Long Form Roleplayers

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Chat room: #long_form

  • Long-term roleplay
  • Descriptive writing
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HOW'S THAT FEEL? Better cyber hints...


2021-06-08 05:41

I'm trying to decide how I feel about this.....

Red Bear (deleted member)

2021-06-08 06:15

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OMG.... If you're being witty....that's funny shit.

If you didn't realize what you did....that's funny shit. LULZ


2021-06-06 23:50

SO I BEEN TRAINING GUYS AND A NEW GUY I NEEDED TO CORRECT ON THIS ONE - I wrote this to him and seeing I had it written down, I probably should share with the guys that think this sort of thing matters.

I was falling asleep and remembered a thing I wanted to coach you about - not a HUGE deal but a subtlety of language. It's part of my Ten Commandments I personally use in cybering of things to never ever do...

OK, so every match starts , usually, with two players equal and even, one attacks, the other replies either able to take the attack or defends but we have a back & forth flow at first. At one point someone lands an attack so severe it can't be countered and really hurts - the receiver's only recourse is to play out and sell the pain of that move. (This is common, happens in every match)

The attacker resumes his attacks, either with the same hold he had on his opponent, like a full nelson or something (for example.) And then the attacker says.... something. It's his chance to say something snarky because he's now the dominant player.

This moment is an opportunity to be a "character." So let's look at that full nelson, I would hold my man tight and grind my cock into his ass area and say, "Hmmmm we could do more of this later... I really wanna." That's me being me - Jack Burger might say, "Oy mate, that's a fine arse you got under there. Let's find out what it's like all bare naked, what you say to that?" or something...

But the WORST WORST DULLEST DUMBEST thing to say is "How's that feel?"

1) no one cares, You don't care how that feels... no one does.... no one has ever had a good answer to that stupid question
2) that has been said in over 25,000 matches over the years and NO I am not exaggerating
3) Saying this phrase to your opponent when you start winning is a confession that you have no imagination and just missed an opportunity to say something that furthers your position, like "Quit now, You're lost" or "You can't break out of this, You're mine!" or something. "How's that feel?" just throws that away.
4) If your opponent uses that question on you, he has just confessed to having 2 dimensional thinking, and with something flashy you can out-think the position and come back and win.

Cyber has a number of things that are very predictable - adding one completely unnecessary phrase into the mix of predictable things just makes it worse.

Understandable? What are your thoughts?

Duke Mason (deleted member)

2021-06-07 07:47

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The worst thing you can say is "Coochie coochie coo, I got you".

But. In all seriousness, atlas brings up a good point.

In rp, every action, every exchange is at least an opportunity to showcase your characters personality. In strength and in loss, you should endeavor to sell your character and give not just your partner a better idea of who you are.. but your audience as well. That is, unless you dont care about or want people to read your work.

Say and do things that make you stand out. Or do the same things as others but put your spin on it.

Grit your teeth when you get choked. Punctuate your triumphant turnaround with chops and say a word on each one.

Be the badass you want to portray instead of telling us you are.

How's that feel is a copout. We know what you want them to feel. Probably shame or humiliation or pain and you're trying to make them admit it. So do the things that will force them to do the things you want by describing how painful or humiliating your attack is.

I dont put you in a boston crab and ask you how you feel.

I sit my ass down hard on yours and swivel a bit before cranking your legs up in a boston crab, my biceps flaring and my eyes gleaming as i holler to the crowd. "This fuckers leavin in a wheelchair!"

I very much care how my opponents feel. But i want to earn the results i want to hear.

And in some ways, hows that feel is a cry for help. Feedback. Help me sell this savagery.

But like anything, you get what you put in. Find a partner who will flop back and forth with ya insteada tryna win all the time.

You might be surprised how fun losing can be too.


Red Bear (deleted member)

2021-06-07 07:07

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I might beg to differ.... This probably isn't the way you intended, but...you know how I hate absolutes and rules, Atlas. haha


I watched the man writhe in the binds - well, the best he could writhe as tightly as I had him bound on the table. I smiled wider as the rage and contempt came up from his eyes. This fucker was gonna have me laughing at his "defiance" before this was over. But...we were far from over.

My eyes looked down to his cock only for a moment to guide the sounding rod into his cock...and then my eyes were back on his. I watched the defiance melt slightly and make room for panic, the pleading whines around the gag came next as the rod was fucked deeper into his tight pisshole. I smiled wider as he writhed still, but much more measured; much more careful as I held his manhood in one hand and fed the sounding rod in deeper, fucking his cock, fucking his manhood right before his fucking eyes.

And when I bottomed out in his dick and the sounding rod probed at bits he didn't know he had, I just asked him one question. "How's that feel, champ? Hrmmm?" The answer was more gurgled pleads, more desperate the deeper I had went.

Oh yes.... We were just getting started with this one.... I can't wait to hear him sing for me with the electric orchestra.


2021-06-07 08:41

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As you wish, but you can find every trite phrase in literature find a comfortable home somewhere, sometimes said well, but most often not. The phrase is so overused, you have SO many more things you could be saying - every time I see this phrase, it falls as a lost opportunity. In your hands it might not come off mediocre, but few things in your hands do.