Kink Wrestling League

Private Restricted

Established: 2025-01-07
Chat room: #KWL_Lounge

  • Pro wrestling
  • Pin to win
  • Dice match
  • Descriptive writing
  • Rip and strip
KWL stands for erotic pro wrestling action. The matches can be regular or dice based and involve different levels of erotica.
176 members
86 stories
0 photos
0 files
Information for non-members

What is the KWL

Kink Wrestling League an underground erotic ring wrestling league developed as an offshoot of my matches in the ring that skirt the line between regular pro wrestling and sex fights. Staying right in the middle the matches involve raucous crowds, typically engaged in counting the final pinfall but not averse to taking active part if any of the talents fall into their hands. The KWL encourages no blood, death, gore and age play of any kind.