:55 <JackHammer> Dead fed