Heavens Arena
Established: 2024-11-04
Chat room: #Arena_Tower
- No holds barred
- Fantasy
- Sex
- Wrestle for top
- Forced cum
Multiple Tournaments, categories, Fighters and a Rank up System for competetive people who want to a challange
Established: 2024-11-04
Chat room: #Arena_Tower
Multiple Tournaments, categories, Fighters and a Rank up System for competetive people who want to a challange
In the fed people can ask Administrative people for an tournament type which can be Held if enough people are interested in. The Fed owner herself will do tournaments she pleases to do if as mentioned enough people have an interest in. Any Match type in a story can be used to be on your score bord which is beeing reset in an set time with people who did really well or really bad get special Rank ups, Titels and prizes within the fed. Losers get branded with humiliation equal to their weakness and get in revenge matches the chance to redeem themself
Shoutout to Dillion harper for beeing the inspiration and providing a good example for general fighting rules
2nd round tournament fight
Jasmin beat Saya savage and Yumeh beat SummerLoveSlamms to reach the second round of the tournament. Now will be decided who of these two beauties will afvance to the semi-finals Read more...
After their fight its time forSaika to claim her prize. Read more...
2024-11-17 15:49I'd love to be involved in a tournament, but I am open to exhibition matches as well
2024-11-14 17:43I’m interested in any mixed tournaments
2024-11-09 08:07Here are the current fed rooms i opened:
2024-11-07 21:58I'm interested in mixed tournaments of most any style
Jay James
2024-11-07 14:35I guess I’ll join the mixed tournament! Hope I can get a good partner!
Marked Sporter
2024-11-07 07:38I would love to join both of the tournaments if there is a spot available for me to fill in.
Marked Sporter
2024-11-07 07:26I would love to join the mixed tournament, if there is an open male slot for me to join.
Scott Allen (deleted member)
2024-11-06 23:12https://venus.chatfighters.com/federations/Primal_Fetish_Sexual_Supremacy_Wrestling
Scott Allen (deleted member)
2024-11-06 22:05Well we will see what happens I guess?
Scott Allen (deleted member)
2024-11-06 22:02So you allow violence during a sexfight?
So I can knock out my opponent and then fuck her silly???
Way too easy!
Sure put me in any tournament you have!
Jasmin die Tochter
2024-11-06 21:18I would like to register for the tournament
I want to take part in the sex tournament in the second
2024-11-06 21:12I’m in for both tournaments.
2024-11-06 21:07Second tournament in the making
Depending on how many want to participate it will rither have 8 or 16 contenders
RULES: Our matches are sexfights on a wrestling ring. The fighters decide to start naked or clothed however they want. First to cum loose. There is a prize round at the end where the winner can do anything sexual to the looser(can use toys and invite someone from the crowd or use fantasy powers). If there is a tapout then you can do anything you want to the opponent for 3 posts Every match should be published in the stories of the fed so the score can count in the league and you can advance in the tournament.
2024-11-06 20:43The first tournament starts soon. 8 males and 8 females can participate if you message me.
RULES: Our matches are erotic nhb on a wrestling ring. The fighters decide to start naked or clothed however they want. First to cum loose. There is a prize round at the end where the winner can do anything sexual to the looser(can use toys and invite someone from the crowd or use fantasy powers). If there is a tapout then you can do anything you want to the opponent for 3 posts Every match should be published in the stories of the fed so the score can count in the league and you can advance in the tournament. Gore and other stuff have to be talked out beforehand if people want it included