International Erotic Boxing Federation
Established: 2023-03-11
Chat room: #IEBF_Lobby
- Boxing
- Male / Female
- Female / Female
- First to cum
- Forced cum
Erotic Boxing with Female and Intergender Divisions
63 members
5 stories
3 photos
0 files
Information for non-members
The International Erotic Boxing Federation (IEBF) is a semi-underground, semi-professional erotic boxing league. Matches take place in small arenas around the world, and are attended by a mix of VIP's and common fans.
Membership is open to descriptive, active fighters that. All matches will include erotic rules and stakes, please know that before you apply.
Men, please be patient as we are trying to maintain a ratio of women to men.
Women, when applying, please specify whether you would like to fight men, women, or both.