Long Form Roleplayers

Public Open

Established: 2021-04-21
Chat room: #long_form

  • Long-term roleplay
  • Descriptive writing
A space for fans of descriptive, long form roleplays of all genres to meet and greet one another
278 members
217 stories
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Sharing our favorite long-forms

Officer Zachary Bouchard (deleted member)

2021-07-19 23:18

The stories I am sharing today are an experiment in role play for me...they focus more on the character development and the character relationships than the fighting and sexual action...granted both those elements are and will be very present...but my fellow writer and I wanted to develop a storyline with depth in our characters establishing them as a individuals and couples so they can invest to into other universes as pair, such as the Agents Universe, etc. I am personally very excited to share these first two parts with you.




2021-07-20 01:52

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DAMMM what a show! Beautiful writing!

Officer Zachary Bouchard (deleted member)

2021-07-20 02:09

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Thanks Master Atlas...coming from you that is a real compliment...nothing quite shines like Bedlam.


2021-07-20 02:31

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aww... Many great players made Bedlam happen and I can see you have an intense partnership here!

Ceadda (deleted member)

2021-07-15 05:20

Wanted to share this book, a collection of some role plays I have shared here, but have now rekindled the story with a new player. Often pour so much of ourselves into these stories. We grow them and almost birth them from our own creativity. It is such a great thing to write, create and then share our creative passions. But even in the joy of creative writing real life can happen and we can not finish our story, or it comes an end too soon. All that is hard to accept that our imaginary world will not continue. This was me...my writing partner had to step away. It was heart breaking for this story to end for me but now the renewal of this role play for me is even sweeter.

It was a great lesson to never give up, keep creating and keep yourself open to your journey. Thanks for taking a look.



2021-05-08 20:23


So this post is a little different. Technically NOT a roleplay, rather a short story. I noticed one of the hardest things to post and get attention for here is a short story. IF you post a short story about your own exploits, narrated in first person, it comes off as an ego-festival. The pitfall is once readers see one undeserved ego polishing, they won't read another. The easy bypass around this I found is to NEVER post a short story about yourself. i this post, the Chatfighters player named Python is more of a tourist to the cyber world. He's a graphic artist on Deviant Art and posted some cool wrestling scenes of this character, the legend of MONSTEROUS muscle called the Python. (I guess he had me at monster...) I wrote this in homage to his work.

The reason it appears here is that it's a study in how to make the most painful claw hold in the world! How do you as a writer describe that? I used a technique used in movie making they call "The Establishing shot." That is, the camera view that shows the terrain and all the combatants standing in it so you know everything at their disposal. I watched this technique used in the CLONE WARS cartoon extensively. They will pull the camera back and show a battlefield for three seconds, usually a breathtaking view that frames both sides of the violence and their relative positions to each other. From there, the rest of the action has roots, so now they can post tiny snippets of action and you can identify the factions and attackers even if you had never been introduced to the character before this.

The big asset we have in pro wrestling cyber is the ease of making our establishing shot work. It's a ring, four corners, three ropes, turnbuckle pads, canvas - there's about a 12 foot drop from the top rope to the outside floor, metal ring posts, stairs, maybe an announcer table, rails around it separating you from the mad crowd - you almost don't need to say ANY of this because we know what a "ring" entails. It occasionally becomes an issue because the British Pro ring is different than the American Pro ring and cross-Atlantic cyber needs to clarify which you're using. Even then, that's actually rare.

If you notice how I start cyber matches, I sort of insist on going first because I get to make the establishing shot. It lets everyone know what we have to work with. Big hint: I also get to set thing up to my subtle advantage, as if yall didn't know that already.

In this match I use the establishing shot to describe the power and mass of The Python, the arrogance and stupidity of The Paralyzer, and the sheer painful deadliness of the Paralyzer's claw hold. I use dialogue of side characters to establish what other men went through under the Paralyzer's claw.

So when you have a scene where two men are exchanging moves and blows on each other, yes the main line of action/reaction comes from self reporting. Example "He hit me in the guts and then wrapped me in that bearhug. I can take it but I know not for long." If that same reaction is told from an outside, maybe by a naïve voice, it can sound much worse and amplified.

Example: "I saw Agent Steel's body wrapped in that monster's arms and Steel damn near disappeared. Then the crushing started. OH...god ... his waist is getting crushed! I've never seen a man endure this kind of crushing pressure! His face is red and he's not breathing!" Note almost the same words, but the outside observation is tinged with mystery and worry. The voice outright admits he's never seen this before so he's ignorant of how bad that feels. It's bad to feel, worse to watch.

This is one of the tools of the announcer in pro wrestling - "OH hold the phone, how is Hulk Hogan going to get out of this? This looks horrible!" if you think for 3 second, you will answer the question with, "He gets out like he always does." but the announcer short circuits your critical thinking with his announcer authority, and his raw emotions. So in descriptive roleplay, if you use a side character voice to make that description of the severity of the in-fight experience, you can amplify the horror and pain. You also make the excitement when the hero/victim escapes. WHO knew he could do that? Well he did. And because he knew, he's really a bad voice to describe the drama. Drama comes from a viewer's ignorance.

This works with sex too. If I describe fucking a man, maybe that will always come off as ego top-driven, internal dialogue. But look at the character exchange. I will be talking about my cock and how good that feels, but an outside view may be completely denied any view of my cock, it's buried in a guy. What will that viewer see? My back flexing, my legs pump, my ass cheeks flex and work as I fuck. Truly, as I'm fucking, I cannot see those parts, all behind me. but when you see a truly handsome stallion working that fuck, those features are engrossing.

Not to turn your lunch, if the top is repellant and disgusting to the viewer, those features hit the reader hard as well. If any of you have been to a real life fuck dungeon, you know what I mean. There's usually 4 guys there u can watch all night and 150 you try to unsee. Keep in mind, they are having fun and its maybe not for you to see.

While making BEDLAM, we had some scenes that were horrific and that amplified when the outer view was enhanced. Their internal experience may have been amazing, but the external experience was hard to watch. (Good example - Volos was fucking Bedlam with claws, fangs, blood and death all around them! His cock felt the glory, Bedlam learned to love it, but Chad had to watch... there was the horror...) The narrative from the outside brings another view.

Imagine the movie JOHN WICK. if you allow John to describe all his action, it's another day in his bloody job. If we as an ignorant viewer watch it, its an unveiled mystery of ability, endurance, and awe. This also has diminishing returns. As we get deeper in the story, we know what John can do and we know what the rules of his world are. The film makers have to work harder and harder to surprise the viewer - they run out of mysteries to unveil.

in summary - make an establishing shot whenever you can to let the reader know where we are, what's casually at hand, and maybe where the escape exits are. Use an outside voice to describe some actions to enhance the pain, sensuality, pleasure etc of a scene. I hope you enjoy this nearly forgotten story.

As a personal aside, I post my poetry and short fiction on my Patreon - mostly as a place I can ask readers to help me out. This year has been a shit show. Think of me please. You get to see me conceptually uncloaked- the writer in the chair, without the Atlas dress up. www.patreon.com/danerickson

AgentDerekSteel (deleted member)

2021-05-08 06:04

Well folks, here it is... the long awaited conclusion to TRAINING DAY A year in the making... Forget everything you think you know about Derek Steel and Atlas. And what's in store for these two in the future? Well, watch this space..


AgentJamesMason (deleted member)

2021-05-06 17:55

Six of the most amazing writers here on Chatfighters have started our most ambitious project yet... Project Zeus.

With six writers, from five different time zones, and a cast of 14 main characters and a host of secondary characters, this is the largest roleplay I've ever been involved in, it's set in the Agents Universe. It's off to a pretty incredible start, with the first two chapters just published. Watch this space!!!

Project Zeus

Chadwick Jackson (deleted member)

2021-05-01 14:39

Hello to you all awesome role players...

I wanted to share another the long term role play story that is dear to my heart. Again the epic role play of Chasing Bedlam, I had the unique opportunity to play with some of the major players here on CF. Chasing Bedlam was an intensive undertaking of creativity, time and deep emotion. Though I will tell you I am deeply found of every single part of the Chasing Bedlam series had a few favorite ones that pushed me as writer and shaped me as a person.

So much of this role play we all do is mirror into our own selves... our desires... our character... our dreams. We don't just mindlessly start this deep long descriptive stories from out of the blue... for me they start in with a heart's desire. Now that desire is different with each role play. You all know what I am referring too. But I really began to feel this with these two stories below as I was challenged to "put my heart out there" into my writing. With these two stories role turned into the "bread and butter" of what I do here on CF... these stories fed my soul.


On my previous post I noticed the link was not copied in right - my apologies....

To quote from my earlier posting.... "For me it all became real with this story...which opened my eyes and mind to taking cyber full on novel story idea...and it started me on journey to meet some men today who are dearest best friends and brothers!!"

AgentDerekSteel (deleted member)

2021-05-01 09:27

Greetings folks, Derek Steel here with another one of my favorite role-plays to share...

This one is with my good writing friend, Evan Riley. This roleplay is special to me because it really, deeply explores the psychological consequences of extreme violence. We went really deep into how the violence affected Evan and how that likewise impacted Derek Steel.

And, this one takes Derek in a totally different direction... Could Derek fall in love with a man so strongly that he gives up his mercenary ways for him? I loved taking Derek down that path, and the romance between Evan and Derek is amazing.

There is a sequel to this in the works.

Fighting Outside The Box

Chadwick Jackson (deleted member)

2021-04-27 13:50

One of the elements that thrilling and stimulating is the deep creativity that I often feel with other writers. The key of CREATIVITY is one we all share with role play. Sharing that creativity with another writer is key to making a good story. But mutually sharing, working and melting those creative ideas together is the real beauty of all this.

The story I am sharing today did really took the creativity to another level for me. Me and my fellow writer ( https://venus.chatfighters.com/characters/Red_Bear ) created a whole new world, with rules of its own, a unique science, and it's own individualistic total way of life. We were able to pour our individual natures and desires to create this world which "stimulated" and worked both of us on a mental, emotional and relationship level. Red Bear and I started out as general friends when we were writing but the role play and creative journey drew us much closer together, forming as brothers.

So my charge to you all, and my advice, is take that chance to be creative...to open yourself to create with another. Realize we share our ideas and we listen to the ideas of others...by merging the creative juices with another, you can create tremendous stories about amazing places and you will find out you make some of best friends and relationships in the process. Another key for role play I have learned is - CONNECTION. I will talk more about connection in another post. Thanks for listening.

My Fantasy Exploration story -

Red Bear (deleted member)

2021-04-28 06:49

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You honor me, Chad. Thank you.

The Russian Hammer (deleted member)

2021-04-27 10:33

Russian Hammer, supervillian extraordinaire... So this next long-form roleplay is special to me for a few reasons..

First, the chemistry... Me and Kyle King had an incredible chemistry as we wrote this, it was intense and over the top hot connection.

Second, the journey... This roleplay captures my darkest desires of hero conquest almost to perfection. We start with a mighty top tier superhero, Thor, roleplayed to PERFECTION in all his alpha power. And we have me, The Russian Hammer. The fighting is chaotic, brutal, and flows in a way that is believable for the powers of both of us. Thor did NOT show up to lose, and yet... he was eventually destroyed in brutal fashion, and not only defeated, but conquered, mind/body/spirit.

Third, the sorrow.... Kyle King and I never played again after this tale, and he eventually deleted his account. And it made me deeply sad. Not because we had such a fun, hot time together, but because we had connected so well during the writing. It felt like I had lost a friend. Sometimes we are lucky and we can develop these connections further, to deepen and enrich them into a beautiful friendship, and other times we simply have to let go and treasure the experience we shared.

The Conquest of Thor

Chadwick Jackson (deleted member)

2021-04-27 05:49

My journey into the realm of long term role play was more found through a "cyber relationship" with my Viking ( https://venus.chatfighters.com/characters/Jarvin_The_Ice_Wolf ). Jarvin and I began to explore some storylines that involved a certain villain Gregory Payne.

Then what could only be called a magical a new world was opened me to a the "puppet masters" of many characters began to come together for the CHASING BEDLAM series, which took me on a deep dive into dark pits of rich role playing. I drowned in the overwhelming descriptive paths that opened up characters of a deep relatable nature which captured my heart.

For me it all became real with this story...which opened my eyes and mind to taking cyber full on novel story idea...and it started me on journey to meet some men today who are dearest best friends and brothers!!


AgentJamesMason (deleted member)

2021-04-27 10:38

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And we all know where CHASING BEDLAM took you, don't we Chad? :) Delighted and honored my man. Thanks for sharing this.

DerekDrake (deleted member)

2021-04-25 09:03

Hey dudes, Derek Drake here... and yeah, okay, okay, I've got the same puppet master as AgentJamesMason and AgentDerekSteel.... :)

This story here, Derek Drake and the Stocky Jock started off as a simple story about a bully(me) beating down an arrogant ass wipe. But... it went someplace I never expected. It became deeply psychological, and bittersweet. It also showed me that all of my characters, my heros, villians, or bullies have unexpected depths if I go deep with them.


2021-04-26 06:26

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Ya look good shirtless... I'm listening...

I'm bad that way. Ya got a tight body you can pick my pocket...

AgentJamesMason (deleted member)

2021-04-23 10:30

Hey folks, AgentJamesMason here with another long-form I'd like to share.

Although, based on the average length of the stories I'm involved in these days, it barely qualifies as long form. :) But it is long form in spirit.

This is the very first long form I ever engaged in with James Mason, and it is special to me because, similar to Training Day, it really establishes Mason's character. It was also my first venture into mixing in "romantic" role play along with action/adventure. The fight scenes in this were tons of fun, and James really got a chance to show how much of a beating he can take and keep on fighting. And the romance with Tim was simply sweet. Enjoy!

SAVING TIM ( https://venus.chatfighters.com/story/45417 )

AgentJamesMason (deleted member)

2021-04-23 10:18

Hey folks, AgentDerekSteel aka AgentJamesMason here. Just wanted to begin what may or may not become a tradition... Adding our favorite long-form roleplays/stories to this Federation, along with a little snippet about what made them stand out to us.

So for me, "Training Day" was one of the first proper long form roleplays I'd ever done here on Chatfighters. And there were several things about it that were very special, first, it was with my long-time friend, ErikAtlas. See, I was a sneaky bastard. I KNEW who ErikAtlas was, but at the time we wrote this, Erik didn't know who I was. :)

That made it special, like a gift to him. And second, this is one of the first long-plays that really exposed who Derek Steel, as a character, was. Yes, he's brutal, sadistic, vicious, an excellent fighter and raiser of mayhem... but in this story, we find out that Derek Steel is much more than just that. If you want to learn more about what makes Derek Steel tick... then I invite you to read "Training Day".

TRAINING DAY - https://venus.chatfighters.com/book/223